If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story

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If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story Page 6

by Mz. Toni

  “Somebody get the doctor!” I screamed. Mark jumped up and ran out of the room. I looked at Camille and she was stuck, still in the same spot she was in before Shante woke up. Waving her hand, she motioned for Camille to come closer. Camille slowly made her way to Shante’s bedside and as soon as she was close enough Shante pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I need you guys to leave the room for a minute while I check her out.”

  “I'm sorry doc but I ain't leaving!”

  “That's fine but everyone else has to clear out, I need space,” the doctor said politely. One by one everyone gave her hugs and kisses before clearing the room out.

  “I'm going to remove the tubes now, it might feel as if you are going to vomit but that's normal,” the doctor instructed Shante, she simply nodded. I watched as the doctor tilted her head back and prepared to remove the tubes.

  “How’s your throat?” I asked after she drank two pitchers of water.

  “Much better,” she said in a low whisper.

  “Do you want me to send everyone home?”

  “No,” she said. She looked to be in pain so I grabbed the notepad the doctor gave her.

  “Use this, don't talk anymore,” I said kissing her forehead, she nodded her reply.

  “I've missed you so much. A nigga was lost without you Tae baby.”

  It doesn't really seem like I’ve been gone, I heard everything, I just couldn't wake up! Thank you for sticking by me I love you… I need you to bring Shana and my father in here now.

  “You sure you want to do this right now baby?” I asked. She simply nodded, giving me my answer. I left out the room In search of Shana and Carlos, this shit should be interesting. When I brought them back to her room, Shante was ready. She had already wrote what she wanted to say on the notepad, she ripped it out and handed it to me, I wasted no time handing it to them.

  I love both of you and missed you dearly. I remember what I told you the day I got shot and I meant it, I forgive you daddy…Shana, my sister, I love you boo I know you still are harboring a lot of pain and anger towards him and I'm not asking you to forget I'm just asking you to let him explain and tell his version… Tomorrow isn't promised so don't let anger hold you back from your blessings.

  They both stood next to each other and read what Shante wrote, by the time they finished they both had tears in their eyes. I didn't know what she wrote but I knew Shante had a way of touching people without even trying that was one of the things I loved about her.

  “I will hear him out for you Shante.”

  “No, you need to listen to this for you!” Carlos said.

  “I ain't got to do shit nigga! I'm sorry Shante, I can't do this shit with him,” Shana said preparing to leave.

  “I'm tired of this bullshit, sit down and listen to me!” he said with so much authority she sat her stubborn ass down.


  “I don't know what your mother told you but I'm almost certain that it’s not what actually happened. Are you going to listen while I explain?” Carlos asked.

  “Yes, go ahead,” Shana said. We all sat quietly as he started his story. Hell, even I wanted to know what actually happened.

  “When I met your mother Janette Adams, she was the baddest broad I’d even seen, standing 5’7 160lbs of thickness. I was originally from Brooklyn, NY but I came to New Jersey regularly for business. I was In Camden, NJ at a local gambling spot and when she walked in all eyes were on her. She stole all the attention and I needed to know more about this beautiful woman. Word around the hood was that she had two children and she did what needed to be done to provide for them, I could respect that and I didn't know her or anyone else's hustle. I took care of you and your sister and loved you guys like you were my own. We started dating heavy and I started pimping some bad bitches, but not your mother. Even before she became pregnant I made her stop that shit when we got serious. I didn't know that she had actually never stopped, so don't think I had your mother tricking because that's a lie. When she gave birth to you Shante that was the greatest moment of my entire life. I loved you with all my heart and you girls stuck to me like glue. Angel was different, she was always a little weird but I still treated her just like I did you guys. One night you guys were on your way to bed and each of you kissed me on the cheek, but not Angel, she grabbed my face and tried to force her tongue in my mouth. Nette slapped her across the face which pissed me off. I sat Angel down and explained that it wasn’t right for a child to kiss anyone like that. Your mama was upset; she didn't think I disciplined you girls enough. I always knew your mother was jealous of how I treated you girls but I thought a little jealousy was normal. The night she left and took you guys was a night I would never forget. I had business in New York that day but I assured her I would be back the next day. I missed my girls so much that I came in late that same day. When I walked into my hoe house, I was shocked and pissed to see you and Shana sitting on the couch watching TV. I asked my workers where y’all mama was and they wasted no time letting me know she was out with a john that had a fetish for fucking children. I noticed that Angel was nowhere to be found and that sent me over the edge. I grabbed my keys and headed out to the local motel to find my child. When I used my key card and walked in that room what I saw forever changed me. I saw an older white man on top of my child fucking her while her mother recorded while smoking crack. I killed the pervert and had every intention on killing her but then I thought of you girls and how much you loved your mother and I couldn't do it. I told her she needed to leave and never come back, she thought that meant she was taking you girls but I made myself perfectly clear that if she took y’all anywhere I would end her life. The next morning I woke up to a note that stated she had a church going Christian relative with no children who was willing to take you girls in. I almost said fuck it and went to find you girls but then I thought about it, here I was a drug dealing pimp, if this relative of hers was willing to take you girls in why not offer you the best life possible.”

  When he got done, the girls were in tears. Here I was trying to comfort my girl and her sister, this shit was crazy. I knew that their mom wasn't shit but I didn't think she was that bad. I've never heard of no shit like this and then to lie to them all this fucking time was crazy. As Shante cried in my chest my decision was made, she didn't need to be hurt any more than she already has been so I was going to do everything in my power to keep her from finding out about Keisha and my daughter, even if it meant moving them out of state.

  “I'm so sorry Carlos!” Shana said as she hugged him tight.

  “Don't call me that I'm your father,” he said kissing her forehead. After they worked everything out we let everyone else come into the room. Shana’s son was so excited and happy to see that Shante was awake he ran and jumped on her lap.

  “I missed you so much auntie!” he said kissing her face.

  Boy you like twenty-five jumping on my lap like you a baby, get ya big ass off me!!!!

  “Why can't you talk?” R.J. asked scared for his aunt.

  “She can talk but her throat is sore so she needs to rest it!” I answered for her. I can't believe my girl was back like she never left.

  Chapter Seven


  It's been a week since I’ve been awake from my coma and I still can't believe that I missed months of my life and there’s only one bitch to blame. I remember everything that happened leading to me getting shot. I just don't know what to do with this information. I don't want to lose Kasan and I'm sure if he knew Keisha was the one who shot me he would end her life no questions asked. Don't get it fucked up that bitch needs to pay for what she did to me. No one will ever know how hard it was for me to be able to hear my family argue and fall apart all because of me, it was like I was living an actual nightmare that I just couldn't wake up from. So hell yeah I want her to pay, I just don't think she should have to pay with her life. Nobody has asked me any questions as of yet, but I know they’re just waiting until the right time. P
art of me just wants to go to the cops and tell them everything that I know, but the hood in me can't bring myself to do that. I've actually healed quite nicely while in the coma so when I woke up I was a little sore and my throat felt like I swallowed glass, but for the most part, I was healthy and fine.

  “Babe you ok?”

  “Yeah I'm good I'm just ready to go home.”

  “I need to ask you something.”

  “Go ahead,” I said already knowing what he needed to ask.

  “Did you see anything?”

  “I can't remember babe, the doctor said it might take some time,” I said lying through my teeth.

  “Ok babe, but if you do remember anything you know you have to tell me or your father so that this shit doesn’t happen again.”

  “I will,” I said, feeling real bad that I lied to him. Ever since we got back together he always made it his business never to hold anything back from me and I feel like he deserves the same in return. He laid in the hospital bed with me while I caught up on my shows, and just like usual, he didn't make it a whole hour before he was snoring in my damn ear. I refused to go to sleep shit I been sleep for months and I ain't missing out on life ever again.

  “Hey best friend!” Camille said walking into my room.

  “Hey boo!”

  “I feel like we haven't gotten a real chance to chill, your room is always filled with people,” she said giving Kasan the side eye.

  “I know but now that I'm feeling better I should be home soon and we can make up for all the lost time.”

  “Girl speaking of lost time, let me tell you how Mark beat the shit out of Alex’s boyfriend.”

  “Who Woody?”

  “I don't know how you remember that nigga name cause I never can.”

  “You know I'm good with names, but anyway spill the tea,” I said excitedly.

  “Well I called everybody over for dinner and…”

  “Pause bitch, dinner? Who cooked?”

  “Oh bitch you ain't even been awake for two weeks and you already throwing all shade, I cooked!”

  “My bad best friend,” I said while laughing.

  “Anyways… Everybody was over our house and Mark caught his mama and her boyfriend in the safe.”

  “Get the fuck out of here!”

  “Yassss bitch!”

  “He needed his ass beat, why would Ms. Alex do some shit like that?”

  “She smoking that damn wet.”

  “You lying!”

  “Nope she been smoking that shit with the boyfriend and when Mark told her to choose us or her man she chose...”

  “So her and her dude broke up?”

  “Nope she dragged that nigga’s unconscious body to her car and pulled the fuck off.”

  “Wowwww how Mark handling it?”

  “You know how Mark is, he acting like he fine with the shit but I know he misses her.”

  “That's fucked up. Ms. Alex loves Mark so I know this nigga gotta have a gold plated dick or something,” I said shaking my head.

  “Heyyyyy sister!” Shana said walking into my room.

  “Hey sis, where’s my niece and nephews?”

  “They with they cheating ass daddy!”

  “So how’s that going?”

  “It ain't going nowhere I filed for divorce, I dodge the nigga calls and try my hardest not to be in the same room with him for long.”

  “Have you heard from Angel?” I asked.

  “If I had heard from that trick you would know it cause you’d be bailing me out of jail,” she said seriously, causing me and Camille to laugh. We must have gotten a little too loud because Kasan woke up.

  “What’s up y’all?” he said to Camille and Shana.

  “Hey sleepy head, wit ya snoring ass,” Camille said laughing.

  “Mark told me you sound like a hibernating grizzly bear when you sleep so gon wit that shit,” Kasan said laughing.

  “Imma beat his fucking ass when I see him, I do not snore!”

  “What’s up Shana?” Kasan asked.

  “Uhhh hey Kasan, sis Imma head out,” she said sounding nervous.

  “You just got here, why you leaving?”

  “I gotta edit a few books; I just wanted to stop by for a minute.”

  “Aight sis, I love you!”

  “I love you too baby sis, call me,” Shana said grabbing her things and leaving.

  “What the hell was that about?”

  “I don't know, why don't you ask Kasan,” Camille said with an attitude.

  “Why the fuck you tell her to ask me, shit I don't know. Her husband was fucking her sister and he’s the father of her niece if that was you shit you’d be acting a little crazy too,” Kasan said with a shrug.

  “Hmmm I guess you're right babe.”

  “I'm just saying, she was cool up until you woke up then she got all nervous and shit.”

  “Aight well Imma head out and let y’all two talk.”

  “See you later babe,” I said kissing his lips.

  “Hmmm I can never get enough of that,” he said causing me to blush. When he left I wasted no time asking Camille what was going on.

  “Why she was acting like that?”

  “I don't know but everytime she's around him she acts weird.”

  “Hmmmm I don't know what that's about,” I said confused.

  “Me either but all I can say is keep ya eyes open and pay attention,” Camille said.

  “Ms. Adams you have a visitor and I wanted to let you know before I sent her in,” my nurse said with a funny look.

  “Who is it?”

  “It's your mother,” the nurse replied with a slight attitude.

  “Let her in boo it's cool.”

  “Alright, I just wanted to be sure.”

  “I appreciate that. After today I don't want her to be able to visit me,” I instructed the nurse.

  “Hey baby, I heard through the hood you were awake, I had to come see for myself.”

  “I bet!” Camille said with an attitude and eye roll.

  “Camille,” my mother said with a smirk.

  “Janette,” Camille replied with another eye roll.

  “So how are you feeling?”

  “Cut the bullshit, what you here for?” Camille said pissing me off.

  “Damn Cam why you treating her like that?” I asked. I mean, I know she don't like her especially after knowing what she did when we were younger, but damn I want answers and I don't want to run her off before I get some.

  “Nobody told you?”

  “Told me what?”

  “Your mother tried to get the doctors to pull the cord on you,” Camille said honestly.

  “She what!” I snapped.

  “Listen baby, I knew you were suffering and I couldn't bear to see that.”

  “That bitch lying but Imma mind my business and sip this green tea!”

  “You really don't love me do you?”

  “What the fuck, don't make this more than it is. Shit I deserve something so I got a life insurance policy on ya ass. I mean ain't like you was getting no better, all them machines and shit keeping you alive, I was helping both of us,” she had the nerve to say. It never fails, every time I'm around her she makes me feel like the gum on the bottom of her fucking shoe.

  “But I'm alive so that must really suck for you huh.”

  “No baby I'm glad you’re alive,” she said lying her ass off.

  “You scandalous no good bitch!” my dad screamed bursting through my room door. He grabbed her neck so fast and with so much force her legs were dangling off the floor.

  “Carlos?” she managed to get out, as he sucked the life out of her with his bare hands.

  “Daddy please she ain't worth it put her down!” I screamed as one of my machines started beeping like crazy. I guess he noticed, because he gave me an apologetic look and let her go.

  “What’s going on in here?” my doctor asked with worried eyes.

  “You calling this nigga daddy, you do
n't even know him!” she screamed in my face.

  “Yes I do!”

  “How dare you contact him behind my back bitch!”


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