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Alpha's Solace

Page 6

by Hawke Oakley

  Both Mason and I nearly choked when he said that, but Ken was oblivious. I don’t think he knew much about our situation other than Mason was an omega who was living with me. At this point I don’t think that would seem odd to him, considering our friends Flint and Charlie went through a similar situation.

  Ken turned to me. “Mason does have a bit of a fever, so he should stay home and rest. I know we had a hunt planned this week, but I think you being here is more important.”

  “I know,” I said.

  “Make sure he gets fluids and rest,” Ken said. “I know it might be difficult during his upcoming heat, but he needs someone to take care of him.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’ll be here for him.”

  “Good.” He nodded. “Call me if anything comes up.”

  Ken packed up his things, gave some more doctorly advice, then left us alone. Mason was slumped on the couch, eyes glazed over with exhaustion. I turned on the TV for him and handed him the remote.

  “Here. At least you’ll have something to watch while you’re sitting here,” I said.

  “Are you going somewhere?” he asked, his eyes widening slightly.

  “No. Why?”

  He looked relieved. “Good.” His eyes flitted back towards the TV but his hand rested beside him on the couch. “Could you… sit with me for a bit? I don’t want to be alone.”

  My chest felt warm. “Sure.”

  I sat next to Mason. His body radiated sickly heat - probably from his fever. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted this sickness to pass. I hated seeing him like this.

  “Thanks for bringing me home,” Mason murmured. It was so quiet that I almost missed what he said.

  I smiled. “It’s no problem at all. I wasn’t just going to leave you there.”

  He frowned and looked shyly at the floor. “I’m sorry about… everything.”

  “What? What do you have to be sorry for?” I asked.

  He fiddled with the edge of his shirt. “I dunno. Everything. Causing trouble for you. Especially with this stupid double heat thing.”

  “You’re not causing trouble for me, you got that?” I said firmly. “I like taking care of you. And we’ll get through this double heat bullshit together, alright? You’re not alone.”

  Mason blinked slowly. “Thanks, Jericho.”

  “Don’t gotta thank me,” I said. “I’m always here for you.”

  We fell into a comfortable silence as we watched some mindless TV. When I noticed his body getting really hot, I got him a cool damp towel to put on his forehead. He sighed with relief. I was ready to get up at any moment if he needed something, but right now he seemed content just to sit on the couch with me.

  A few hours later, Mason’s temperature decreased. He seemed more comfortable now. Something else I noticed was that he had inched closer to me so that there was barely any space separating us.

  Just as I was thinking about that, he came close and rested his head on my shoulder.

  I didn’t move. I barely breathed.

  Did he really just do that?

  I couldn’t concentrate on whatever show was on TV anymore. All I could think about was Mason’s warmth as he rested against me.

  Soon, judging by the smooth rhythm of his breathing, he fell asleep. I carefully picked him up, trying not to rouse him, and carried him upstairs. I filled the bedside table with things he might need - painkillers, water, a fresh hot water bottle - and gently tiptoed to the door.

  But then I heard his voice croak, “Wait.”

  I paused and glanced back at him. His watery eyes glinted in the darkness. I saw his fingers beckon me ever so slightly. He looked exhausted, with barely enough energy to move or speak.

  “Stay here,” he murmured.

  I wasn’t sure I’d heard him correctly, but he kept staring at me with those soulful eyes. I returned to the bed and sat.

  “Stay here tonight,” he repeated, his voice hoarse. “Please.”

  I paused, then made my way over to him. “Okay,” I said softly. “I’ll sleep on the floor, so that - “

  “No,” he interrupted, his tired eyes blazing. “Stay in bed with me. Don’t go anywhere.”

  This time I had definitely heard him clearly. With his passionate eyes staring up at me in expectation, how could I say no? Not that I wanted to - I was just surprised to hear Mason give such a request.

  I crawled under the covers. After a month of sleeping on the couch, it felt almost strange to be in my own bed again. But I didn’t mind letting Mason sleep here at all, especially now when he was ill so frequently.

  He sighed contentedly as I settled into bed. “Thanks,” he murmured. His eyes were closed as he sunk into the pillow. Soon he was asleep again. He must have been exhausted.

  I laid there, just watching him. His eyelashes laid gently against his cheeks. His chest slowly rose and fell with every calm breath. I had the urge to reach out and stroke his face, but I didn’t want to disturb him.

  Slowly, I drifted off to sleep as well. The last thought I had before falling unconscious was thinking about how lucky I was to sleep in the same bed with someone I cared about so much.


  I woke with a shock to an overwhelming, all-encompassing desire.

  I sat upright quickly. Beside me, Mason was already awake. His eyes were wide and glazed over. A strange, almost hungry expression crossed his face.

  “What…?” I muttered, still groggy.

  Then it hit me. The scent of Mason’s heat. It filled the air, thick and syrupy sweet and musky and oh Moon I need him right now.

  But I couldn’t just launch myself on him, as much as my body was screaming at me to. I stared at him. Surely he knew how strong he smelled right now. Judging by his slightly parted lips and heavy breathing, he knew. And not only that, but he felt the same way.

  “Mason, are you…?” I asked breathlessly.

  “In heat,” he confirmed. “Yeah.”

  We stared at each other, our eyes shining in the darkness. The scent of his musk was overwhelming and I felt my cock twitch inside my boxers.

  “I can go,” I offered. “I should go.”

  My mind knew I should get up and leave and leave Mason alone during his heat, but my body didn't want to budge. All it wanted to do was sink into Mason and -

  I shook my head. None of those thoughts.

  “I guess I’ll be downstairs,” I said.

  His hand shot out so fast I barely registered it. It clamped down on my wrist.

  “Don’t go,” he muttered.

  I swallowed hard.

  “Something… I smell something,” he mumbled, looking me over. “I’ve never scented anything like this before.” He frowned in frustration. “Is it you?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, my voice hoarse. He smelled amazing, I knew that much - but I don’t know what he was smelling. I wondered if I smelled as good to him as he did to me right now.

  But then I noticed it. Underneath the scent of musk and sex, there was something else…

  “Do you know about fated mates?” Mason asked quietly, like he was sharing a secret.

  “Yeah,” I said. Everyone did. Supposedly every alpha and omega had their own fated mate waiting for them somewhere in the world. And you could find them by -

  I gasped. I realized then what it was that I was smelling, and Mason must have noticed the same thing. It wasn’t just the hormones of Mason’s heat driving us crazy - it was the scent of our fated mate.

  Each other.

  Mason and I stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

  Then, at the same time, we crashed into each other wordlessly.

  Instantly I pushed Mason into the pillow and crushed my mouth against his. He moaned into my mouth as our tongues slipped against one another. Everything was hot and wet. Mason grabbed my hair, threading his fingers in it aggressively as we made out.

  The musky scent of Mason’s heat filling the air was intoxicating. I couldn
’t think about anything other than tearing off his clothes and filling him with my cock, which was already hard and straining against my boxers. Both of us were crazed with lust, but I knew I had to stop and ask Mason if it was okay.

  I pulled away from the kiss and he whimpered.

  “Why did you stop?” he complained.

  “Is this really what you want?” I asked breathlessly. “If we have sex now, you’re going to have another pup.”

  He paused, breathing heavily. Then he said, “I know.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  He paused again and then slowly nodded. “If it’s with you, then yes.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “With me?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he breathed. “I… I like you, Jericho. A lot. And I’m not just saying that because of the hormones.”

  I stared down at Mason, my chest swelling with affection. “I like you a lot, too,” I murmured. “And also not just because of the hormones.”

  I leaned down and pressed my lips gently against his. He returned the kiss and hummed into it. A moment later he paused and let out a grunt. “Now that we have that settled, take my fucking clothes off,” he grumbled.

  “Gladly,” I said.

  I ripped off his clothes - carefully - and threw them aside. His skin was hot to the touch and smelled fucking amazing. I attacked his neck, biting and kissing down to his collarbone. He groaned and arched his back. I felt his cock, already hard, brushing against my own. I growled into his mouth.

  I reached down and took his cock in hand. He yelped at the sudden contact. It was already throbbing in my hand and we had barely done anything. His heat must have made him extremely desperate. Eager to help ease his sexual frustration, I popped it into my mouth. Mason whimpered and threw his head back. He bucked his hips, wanting more contact. I smirked and gave it to him - I took more of his cock into my mouth until his head hit the back of my throat. I grunted and waited for the gag reflex to pass, and when it did I allowed myself to run my tongue all over him and suck him. Mason clutched the sheets and hissed with pleasure.

  “Don’t do that,” he whined. “Or I’ll cum.”

  Well, that’s the whole point, I thought. But of course, I couldn’t say it out loud because his cock was in my mouth.

  I ran my tongue along the bottom of his shaft and dipped into his slit and generally drove him crazy until he was whining and tensing up. He dug his fingers into my hair again, pulling on it out of desperation. He finally cried out and pulled my hair so hard it hurt, but the way his body spasmed and his orgasm overtook him was worth it. Soon his cock throbbed in my mouth and his seed shot into the back of my throat. He kept bucking his hips until the wave of pleasure passed and his tense frame collapsed limply on the bed.

  But even though he just came, his cock was still half-hard. I noticed his entrance was slick and wet, too. The scent of his heat intensified. I knew I was horny as hell, but it must have been downright excruciating for him.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

  He nodded vigorously. “Yes, please, hurry.”

  Licking my lips, I took two fingers and pressed them to his hole. He whimpered and wriggled his hips, but I took one hand and firmly pressed him down. “Be patient,” I growled.

  He swallowed. “Okay.”

  I started slowly working Mason’s hole with my fingers, watching him shiver with delight as he tried to stop himself from moving against my hand. I wanted to warm him up for my cock, but more than that - I loved watching the faces he made as I touched him. He was so hot and tight around my fingers, and the way he kept tilting his head back as he moaned was driving me crazy.

  I added another finger, stroking in and out faster as I leaned over him to claim his mouth with mine. He whined against my lips, clearly desperate for more. My dick throbbed almost painfully with need. My wolf howled impatiently inside me.

  I couldn’t wait any longer.

  But, judging from the overwhelming scent of Mason’s heat and the way he kept rolling his hips up against me, neither could he.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes, how many more times do I have to say it?” Mason whined. I couldn’t help but grin.

  “Maybe I just like hearing it,” I teased.

  “Hurry up and fuck me already!” he snapped, even as he tried to hold back a little smirk. That fire of his had me so turned on. My demanding little omega.

  My mate.

  That realization pushed all thoughts of teasing him any more out of my head. Adjusting myself over him, I sank my cock deep inside him in one slow stroke. The sensation - all tight, velvety heat - made my eyes want to roll back into my head, but I forced myself to keep them on Mason. I wanted to see the look on his face as I claimed him.

  Oh, Moon, I wasn’t disappointed. He looked up at me through dark eyes lidded with pleasure, and just the spark of electricity I felt when our gazes met had my cock twitching inside him. My wolf wanted nothing more than to take him roughly and passionately, but I held myself back.

  He’d been so scared to even shake hands with alphas until recently. I couldn’t forgive myself if I scared off my mate just because I was too horny to calm down.

  As if reading my thoughts, Mason reached up and loosely wrapped his arms around the back of my neck, still looking into my eyes.

  “Please,” he whispered huskily, grinding his hips up against me. “I want it. It’s okay.”

  Well… I certainly wasn’t going to refuse a request like that.

  I thrust inside him, harder, unable to hold back a growl of pleasure as I felt my dick growing, enveloped in his heat. I braced my arms around both sides of his head while he clung to my back. It took no time at all for us to settle into a rhythm, moving almost as one - me plunging my cock deep inside his hole, and him raising his hips with every thrust to meet me. All I could hear were his sweet, desperate moans and the sounds of our skin smacking together.

  I needed more. I leaned down and nuzzled at the spot where Mason’s ear met his jawline, kissing and nipping, making him gasp. I felt one of his hands move from my neck, tracing the muscles of my chest and moving down to his own cock. The way he kept seeking out his own pleasure was unbelievably sexy - but I wanted to touch him too. It felt like I’d been waiting my whole life just to touch him, even though we’d only met so recently.

  Supporting myself with one arm, I wrapped my bigger hand around his smaller one, both of us stroking his dick together while I kept fucking him hard. Watching my cock slide in and out of his ass while our intertwined hands got him off, I knew it wasn’t going to be much longer before either of us came.

  “Mine,” I growled, my chest surging with affection. “My gorgeous little omega.”

  “Yours,” Mason said breathlessly.

  Somehow, it was that one word that pushed me over the edge. My vision went white. My whole body tensed as the orgasm hit me, hard and fast and soul-wrenching. I snarled as I came, shooting my thick cum inside Mason’s waiting ass. It felt like it would never end. Mason cried out and gripped my arms tight, his nails digging into my skin. His cock twitched and came, almost violently. His own seed shot across his stomach and chest. He let out a sound that halfway between a moan and a scream.

  I came for what felt like an eternity; when Mason’s womb was full, I groaned and pulled out. My cock popped out of him with a wet noise. He looked up at me with wet, shining eyes. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, and he looked exhausted but content and satisfied.

  With a sigh I laid down next to him. Both our chests rose and fell rapidly. We were both tired and breathless, but I’d never been so damn happy in my life. I couldn’t help but grin at Mason.

  “Well… If that whole double heat thing is true, then I’m pretty sure I just put another baby inside you,” I said.

  Mason sighed, but he was smiling too. “You know? I’m glad. At first, I wasn’t even sure I wanted one baby, but… With you? I’d gladly have more.”

  I stared
at him, wide-eyed. Then I nearly jumped on him as I pulled him into my arms and kissed his face over and over. Mason groaned.

  “Come on, you’re smothering me,” he muttered.

  I nuzzled him. “Sorry. You’re just too damn cute, I can’t help myself.”

  We curled up together and slowly drifted off. I couldn’t help but stare at Mason’s barely bulging belly. Now he had not one, but two pups growing inside of him. I knew that even though only one of them was related to me by blood, I would be a father to both of them. I smiled, thinking about my new family, and dozed off.

  Chapter 7: Mason

  I groaned and put a hand on my lower back. Two months into my pregnancy and my back was starting to really kill me. Well, two months into my first pregnancy. With the whole double heat thing, I wasn’t really sure what the hell was going on anymore. I hadn’t even gotten tested for the second baby, because how was I supposed to? I was pregnant in the first place, so any result would probably just be letting me know, Hey, dipshit, you’re clearly already pregnant!

  Thankfully, work was slow today. The morning rush had already passed, so we were just waiting for the next wave of folks to come in. Maybe I should use the chance to sit down.

  “You feeling okay?” Beth asked.

  She and I had become close friends during the past few weeks. It was nice to have a friend I could talk to without feeling like an outsider, which is how I felt most of the time when I spoke to anyone who knew I wasn’t born here. I didn’t have many friends back at Scarlet Ridge, either. Friendships weren’t really a thing there, so the best I had were a few acquaintances.

  I guess the closest thing I had to a friend was that weird alpha who unlocked my collar on the night of my escape. I realized I hadn’t given him much thought since I left. Who was he? And why did he set me free?

  “Earth to Mason,” she said with a laugh, waving a hand in front of my face.


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