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Electric Moon

Page 7

by Stacey Brutger

  Sunlight sparkled off the glass. A level of pure concrete separated every few floors. The place was a fortress dressed in disguise for human sensibility. She had no doubt the place could withstand a full frontal attack.

  To prevent aggression, meetings of pack leaders were limited to the alpha and a second. The rules to brokering deals were sacred. If she messed this up, she could be blackballed from working with other shifters in an alpha capacity, which would leave her pack vulnerable.

  Nerves skimmed along her back as she stood on the sidewalk. Her animals shifted in unease, but surprisingly remained dormant, possibly understanding that they the need to remain hidden to protect her.

  She took that as a good sign, but not enough to relax her stranglehold over herself. “Ready?”

  London grunted, still clearly not pleased with the lack of security, even though he was the security. Since they were going into the wolves’ den, she thought it best to be loaded with bear.


  When riled, London would turn into a full-grown Kodiak grizzly. That she suspected he was a hybrid, genetically engineered, merely increased his value in her eyes, though most saw it as a defect.

  Her pack was raised in the labs where each breath was a struggled to survive. The shifter community fought amongst themselves, but they never really had to stand alone. They couldn’t survive without the support of their pack behind them. That gave Raven and London a very important edge they needed to come out on top.

  She took a deep breath and stepped up to the door, only to halt in surprise when a doorman opened it for her. Clearly they had money and wealth and weren’t afraid to show it.

  The thick glass was bulletproof. The doors reinforced. There was even a fall back door behind the main desk if the lobby fell in an attack.

  Everything inside was marble. One would normally call it elegant, but the quantity tipped the scales to vulgar. The place would’ve been a beautiful piece of artwork if you could discount the awful décor.


  “What?” Raven continued into the lobby, grateful for London’s presence when the smell of wet dog threatened to overpower her. Not appreciating the scent either, her wolf pawed the ground restlessly. The beast took advantage of her preoccupation to peer through her eyes and assess the scene.

  The unexpected action startled Raven so badly, she stopped and scrutinize everything around her. The sheer quantity of information filtering into her brain nearly overwhelmed her. She didn’t care if it appeared she was gawking as she processed everything.

  Her wolf’s vision muted the distracting colors of the human eyes. Movements were sharper, shadows disappeared, and every predator was noted, judged and found lacking.

  “They’re proclaiming their status amongst other packs.”

  His words broke her concentration. Her wolf retreated, dormant for now, waiting to be called at even the slightest sign of trouble. The disorientation lasted seconds. Vision restored, Raven snorted at London’s comment. “More like screaming it at the top of their lungs.”

  She continued toward the front desk, resisting the urge to sneeze and clear her nose. Without waiting for her to speak, the man rose.

  “If you would follow me, Miss Raven, they are expecting you.”

  She tensed at the recognition, so used to her anonymity throughout the years that being identified on sight disturbed her.

  Though slim and unassuming, the sidearm revealed the guard was prepared for trouble and would take care of it the most efficient way possible. Not surprising. He was a wolf, the scent of pack all over him in what smelled like itch weed.

  London prodded her in the back, nearly sending her sprawling when her feet were reluctant to move. “Thanks.”

  Teeth flashed. “My pleasure.”

  “This way, please.”

  They were led down a series of corridors. After crisscrossing their own path more than once, she decided it was either a test or they were trying to make sure she couldn’t find her own way. She was betting on the former.

  “If you could wait here.” The room was blindingly white, the walls, the floors, the flowers and even the furniture. She saw the refreshment, but wasn’t tempted closer.

  London stood to the side of the door, took the standard bodyguard pose, and just froze. His uniform of a white shirt and black pants did nothing to diminish his impressive size. Though he looked bored, she knew he would come to attention at the least provocation.

  The room didn’t really have a smell to it, everything new and unused. Cocking her head to the side, she closed her eyes and concentrated. The walls teemed with energy, the wires all but crackling with power. She couldn’t resist the urge to probe further. She mentally hovered her fingers over the cables then stiffened when she saw where the electricity pooled.

  The room was rigged.

  They were being watched.

  She withdrew slowly, careful not to trip any wires, leaving no trace of herself. Turning, she lifted her chin toward the camera artfully hidden at the top of the picture frame, another in the far corner and a third hidden in the fireplace.

  “Most guests never discover the cameras.” The boy from the club slipped into the room, his dimple flashing as he spoke. The jeans and shirt were casual, but not to be mistaken with cheap. They probably cost more than her car. “Mother’s letting you stew.”

  “I suspected.” Raven nodded, doing her best not to show her surprise at his sudden appearance. He’d been so well guarded at the club, she suspected no one knew he’d snuck in to talk to her.

  He wasn’t as compact has his old man, but he had a few years of growing left. Given time, she didn’t doubt he’d outstrip his father in strength. Closely cropped blond hair stood in spikes around his head, and those ghostly pale blue eyes studied her with unnerving intensity. A twang of discord simmered around him, same as at the club, but she couldn’t pinpoint what actually felt off about him.

  “Should you be down here?” The boy didn’t wander away from the door. When she shifted to sneak a glance at the cameras, she understood. He was out of range if he remained still.

  A security breech? Or done on purpose?

  Damn sneaky shifters.

  She angled her body so she appeared to be speaking to London.

  “Jackson’s very protective of you.”

  She shrugged off the quick surge of hope, but could do nothing about the way her heart leapt. “As he is of you.”

  He shook his head in denial, never taking his eyes off her. “Not like you. You’re different.”

  Footsteps sounded down the hall behind her, and she looked over her shoulder at the door. When she turned back, the kid was gone.

  London came to her side, his chest an impressive expanse of muscle enough to discourage any inquisitive wolf. “Strange kid.”

  “Why do I feel like I’ve just been vetted?”

  The door opened before he could reply.

  “If you’d follow me.” A different male approached, his suit impeccably pressed, his shoes shined to a polish, every piece of hair in order. The man looked so similar to the guard that if he hadn’t smelled slightly tangier, she would’ve guessed he’d changed clothes.

  They obediently followed him into the elevator and watched as the steel doors slid shut. “Is that normal?” She gestured toward their escort’s back, and the building’s Stepford husband look-alikes.

  London’s face was expressionless. Nearly a minute passed before he shrugged, and Raven’s brow furrowed. “More status shit?”

  She would swear she saw his lips twitch, but no smile formed. The ride shot upwards without warning. The confined space sucked out all the fresh air. With each breath, the man’s scent crept over her skin, invaded her lungs.

  The walls pressed closer.

  Determined not to let her beasts out of their cage, she grabbed a tiny spark to ensure they remained tame, stepping back so she wouldn’t infect the others.

  And gasped when her back pressed against cold s

  Electricity leapt at the contact, feeding her a steady stream of current. Her core greedily sucked it down as if starved.

  Or threatened.

  Lights flickered.

  The motor to the elevator clunked ominously, and Raven nearly bolted into London as she put distance between her and the walls.

  “That’s odd.” The guide pushed a button but seemed appeased when the ride smoothed out.

  London didn’t say a word, though a wrinkle creased between his eyes. He hadn’t once removed his stare from their guide, and she wondered if he expected the man to hijack the elevator.

  Raven studied the man as well. Nothing appeared out of normal. Benign even. But a tickle scratched at the back of her mind. She closed her eyes and twisted a strand of energy around his shields, shaking at the tremendous amount of control it took not to breach his control and touch his wolf.

  And nearly strangled at what she found.

  The man’s aura was pure animal lust, his beast raging to get out. He all but panted at her nearness, desperately begging for her touch. The man’s restraint was extraordinary, but if she so much as brushed against him, he’d have her up against the wall in seconds.

  And she’d pay the price for poaching on another pack.

  Another damn test.

  She couldn’t afford any transgressions before the conclave.

  The machine stopped seamlessly, the doors gliding open. The guide stepped to the side, indicating they could leave. The wolf stared at Raven, hunger burning in his eyes, as if she were lunch and dessert all rolled up in one. He practically licked his lips when she took a step forward, but didn’t move in her direction in any way.

  It took a lot of will for her not to bolt. She stepped carefully between the men in what felt like a dangerous game of Operation. If she touched anything, game over.

  Anger at the cheap trick burned away her nerves, and she entered the penthouse suite.

  Her feet sank in lush white carpeting. Wide-open space greeted her. Fresh air filled her lungs and cleared her head. Raven and London fanned out to give themselves room, falling into the relaxed, lazy fighting pose London had taught her. With no sign of her beasts, the energy at her core took advantage of the opportunity and teamed around her. The tangled strands settling under her skin, just waiting to flare up at any hint of a threat.

  Raven didn’t know if she should be grateful or not. Any signs of the moon madness had been erased, but no one could be allowed to know how she’d managed the feat.

  Kevin and a tall blonde woman entered the room. Both looked toward the elevator, and Raven turned in time to see the guide shake his head, his eyes locked on her ass.

  When she turned back, Kevin was smiling and the blonde had her pinned with a scowl. Raven didn’t need to be told she was the alpha bitch of the pack. It was written all over her attitude.

  The perfect coiffure of fake curls and silk clothes screamed money. Too bad it didn’t purchase taste. Cold blue eyes trailed over her person and the blonde snorted inelegantly. “So this is your idea of a solution?” She laughed, ran a finger down Kevin’s face hard enough to leave a small bead of blood, marking him in front of her like Raven was a rival, and then left the way she’d come.

  Kevin didn’t once lose his smile as he brushed away the blood. He waited for the woman to vanish before he gestured back toward the elevator. “How about we go to my rooms for a little privacy?”

  Raven crossed her arms. “How about we take the stairs?” No one was going to get her in that elevator with another male.

  “Of course.” He didn’t have the grace to blush, but since he was doing what she asked, she didn’t push the issue.

  Two flights of stairs down, they entered a much more muted room, still expensive, but understated and lived in. “Please, take a seat.”

  Raven raised a brow.

  “No more games, I promise.”

  “What do you want?” Raven ignored his suggestion, grateful to have London at her back. She didn’t care if she was blunt. She just wanted to find out what the hell he wanted and leave.

  “Your help. I couldn’t ask for it until Vivian gave her approval.” Anger clouded his eyes, but it was there and gone before she could be sure.

  “My help with what?” Suspicions crammed into her mind.

  “My son.”

  That was the last thing she expected him to say. Raven stilled, disliking being taken off guard. “What about him?”

  “He’s going to die unless you help.” The man met her stare dead in the eye, worry stealing the confidence that seemed so much a part of him.

  His comment baffled her. “What help could I give that you don’t already have at your fingertips?”

  Whatever she saw hardened, and the father disappeared in place of the businessman. “You want Jackson returned to you, yes?”

  Raven remained mute, her eyes narrowing, not liking the way this conversation was going. His expression was almost feverish. “If you agree to my terms, he’s yours.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You can’t do this.” London paced behind her, showing his agitation for the first time since they’d arrived. She would’ve said he lumbered, but his footsteps were too light.

  Raven gazed out the window, down at the streets so many stories below. Kevin went to fetch Jackson, leaving them alone. Trepidation froze her feet to the carpeting. Hell, half her body refused to move, and only part of it had to do with seeing Jackson again.

  No, most of the dread stealing over her was because London was right. “What choice do I have? If I don’t agree, he’ll make it a point to never allow Jackson to leave.”

  “You don’t even know what he wants, and you’re already agreeing.” London didn’t sound angry but more resigned.

  The elevator warned them of their host’s return. The doors opened. The only thing she saw was Jackson’s whiskey colored gaze. She didn’t know what she envisioned, but his bitterly cold expression wasn’t it.

  Kevin walked in the room, his son trailing behind him. “I want to hire you to guard my son.”

  Raven blinked and eyed Jackson. He looked fit. If anything, he appeared broader, stronger than she’d remembered. “And what you have isn’t sufficient?”

  Kevin didn’t deny it, his expression unchanging. “You want Jackson. They come as a package deal.”

  The feeling of being played hardened her resolve to get to the bottom of this visit. “What would I be able to do that you can’t?”

  “I believe he means my mother.” The boy stepped forward, his dimple flashing. “I’m nearing my maturity. Since I’m an alpha, that means I could take over the pack and displace her rule. She won’t give up her power willingly, especially since I’m not so easily controlled.” He didn’t offer his hand, but gave her a good-humored smile as if his mother trying to kill him was an inside joke. “I’m Aaron.”

  “And this is something you want?”

  Intelligence sharpened his pale blue gaze, but she had no sense of his wolf. Absolutely none, which was odd since he claimed to be an alpha. “I want to live. Jackson said you could help.”

  Jackson flinched imperceptibly. Raven’s heart bottomed out, pumping hard. She didn’t allow herself the luxury of imagining what secrets he’d divulged for fear she would crack.

  They had a type of truce between them, but now that he was whole and healthy again, he could be one of her biggest threats.

  He knew too many of her secrets.

  Energy wavered around her, dread threatening to topple her control. She turned away to preserve what was left of her composure. “Help you with what?”

  Aaron cocked his head, his stare unnerving in its intensity. The discord around the boy increased, threatening to make her head explode under the weight. She rubbed her temple. “What are you doing?”

  The teenager couldn’t disguise his shock. The pressure immediately stopped. “You felt that?”

  His question caused her mouth to snap shut. Neither of them s
aid anything else, both unwilling to give away more of their secrets. Each eyed each other up, uncertain what to expect. Then he whispered a plea only she heard.

  “Say yes.” Genuine turmoil radiated from him.

  Her gaze flicked suspiciously to Jackson, but his stoic expression gave nothing away.

  Damned stubborn bastard.

  “For how long?” London grunted at the question, clearly not pleased she was still thinking about their offer. It wasn’t a yes, but it wasn’t the no he demanded either.

  Aaron gave a casual shrug that she didn’t buy. “Until I crest and can be presented to the conclave. No one would question it as shifters sometimes foster their kids out to other packs as a type of learning tool.”

  Raven wasn’t buying it. “No one would believe your parents would let you out of their sight, especially as you near your cresting. They wouldn’t risk someone contaminating you.”

  “But they might if they thought there was a way to snag one of the few unclaimed alpha females in the area.” There was something in his phrasing that put her back up.

  “You have no romantic interest in me.” Raven was too relieved to be offended. “Why do you wish to leave?”

  Another shrug. “Is it not enough that my mother is trying to kill me? Does there have to be something more?”

  No, there didn’t, but she’d bet her life that there was something he held back. But was this wild gamble worth the risk to her fledgling pack? Yes, if it meant that she could get Jackson back where he belonged.

  She couldn’t let him go without a fight.

  Not this time.

  She owed it to him to at least try.

  She faced Keith and took a deep breath. “What are your terms?”

  * * *

  Raven parked the car in front of her house and waited for the second vehicle to pull up behind her. The air pressed heavily against her, and she tipped her head back. A storm brewed on the horizon, the dark thunderclouds rolling ever closer as if drawn to her turmoil.

  The pull of the storm was incredible. Like a living lightning rod, all the hair on her body stood on end. There was nowhere to go that it wouldn’t reach her. She resisted the wild urge to draw down all that beautiful power waiting for her and just wallow in it.


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