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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 100

by Joanna Jacobs

  Reaching out I pulled two cups from the cabinet and placed them on the counter. I didn’t bother pouring any soda out for Blake but would wait for him to meander on out to come and get it.

  I had decided to drink the ginger ale and made myself a mental note to see the doctor. The sooner I knew if I was expecting the better I could prepare and tell everyone the news.

  Chapter Two

  Even being married and starting up that program I still had some work to do at Blake’s job. I still largely held the same position I had done so prior to my marriage to Blake it was still work that needed to be done.

  At least today it was mostly making copies and putting them in certain piles for the next meeting. It was simple work that reminded me back when I worked my way through the college. It’s funny how things seemed to take you back to old jobs and old lives.

  It was a standard paper copy machine which at first did surprise me. With as much money as Blake’s company had it was kind of odd that they used a standard copy machine. In the past I had expected to find them to be a color copy machine or something with all these unique features to it. Yet, I knew sometimes old things were just as good as the new ones. It went down to “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

  I took the first sheet of paper and pushed a few buttons on how many copies that I would need.

  The copy machine hummed to life and began to spit out papers at an alarming rate. It was sometimes amazing how fast they could churn out copies.

  Between copies being made I went out and got a chair to sit on.

  It certainly was easy to get bored while waiting for all of these copies to be made.

  I had debated calling Blake to see how he was feeling. He had called in and announced the plans for the day. At least I only had to work half a day today.

  I would be able to go schedule that doctor appointment to get blood drawn to learn about if I was indeed expecting or not.



  Those words would take some getting used to.

  I knew that I could have children and even wanted them at one time. For all that I wanted them it was a surprise to think that I was indeed due to have one.

  Things were certainly going to change for Blake and me. Then there was the question of how were children going to affect the company? I was certain we could make things work between home and work life but how would we do it?

  The copier finished so I had to put in a new sheet of paper to be copied. As that piece copied away I put the sheets together in an organized state that I had picked up in college. I did learn a lot of handy things back in college which I was grateful for.

  More copies later I was ready to go home and ready to call the doctor for an appointment.

  “Doctor Smith’s office,” the voice on the other end said.

  “Hello, this is Amanda, I need to make an appointment for a pregnancy test.”

  “Blood test?” The receptionist asked.

  “I’d prefer that,” I said. Repeating what happened this morning was not entirely on my to do list.

  “Can you come in tomorrow morning? We do lab work tomorrow between the hours of eight and ten in the morning.”

  “Sounds great, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you. See you tomorrow! Bye.”


  I hung up and returned to my home. I was glad to be home and happy to see my husband again.

  Blake was feeling better as he was playing one of those classic video games. He was sitting cross legged on the floor as he looked up at the screen.I knew the position well as I had spent many times in that same position myself in the past and even into the present.

  The first time I saw Blake struggling to beat a level I had laughed saying with all his money that he was playing with older toys. Blake had shrugged my teasing off and challenged me to one of those old Super Mario games.

  I had laughed again when I beat him at each level. It was a game that my sister and I had played often when we were children on an old Super Nintendo play station. I think we played that game all summer until we had practically mastered each level.

  “Are you feeling better?” I asked.

  “A lot better. It must have worked its way out of my system,” Blake replied.

  “Good,” I said, but did not kiss him. I was afraid of getting sick as it was easy to spread germs. As I could be expecting I certainly did not want to get sick. This was both for me and for the possible baby.

  Blake looked up at me, “Care to try?”

  “I can show you how to do the game,” I teased.

  Blake snickered, “Very well. Show me how it’s done.”

  “What level are you on?”


  I moved around so I could sit down on the couch near Blake and took the controller.

  “Watch and learn,” I teased him.

  Blake smirked and watched.

  Before long I suppose we had reverted back to our younger selves as soon there were shouts of where to jump and what to avoid while doing this game.

  “Jump! Jump! That ugly thing is coming to you!” Blake announced.

  Pushing a green button I had done so and passed that particular enemy.

  During the game I began to think if having a gaming set inside the building for the after school program would be a good idea? Video games were act fast, think fast game, which required you to make snap decisions.

  Kids often wanted to be the hero in their games and sometimes even in life. Maybe something heroic like that would also be a good way to encourage them and teach them they can be more than what they originally thought.

  It would be something I’d have to discuss with Blake.

  Chapter Three

  I never did like needles. Well, I didn’t like to see them going into or coming out of my arm to be more precise. It didn’t help that I wasn’t an easy stick. Dad had veins like ropes that the nurses loved. I, however, was more like my Mom with my veins being harder to find. I would have been quite happy to have lived with those rope like veins.

  Last time, when I had to have blood drawn, I called the nurse a “tick” which made her laugh. She had responded that she thought about dressing in vampire get up each day that she had to draw blood from patients instead of her usual bright pink scrubs. She did have a flare for the bright colors, I had to admit that.

  Getting blood drawn was not as a dramatic or long lasting experience that I had expected it to be. I suppose I had gotten lucky and was an easy stick this time. Either that or the possible baby didn’t want to be sitting and waiting for such a long time. I know I sure didn’t.

  Blake had felt well enough to go to work today. In the back of my mind I did wonder if I would be called someone today to bring him back home. Blake was stubborn that way. He didn’t always get the “man flu” but rather he would try to punch his way through it. He was a lot like my dad that way. It must be a man thing or at least something carried on the “Y” chromosome.

  Once free from the doctor’s office I had decided to stay home and close to the phone in case I received a call to pick up my ill husband or a message from the doctor’s office. In the back of my mind I knew it was too soon to hear back from the doctor’s office but it was still in the back of my mind.

  Yet, I wondered why I was so nervous about this? I had no reason to be. Maybe it was hormones that were making me feel this way.

  First the threat of illness and how my hormones were trying to kill me. There had to be a book about this somewhere!

  As I didn’t have to go in for work that day and Blake was probably at his meeting I sat down in front of the TV and began to play a video game. It was an older game and the graphics were clearly dated but it was still fun to play from time to time. You couldn’t date fun or the enjoyment of an old game.

  I suppose my parents did have those old gaming set somewhere inside their homes. Maybe something like that could be fun for the kids to play? It would certainly be more
family friendly than the modern and sometimes bloody games where heads are ripped off and bodies ripped to shreds.

  While escaping from a dungeon and getting ready to rescue the princess I began to wonder about things. In the game I was clearly the hero and with it came the hero complex.

  Was I being the same way by organizing this after school program and building for the kids was I also being a hero and running the risk of having the hero complex pushed upon me? I didn’t mind the spot light or standing in it but this wasn’t about or for me. So where did this leave me?

  I wanted to help the kids because they needed help. Doing this would keep them off the streets, maybe even feed them, and help them do better. If the kids felt someone believed in them and thought they could succeed it could help them. If no one believed in them then why should they try themselves?

  I had been fortunate in that my parents mostly believed that I could do anything. Of course we had our arguments and debates with our parents but what kids didn’t? Our parents had questioned some of our career positions and I had even gotten the “Are you sure?” question when I announced I wanted to work at a college. Beforehand my parents had always assumed I would’ve been a teacher. Even I thought I’d be a teacher for young children until I reached college and had a whole new world open to me. Before I had known how important higher education was but being there myself it made me think.

  This was for the kids and I wanted to make sure that it stayed that way. I was certainly not trying to get fame and glory and I wanted to make sure that it stayed that way. I wanted a hand in helping and maintaining this but I didn’t want the attention that went along with it. Did this make me a walking contradiction?

  After rescuing the princess in the game there was a great celebration in the video game world. Wouldn’t it be weird if real life was like that? Everything you did was soon recognized with fireworks and a great scene?

  Imagine finding your pencil and suddenly fireworks and celebrations everywhere!

  The hero of the game made a gesture that looked more like he was flipping me the bird than a sign of victory. Either the game makers totally missed that or they were not aware of how the gesture could be viewed.

  I suppose my parents used to know why my sister I would start giggling each time that gesture was made on screen. They probably saw it themselves. Either out of amusement, or if they didn’t feel like saying anything, it was never brought up to us.

  I still couldn’t be completely sure but I think I once caught Dad making the same gesture at the screen when the hero flashed it to him first.

  Chapter Four

  Time passed and life resumed to normal until the doctor called. I didn’t think it was the doctor who was going to call as it was so late so I let Blake get the phone.

  “Hello?” I heard Blake say. “Yes, she’s here. Amanda, it’s for you!”

  Getting up from my seat I reached for the phone. “Hello, this is Amanda.”

  “Hi, Amanda, I wanted to let you know your results are in,” a woman’s voice said.

  “And…?” I asked. Why was she pausing? Wouldn’t it be easier to give a “yes, you’re pregnant” or “no, you’re not” easier than just waiting like this?

  “Congratulations are in order! You’re pregnant!”


  I knew it was possible but I didn’t really think about it. Now it was a definite and not a “maybe baby”. I thought I had grown pale which would be quite the sight to see.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  I hung up the phone as the news sank in. I felt both excited about the news and yet apprehensive because a baby was a big game changer in our lives. It must have been a honeymoon baby and Blake and I hadn’t quite discussed children yet.

  “What was that all about?” Blake asked.

  “I’ve got some big news.”

  “Which is?”

  I couldn’t think of a way to phrase it and I certainly didn’t want to drop subtle hints as I both felt it was dumb and the fact that Blake would never pick up on them. Suddenly I blurted out, “I’m pregnant!”

  Blake stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. “You’re…we’re…a baby?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “Wow. I mean—that’s wonderful! Am I acting right? I mean, how are expectant fathers supposed to react?”

  “Are you happy about it?” I asked.

  “Yes! Are you?”

  “I am. Then I suppose we’re doing something right.”

  Blake nodded, “Wow. I always wanted kids but I didn’t think we’d be having them so soon.”

  “Nature had other ideas.”

  “I was also a good surprise so these things do happen. You’ll need to see the doctor regularly and I’ll take you to the appointments.”

  “Oh, you mean to say you can’t send the royal doctor over here to examine me?” I teased.

  Blake grinned, “Which one would that be? There are multiple countries still with kings and queens?”

  “I’ll have to think about that,” I said.

  “I’ll also have to check my connections.”

  Expecting a baby pushed my plans along rather than stopping them. It made me want to be able to finish this program for the kids before the baby made his or her grand appearance. Once the baby was born there wouldn’t be much time for work as I would be a full time mother. Was I already a full time mother despite not having birthed the baby yet? Did motherhood begin the moment that we found out we were expecting?

  It wasn’t worry that made me think about and ask these things but rather a genuine curiosity. As a child I had always asked questions and showed a great curiosity in the world. Now that these things were happening to me that curiosity came back.

  Which reminded me, I had to tell my aunt!

  I called up my Aunt as she’d be most likely to pick up the phone. As my folks where gone, but even though if they were still alive, Dad would probably be out back working on something or another. Dad did like to spend his time tinkering with objects and seeing what made them tick. Aunt did joke it kept him from raiding the kitchen and wreaking havoc in there.

  I remember my Dad did have a talent for building and putting things together…as well as taking them apart. Perhaps it was a good thing that he worked away on his “toys.”

  I heard the phone ring and then ring again until the answering machine picked up. My guess was they were probably busy seeing friends or out grocery shopping. Most of the time at least one person was home.

  I left a quick message saying I had important information and for them to please call me back. I wasn’t entirely sure of the etiquette but announcing that I was pregnant on an answering machine message didn’t seem appropriate. Some things were better told face-to-face, yet I didn’t feel it right to announce such a thing on a message.

  Where was an etiquette teacher when I needed one?

  No, scratch that.

  I would probably get my rapped across my knuckles with a ruler simply for doing half the things I did today.

  That and some of those etiquette teachers seemed very strict and unforgiving. I knew my way around basic etiquette but don’t think I would’ve lasted very long with a strict etiquette teacher.

  I went back to my written plans about what to do with the program for the kids. I had thoughts of renting out a building for the time being. I knew Blake could easily afford to buy the building and then some, but part of me was worried that if this had failed then we’d be out that money that was spent. When that happened the building would either have to be sold once again or even be demolished for something new to be built in its place.

  So what was the correct answer?

  I knew I refused to sink on this project yet I had to be realistic about it.

  I would have to see the building, have it examined by someone of my choosing to make sure it was safe to inhabit. Then there was also the matter of getting certificates and programs to make sure that children could stay in there. I hadn’t worked
with young children for so long that I had forgotten what went into most of the certificates and certifications. I knew the basics of CPR and First Aid were necessary but what about the rest?

  Maybe I should’ve gone into day care instead of college administration.

  Chapter Five

  It didn’t take long for me to think that my body and hormones were trying to kill me. We were supposed to be on the same side, weren’t we?

  Even trying to rent a building could turn into a stressful experience. If I wasn’t afraid that antacids could possibly harm the baby they would probably have become a food group by now. I was normally fairly good at handling changes and stress but everything combined seemed to be getting the better of me.

  My hormones were trying to kill me!

  It did remind me of what had happened earlier on the way to this place. Blake had decided to take a short cut that went past a hospital. On the side of the hospital was death being stopped by a man holding the universal symbol for medicine.

  When I pointed it out with “He’s saying ‘not today’ death!”

  Blake had looked and slowly said, “Uhhhhh….oh-kay. Someone has an odd sense of humor.”

  “Are you jealous you didn’t think of it first?” I joked.

  “Actually, yes I am.”

  We both laughed at that.

  When were inside the potential building it was something that we all looked around. It was a well-lit area with a large area for kids to play in outside. But what was the interior wiring like? What about the area where this building was? Was it safe for kids? Was it safe for adults?

  Perhaps I was being paranoid but I also wanted to research the area. I didn’t want to plunk down money and have it be in a bad area where bad people could invade and create trouble.

  I knew any people working or volunteering there would have to go through a background check and drug screening. I had to when I started working at that college and these days it was extremely routine for people to have to do that. Especially when working with potentially at risk kids.

  Then there was a question about the kids. I certainly couldn’t be having them treated as potential criminals. What were we going to do? Put them all through metal detectors before they could enter?


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