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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 87

by Joanna Jacobs

  Chapter 6 –

  When I got off the plane I hadn’t bothered trying to find a hotel to stay at. I was afraid if I had done so it would have cost precious moments that kept me from being able to find Parker the Younger.

  If he had rejected me it also meant I could hop on the next plane back home and not have to worry about the hotel fee.

  I knew I wasn’t thinking logically, possibly even behaving stupidly. However when it came to matters of the heart, things were rarely logical. Feelings were very different from other things in life that you could touch and feel.

  As much as I wanted to mingle again with the locals that I had come to know I was on a mission to find Parker the Younger. I had started by checking all of the local haunts where I had known him to visit in the past. To my annoyance I couldn’t find him anywhere in those places.

  Where could he have gone off to? Men like him didn’t just vanish into thin air and I knew I certainly hadn’t imagined him!

  I knew I had to ask someone local and try to find where he had gone off to. That is if he were even still in town, which I had hoped he was.

  I found Charlotte on the street and must have made quite the sight with my still holding onto my bag and in such a hurried state.

  Charlotte had that look on her face that said she was about to ask some questions that required lengthy answers.

  Before she could ask I cut her off, “Charlotte, where’s Parker? I can’t find him anywhere!”

  “Parker the Younger? Oh, he’s out and will be leaving town soon,” Charlotte calmly explained.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

  “There was a rancher in a town north of here that was in need of cowboys to help him on his ranch.” Charlotte then pointed north as if to drive her point home. “It’s Parker the Younger, Jake, Alex, and Mike. They’ll be leaving soon so if you want to see him you’ll want to do so pretty quickly.”

  “Can you take me to them?” I desperately asked.

  For a moment Charlotte was still before her head bobbed a “yes”, “You can put your bag in the trunk of my car. We’ll get there faster if we drive rather than walk.”

  I didn’t need any encouragement as I tossed my bag into the trunk and soon got into the passenger seat next to Charlotte.

  Finally she asked the question that must have been plaguing her the entire time, “What brings you back here to Montana? I thought you were gone for good when you had left.”

  “I thought I was too,” I admitted.

  “What brought you back?”

  “Parker the Younger.”

  “He did mention something about flowers. Did you get them?”

  “I did which is what convinced me to come back.”

  Charlotte nodded. I couldn’t tell if she approved but I hoped she did. I wouldn’t have blamed anyone if they didn’t approve of my sudden return after leaving so quickly that time.

  We soon pulled up into a long and unpaved driveway.

  “Here we are!” Charlotte said.

  I quickly got out of the car and looked around hoping to find Parker the Younger’s familiar face. I began to feel a pang of sadness and even guilt start to go through me when Charlotte called out to one of the cowboys.

  “Mike! Mike, have you seen Parker?” She asked.

  The dark skinned Mike grinned, “Which one? Older or younger?”

  “The younger one.”

  “He should be in the back and loading the truck.”

  “Thanks Mike.”

  “Anytime. I’m glad to be able to move up state. Much more opportunity for us there!”

  “I’ll tell Jane to visit!”

  When Charlotte realized I still needed her to be my guide she chuckled lightly and pointed, “This way.”

  We walked past a large barn that was in dire need of a coat of paint. Behind the barn a large truck came into view with the back loaded with supplies. Some of which I could recognize and others I didn’t.

  “Parker!” Charlotte called out.

  He looked up and pulled his hat back. “Charlotte! I didn’t expect to see you today! Have you come to see me off?”

  “Not quite. I brought someone to talk to you.”


  I stepped out more into the open to where he could see me. He looked surprised to see me but also almost happy to do so.

  “I’ll leave you two talk,” Charlotte said before beating a hasty retreat.

  “So, you got my flowers?” Parker the Younger asked.

  “I did, which is why I came back to see you,” I said.

  “You didn’t need to come all this way to thank me.”

  “That’s not why I’m here.”

  Parker looked both confused and curious by my admission. He walked over and sat down on a barrel and looked at me. “Then please tell me why. You left so suddenly with barely a good-bye I didn’t and don’t know what else to think. I took up this job to help me be able to get away from it all.” He then shrugged, “I leave in just a few hours.”

  I nodded a little before continuing, “I want you to hear everything I have to say.”

  “Go on.”

  “I want us to be together and you’ve opened up a whole new world to me. A world that I didn’t think I could enjoy let alone love!”

  “But you left that world rather quickly when I wanted to make things official. Are you afraid of commitment?”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I hadn’t let go of my past back then. I didn’t realize how much Tyrese’s betrayal was still affecting me. When you said you wanted to make it official I must have imprinted Tyrese’s actions on you and feared that you would do the same.”

  “I understand that you were afraid but I feel somewhat insulted. Why didn’t you talk to me about your fears? We could’ve taken a break or have tried to work things out.”

  I nodded again, “I don’t blame you for being upset or even angry with me. However, I’ve learned how to let go of my past and those actions. I want to start again and start again with you in this little cowboy western type of town.”

  Parker the Younger leaned forward as if he were thinking. “That gives me quite the choice that I have to make.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If I take the job then it doesn’t give us a lot of time to be together. It’s a very demanding and difficult job to do and I would be worn out by the end of the day. Doing this job wouldn’t give us much, if any, time together.”

  “Do you want the job?” I asked.

  “Well, I mostly took it because I thought that we were through and you didn’t want to have anything to do with me. You had left so quickly, after all. I mean, I’m not desperate for the money and can get along well without this job. However, it also means that they’ll need to find a new cowboy to fill my position.”

  It was certainly quite the predicament that I had put him into! It was quite the predicament for me too as both actions had their benefits and consequences. No matter what the option someone would have to sacrifice something. I hoped that sacrifice wouldn’t be too great.

  Parker the Younger did voice his opinion on our options and what it could mean for either of us. He, however, did not ask the question of if I would run away again if things got tough or deep in commitment. I knew it was on his mind as it was on mine as well. I didn’t want him to distrust me or to think that I wouldn’t do this.

  “It’s quite the leap for both of us,” Parker the Younger remarked.

  “Yes, it is. It’s also one worth making,” I said in hopes he would agree to give us another chance.

  Parker the Younger pursed his lips before standing. “The boss is going to have kittens for me quitting this close to shipping off but I think there’s someone who will be happy to take on the position. Robert’s a little wet behind the ears but he’s a good cowboy and the experience will be good for him.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Oh yes. He’s also got his eyes on a certain lady so it will be good for him to be able to earn that extra money for a ring. The hard work won’t hurt him either.”

  I felt my heart begin to pound with excitement as Parker the Younger left to go tell his employer and the other three cowboys. I hoped his recommendation would help this Robert.

  I could hear voices in the distance followed by a loud and long sigh. I imagined after that some phone calls were being made.

  Part of me did actually feel guilty knowing that I was the cause behind all of this sudden problem. Despite this I was also happy that I could now be with Parker the Younger and that he was giving me another chance.

  I watched Parker the Younger walk towards me and he said, “We only have one problem. A hitch on our road to romance if you will.”

  “What’s that?” I cautiously asked.

  “Charlotte’s car gone so we’re going to have to walk those few miles back to town!”

  I laughed and walked towards him. I could get my bag from her tonight as we had both completely forgotten about it in the moment. Our new cowboy adventures in Montana certainly weren’t going to be boring!

  I was glad that I had Parker the Younger by my side on these new journeys.

  Hand in hand we began to walk back towards town and our new life together.

  My Caring Cowboy

  Chapter 1

  Working at a doctor’s office was sometimes an adventure in change, learning, and adjustments. Life was more or less the same way of learning, adjusting, and adapting hopefully for the better.

  I had worked hard to make my way through medical school and to become a successful doctor. Becoming a doctor was hard work. I had worked several odd jobs here and there to pay my way through medical school. I had wanted to be able to pay as much out of pocket as I could so I wouldn’t be straddled with enormous student loan debt that I knew was coming. While I had my pride I did take out student loan debts when I needed to. You know what they say about pride going before a fall...

  As a doctor I did make good pay which my parents had warned me that it may attract the wrong type of person as they feared I could meet and be with someone who only wanted my money.

  The funny thing about being a doctor is you spend a lot of your pay on paying off your student loans, insurance, and other things that you need. They don’t give you don’t get that white coat for free, after all!

  I had been able to set up a small but successful practice. Many doctors strike out on their own and start their own practices and I was no different.

  Interior decorating was not considered one of my stronger points as I was a more logic and critical thinking type of person. I had decided to leave the inside nice and neutral coloring wise to try to keep things calm. I suppose I was going for what would be considered minimalist lifestyle or at least a minimalist room.

  There were a few paintings on the wall, magazines on a table, and even a gold fish tank that was near the receptionist’s station. There had been gold fish in them until someone over fed them and they promptly died.

  Jake, who was a member of the office and unofficially in charge of feeding the fish sighed and said, “And there’s the story of my first contract killing.”

  “That’s not very comforting,” Anna, my receptionist said rather coolly.

  “Better not let the patients hear that,” I soon added.

  “At least we can get new fish,” Anna said. “Gold fish are so hard to care for and they’re always dying. What other types of fish are good for offices that are nice and small?”

  “Why not a piranha?” Jake asked.

  Anna raised an eyebrow and looked at him, “Can you even legally have those for pets in this country?”

  Jake shrugged, “Just be grateful I didn’t suggest a rattle snake or tarantula!”

  “Our job here is to heal and help patients, not have them running screaming out into the street in mortal terror in the middle of an examination,” I said.

  Jake was early for his shift and I did suspect he had a crush on Anna. Unfortunately for him it was unrequited love as Anna had no interest in pursuing a romance with anyone.

  In her private time Anna would claim to be writing a fantasy novel about sailors and mermaids. None of us knew what it was about as she refused to share it with anyone until she was done. Some people chose to argue that she wasn’t interested in romance because she was too busy writing. I, personally, suspected something different but it wasn’t appropriate for me to comment on it so I never did. It was possible that Anna did or could not feel a romantic attraction to anyone. Human sexuality was a very complicated thing.

  My love life, however, was quite different as I was very happy with a man named Tyrese. Several months ago I had met Tyrese at the grocery store when his cart literally bumped into mine with such force that it felt like an earthquake had gone through me. I wasn’t a small person but Tyrese was built like a football player and he could easily knock a person down without intending to do so.

  “Oh jeeze! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there! Are you alright?” Tyrese asked.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said as I steadied myself. It was like running into a grizzly bear. Heaven help anybody he angered.

  Once again Tyrese began to apologize and even offered to take me out for coffee. I felt flattered and surprised by his invite. I soon accepted it and I realized I was attracted to him. Hey, I’m only human.

  Tyrese was a good looking man with a big goofy smile that he would give to anyone. He was almost always smiling at people and looking cheerful. When he laughed his eyes would almost appear to close entirely which he often joked about. On the few occasions he would get his portrait drawn he would joke with caricature artists to draw him without eyes.

  I liked it that Tyrese was also intelligent and spoke his mind. He had told me he was currently in school to learn engineering. How things worked and were put together always fascinated him. He had hoped to be able to put buildings together and even learn how to do blue prints one day.

  The only thing that I could really dislike was him calling me “babe” or “baby.” It always felt like it was making me out to be a child instead of a grown woman. We were all babies once, but now I was an adult.

  Pet names as a rule never bothered me but that one did for some reason.

  Lately Tyrese had been engaged in frequent communication with his classmates. With finals coming up and a big group project in the works this didn’t surprise me. I know I certainly remember those big group projects that we had back in medical school. Thank goodness I had unlimited texting as my classmates and I were constantly texting one another about the latest up to date information for the big projects.

  That evening after work I found Tyrese sitting on the couch with his phone in his lap. He suddenly grinned that big grin of his and chuckled rather loudly at what I assumed was a joke.

  “Anything exciting?” I asked before shutting the door behind me.

  He looked up at me with an expression of surprise, “Mia! Hi! I didn’t expect you to be home so early.”

  That confused me as I had returned home at my usual time. I didn’t think I was that early. Perhaps Tyrese had lost track of time. Shrugging it off I said “Traffic was good.”

  “I see,” Tyrese said and pocketed his phone.

  “How is your finals project going?” I asked.

  “Fine but slow.” He rolled his eyes, “Mike is taking his sweet time in getting the numbers back to us so we can complete that project. We can’t figure out the structure’s strength without those numbers so everything is at a temporary stand still. Someone needs to put a bee in his bonnet.”

  I never expected anything bad from Tyrese. He rarely, if ever, complained so his complaint came as a surprise to me. He had either been a very convincing actor in always being happy or I had been very foolish in my thoughts. Perhaps it was a bit of both. Or perhaps I even chose to ignore it.

  Tyrese had never given me a reason to distr
ust him which is why what happened a few days later came as such a shock. I had come home for lunch and planned on surprising him with some salt water taffy which was his favorite treat. I liked it as well and it was sorely tempting to eat it on the way home. I had planned on making a joke to Tyrese that he had better appreciate all the hard work that went into this.

  I opened the door and got the shock of my life. There on the couch was Tyrese and a girl I did not recognize. They were sitting next to one another as if joined at the hip and her hand was on his abdomen and moving downward. I didn’t need a medical degree to know where her hand was going. At first my mind didn’t want to believe that Tyrese could be cheating on me.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I demanded.

  I had the feeling I would not like the answer and I was right.

  Chapter 2

  Both Tyrese and the stranger looked at me shocked and perhaps even angered that I had invaded their “territory” and even broke up their moment.

  “Who is she?” The stranger demanded.

  “Mia!” Tyrese cried out.

  “Me? Who is she?” I demanded as I pointed at the stranger.

  The stranger was having none of that. She stood to her feet and placed her hands on her hips as if to exert her perceived dominance. “Me? I’m his girlfriend!”

  “Yeah? Well so am I but you can have him!” I shouted. “Both of you get out of my house!”

  “Mia, I can explain,” Tyrese began.

  “There’s nothing to explain! I want you both out!” I screamed and my voice became higher in both volume and pitch. “Out now!”

  Tyrese didn’t bother trying to gather up any of his belongings but did leave with the stranger.

  The stranger, in a final act of defiance or just being a horrible person slammed the door so hard behind them that the whole house practically shook.

  At first I was in shock that was replaced by hurt and then anger like I had never felt before. I screamed at them to get out as I owned the small home and I could legally throw them out. Legally they had forty-eight hours to get out but to my gratitude they left sooner.


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