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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 108

by Joanna Jacobs

  "We're wasting fuel boss," the pilot said as he slid the small side window closed.

  Sam placed his hand on Destiny's bottom and gave it a little squeeze as he urged her into the plane. Unlike the times they had flown in the helicopter, Sam did not sit with Destiny. As he climbed into the co-pilot seat and put on a headset, Destiny sat in the seat directly behind the pilot. Misty was directly across the aisle behind her father.

  "You'll be fine. Close your eyes if you need to, but then you'll miss the beauty of my island as we approach and circle it," Sam said. "We'll be there in twenty minutes or less."

  Destiny buckled her seat belt and closed her eyes. As the small twin engine plane capable of taking off and landing on both water and land rumbled down the runway and began to climd, Sam reached back and took Destiny's hand and squeezed it. Destiny kept her eyes closed, but she could feel Misty's burning stare.

  Despite the turbulence, Destiny fell asleep. This lifestyle that she wasn't accustomed to plus the tension between her and Misty was taking a toll on her. She was literally exhausted.

  "Wake up. Wake up," Sam said grabbing Destiny's hand and shaking it. "You don't want to miss this!"

  "What?" Are we going to crash?" Destiny said seriously. Her eyes were like saucers. "Oh my God Sam. Are we going to die?"

  The plane had hit a bit of turbulence as it descended to five hundred feet and began circling Slade Cay in a counterclockwise direction. Sam had wakened Destiny from a nightmare that they were crashing into the ocean.

  "No... no. Look. Look out the window," Sam urged her.

  As Destiny looked out the window, she put a hand over her mouth.

  "Is this it? Is this where we are staying?" she asked as she looked down on the mansion that sat on a hillside just above a white sandy beach. To the south of the hillside was a large dock with jetskis a couple of small powerboats, a sailboat, and an enormous yacht.

  "Yes. This is it. Slade Cay," Sam said proudly knowing that he had worked hard, and it was by his sweat and wisdom, this place had come about. It was not inherited, but he knew that was one of the concerns that Misty had with Destiny.

  "It's gorgeous Sam. I can't wait to feel that sand in my toes," Destiny said. Her fear had left her and she was excited. "Will you take me sailing Sam?"

  "Sure. That is one of my favorite water activities," Sam said looking back at Destiny with a smile.

  "Too much work for me," Misty said not looking up from her Fortune 500 magazine. "I'll take a jetski any day over sailing."

  As they made one more circle around the ten acre island Destiny's enthusiasm became quickly shrouded by a new reality.

  "Sam! There's no runway," Destiny said choking on her words.

  "Duh," Misty began her sarcastic tirade. "Don't they teach you anything at Rice? It's a seaplane sweetheart. You didn't notice the pontoons on the plane when you boarded?"

  "That's enough, Misty!" Sam snapped. He turned and glared at his daughter.

  "Everything is going to be fine Destiny," Sam said calmy. "We've done this a hundred times before."

  "I want you beside me Sam," Destiny pleaded."

  "Sorry. I have to stay here and guide Joe in," Sam said calmy. " Don't worry. There is a little cove just behind the boat dock where we will land. It's always calm and then we'll taxi to the sandy beach where we'll offload."

  By the time everyone had offloaded their bags and walk up the short distance to the twelve bedroom plantation home, it was two in the afternoon.

  "I've got the windward side master suite," Misty shouted to her dad as she veered to the left where the grand staircase split into two narrower ones.

  "That's fine. I know it's your favorite because it gets the nice evening breezes," Sam said trying to appease his daughter.

  Destiny turned and looked at Sam. "Where am I going to sleep?" she said under her breath as the others filed past them headed up the stairs. "Not in one of those little cottages out back, huh?"

  "Don't be silly," Sam said as he took Destiny's hand and kissed it. "All the rooms and cottages are full. So it looks like you're going to have to sleep on the beach. Or..."

  "Share the master suite with Misty?" Destiny looked at Sam. "I'll take the beach!"

  Sam raised an eyebrow. "You now there are wild animals out there and when the tide rises, it's been said that sharks actually come up on shore for meat."

  "I'll take my chances with the wild animals," Destiny half joked. She was sure Sam was kidding about the wild animals on the beach and she was quite certain that he could come up with another option. One thing she knew for sure. She was not going to share a room with Misty.

  "There may be another option," Sam said taking Destiny's hand and leading her upstairs.

  At the end of the long hallway Sam stopped in front of two large handcarved doors. Pushing the doors open he said, "How about this for the love of my life?"

  Destiny had never imagined anything like the grand master suite that she gazed into. It was bigger than her whole apartment and so beautifully appointed.

  "Will I have this room all to myself?" she said as she put her hands on Sam's chest and looked up at the handsome man.

  "Well...," Sam hesitated for a moment. Not because he had any doubt what he was about to say, but he liked toying with Destiny.

  "Well what?" she asked impatiently.

  "Well. If you want me to stay on the beach or share a room with Misty," Sam said lowering his head to hide his grin.

  "Take your pick. It doesn't matter to me," Destiny said quickly turning her back to Sam to hide her smile.

  "There is another option though," Destiny said as she turned back to face Sam.

  Sam pulled Destiny into his arms and looking optomistic said, "And what would that other option be?"

  Destiny spoke in a deadpan tone. "You could ask Sammy Jr. if he'll share his room with you."

  Sam looked at Destiny and his eyes locked with hers, then he pulled her in tight and kissed her lips.

  The door at the far end of the hall slammed shut.

  "The wind must've caught it," Sam said. "Happens all the time here."

  Destiny knew though that it wasn't the wind. Out of the corner of her eye, Destiny had seen Misty watching. And Destiny was glad that Misty had had enough.

  "Yeah right," Destiny said as she pulled away from Sam and fell back onto the plush king size bed.

  As Destiny stared up at the ceiling fan that hung directly above the bed from the vaulted ceiling, Sam walked over and sat in a one of two highbacked chairs that angled toward the bay window that overlooked the boat dock.

  Sam stared at the sea through the bay window while the slow rotation of the large fan blades had Destiny in an almost hypnotic state.

  "Beauty. I'm surrounded by beauty," Sam said, a content look on his face.

  "What?" Sam's words had broken Destiny's trance.

  "Everything around me is beautiful," Sam said as he stood and looked over at Destiny. "And you add so much to the beauty."

  Sam had set everything up nicely before their arrival. A bottle of Pinot Noir and two glasses sat on the little table along with a dozen long stemmed red roses. Destiny had missed the little table when she first scanned the room.

  "Did you get these for me Sam?" Destiny said as she sprung up from the bed and practically jumped into Sam's arms.

  "Of course," he chuckled. "Who else would they be for?"

  "Well they could be for Misty and were put in the wrong room," Destiny said biting her lower lip.

  Sam opened the wine and poured it while Destiny walked over to the bay window.

  "I cannot believe I'm here with you... in this place," Destiny said shaking her head.

  Sam stepped over next to Destiny, handed her a glass, and then raised his.

  "Here's to us," he said clinking his glass against Destiny's. "Cheers."

  While the AC blew the room's stale air away Destiny and Sam sat with their chairs close, looking out the bay window, sipping wine, and mumbling silly,
unimportant things with occasional interruptions by their lips brushing together.

  Eventually one of those brief interruptions turned into a long, slow kiss with their lips parting to allow their tongues access across the borders. Destiny's hands were on Sam's legs, resting lightly atop his thighs, and her fingers lightly stroking his leg. His own hands were raised, one cupping the side of her face, the other holding her arm.

  The kiss lingered on and on, neither of them in a hurry to break the connection, their bodies growing ever warmer. Sam left his eyes open slightly, drinking in Destiny's beautiful features, the glow emanating from her face.

  When they did eventually separate and he looked into her eyes he saw a desire in the brown orbs, a hunger that was building inside of her.

  "I think the AC's done its job," Sam whispered.

  "Mm-hmm," Destiny agreed, her face radiating a false innocence. "But it still seems hot in here."

  They stood up then and Destiny kind of pushed her chair back away from her. They embraced, their arms slipping around each other and squeezing their bodies together as their lips met and their tongues delved into the others mouth again.

  Destiny's hands slid up to rest upon his shoulders while his caressed her back. Her breasts were smashed against him, her body folding in and pressing hard. One of his hands slid down to cup her ass cheek, his fingers gripping the soft flesh beneath her dress.

  Sam pushed Destiny into him harder, ground his crotch against her. Inside his pants his cock throbbed, blood rushing to it as it grew. She felt this and pressed herself against it firmer, lifting herself slightly on her toes and rubbing her body against the growing member.

  "Mmmmmm," she moaned.

  The sound of it made his cock twitch even more, caused it to jump as a surge of blood was driven into it.

  "Mmmmmmmm," she moaned again as she felt the reaction against her.

  Their bodies grinding against each other, had ignited a fire within her loins. She felt herself growing hotter as they kissed, as their bodies rubbed together now. They continued to kiss for several minutes, their lips parting for a moment then pressing together again. Their tongues swirled over and around each other.

  Sam's one hand massaged Destiny's back, caressed the lower portion of it, while his other cupped and squeezed her ass. Her fingers dug slightly into his shoulders, scratching lightly at his shirt. Her breathing grew shallower and her lips pressed against his with more hunger, her tongue dove and swirled faster.

  Then Destiny's hands slid down from his shoulders to his chest where they undid a couple of his shirt buttons before slipping inside. Her nails tickled his skin as her fingers played across his chest. Their lower bodies continued grinding into one another. Her hips rolled in small circles as she ground and humped her body at his crotch. Sam's cock responded appropriately, growing harder within its confines until it ached within the cramped quarters.

  "Mmmmmm," Destiny murmured.

  "Yessss," he agreed.

  Still they kissed, their lips and tongues meeting, slithering, pressing. Her breathing grew shallower, heavier. Destiny's fingers undid more of his shirt buttons, her upper body pulling away so that she could open it until only the one tucked into his pants remained attached. Her hands ran up and down his chest and stomach, her nails scratching lightly across his skin. Releasing her ass cheeks he slid his hands up her back to reach for the dress' zipper. Instantly she pulled her mouth away from his, breaking their kiss, to look up at him with a mischievous little grin.

  "Uh-uh," Destiny said, one hand reaching back to stop him. "Not yet."

  Same looked into her eyes, into her dark rushing eyes filled with passion, desire, lust and something else. He couldn't tell what that something else was but he knew it was there.

  Unwilling to spoil what was happening Sam quickly shrugged acceptance and dropped his hands back down, both of them filling themselves with her ass now. Gripping Destiny's firm, round ass cheeks, Sam pushed their bodies together again as Destiny's hands once more returned to his chest and their lips met again.

  "Mmmmmmmm," she murmured as their tongues swirled, their bodies ground.

  Minutes later Destiny's hands started working at his belt and the button to his pants. She had to pull her body away from him to undo it all and both of them felt a sense of loss as they were forced to stop grinding against one another.

  While they still kissed, their tongues swirling and diving, she managed to completely undo his pants and tug the shirt tail out, undoing the last button and leaving it hanging open. She then reached down inside his shorts and wrapped her dark little fingers around his hardening cock, giving it a gentle squeeze as she did.

  "Mmmmmmmmm," she moaned.

  Her tongue drove heavily against his and a shiver raced through her body causing her to shake slightly. Holding onto his rod, now freer within the loosened confines and able to grow harder, she squeezed and tugged on it with her delicate fingers. She moaned into his mouth as she felt blood pumping into the cock, felt it growing harder in her grasp.

  Passion washed through her body as she squeezed and pulled at the growing cock. The fires within her loins grew hotter, burned higher. She felt her body tingling with anticipation, felt her nerves quivering as they were touched by the fingers of her lust.

  Because of their new position, with light and air between them, he could no longer hold onto her ass and had instead wrapped his hands onto her waist. His fingers held onto her tightly, gently gripping her and using her to help him maintain his balance as his lust coursed through his body and made his legs shaky.

  Their deep, wet kiss ended and she pressed her lips to his again in one more long, hard kiss, but without tongue this time. She then pulled away completely as her eyes trailed down across his torso and to the shorts into which her hand disappeared. As she eyed the cock she held she mewed in her throat and her tongue flickered out to lick her lips.

  He stood there looking down at her, a clear view of her cleavage being given to him. The brown swells were held tightly within her dress, the tops tantalizingly displayed. He watched them rise and fall with her heavy breaths. At the front her nipples were now fully outlined against the dress' material.

  While they stood there for a minute then, her squeezing and tugging gently on his cock, she leaned in a couple times and brushed her lips across his chest, tantalizing breaths of sensitivity against his skin.

  Her breathing grew shallower, her chest rising heavier. A couple of times she glanced up at his face but her eyes quickly diverted themselves. She gave the impression of someone unable to make any real contact while having an internal argument with themselves. As she continued to stroke his now near erect cock, his lust boiling inside of him, he started to worry that she was having second thoughts. That she was going to back out.

  But when she did manage to make and hold eye contact a moment later he saw no retreat in them, only a raging lust. She had a hungry, sultry look on her face as she stood there in her skimpy dress, the tops of her breasts displayed, her hard nipples protruding. Her hand stroked his cock. She breathed heavily, nearly panting.

  "Am . . ." she whispered quietly, her voice shaky. "Am . . . Am I . . . sexy?"

  His cock nearly jumped out of his boxers as her words slipped past her lips and into his ears. Staring into her eyes he knew it was not a real question, she knew what his answer was. She had certain needs, certain desires and she was letting them be known.

  "Yes," he grinned happily.

  He quickly slid one hand up to cup her head, his fingers wrapping around the back and his thumb slipping across her cheek to the edge of her lips.

  "You're beautiful and sexy," he said.

  Then he jerked her head forward and planted his lips hard against hers, driving, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

  Destiny moaned, her hand tightening around his throbbing cock. "Mmmmmmmmmm."

  His words added more fuel to the fire of her lust, fanned the flames of desire coursing through her veins. The feel
of his roughness, the forceful kiss he was giving her made her feel weak, almost helpless, and her body reacted to the sensation.

  The kiss, long and forceful, ended when he pushed her head back to stare down at her. Her eyes now blazed with the lust of her body. Short, heated gasps of air panted through open lips.

  A moment later, she dropped, her hands grabbing at his pants and shorts to pull them down with her. His cock sprung free almost as she fell to eye level with it and a heated murmur came from her throat. Her eyes became riveted on the stiff pole of flesh pointing at her face. Her fingers once more wrapped themselves around it and she stroked it while her tongue rolled across her lips.


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