Electric Moon

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Electric Moon Page 17

by Stacey Brutger

  She was almost grateful he didn’t answer. She didn’t know if she would be able to handle the truth. She leaned forward, but couldn’t bring herself to kiss him on the lips. Instead, she set her mouth against his throat and licked the base of his neck where his pulse pounded, revealing that he wasn’t as unaffected as he wanted her to believe. He tipped his head back to give her better access, but she wasn’t done with him yet.

  He shivered when she pulled back. Before she could ask her next question, he spoke.

  “You have the threatening part down, but now we need to see if you can go through with it.”

  “But I wasn’t done with my questions.”

  Durant didn’t smile, didn’t move. “If you kiss me again right now, I can’t guarantee I will be a gentleman.”

  Raven wasn’t sure she wanted him to be one either. But he was right, she needed to focus on surviving the conclave first. In order to do that, she needed his help.

  “Fine. What do I do?” She wiggled to put more distance between them, then stopped when a rumble filled his chest.

  “First, don’t move like that unless you mean it.”

  Heat filled Raven’s face. “Right.”

  “Then let’s begin. Touch me and allow your beast to rise.”

  Raven hesitated and scanned her body. The creature lay like a block of ice, curled tightly around her core. It couldn’t be allowed to wake again.

  What decided the issue was that she needed an edge before she went in front of the council. She couldn’t let her fear cause her to lose everything.

  She gently brushed her fingers over his arm, and a grumble of displeasure rose from him.

  “Unbutton my shirt. You can reach more of me that way.”

  His words were innocent enough, but him being without a shirt was so not a good idea. “Durant—”

  “It will be fine. It’s not sexual. Unless you can think of another way to make your beast rise?”

  No, she couldn’t. His nearness befuddled her mind too much. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons. His shirt parted, exposing his very well developed chest.

  And what a chest.

  Smooth, tanned skin lay bare, her fingers itching to explore. A light dusting of hair rested lower on his abdomen, arrowing downward as if inviting her to delve lower.

  Realizing a few minutes had passed with her drooling over him, she glanced up. Instead of teasing she’d expected, she saw a dark pool of desire on his face.

  “Touch me.”

  Not taking her gaze away from his, she reached out. A tremble shook her finger as she lightly brushed his chest, marveling at the texture of pure male. He inhaled, seeking a firmer touch. After one more stroke, she forced her hand to still, ignoring the desire to explore further.

  Like he said, this was business.

  “Now reach below the surface for your beast.”

  Raven closed her eyes, waited for her animal to rise. Only this time, it didn’t work. Then her brows lowered in understanding. “You’re locking your beast away from me.”

  “Do you think others would just allow you access?” Durant’s voice rumbled around her until only the two of them existed. “Fight for it.”

  Raven drew in a deep breath and concentrated. The first thing that came to her was his leather scent. Following the smell, she leaned closer until she nearly had her face buried in the crook of his neck, stopping just short of touching.

  Heat poured off him, and she grabbed the trail back to the source. His core. And was rewarded by a warm brush of fur. “I feel him.”

  “Now show him you’re the stronger alpha.” His breath fanned the side of her face, causing her to shudder.

  “Am I?”

  “It’s possible. Test yourself. You won’t hurt me.”

  “Won’t or can’t?” The darkness behind her eyelids allowed her to hide and be bolder than normal. She brushed her lips along his collarbone then did her best to concentrate on the lesson. Trepidation burrowed under her skin as she waited for his answer.

  “Either you do this now or we need to leave. I can’t take much more and not have you beneath me.”

  Raven shivered at his delicious words. Too bad they weren’t more of a threat than they were intended. But he was right. She wasn’t ready for the commitment he would demand if they took that step.


  “Think about control. Keeping it. Demanding it. Let your beast free.”

  Raven wanted to protest, but maybe he was right. She’d never allowed her beasts free reign, letting her fear get the better of her. But maybe during the moon’s call and Durant’s help, things could be different.

  There was only one sure way that had ever worked to call her beast.


  Close, physical contact.

  “I hope you know what you’re asking.” Taking her courage in both hands, Raven laid her lips against Durant’s neck.

  “Uh, Raven? Not that I mind, but what are you doing?”

  Raven rubbed her cheek against his jaw. “The fastest, surest way to call my animal is by physical contact.”

  Cuffs rattled against wood.

  Callused fingertips brush against her waist, possessiveness in the gesture. “More.”

  Raven shivered at the rough demand.

  Unable to stop herself, Raven let her hands drift lower to trace over his pecks. Muscles flexed, and he scooted lower in the chair, tumbling her across his chest with an umph. When she straightened, she inhaled sharply to find his arousal press against so intimately her.

  “Kiss me like you mean it.” Durant lifted his chin, the demand clear, but he let her take the lead and set the pace.

  Temptation beckoned, but so did his beast. If she kissed him directly, she would become lost. Instead, she ducked her head and licked the strong column of his throat. Only the angle was different, forcing her breasts to brush deliciously against him.

  The cage at her center wavered and the large cat prowled forward. Relief was instantaneous. It lasted only a second, then darkness swallowed her. The creature at her core slowly unfurled. All the lovely warmth vanished like ice seeping through her veins.

  The need to taste intensified.

  The little nibble became a nip.

  Durant arched up into her, a hiss of air escaping through his clenched teeth. Then his beast was there, growling a warning.

  Raven tried to pull back, but she wasn’t the one in control. A scream of fear and rage locked in her throat. Desperate to keep Durant safe, she grabbed a string of electricity, burning herself in her rush. She sent a blast directly toward the creature.

  Her whole chest felt like it was being torn apart from the inside out, but the beast would not be stopped.

  Not until it got what it wanted.

  Only when the taste of blood spilled into her mouth did control revert back. The luscious taste of Durant curdled in her mouth as the horror of what she’d done shot through her. The creature encircled her core, a physical weight on her chest, then went back to its slumber, content with the taste she’d stolen.

  One second Raven was in his lap, the next she was near the door, her heart pounding so hard she could barely catch her breath.

  She scrubbed her mouth with the back of her hand, unable to take her eyes from Durant. “I’m sorry.”

  Maybe worst of all, she hadn’t wanted to stop.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Un-cuff me.” Metal clanked against wood as Durant lifted his arms.

  Raven could only shake her head.

  “You don’t want to leave me locked up for others to find.”

  She hadn’t realized she’d backed away from his damn hypnotic voice until her shoulders hit the wall. It knocked some sense into her. She fumbled with the keys as she fished them out of her pocket, nearly dropped them when she pulled them free.

  She haphazardly tossed the keys at him, grabbing for the door when she heard wood groan then splinter.

  The lock slowed her down.

  Before she
could crack the door open an inch, he was there. His palm came to rest near her head, oh so very casually cutting off her escape. The cuffs from his wrist dangled inches from her nose. “Our date isn’t done.”

  Raven couldn’t stop herself from shaking, couldn’t make herself turn to face him and the truth. “You need to get away from me. You’re not safe.”

  He spun her around, slamming her back against the door. She glanced up in surprise. Anger darkened Durant’s face. “Let’s get something straight. If I wanted to leave, I could’ve at any time. You didn’t hurt me.”

  Her gaze dropped to the bright splash of blood that stained the collar of his shirt.

  “The need to bite is instinctual.” He tipped up her chin. “A bite from an alpha is a strong aphrodisiac. You’re supposed to enjoy it. You denied me the first time you tasted me.” He closed his eyes and inhaled. “I can still recall the smell your arousal.”


  “Your fear is eating you alive. You can’t let it. I’m not sure what creature took control, but I’m glad you have her. It means that if push came to shove, she would protect you. She knew I was yours. I believe she was staking claim. If I wasn’t good enough for you, the result might have been different.”

  “But she tasted you before, that first night.”

  “And I lived both times.” He seemed almost cheerful, not scared shitless like he should be.

  “You’re missing the point. That thing is in me. It’s stronger than my powers. Stronger than my animals. And it’s growing. I have no control over it. Eventually, if it ever wakes completely, I’m not going to be me anymore, and no one will be safe.”

  Durant cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “We are introduced to our animals at puberty. Your animals are young, yet. You missed the step where you and your animals grow together. They are testing and challenging you like any teenager. What took us years to master, you are experiencing in weeks.”

  Raven so wanted to believe him that she didn’t pull away. “You really believe that?”

  He gathered her close until she was pressed against him, her cheek against his bare chest. The steady beat of his heart soothed her. Oh, she knew he was doing it on purpose, but she didn’t care.

  “Let’s get you home.” He snagged the keys from the floor and pocketed the cuffs with a devilish smile. “I think I’ll take them with me in case you want to try that again.”

  Red welts marred the skin of his arm, but they were lightening even as she watched. She turned her back when he buttoned his shirt.

  “Here.” He handed her gloves to her over her shoulder.

  Grateful for something to do, she put them on. The ride home was silent but for his amusement and ragged need he made no effort to hide. She almost gave in and reached for him, but it was too soon after what happened at his office. She couldn’t afford a repeat until after she’d had time to cool down.

  They pulled up to the house sooner than she’d expected. The instant her door opened, Dominic trotted around the side of the house, keeping to the shadows. He inspected them both, but seemed satisfied with what he saw.

  Then he turned toward the woods. Only when her attention was on the forest did Jamie step from the shelter of the trees.

  “Why don’t you go in the house. I’ll take care of this.” Durant took a step when she caught his arm. Power crouched beneath the surface of him, ready and eager to leap out.

  “That rogue saved my life this morning. I invited him here.” Durant studied the other man, clearly not pleased at the turn of events, but conceded to her.

  “I think I’ll accompany you.”

  Raven didn’t argue. She wouldn’t win. She crossed the lawn, stopping with ten feet between them. “You could have come up to the house. They knew to expect you.”

  The large man only shrugged. “I trust you.”

  He gave two short whistles and three boys slowly emerged from the trees, their focus divided between her and Durant.

  Raven held out her hand to the eldest. “I’m Raven. Welcome to my home.”

  The young man was painfully thin, but healthy enough. He carefully wiped his hand on his jeans then looked toward Jamie. At his nod, the boy held out his hand. “Jase.”

  One of the other boys snorted. Jase whirled and smacked him on the back of the head. “Show some respect.”

  “This is bullshit.” The kid stomped away, hugging the shadows, a slight limp to his leg. Something about him nagged at her. She could almost put her finger on it.

  “Kyle,” the other kid, who could pass for a double, whispered in shock and whitened at the blatant disrespect.

  Raven held up her hand. “And your name?”

  “Brant.” His voice cracked.

  She looked between the two brothers, noticing subtle differences between them. Kyle was maybe two years older if she was generous. His dark hair was longer in the front, the bad boy if she had to guess, while Brant had his hair trimmed more for practicality. Both had hazel eyes, but Kyle’s were more cynical and untrusting. “Kyle, do you know why you’re here?”

  “Some crap about you being able to protect us.” He snorted at the thought of a girl protecting him was ludicrous. As if being a shifter made him indestructible.

  Jamie growled, and the kid straightened so fast she could all but hear his spine snap straight.

  “So tell me this, Kyle. You fear Jamie, yes?” The kid only glared at her. She took a gamble. “Jamie, if you and I came to a fight, who would win?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “You.”

  That had Kyle lifting his head to study her closer.

  “Do you know why?”

  “Because you’re alpha.” Raven was surprised when Jase spoke.

  “My ability is not fully developed yet, but an alpha is still stronger and faster than a pup who hasn’t yet turned. You don’t have to stay here, but Jamie risked his life to give all three of you this chance. Come or go, the decision is yours. You’ll never get another chance to see how pack lives.”

  Raven dug into her pocket and pulled out a business card that just had her number printed on it and handed it to Jamie. “You’re welcome back anytime. Call if you need me.”

  He bowed almost formally then vanished into the trees. She wanted to tell him stop, ask him why his alpha wanted to kill her, but instincts warned her not to say anything in front of Durant. She and Durant strode back toward the house. She heard one set of feet follow.

  That would be Jase.

  There were some harsh whispers and soon another set trailed behind them.

  As they neared the driveway, she heard the last set finally shuffle forward.

  “Would you care to explain?”

  Raven studied Durant’s impassive expression as he scanned the house. “He saved my life. In return, he asked for a favor.”

  “Asked? Or did you offer?” Durant shook his head. “You give away too much.”

  Raven marveled at his reaction, the same reaction as every other shifter. “They’re kids. They have no one else.”

  “Shifter kids are much more dangerous than you can even imagine. Have you ever considered he planned the attack?”

  “He wouldn’t.” Jase cringed, obviously expecting a blow for speaking out of turn.

  “Jase is right. He wouldn’t. In fact, I suspect he’s been watching for a while, protecting us from the rogues camping on the state land behind the house.”

  “But something changed.”

  Raven was unsure how much she wanted to share in front of their audience. “A number of rogues have died in the last week. No one seems to care.”

  Before they entered the house, Dominic stepped from the shadows, his gaze on the woods where Jamie had last been seen. Raven hated that he spent so much time on his own. She hesitated to place him in danger, but he would do what he wanted. “Watch over him. Just be careful.”

  The wolf disappeared in the darkness, his black fur making him all but invisible, and she quickly lost track of him. She lagg
ed behind the others as they entered the house and headed toward her office. “You three in here.”

  Durant gave her a narrowed look but didn’t protest. “I’ll see you later.”

  Raven stepped to the side, allowing the three boys to enter, watching Durant retreat up the stairs. That was not the way she’d pictured the evening ending. Maybe it was for the best. Things had gotten very intense between them too fast. It made her doubt what was her emotions and what was the moon’s call.

  When Durant disappeared from view, she turned and entered the office. Jase stood in front of the desk, staring straight ahead at attention, his arms behind his back like some soldier.

  The other two boys appeared out of place as they lingered behind him, their eyes darting around the room, but not landing on anything for more than a second. Their hair was too long and though they were clean, it was the clean of a quick scrub without benefit of a full shower and soap.

  “The rules are simple. This is my home. These people are my family. Treat them as such, and you will be treated the same in return. Don’t and you will have to deal with me. Understood?”

  Jase and Brant immediately nodded. Kyle took his time, but finally gave a lazy shrug in agreed as well.

  “The food is in the kitchen. Help yourself. Your rooms have been prepared. If you require something, ask either Taggert or Dina and they will get you what you need.

  “The rooms are considered yours. You can share or claim your own. I don’t care.” She noticed they brought no luggage. Their clothes were worn, maybe purchased from second-hand shops, but relatively clean for living in the woods. She rubbed her brow. “Taggert has one of my credit cards. Go to him in the morning and order new clothes and whatever else you need.”

  No one even moved, all their attention was on her with unnerving intensity. “Do you have any questions?”

  Still not a peep.

  “Jase, you will be in charge of your small group.”

  “What do we have to do to earn such rewards?” Jase’s face was rigid.

  “Rewards?” Raven contemplated them, trying to decipher what they weren’t saying. Then she finally comprehended the question. Rogues had demanded payment for everything, their own type of pack. “Stay out of trouble and learn.”


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