Electric Moon

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Electric Moon Page 16

by Stacey Brutger

  Raven’s brows wrinkled as she played the attack over in her head. She would have done things differently, but she didn’t have possession of any weapon that could’ve helped. “I think I would know if I had power to stop them.”

  “I’ll teach you.”

  That captured her attention. “How?”

  “Lust.” Durant opened the door and vanished outside without another word.

  The door drifted shut before she could close her mouth. She shot outside, her strides quickly eating the distance between them. She wanted to blurt out her questions, but held back, not sure she really wanted to know. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

  She should’ve been more careful what she wished for.

  * * *

  The Aston Martin purred as Durant started the car, the strong leather scent that so reminded her of him filled the confined space. Raven inhaled deeper, savoring it. She didn’t touch anything for fear of leaving even a fingerprint on the pristine surfaces.

  “Kiss me.”

  Those were the first words out of Durant’s mouth since they’d left the morgue, and she went rigid.

  “What?” The word emerged as a croak, her mouth going dry at the thought of her leaning over and boldly kissing him. She tried to smile, only to have her lips wobble. “Aren’t you moving a little fast for a first date?”

  He put the car into gear, the tires chirping as he shot out into traffic with a casualness that shouldn’t have surprised her. The car suited him.



  Ready to pounce.

  Traffic zipped by at an alarming rate. Her heart rocketed, but she didn’t have any qualms of them crashing. No, he handled the car too smoothly for that. What made her nervous was the edginess to him that she didn’t know how to tame.

  “I won’t force you to do anything, but you have to learn how to control those around you. The easiest way to begin is by physical contact.”

  Though his body was relaxed, his words casual, there was something between them that belied everything he’d just said. “Is that what you want? Me to control you?”

  White teeth flashed as he smiled. “I have more mastery over my beast than anyone else in our pack. I’m the only one strong enough not to surrender to you.”

  She watched his arms flex as he maneuvered the car. “Won’t that be painful?”

  Durant’s laugher filled the car. Warmth spread through her at the sound, but the slight edge to the heat had her shifting in her seat.

  “It will be delicious torture.” One he sounded like he would relish.

  Unable to look at him for fear she would give in without thinking through all the consequences, she gazed out the window. She wasn’t aware that she’d been fiddling with her gloves until Durant caught her fingers. He placed her hand on his thigh, uncurling her fist until her fingers were splayed over his leg. Muscles bunched at her touch. When she would’ve pulled away, he tightened his hold.

  “You have to get used to touching us. You have to get used to using us. Let me do this for you.” He released her and gripped the wheel like her hand wasn’t nestled inches from his growing arousal.

  When she didn’t immediately reject the idea, he continued. “You can use lust against those who try to hurt you. Most alpha’s learn the tool at an early age. It’s subtle.”

  “It’s manipulative.”

  He signaled and smoothly switched lanes. “It’s pack. Even if you don’t use it, you need to know how so you can recognize it in others. I can teach you. I won’t touch you unless you bid me.”

  Why did that sound so deliciously dangerous?

  Chapter Seventeen

  They arrived at Talons twenty minutes later, entering through the back door. With each step, Raven resisted the urge to turn and run. The thought of touching Durant made her tremble, and she couldn’t claim it was all fear. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

  “We can stop at any time.”

  The energy that had risen while at the morgue had dissipated. The burn of the moon licked through her, whispering for her to brush against him. Logically, she knew what he said made sense. She needed him to teach her. She feared that once she started, she wouldn’t be able to stop.

  She’d wanted to get to know him, but not like this. “Tell me about yourself?”

  Durant opened the door to his office. She went to step through when he quickly closed it on her, shutting her in the hallway with him. He crowded into her space, placing a hand on the wall by her head, blocking her avenues of escape. “How about we play a game? For every kiss, I’ll answer one of your questions.”

  Heat poured off him, tempting her to give into him, anything to just be able to touch him. Thoughts became clouded. He leaned closer, his lips hovering so over hers. “Say yes.”

  She tore her gaze from his lips and met his stare. “You want this?”

  She hadn’t meant to sound so breathless. Hadn’t meant to reveal her need. It’d been so long since she’d been able to be close to someone. She wasn’t sure she could say no when she wanted that connection so badly.

  “More than anything.” Durant didn’t smile, didn’t move in anyway. The power of him bunched under his skin, waiting for her to say no.

  “And you’ll stop at any time?”

  His throat bobbed painfully, and he gave a curt nod.

  She bit her lip, and a groan rumbled in his chest before he could prevent it.

  “One question for one kiss.”

  Durant nodded again.

  “And we’ll put on a timer.” It would keep her from getting lost in the moment. Prevent her from taking too much.

  “Anything you want.”

  She closed her eyes, her breathing a little too fast, leaving her lightheaded.

  Or maybe that was just him.

  “Teach me.”

  The door shot open, and she was shoved inside in under a second. Raven whirled to see Durant very deliberately lock the door. She swallowed hard, her heart pounding as excitement and dread tumbled through her.

  Durant rested his forehead on the door, struggling for control, presenting her with a very drool worthy line of his back and ass. She licked her lips, the sight of him so pushed to the edge, calming her. She no longer felt like prey.

  “I need you to do something for me.”

  She traced her fingertips against her lips, still able to feel his breath on them. Could almost taste him. It solidified her decision. “Of course.”

  “In the bottom right hand side of my desk, you’ll find a box of confiscated items from the club. Grab two handcuffs and bring them to me.”

  Doubts began to edge their way into her mind, cooling her thoughts. “Durant—”


  Raven hesitated, but the wealth of emotions in his voice changed her mind. He didn’t ask anyone for anything. Ever. He just took or demanded and people obeyed.

  She opened the drawer, hating the way her hand shook. She trusted him.

  Didn’t she?

  She pulled out two metal mismatched cuffs with the keys tied to them and walked toward him. “Here.”

  She thrusted out the cuffs, half-expecting to feel cold metal slip around her wrist. Instead, he clamped them on his own. He caught her hand, pried open her fingers and gently placed the keys in her palm.

  Her heart skipped a beat. “What are you doing?”

  “Is that your question?” With cuffs dangling from his arms, he walked toward an old, antique chair and placed it in the center of the room. He sat then calmly cuffed himself to the chair’s arms.

  “Question?” Her eyes widened at the implication. “No.”

  She rushed forward to stop him. By the time she reached his side, he calmly held out his arm.

  “Cuff me.”

  When she would’ve protested, she saw the slight tremor in his hand. A vulnerability he allowed her to see. She did as told. Her whole body warmed at the thought of him helpless to her. She couldn’t meet his gaze when she

  She should’ve been horrified, but that was the last emotion she felt.

  “Set the timer then come back here.”

  Raven set the clock on his desk, reluctantly returning to stand in front of him.

  “Crawl on my lap.”

  “What?” Her head snapped up, unaware that she’d been watching her feet. The raw desire on his face made her heart thump painfully against her ribs.

  “So you can reach me better.” He held up his hands, only to be caught up short. “And I need you to touch me.”

  Feeling clumsy, Raven stepped closer until her leg bumped his knee. Her stomach whirled at seeing him so defenseless. “Why are you doing this? I can feel your beast isn’t pleased.”

  “We’ll be fine once you touch us.” Then he smiled. “I’ll consider that your first answer. Kiss me.”

  His knee nudged her leg. Waiting only stretched out the torture, so she sighed and grabbed her courage before she turned and ran.

  Raven placed her knees on either side of his thighs and scooted closer, balanced precariously at the very edge of the chair. At the contact, he relaxed completely into the cushions as if he wouldn’t be anywhere else.

  “You did this for me, didn’t you?” He thought she would run, so he’d made himself vulnerable.

  Smug, Durant settled his head against the back of the chair. “You owe me two kisses now.”

  Raven scowled. “Neither of those were questions.”

  “That’s the only pass you will receive.” His gaze slowly worked its way up her body, leaving behind a trail of heat that made her fidget. “What do you want to know?”

  “You gave up leading your own pack to run Talons. You took in a human and treated her as your cub. You came to me for help, willing to pay any price for me to save her.”

  Durant gave a crooked smile. “Is there a question in there?”

  “Why choose me?” She hadn’t meant to ask that. She wanted to know more about his past, but the question had just slipped out.

  “The most important thing to remember is touch. Shifters live by physical contact, the connections forged between pack members. It can be used as a reward and punishment. Put your hand on my arm.”

  Raven did as told, trailing her leathered-tipped fingers over his forearm, marveling at the warmth.

  “What do you feel?”

  “Skin. Heat. You.”

  Durant shook his head. “You’re thinking like a human. Push deeper.”

  Raven closed her eyes and brushed her fingers over his arm again, concentrating on something she could only sense beneath the surface. “Your beast.”

  In answer, curiosity called her own animal toward the surface.

  Only it wasn’t a wolf that answered.

  Feline. Big.

  The smell of rainforest and exotic flowers whirled in the air.

  Then she was there, waiting under the surface, observing her prey. Durant’s stillness clued her in first. His eyes were completely gold with shattered emotions.

  “A shifter is most vulnerable when they are between forms, when neither animal or human is in complete control.” His voice was a rough whisper. “This is when an alpha can overpower the other shifter. If your beast shows enough dominance, your adversary will back down. If you’re strong enough, you can take command.”

  Raven inched closer. “And if the shifter was bad and gave me a lesson instead of answering my question?”

  Cuffs rattled. He lowered his arms and gripped the chair until his knuckles whitened.

  “Naughty kitty.”

  She knew she shouldn’t mess with him, but she couldn’t resist having him completely at her mercy. She doubted she would ever have the opportunity again. She ducked her head closer to his, stopping short from touching him.

  She didn’t even think he was breathing. Raven placed her palms on his shoulders and slowly dragged her hands down his chest, her nails sharp enough to leave a sting in their wake.

  Durant bowed under her contact, seeking more.

  “Tell me.”

  Instead of a reply, he snorted. “You learn fast. I want my kiss.”

  Raven drew back an inch, and he growled. “You gave me a lesson, not my answer. Why me?”

  “You were a temptation.” Durant smiled gently, and Raven pulled back further, unnerved by the unexpected emotion. “Shifters are drawn to strength, and you were an alpha just growing into yourself. You foolishly fought for something when you had no reason to interfere. Because you thought it was the right thing to do. You have the power to touch a person too deeply and change them.” He tipped up his head. “Now my kiss.”

  Raven didn’t care for his explanation at all. She didn’t want to change people. Changing people drew attention. She leaned closer, her face nearly touching his. “And why did you want to change?”

  “Shifters are pack creatures. They don’t do well alone.”

  Raven narrowed her eyes, recognizing he was holding something back. “We’re not talking about shifters. We’re talking about you.”

  A scowl marred his face. “You’re like me. You’re searching for something.”

  “And what are you searching for?”

  “You.” Without waiting for her, he leaned forward, sealing his lips to hers. Her eyes slid shut as he devoured her mouth, begging her to open and return the kiss.

  Under the onslaught, Raven was helpless to deny him. His need fed her own. As soon as she surrendered, the kiss gentled. But gentle was more devastating. He took his time to learn her taste. He wasn’t just taking. He was seducing her with his mouth, making her crave him so she would come back for more.

  Frightened by the strength of the desire he stirred, she pulled back. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before she realized that the buzzer was ringing on his desk.

  She rose without looking at him, turning off the clock.

  “Set it again. There is more you need to know.”

  It was a demand and it made her smile, but she was afraid to discover more. His answers were too revealing. She wasn’t sure she wanted the brutal truth about herself exposed. The lies she told herself were the only comfort she had. She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to live with the truth.

  “Ask me a question.”

  The taste of wildness and seduction lingered on her lips.

  Just one more taste.

  What could it hurt?

  Raven set the clock for fifteen minutes.

  “Now come here.”

  She lingered behind him, relished teasing him too much to obey quickly. Who would have thought the delicate nape of his neck would be so attractive? She trailed her fingers down the strip of flesh. “You’re a bit bossy for the one tied up.”

  “I want to see you.” He twisted to catch a glimpse of her. “Please.”

  Raven circled the chair and stopped a short distance away to clear her head.

  “You need to learn how to mete out punishment.”

  All thoughts of lust evaporated, and she retreated a step. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Durant raised an eyebrow as if to say that was even possible. “I’m alpha. I can show you control. And you need the practice. If you slip, I can manage the pain. Do it.”

  “Bossy.” But he was right. She needed to learn, if not for herself, she needed to know how to keep her people safe. That included him.

  But if he wanted to do this, she wanted to actually feel him this time. She missed physical contact, missed the feel of another living person beneath her touch, skin to skin.

  She lifted her hand and watched him, ready to stop at the least sign of trepidation. His gaze dropped to her hands and didn’t lift again as she worked the leather off her fingers, one at a time. When she finally pulled off the gauntlet glove and tossed it to a chair, his breath caught.

  It shouldn’t amuse her.

  It was just her hand, but she adored his reaction. She de-gloved the other hand slower, watching him watch her and couldn’t believe how
much the small act made her feel daring and sexy as hell.

  When she walked toward him, she kept her hands away while she straddled his lap. She leaned in close and inhaled his scent.

  “Ask a question.”

  Her lips twitched, brushing against his neck ever so lightly, and he trembled.


  “Have you ever been in love?” She could’ve bitten her tongue as soon as the question slipped out. He stiffened beneath her, and her whole body froze in horror.

  “Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer.” The harshness of his voice sent a flash of hurt through her, and betrayal quickly turned to downright pissed-off.

  Fury bubbled up her chest, and the creature at her core woke. Menace pooled in her blood, and sped through her system like a virus. Raven should’ve been terrified, maybe she would be later, but it wanted answers and so did she.

  Her hand shot out and encircled his throat. His pulse pounded under her grip. The heat of his skin burned. Unwilling to give up her prey, she tightened her hold. “Am I some sort of game to you?”

  Durant stilled as her fingers dug into his neck. “I will never lie to you. I was in love a long time ago.”

  “And you still love her.” Jealousy curled through her, but Durant was theirs now. And they wouldn’t give up what was theirs.

  Durant leaned forward despite her hold. “I deserve my kiss.”

  Raven slammed him back into his chair. Her lips curled into a snarl, and the creature clenched her talons, ready to rip out his throat. “I will not play second fiddle to anyone.”

  Durant snorted, amusement dancing in his golden eyes, in spite of her painful hold. “I was a different person then. If I’d loved her still, I wouldn’t be here with you.”

  The creature seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to its slumber. Some of her anger eased but not the sting of betrayal. The coldness in her chest lingered. “That’s why you accepted the position as owner of Talons, why you gave up your right to form a pack. Because of her.”

  “My kiss.”

  “What am I to you?”

  “That’s another question.” Durant eased back, sensing the worse of the danger had passed.


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