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Addictive Paranormal Reads Halloween Box Set

Page 49

by Nana Malone

  But the little vixen simply nuzzled the soft skin of his upper thigh with her nose, her lips, as her hands and fingers went on a voyage of discovery over his ass.

  His hands slapped against the headboard as he tried manfully not to tremble.

  Marcus Gillespie didn’t do trembling, but he was trembling now.

  ‘Please, Anais...’ he begged, for what he had no idea.

  At last her hands found his balls and his cock, which was so hard it could drill a hole in solid rock.

  One hand cupped and took the weight of his balls, while the other ran featherlight fingertips up the length of his thick shaft.

  A fingertip spread the fluid of precum over the mushroom head of his erection and he nearly wept from the pleasure of it.

  Breathing hard, he looked down between his legs and his eyes met hers.

  The pink tip of her tongue poked out between soft lips before she gently licked over the tip of his cock all the while her eyes never left his. Her breath whispered as she blew gently over his slit and he almost exploded when the hand cradling his balls gave a light squeeze.

  ‘Where did you learn that?’ he gasped.

  Since she was licking him as if he was her favourite ice cream she didn’t reply at once.

  His cock came out of her mouth with a little pop.

  She stared up at him with big dark eyes.

  ‘In my dreams. We do a lot of things in my dreams.’

  Her fangs shot through her gums.

  Marcus carefully withdrew his aching cock from the danger zone.

  ‘Darlin. You need to feed.’

  ‘Aww, poor Marcus, scared?’

  ‘You need to learn to control your Vampyre because she’ll trigger mine.’

  Her eyes went flame red and that soft voice purred, ‘Wanna come out and play, big boy?’

  His Vampyre sat up like a dog being offered a double chocolate chip cookie.

  Oh boy.

  Big boy was a good description as his torso expanded, his thighs went rock hard with solid muscle and his cock felt too heavy between his legs.

  A deep rumbling laugh exploded from Marcus’s chest and his eyes went the colour of claret.

  His fangs gave Anais a moment’s pause but he hadn’t hurt her the first time his Vampyre took control, apart from spanking her which had, in a weird way, been incredible.

  He leaned over her, placing his elbows either side of her as he nuzzled her neck.

  Wantonly she arched her back under him, spread her legs and gave a little mewl deep in her throat as his big cock rubbed up and down her swollen, slick heat.

  ‘Take me. Now,’ she said. It was an order not a request.

  Marcus raised his head and stared deep into her eyes.

  Her breath hitched in her throat as his cock impaled her. He over stretched, over filled her in a way that she wondered how she’d ever lived without him.

  His huge body might be trembling, but he held the position.

  ‘Bite me,’ she demanded.

  He studied her for an endless moment before slowly lowering his head.

  His tongue lapped over her carotid artery as she waited breathlessly for pain.

  The realisation that his saliva had a numbing effect helped her relax.

  He swivelled his hips and the sensation was so wonderful her womb clutched

  With a growl he pulled her tight against him and sank his fangs into her artery.

  Panic hitched her breath but then Anais was soaring as he tipped his pelvis back and forth, back and forth.

  Oh god it felt amazing.

  The way her orgasm gathered took her breath as he sealed the wound with his tongue.

  Then he gently pressed her head to the hot skin of his chest, encouraging her to bite just above the frantic beat of his heart.

  ‘Feed,’ his growl rumbled under her mouth.

  Her fangs sank into his skin like a knife through butter.

  The rich liquid, warm and peppery, filled her mouth, ran down her throat and hot into her belly. The sensation had her interrupt blood flow waiting for stomach cramps, which thankfully never came.

  Marcus’s rock hard cock took her now with a smooth rhythm.

  The unforgettable feeling overwhelmed her that they were made for each other.

  This man, she knew with utter certainty, was her destiny.

  Anais gave herself up to the slow slide of flesh on slick flesh, the heady scent of arousal, the sound of her gasps and his moans as they journeyed higher.

  He loved every part of her flesh with his hands, his mouth, with his whole body.

  Dark eyes burned into hers as he clasped her hands and pressed them into the mattress either side of her head.

  ‘I love you, Anais. Never doubt it. You are my heart, my soul, my life.’

  The orgasm that gripped her was impossible to cope with in its intensity.

  He swallowed her cries of completion as he groaned and his seed flooded her womb, with one final thrust, he lay his forehead on hers, their hearts thundering as one.

  Gentle tears trickled into her hairline.

  Marcus lapped up the evidence of her overwrought emotion and Anais opened her heart and let him in.

  ‘I love you, darlin,’ she said. Her perfect imitation of his accent made him smile.

  ‘I don’t have a high girly voice like that,’ he teased.

  Then those dark eyes went serious as they searched hers.

  ‘I know you’re scared. I promise everything is going to be all right. Trust me.’

  Later that evening, Anais stretched in bed arching her back like a replete, contented cat.

  Her bones, every single muscle of her body ached in a wonderful way.

  So this was sexual completion. This was being in love with an incredible man.

  A man who just happened to be a Vampyre.

  The lump of ice in her gut whenever she thought of what had happened to her threatened to destroy the moment.

  However, she was a realist.

  She knew it was going to take her a lifetime to come to terms with her situation. A part of her still found it difficult to accept that she may have plenty of lifetimes ahead of her. Who’d have thought it? And did she want potentially to live for hundreds of years? It wasn’t hard to see the downsides to such an experience.

  But she refused to let negativity impact her good mood.

  Sliding out of bed she pulled on a long robe of white silk and tied it tight around her waist.

  Marcus was in the shower.

  The thought crossed her mind to surprise him.

  But they had all the time in the world for that.

  Instead, she padded over to the French doors that opened out onto the long terrace that stretched the entire length of the luxury suite.

  As she stepped out a full moon illuminated the City of Shanghai.

  Moving to the rail, Anais looked down into the busy stream of humanity.

  She was fifty-six floors above the noise of traffic, which had faded to a faint hum, soaring high above the smells and calls of food vendors.

  Lifting her face to the moon, she closed her eyes marvelling at the sensation the skinny light had upon her flesh.

  An icy wind slapped her face and she loved it.

  Inhaling deeply, Anais relaxed properly for the first time in days.

  There wasn’t a chance to scream.

  Strong hands picked her up and tossed her over the balcony.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Eleven

  Marcus stepped out of the shower wrapping a thick towel around his waist. He was a lucky bastard.

  Anais was in a better frame of mind and that made him a happy man.

  Picking up a hand towel to rub it over his hair, he stopped dead.

  His world blinked out before blinking on again.

  With a heart broken roar his Vampyre leapt.

  The sensation of utter terror gripped his heart. In his mind the impression of Anais screaming flashed before it was gone to be
replaced by nothing but darkness.

  No, no, no.

  He was through the door, the bedroom, running to look over the balcony, to stare down in sheer horror. All he could hear was the roar of his heart.

  His enhanced eyesight could see no furore or any sign of her body in the street far below.

  What the fuck?

  Knuckles white on the guardrail, for a horrified moment he didn’t know what to do.

  Six Centuri landed on the balcony.

  Dressed from head to toe in black leather, their Commander, Ian Macpherson, bowed low from the waist.

  ‘My Lord, a woman was taken by two Legionaires.’

  Praying like he’d never prayed before, Marcus wanted the answer to one question.

  ‘Alive?’ he whispered.

  ‘No body has been found.’

  Just as he was about to demand they begin a search, his cell phone rang.

  And his intuition told him that it wasn’t a coincidence.

  Cursing the fact he was shaking like a fucking leaf, the voice at the other end had his belly ache as if a fist had been punched in his gut.

  Dear Christ, the Witch had Anais.

  ‘Ezekiel, I swear to The Maker, if you harm a single hair on her head, I’ll...’

  The deep voice in his ear was too soft, too silky, ‘Calm yourself, Prince. She is unharmed. I’m texting co-ordinates. Be there in twenty minutes. Four Centuri only.’

  Marcus’s growled response was a threat as well as a promise, ‘I’ll be there.’

  Cursing loud and long, Marcus stalked into his bedroom and thrust his legs into black combats.

  He tugged a muscle shirt over his head, hunted through the closet for his shitkickers.

  He might be a lawyer to trade, but he could whup ass with the best of them.

  An icy calm settled in his mind as it raced through scenarios.

  Of course it was a trap.

  Too bad.

  He opened a box of heavy steel which held his weapons cache.

  ‘My Lord, ye’ll no meet that abomination.’

  Ian stood legs apart, muscular arms folded across his massive chest. With his shock of red hair and fierce green eyes, he looked every inch the Highland warrior he’d been over six hundred years ago.

  The Centuri blood feud with Legionaires was a centuries old war of attrition and who could fault them for that? Since their wives had been raped, butchered and their offspring stolen. And that Marcus knew tended to make them trigger-happy. As far as the Centuri were concerned the only good Legionaire was a dead Legionaire.

  ‘She is my mate.’

  ‘Your father...’

  ‘Is not here. There’s no time for a debate, Ian. I want you and three others with me.’

  Marcus knew nothing would have stopped the Centuri from shadowing him, so he might as well have him on board.

  Ian bowed his head once. ‘As you wish.’

  In theory Christian churches were neutral ground in the ongoing Vampyre war.

  The Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception in Shanghai was constructed in red brick. Each brick manufactured by the hands of the faithful. With its soaring twin spires it sat somewhat incongruously among skyscrapers of steel and glass. The historic monument was a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit.

  The Centuri checked out the grounds, the entrance, before Marcus stalked through the great doors.

  The being who stood waiting for them on the pulpit had hair the colour of black coffee pulled back from his pale face in a plait that reached his waist. Ezekiel’s skin was stretched taut across high cheekbones. Under slashing brows, brown eyes slid insolently over Marcus and he knew they were assessing the number of lethal weapons concealed under his calf length duster of soft black leather.

  The bastard was dressed from head to toe in oiled leather and backed by three Legionaires who looked exactly what they were, heartless, conscience free cocksuckers.

  He hadn’t seen Ezekiel up close and personal for over a hundred years. If anything the passing of time and indulging in nefarious activities had done nothing to negate the impact of his physical presence. The fucker was still built like a bull. Those heavy thighs made his leathers creek as he sat on the red-carpeted step of the dais.

  He leaned back as if they were best buddies meeting for a quick beer after work.

  Marcus’s fists clenched as his eyes slitted. ‘Where is she?’

  ‘Manners, Vampyre. Anais is safe and well. For the moment.’ The voice was low and soft.

  Marcus merely ran his tongue over his fangs and gave the bastard big eyes.

  ‘You have five seconds to bring her to me or you won’t see the dawn.’

  Expecting an argument and praying for a fight, he blinked when Ezekiel snapped his fingers.

  A Legionaire walked from behind a side door carrying a lifeless looking Anais.

  She wore nothing but a thin silk robe, which did nothing to disguise the delicate flesh of her beautiful body.

  Marcus didn’t care what anyone thought, in less than a second he had her in his arms.

  A hand that wasn’t quite steady cupped her face, stroked her icy features.

  Christ, she was unconscious.

  He couldn’t read her.

  He turned to Ian. ‘Give me your coat.’

  Ian removed his duster as Marcus placed the love of his life in black leather and wrapped her tight.

  He kissed her cold mouth before handing her to the huge Centuri.

  The look that passed between them said it all. If things go wrong, get her out alive. Ian nodded once.

  ‘How... romantic,’ the soft voice came again, this time dripping with contempt.

  Marcus swore an oath that if Ezekiel changed the habit of a lifetime and found a woman to care for, he’d get payback, in spades.

  A commotion at the entrance had them turn.

  ‘Step away from the Witch!’

  Marcus couldn’t help it; he rolled his eyes and caught Ezekiel mirroring the move even as he shook his head.

  Surrounded by Centuri, Saira Pattullo looked like a seriously pissed off and armed to the teeth Lara fucking Croft.

  She took one look at Anais and flashed over to check her vital signs.

  Her creased forehead, the sharp hiss through her teeth, told Marcus they had a problem.

  ‘Out!’ Marcus commanded Saira’s Italian Centuri.

  They snapped to attention, turned and marched out the way they’d come in.

  He turned his head at a choking sound behind him, his enquiring eyes clashed with Ezekiel’s.

  ‘Something funny?’ he growled.

  ‘I see Saira’s still not channelling her feminine side.’

  ‘Fuck off,’ came the medic’s response. ‘Marcus, he’s used his woo woo magic on her.’

  Ezekiel simply shrugged.

  ‘Bad timing. Anais is a newborn. Her trip off the balcony was more than her psyche could handle. In her mind, she’s gone to where she considers is a safe place and refuses to leave. Someone she trusts will need to go into her psyche and get her.’

  Since he’d experienced her terror and could see where this was going, Marcus again promised severe retribution in Ezekiel’s near future.

  His eyes narrowed as the question growled in his throat, ‘What trip off the balcony?’

  Those cold eyes met his.

  ‘My Legionaires had a little... fun with her. One threw her over the balcony and the other caught her. She was perfectly safe. However, it frightened her. They have been punished.’

  Marcus eyed the Legionaires standing behind Ezekiel with a look that promised vengeance.

  They stared right through him. Bastards.

  ‘What do you want?’

  The Witch nodded once as if that was the opening he was looking for and stood.

  ‘You and I need to talk, alone.’

  ‘I cannae think of one thing you and I need to discuss.’

  Ezekiel’s eyes went cold and dark as jet and Marcus read a
wary anxiety in those inky depths.

  Something was up if it had spooked this piece of shit.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twelve

  Ezekiel led the way to a side room lit by church candles, which appeared to be a priest’s room.

  He made himself comfortable in a plush chair of burgundy velvet.

  The scent of beeswax and incense reminded Marcus of a time in the dim and distant past when he and Ezekiel had fought on the same side. Until the day Ezekiel discovered the truth of his birth and had embraced magic.

  ‘We have a problem,’ the Witch said.

  Did they indeed?

  If someone was giving Ezekiel a problem, Marcus wanted to shake their hand, buy them a drink, and give them a fucking medal.

  Through narrowed eyes, he studied the being sitting across from him.

  The strong jaw was clenched and those dark eyes were grave.


  ‘I think you mean you have a problem.’

  Ezekiel shook his head and sat forward.

  Those dark eyes never left his and Marcus felt a tickle of anxiety at the base of his spine.

  ‘I need to speak with your father.’

  ‘You gotta death wish?’

  Ezekiel’s hands fisted and then relaxed.

  Marcus had the distinct impression he was struggling with his patience.

  Again that little flutter of concern crept up his vertebrae.

  ‘Have you noticed something strange about me?’

  He had plenty of smart comeback lines, but Marcus caught himself as he realised the question was deadly serious. So he went with his instincts and told the truth.

  ‘You’re looking better than expected, considering you harvest humans. Which is disgusting by the way.’

  Ezekiel simply shook his head.

  ‘No we don’t. Like you, we use Constantine’s haemoglobin products. The swine flu scare taught us a salutary lesson. If humans ever discovered the outbreak came from Vampyres they would hunt us down, destroy us.’

  Now this was news.

  Constantine Mabille was a Vampyre Precedential Elder and ran the world’s largest pharmaceutical company specialising in immunology.


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