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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 114

by Joanna Jacobs

  She quelled her laughter just as she answered the ringing line, but she couldn’t help but shake her head with amusement as Peter walked away.

  Chapter Three

  There is one thing that never changed. From high school, to college, and now at work, the air rang of gossip. It had been true of every job Emily had ever had, and she knew it to be true now. Also true, at least to Emily’s knowledge, was how often gossip ran among the circles of women at whatever location she was in, but very seldom did men fall up such means.

  She herself tried to refrain from it as much as possible. It was bad enough that most of the women she worked with, and she would bet a large sum even some of the men, believed she and Peter were having an affair with one another. They worked closely on many projects, giving the air of a closeness one might associate with an affair, but they weren’t.

  Lucky for Emily, Susan’s vice was not jealousy, or she might very well see some rebuke from the woman on the occasions when their paths crossed. As it was, Susan had an amiable nature, and trusted and loved her husband well enough not to belief any rumors that might hit her ears about Peter and Emily having an affair.

  There was always talks of affairs. There was always talk of scandals, whether they were of a financial or romantic nature. Some believed the business was going under. Emily didn’t believe that to be true. If it was, she’d imagine they might have heard something more concrete about it by now.

  She did however tend to believe the rumors of their boss’s sexual conquests. Justin Price, the owner of Price Inc. was well-known for taking any and all women into his bed. He didn’t have a type, a preference, a prejudice. He liked woman. Tall, short, skinny, large. If he could seduce her, he’d bed her.

  That was why, when Emily entered the break room for lunch, it shouldn’t have surprised her to see five women gathered near the far window, whispering loud enough that anyone could hear them. It wouldn’t surprise Emily at all if that was actually their wish. She frowned as she pulled one of the frozen dinners she’d stuck in the freezer earlier in the week and threw it into the microwave.

  They’re like a bunch of hens, clucking at one another in vanity, she mused, which brought a small smile to her lips. There was no way to prevent her overhearing them speak to one another though, and then once she heard the topic of their gathering, she no longer wished to tune them out, for they were speaking of Justin Price himself.

  “Did you hear?” one of them said to the rest. Emily knew them all, but she could not place them based on their voices alone, and she didn’t trust herself to turn to them, for they might see it as an invitation to include them in their gossip. That was something she’d rather avoid altogether.

  “Hear what?”

  “Justin is screwing Bethany.”

  “The woman from accounting?”

  “The same!”

  “That whore! Does she have no sense of shame? Everyone knows you don’t have sex with your boss. It only leads to trouble.”

  This went on, their bashing of Bethany, whom Emily knew they’d all looked up to and envied less than a week before. Their attitude toward the woman now made her cheeks brighten in shame. It was why she’d never admit her own secret. Not out loud anyway.

  The truth was, the reason the women acted so ill towards Bethany was because each of them wished they were in her place, that Justin was having sex with them instead. Married or single, it mattered little. Bethany was living their dream.

  It wasn’t until it was too late that Emily had said as much out loud, but as the silence enveloped her ears, she realized that she had. She turned about and looked at the women in their semicircle, each staring at her as if trying to decide what to make of her. Surely, they were mistaken. Surely, she hadn’t said those words out loud.

  It didn’t matter if she had or not in the end. It was action enough to raise their suspicions. The leader of the group, Kat, Emily knew now that she was facing the women, narrowed her eyes at her.

  “You like him, don’t you?” she asked, her voice haughty with her accusation, as if the others didn’t feel the same way about Justin Price as well.

  Emily could not help the way her cheeks colored in embarrassment. Nor could she look at Kat long. The effort of such actions made her feel uncomfortable. She lowered her eyes and looked at her hands instead.

  “You do!” one of the other women cried, coming closer. “You like him. Really like him.”

  “We’d all love to be in his bed just once, but you, Emily? Something tells me you’d like something a little more long-lasting,” Kat said. There was something about her tone that made Emily question whether she was chastising or teasing. It confused her further, and she closed her eyes, wishing they’d just leave her alone.

  Now they were on a roll though, and they would do no such thing until lunch break was over, she knew. They teased her needlessly, some with more poking and prodding than others.

  “How long?” one asked.

  “Have you ever even talked to him?” another pushed. There was a hint of nastiness in her voice that Emily felt able to ignore without worry. She heard the jealousy in the tone.

  “There’s no way she really likes him,” another suggested. “You do realize she’s having an affair with her boss, right? What’s his name? Pete? Peter?” The woman speaking waved her hand in the air, dismissing it all. “It doesn’t matter. There’s no way she’s serious about Justin if she’s already screwing her boss. She’s probably just working her way up the chain.”

  Emily wished she could sink through the floor in embarrassment, but not as much as she wished she could slug the woman who’d spoken. Anger flooded through her, hot and bright, making her clench her fists tight and her foot bounce in agitation the longer the woman talked, for she didn’t stop there. She continued to pile abuse upon abuse against Emily as if she wasn’t in the room.

  Kat was the only woman who looked at Emily with pity at that point, but whether her expression of concern was real or not, Emily didn’t care. The only thing she cared about was getting the other woman to shut her mouth.

  “You know, Alice, the only reason you’re upset is because every man here, who’ve you thrown yourself at, has dismissed you claiming that they’d rather screw a pig. Most wouldn’t fuck you if you paid them to.”

  Emily started at Kat’s words, at the frankness of them. It was both soothing and mysterious all at once. Kat was one of them. Moments before she’d been in on the fun of teasing. What had changed?

  It didn’t matter. Kat’s words silenced the abuse against Emily, and the other women in the small gathering dispersed as they sensed an end to their charades. The fun was gone. True or not, the knowledge that Emily had a crush on her boss, on Justin Price, owner of the whole company they each worked for, would be silent for a little while, except in hushed tones when Emily herself wasn’t around. She was sure of it, for she had little doubt it had been the same in the past.

  When lunch ended, Emily felt a cold knot of dread fill her stomach. She had a feeling this conversation wasn’t over. She had a feeling she’d hear about it again, even if it wasn’t directed towards her but about her in future gossip sessions to come.

  She shook her head. What horrid women they were, to trash the integrity of one another without a second thought to anyone’s feelings but their own. Emily hated them for it, but she also realized that had she a small collection of friends, she’d be acting as they were, only it would be directed in their direction so that they may see how hurtful their comments and pickings were.

  As it was, they were a mean-spirited bunch, and Emily did not envy any man that might date or marry any of them, Kat included, for Emily had not forgotten that Kat was the reason such teasing had started in the first place. Kat had meant it in jest, but the other’s hadn’t, and because she’d started it, Emily could not forgive her part in it all either.

  At least they don’t know my true feelings for Justin, she thought. Or how deep my association with him already is, for i
f they did, they’d surely have something new to gossip about.

  Chapter Four

  The rest of the day passed without many issues. Emily fielded phone calls and scheduled and re-scheduled meetings. Peter talked to people, presented different ideas in meetings with various people within the company as well as outside media to get the word out about them.

  That all changed around four though when Peter’s cell phone rang. Emily started at the sound coming from his hip. His personal phone never rang while he was at work. To hear it now sent Emily’s heart pounding with fear. Looking up at Peter’s face, she noted his expression echoed her own.

  Anyone else may have wondered at their fear, and the gossiping women from lunch may have used their looks as confirmations to the supposed affair they were having. She scoffed at the idea. Her and Peter having an affair? It was ridiculous, but those who felt the need to injure others rather than look at their own faults would raise questions based on the amount of worry in the expressions of the two turned toward the man’s personal phone.

  Peter stepped back away from Emily, whom he’d just been listening to about a conference schedule confliction, discussing alternatives, and entered his office, shutting the door behind him. Emily knew him well enough to know he’d pace the room as he answered it.

  He was quiet enough that all she heard was his muffled tone of worry as he answered his wife’s call. She bit her lower lip, worry gnawing at her inside as she wondered what mayhem would have occurred to force Susan to call Peter’s phone rather than the office. It had to be an emergency if she was calling her husband directly.

  It was unlike Susan. She was a sensible woman who thought things through before making a single direction. It was one of her most likeable traits, Emily believed, and it was one of the reasons she never had to worry about her boss’s wife turning a jealous eye towards herself with any evil intent involved. They both knew Emily had no intention of being with Peter in any kind of way beyond that of friendship and business.

  Why can’t those gossiping hens see it that way as well? Emily thought to herself as she anxiously waited for her boss to step out of his office and inform her of what was happening.

  It was several minutes before he emerged from his office, and she noticed when he did that his hair was tossled, as if he’d constantly run his hand through it and mussed it. His eyes were wide with emotion bordering on frenzy, which was unlike him.

  “Everything okay?” Emily asked. She knew it wasn’t, but she didn’t know what else to say that wouldn’t sound nosy. Trepidation filled her as Peter turned toward her, as if for a moment, he’d forgotten where he was and how he’d gotten there.

  “There was a shooting at the school today,” he said at last. His voice was a faint whisper.

  “Oh my God, Peter! Is everyone alright?” Emily placed her hand at his elbow in comfort, but she knew it would not help. Nothing would until his shock wore off.

  He nodded. “Everyone’s fine, but they’re sending students home for the day. Ryan’s rattled. Susan’s there with him already and said that he’s been blubbering off and on.” He seemed on the edge of tears, but he blinked furiously and forced himself to smile. “Nothing like a shooting scare to realize your own mortality,” he said. She knew he’d meant it as a joke but in light of the somber air, she knew it was nearly impossible to think of it as such. He laughed though it was dry and forced.

  “Emily, I…”

  “Go. I’m pretty certain I can handle everything for the evening. I’ll stay late to finish up some of these final projects and answer some last minute emails.”

  Peter smiled then, a genuine smile that made his face light up with his gratitude. “Thanks, Emily,” he said. There was no denying the sincerity in his voice.

  She waved him on. “Go. Go be with your wife and children and appreciate their being safe. Thank God no one was injured today.”

  He nodded, wiping the stray tears that fell from his eyes. “Thank you, Emily.” He gave her a quick hug before he left, walking down the aisle at a brisk walk.

  Only once he was gone from her sight did Emily allow her own fear to show on her face once more. A shooting? At an elementary school? She was thankful no one had been injured. Part of her wished he’d given her more insight as to what had actually occurred, but she knew better than to ask Peter when he was already in a fragile state. She’d learn more about the incident later anyway when it aired on the news.

  Despite her worrying about her boss, his family, and all the other families that had survived the torment of the day, Emily worked hard the rest of the day. She was forced to put thoughts of Peter and his family out of her mind in order to continue on with her day. Knowing everyone was safe made such activities easier, but she was still relieved when Peter called her office later.

  “We’re all doing fine, Emily,” he told her.

  “That’s good,” she replied with a sigh of relief. “I was worried.”

  He chuckled on the other end of the line. In the background, Emily heard the sound of children scampering around screaming. “I figured you would, which was why I decided to call.”

  She nodded, knowing he couldn’t see her. “Thank you.” She did worry. She had worked with Peter for two years and doted on his children like an aunt. She had no children of her own, and it didn’t look like she would anytime soon. She enjoyed playing with Peter and Susan’s children, purchasing presents for them and spoiling them silly.

  “Are you talking to Aunt Emily?” It was Ryan yelling at his father in the background. “Tell her I said hi!”

  Emily laughed, glad to hear the boy was no longer upset about the day’s earlier activities. “Tell him I said ‘be good,’ Peter.”

  Her message translated back to the boy, followed by groans from the boy, Peter asked her how everything was going and whether or not he needed to come back to work. “No sir. Absolutely not. You stay home with your family. I’m perfectly capable of handling everything here. Don’t you worry a bit.”

  Across the line, she heard Peter’s sigh of relief and had to stifle a laugh with her hand over her mouth. She knew he’d just suggested it out of courtesy and that he was really happy he didn’t have to come back to the office.

  If she were honest with herself, she was glad Peter was gone for the day. It allowed her the chance to prove herself, something she’d been dying to do for a while. This was a perfect opportunity to do so. If she could prove that she was capable of handling this department on her own for a day, maybe she’d be left alone more often to do so again, and even then, maybe get a recommendation to move further up in the company, which was her ultimate goal. It was what she’d been doing the moment she started there, slowly climbing up the corporate ladder through hard work and perseverance.

  She only needed the chance to do so again, which was exactly what Peter was unknowingly offering of his own free will. She knew that if she’d asked, he might let her do it, but that would cause the rumor mill in the building to buzz again, and the “fact” that she was sleeping with her boss would circulate once more. It wasn’t true. Emily had never slept with any of her boss’s to gain their approval, but it didn’t matter. Because she was a successful woman, and knew what she wanted in her life, it was exactly what people assumed she was doing—and not just the women, but men too.

  Men were worse in a way, and the real reason she hadn’t dated in months. There had been a couple of men who heard the rumors her female co-workers had spread and assumed it to be true. Those men had offered to help further her career with the promise of sex on the side. Of course, she’d turned them down, but it didn’t matter. Her dignity insulted and the air around her tainted with their contempt, she had run into a wall sometimes when those same men refused to consider hiring her based on her work ethics alone.

  It had taken her a while to accept that, but in the long run, she was glad they had turned her away, for what would working with those same men be like? Would they continue trying to coerce her into having sex
with them? She could imagine hearing, “I got you this job here. You will do it” from more than one of them had they hired her.

  She shook her head. No, working for Peter was safer, and although rumors spread every so often that she was sleeping with him, she preferred those rumors over the reality that might have been with others. It was safer, and Peter was good at ignoring insignificant rumors passed around the office.

  Emily almost forgot she was still on the phone, thinking about everything, until Peter asked, “Can you drop those plans you finalized this morning off at Justin’s office before you go?”

  His words snapped her out of her reverie. “Excuse me, sir. Sorry. My mind was elsewhere for a moment. Can you repeat that?”

  “Remember those plans you sorted this morning? I was supposed to drop them off by Justin’s office this afternoon. I’ve already called him and let him know the situation. He asked if there was anyone else I trusted to send them up to him. I told him I’d send you. Can you do it?”

  “Justin?” Emily gulped. “Justin Price?”

  Peter chuckled. “The same. The top dog. The boss man. The company owner. You’ll be fine, Emily. This will be good for you actually. You know the pitches as well as I do, if not better. You’ll be able to explain what we’re going for to him. Think of it as a way to network within the company. I know your ambition is to move further up. This will help, I promise.”

  Several times during his speech, she wondered if he knew what he was asking her to do, but then she reminded herself that no one knew her connection to Justin Price, the one man she’d been avoiding for years despite working in his company. She knew she was nothing to him now that they weren’t living in the same house. Yes, she crushed on him as bad as, if not more than, the other women in the office, but she also knew the repercussions of such a relationship between them. Consequences that had nothing to do with her working for him.


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