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Loving Laney

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by Lorna Jean Roberts

  Loving Laney

  Lorna Jean Roberts

  The absolute last thing Laney wants or needs is an Alpha werewolf. She fled a life of abuse and neglect at the hands of one, so there’s no way she’s interested in letting another into her life. Not even a sinfully gorgeous specimen. Uh-uh, not interested, not in this lifetime…

  Then she meets Cooper Brady—and the man is delicious. Good sense is overwhelmed by the need to touch him, taste him, and perhaps a night of hot, melt-in-your-mouth sex is just what she needs. It’s just a one-night stand after all, no strings attached, no messy goodbyes. Perfect.

  Well, it would have been if he wasn’t her mate. Mated life has its upsides, like sizzling, addictive, overwhelming sex—yummm. But lust can’t help her convince Cooper not to wrap her in cotton wool, it can’t help her tame or avoid bitchy packmates and it definitely can’t help her figure out who’s trying to scare her with nightmares from her past.

  But hey, it sure does help.

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Loving Laney

  ISBN 9781419930522


  Loving Laney Copyright © 2010 Lorna Jean Roberts

  Edited by Jillian Bell

  Cover art by Dar Albert

  Electronic book publication December 2010

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Loving Laney

  Lorna Jean Roberts

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  American Idol: FremantleMedia North America, Inc.

  Ben Wa: Ben Wa Novelty Corporation

  Hummer: General Motors Corporation

  Chapter One

  Trouble had just walked into Fat Eddy’s, and he was mind-bogglingly gorgeous. It was his scent that first drew her attention. Luscious, rich dark chocolate mixed with the spicy sweet scent of cinnamon and a hint of smoke. It cut through the other, less savory smells in the bar to torture her senses, like tempting someone during a famine with a feast. It took all of her control not to let out a half-starved whimper, not to crawl her way over to him and beg him for a taste…until as he got closer it hit her, the scent of forest, of pack, of wolf, and just like that her arousal disappeared, frozen in her fear. Because the man now sitting two tables down was one of the most arrestingly attractive, stunningly sexy Alpha werewolves she’d ever come across, and Laney knew just how dangerous an Alpha could be.

  Of course, it could just be a coincidence that he was here. Perhaps he was just passing through, stopping for a meal. Oh, of all the bars in all the towns… Yeah right. Laney just didn’t believe in coincidences like that.

  So what the hell was he doing here?

  Laney shivered. What if he had sent him? Everything around her faded away to a blur as fear consumed her every thought. It was her worst nightmare come to life—that Zachary would send someone for her, find her and drag her back into hell.

  “Laney!” The sharp, impatient whisper came from behind her, making her jump and screech with fright. Horrified, she could only watch, frozen, as cutlery went flying through the air, moving in slow motion to crash loudly on the fake wooden floor. Heat scorched her cheeks as every face in the bar turned toward her. Kneeling quickly, both so she could clean up the mess and to hide her embarrassment, Laney hastily gathered up the knives and forks with hands that trembled from a combination of fear and adrenaline.

  “Looking for this?” A dark, coldly controlled voice spoke from above her, and without looking up she knew it was him. Damn, she hadn’t even heard him walk up.

  Where were those sharp werewolf senses when she needed them?

  Bad wolfie. No cookie.

  Her gaze rose up from his scuffed dark brown boots, over the worn blue jeans, skimming quickly past his groin—although hell yes!—and up until she saw the teaspoon he held. Laney nodded quickly, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. Why did the teaspoon have to land by his table? Bad teaspoon! Okay, now she knew she was losing her mind. She was actually starting to scold the cutlery!

  “Do you want this back?” Damn it, his voice was amused. Did she have no pride? Get off your damn knees, Delaney Jean, she scolded herself.

  “I mean, unless you’re having fun down there?”

  Laney frowned in confusion—fun on her knees? What the hell? Oh God, embarrassment hit her hard, and she just knew her cheeks were turning crimson, could feel the heat of them burning her. Why did she have to be staring right at his package? Not that she was staring, mind you—she’d been thinking and her face just happened to be at groin level. Oh crap! She was still staring.

  Scrambling awkwardly, sensing that her face was still aflame, Laney managed to get herself to her feet, albeit a bit ungracefully.

  “Th-thank you,” she stuttered, reaching her hand out for the spoon only to have it rise way above her head. Which, she admitted to herself, wasn’t that high—she was just that short. Her stomach dropped. Great, she’d moved to this town to get away from being bullied by other werewolves. Just showed her that no matter how sexy they were, they all got their jollies picking on her. Did she wear a sign saying “bully me”? Was it written in special ink on her forehead that only other werewolves could see?

  Laney’s temper pricked. Damned if she was going to let some jerk bully her into leaving her sanctuary.

  “Give me the teaspoon,” she gritted out, her gaze fixed on his chest.

  “Hmm, no, I don’t think so, not until you look at me.”

  Damn! Why did his voice have to be all dark and mysterious? Why couldn’t he have sounded like a chipmunk with a cold? Life really was unfair. All the beautiful, strong people got everything, while the poor misfits ended up with the bad skin, the squeaky voices and the clumsiness of a clown.

  “Laney!” An annoyed voice whispered behind her again, and she turned to find Ella standing there glaring at her. “You need to get a move on! Jimmy will be here soon and he’ll be pissed if he catches you slacking off.”

  Laney turned back to her table and grabbed the rest of the plates and glasses. Luckily Ella had cleared away most of them while she’d been treasure hunting for dirty teaspoons. She tried her best to ignore the werewolf behind her, but as she turned to move back to the kitchen, he stepped in front of her, barring her path.

  “Move out of my way,” she ordered, keeping her gaze lowered. There was no mistaking that he was a dominant werewolf, and she knew better than to look him in the eye.

  Damn, he still smelled good, though. Awareness tingled
low in her stomach as she tried to dodge around him once again. You would think after years of playing this game with the bullies in her pack she’d be a champion. Nuh-uh, she was still a loser. Just stamp a big red L on her forehead.

  “Don’t you want your teaspoon?”

  “Keep it,” she said swiftly, trying to dodge him once again.

  “Well, now, sweet, I don’t really want it. What I do want is for you to look me in the eyes, and I’m not going to move ’til you do.”

  The teasing note was still there, but now there was a hint of steel underneath. Asshole.

  “I am looking at you.” She was. She was staring straight at his chest, a very broad, muscular chest. Yum.

  “My face, sweet.” Laney anxiously shuffled her weight from foot to foot. Why was he being so insistent about this? She continued to worry about it for a moment before making up her mind. She really wanted to get past him, and they were in a public place… What was the worst that could happen?

  “Fine,” she gritted out, glaring up at him. Sharp hazel eyes gazed piercingly into hers, their color so deep and pure she felt mesmerized, trapped. But when she eventually managed to tear her eyes from his, she found herself wishing she’d kept them there, for his face was no less arresting. Layers of dark hair framed a face fallen angels would have wept for, with high cheekbones and a slight stubble that only added to his magnetism.

  “Happy now? I’m looking you in the eyes. Can I please get back to work before I get fired?”

  He placed the teaspoon on her pile and stepped aside gracefully. Laney walked past him in a huff, careful not to get too close, not to touch him. No matter how much she may have longed too.

  “Hey, way to catch Mr. T.D.D.’s attention, Laney.” Ella bumped up next to her in the kitchen, dumping an armful of dirty plates beside the stack Laney was currently working her way through. T.D.D. described him perfectly. He was most definitely tall, dark and dangerous.

  “Never thought of throwing dirty cutlery at a guy, I’ll have to remember that next time.”

  Laney looked up at her friend in exasperation. Although she could be a snarky bitch at times, Ella was the closest thing Laney had ever had to a best friend, and deep inside she knew that Ella was actually very sensitive. Unfortunately, most people didn’t see past the tough exterior.

  Ella would never let anyone push her around. She was too sure of herself, too confident in her own skin. Of course, she was also five-eight with gorgeous curves, not five feet in heels with the body of a prepubescent child. Ella liked to change her hair color and style to suit her mood, but even the fact that it was currently black with purple tips and lay in jagged, uneven layers did little to detract from her beauty.

  “You want him, you go get him, tiger,” Laney said, shuddering slightly. “Quite frankly he scares the shit out of me.”

  Ella frowned down at her. “Laney, you are one weird chick. Of course, I always knew that. Who else but a crazy person would actually choose to live in this crappy town?” Laney knew that the only thing keeping Ella here was an ailing mother who depended on her.

  “But if you’re sure?” Ella asked absently, her hands already undoing another of her buttons until there was an almost indecent amount of cleavage showing.

  “I’m sure,” Laney said firmly. “I don’t want him.” Maybe if she said it out loud enough times, she would actually come to believe it.

  “Well, then, wish me luck,” Ella sang as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Laney to tidy up the rest of the dishes herself. Not that she minded. Most werewolves were extroverts—they liked, even needed the constant presence of others. Not Laney. If she was alone, she was happy. Mostly. Laney shook her head to clear it. She should be focusing on what the hell this guy was doing here, not the pitiful state of her life. He didn’t smell like her pack, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been hired by them.

  Sighing, she rinsed off the last of the dishes. Really, it didn’t matter why he was here, he was a male werewolf and they didn’t allow their women to live away from a pack. In fact, she didn’t know of any other werewolves, male or female, who lived alone. Werewolves generally didn’t do well by themselves. But so far she was okay, no secret yearnings to hunt and eat humans. Uhh, yuck!

  “Damn man left!”

  Laney jumped, looking over as Ella stormed her way back in, a pile of perfectly balanced plates resting in her arms.

  “W-what?” Laney asked, quickly moving out of the way. Ella was a steamroller when she was mad—it was move or get flattened.

  “I was flirting with him, leaned right over so he could view the girls, when he jumped up and said he had to leave. Hmmm, maybe he’s gay.”

  “Umm, yeah, maybe,” Laney said absently. Maybe he was just passing through. Surely if her Alpha had sent him, he’d have tried to grab her and run.

  “That’s gotta be it,” Ella muttered while Laney nodded, feeling a curious mix of disappointment and relief.


  The rest of the evening passed in a blur. It was a busy Friday night with the usual locals plus a few strangers who were just passing through, mainly truckers. Being on the main highway was the reason Fat Eddy’s did so well. By the end of the evening her feet hurt, she smelled like cigarette smoke and fried food and all she wanted was to get home and have a long, hot shower.

  Unfortunately, tonight was not going to be her night if the werewolf leaning against the driver’s door of her small, beat-up car was any indication.

  Laney paused, cursing silently. Thinking she might still be able to slip away before he spotted her, she took a slow step back.

  “Going somewhere, sweet?” he drawled, looking completely relaxed as he leaned lazily against her car, his arms and legs crossed. Laney froze, cursing aloud this time.

  “Damn it! Yes, I’m going home. Can you move so I can get in my car?”

  “You know, sweet, you might want to be a little nicer considering you’re a lone wolf in a town full of rednecks and drunkards.”

  His voice never rose from a soft drawl, but still Laney looked around nervously for any witnesses. She knew how badly the citizens of Addison would take it if they suddenly discovered she was a werewolf. While werewolves were legal citizens in the United States, there were still a lot of humans who viewed them as little more than animals. Worse, they saw them as abominations.

  The biggest anti-werewolf group was a group called HAW, Humans Against Werewolves, who wanted all werewolves eradicated. Like pests. Most of them kept their protests peaceful, but there were a few extremists and their numbers seemed to be growing if the spike in violent episodes against werewolves lately was any indication.

  There was a group of HAW supporters in Addison. The whole town knew that they met every Friday night at Frank Hadley’s place. From what she’d heard they mainly just met up to do a lot of drinking and talking, but she knew the hatred was there, had seen it in some of their eyes when they’d been in the bar boasting foolishly about what they’d do should a werewolf pack ever move near Addison.

  While Laney doubted that anyone in this town had even met a werewolf before, they’d all heard the rumors, seen the movies and built an unfounded hatred and fear.

  Laney let out a quiet sigh as she confirmed they were alone. Regret and relief mingled. Regret, because she’d love a witness, would love someone to come along and send him packing. A foolish wish, as she knew no one in this town was strong enough to make him do anything he didn’t want to do. Hence the relief, because she didn’t want anyone getting hurt trying to defend her. She’d just have to deal with him by herself.

  Her chin rose and she crossed her arms.

  “What makes you think I’m alone?” she asked. She was, of course, but there was no reason to let him know that.

  “Don’t bother trying to lie to me, sweet. One, you’re no good at it, and two, we both know that no self-respecting male werewolf would let you work in that dump.” His lip curled in contempt as he nodded toward Fat Eddy’s.

straightened her shoulders. “Perhaps it doesn’t look like much to you, but it pays my bills.” Barely. “Now move. I’m tired and I want to go home to sleep, not listen to some stranger bitch about where I work and live.”

  “Bitch? Oh, sweet, how long have you been living with humans? You’ve forgotten who the bitch is.”

  He shifted off the car, stretching his arms above his head with a sinuous grace that held her enthralled. The play of well-developed muscles under delicious, deeply tanned skin made her mouth water.

  “You know, sweet, you should think about being nicer to me. The only male wolf for miles around…”

  Laney adopted a look of what she hoped was disgust, sneering at him to hide her surge of hungry lust. She clenched her thighs together tightly, as though that would stop the gush of moisture suddenly drenching her pussy. Wishful thinking!

  Shit. Months of living among the humans and not one of them had come anywhere close to affecting her like this.

  “I don’t care if you’re the only male wolf left on the planet. All I want is for you to move away from my car so I can go home.”

  He took a step toward her, narrowing his predator’s eyes on her face as she gulped but stood her ground. Laney knew better than to let a bully know she was frightened—it would just spur him on.

  “I can hear your heartbeat quickening, sweet. Scared?” He closed the space between them until her chest brushed against his ribs. The top of her head didn’t even reach his shoulders.

  “That’s fury, not fear, and stop calling me sweet. I am not sweet.”

  “Really? Spicy then? Hmmm, I like that.” He reached out a hand and brushed her hot cheek with his fingers as Laney fought not to jump away. A tingle of awareness danced over her skin at his light touch, her body flushing with a simmering heat as she wondered what it would feel like to have him touch her in other places.

  “If it’s not fear making your heart beat faster, then you won’t mind if I do this.” He leaned down, his full lips covering hers as his tongue sweet-talked its way into her mouth. Damn, what a kiss! Every nerve in her body sat up and sang as his tongue caressed hers. He didn’t just kiss her mouth, he made love to it, and for the first time Laney understood what a kiss was supposed to feel like. He kissed her as though he had every right to, and she was horrified to find that her wolf agreed with him. She couldn’t stop herself as she shivered and rubbed against him, a soft, sensuous body roll that had them both moaning.


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