If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story

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If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story Page 8

by Mz. Toni

  “You see her right here? When you see her don't speak, don't even look at her, as a matter of fact nigga you're no longer welcome in this neck of the woods.”

  “He can't come near my friend either,” I whispered into his ear. With a simple nod of the head, he added my friend to the equation and just like that she was safe.

  “What the fuck were you thinking coming down here alone?” my father asked pissed.

  “Don't start Carlos, I'm grown as hell!” I said not really meaning to sound so ungrateful.

  “You’re right!” he said and with that he walked away leaving me feeling bad as shit.

  “He was only trying to look out for you,” Kasan said.

  “I know Kasan but damn I came here to help my friend. I'm over thirty and he screaming at me like I'm a fucking child.”

  “Yo I'm out!” he said shaking his head.

  “I thought we needed to talk?” I asked while he pulled out his phone. Placing his phone back in his pocket he gave me his attention.

  “Naw we don't, I already told you I wouldn’t say shit to Shante about that night but you need to stop acting all fucking weird when I come around, you making shit look bad.”

  “I'm sorry Kasan, I'm not doing it purposely I just feel so ashamed.”

  “Don't be, it's our little secret. I still respect you as my sister and I don't look at you any differently, and I deserve the same,” he said being honest.

  “You're right again, I apologize.”

  “You good but Imma get out of here,” he said as he walked to his car. That little conversation was just what I needed, I no longer felt weird or funny about what happened. Walking to my car, Quesha was inside waiting on me. My first stop would be to get her some clothes and toiletries and right after that I was taking her straight to an in-patient rehab. Now that I knew she had a son I planned on going even harder than ever for her, she was gonna get cleaned, if not for herself, than for that little boy.

  “So is that your boyfriend?” she asked as I drove.

  “Ewww no, that's my sister's boyfriend,” I said laughing.

  “Which sister?”

  “Shante, the youngest one,” I said with a smile.

  “Oh my God, how old is she now?”

  “She’s twenty-one.”

  “I can't believe her man is the infamous Kasan!” she said shaking her head.


  “Yeah girl he known all over, I heard he a damn millionaire on the low low,” she said with her gossiping ass.

  “He got money but he ain't no damn millionaire,” I said laughing. As I drove to the mall I couldn't help but think about my failed marriage. How is it possible that you give somebody your all, your body, your spirit and soul all for them to shit on you in the end.

  “So you have a son, how old is he?” I asked.

  “He’s two years old,” she said proudly.

  “Awwww I remember that age,” I said with a laugh.

  “How many do you have?”

  “I have three, two boys and a girl. My oldest boy is twelve and I have a set of twins that are six,” I said giving her my phone so she could see pictures.

  “Is that your husband?”

  “Ex-husband,” I corrected.

  “Oh I'm sorry to hear that.”

  “It's cool. His cheating ass ain't deserve me.”

  “How’s Angel?”

  “She has a daughter, but we’ll talk about that another time,” I said as I pulled up to the mall.

  “Ummm Imma just stay in the car,” Quesha said when I parked.

  “That's cool boo,” I said understanding that she didn't want to be seen at a public busy mall. After grabbing her everything that I thought she might possibly need, I typed the address to a rehab into my GPS. A half an hour later we pulled up. The place wasn't too nice but hell as long as she got the help she needed it didn't really matter. After signing her in and filling out all the paperwork we said our goodbyes.

  “I love you sweetie and you can do this!” I said hugging her.

  “It's been so long since I've had someone in my life that really cared for me.”

  “Well now that I found you again you never have to worry about that ever again.”

  “Well I better start getting unpacked,” she said with a nervous smile.

  “Don't worry, I’ll be waiting right here as soon as your thirty days are up,” I said with a reassuring smile. We hugged once more before she walked into the building and I headed back to my car. As soon as I pulled off, my phone rang. Something told me to just let the call go to voicemail but once I saw it was Shante I answered.

  “Hey lil sis.”

  “Can you come by the hospital right now?” she asked and quickly hung up. That call scared the hell out of me; I prayed that she was ok as I made my way to the hospital. When I walked into her room Kasan was already there looking just as confused as I was.

  “So who wants to speak first?” she asked with a cold face.

  “What you talkin bout babe?”

  “Kasan I would hate to slap the shit out of you in this hospital!” she screamed pissed off.

  “Shana, why don't you start,” she said with a smirk.

  “I would if I knew what you were talking about.”

  “Ok you gon play stupid too, what happened between y'all?” she said shocking the shit out of me. I wasn't sure how she found out but I felt like crawling under a rock and dying.

  “I can explain,” Kasan said.

  “No! You a nigga so I expect nothing less from you, but this my flesh and blood, my sister, who just so happened to have the same thing she did to me done to her!” Shante screamed.

  “Wow that's really how you feel?” Kasan asked hurt.

  “Hell yeah, now back the fuck out my face!” Shante said.

  “You know what, fuck it!” Kasan said grabbing his shit and leaving.

  “No Kasan don't go please. Listen, with everything that happened between Raymond and Angel I was already stressed then this shit happens to you. I was drinking a lot that night and I made a pass at him, he turned me down and instead of treating me like shit, let me and my son crash at his house until I sobered up. I instantly felt horrible and embarrassed for what I did and I just couldn't be around him which is why I was acting nervous whenever he was around, it wasn't really nerves it was embarrassment,” I said all in one breath.

  “That's all?” Shante asked looking from me to Kasan.

  “That's all that happened!” Kasan screamed

  “So you should have told me!” I said.

  “What the fuck, she was already embarrassed I didn't wanna make it worse, but you right a nigga gon be a nigga!”’ Kasan said before leaving her room.

  “I'm so sorry Shante I never meant for this to happen.”

  “I forgive you Shana because I know you, but I'm telling you right now I won't hesitate to beat a bitch ass for my man, sister or not,” she said with a straight face. We talked for a little while longer before I headed home. I swear this was one of the craziest days I've ever had in my adult life. I just want to go home and take my ass to sleep. When I walked into my home I could of sworn I turned off all of my lights, When I reached my bedroom door it was cracked and there was music playing. Now I knew I wasn't tripping so i ran down stairs to get Jr.’s bat. Coming back upstairs I pushed my bedroom door open and was shocked to see Ray Laying in my bed with my panties in one hand and his dick in the other.

  “You fucking weirdo!” I screamed.

  “Oh shit Shana!” He said dropping my panties and trying to cover up.

  “What are you doing in my bedroom? Hell what are you doing in my fucking home?”

  “This is still my house too!” His dumb ass said.

  “Ok well let me call the fucking cops and see if they agree!” I said with my hand on my hip.

  “Don't do that Shana I came by to talk and you weren't here i got to reminiscing and I ended up here.” he explained looking embarrassed.

�Ok can you skip that shit and get to the part where you ended up in my bed naked?” I asked confused.

  “I don't know what came over me I just miss you.”

  “Look we can forget that this happened just get out of my house Raymond.” I said shaking my head. I don't know what kind of weirdo shit he got going on but I wants no parts. Sniffing my dirty panties and shit this day is just getting weirder and weirder.

  “Look can we please talk about us?”

  “There is no us!”

  “I know I fucked up baby what can I do to make things right?” sounding dumb as hell the damage is already done.

  “Can you change the fact that my niece is your daughter?”

  “I wish I could Shana.” he said sadly.

  “But you can't right?”

  “No I can't.”

  “You didn't just sleep with my sister Raymond you slept with her and produced a constant reminder it's like a spit in my face.” I said honestly.

  “Look it's been two years don't you think we should work on moving on?”

  “That's what i'm trying to do move on but you wont let me.”

  “I want to move on from this with each other Destiny asks about you everyday even after all this time she is hurt she thinks you're angry with her.” he said crushing my heart. I never meant to neglect or abandon my niece.

  “My niece was my world I treated her like my own fucking child now i barely see her because I can't stand to look at her because when I do I see pieces of you and my sister which just confirms the betrayal over and over!” I said as tears fell from my eyes.

  “I know baby and I’m so sorry.” he said trying to pull me into a hug. Just the feel of his touch disgusted me even after all this time of being apart. I yanked my body away from his.

  “ Don't for one fucking minute confuse my tears with love, these are tears of betrayal and never again will any man make me feel this way.”

  “What can I do?” he said as tears fell from his eyes.

  “You can't do shit! Now please leave my home.” I said nastily. I watched as he wiped his tears and prepared to leave. He didn't think I noticed him taking my underwear with him. I could see that unless he moved on with his life he could potentially be a serious problem for me in the future. Raymond and his weird ass issues were the last thing on my mind as I laid in my bed fully clothed and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Ten


  Today was the day I was finally going to be released to go home. I waited for this day for weeks and now that it's here I don't even know where I'm going to go. I haven't seen Kasan since I confronted him and my sister; I mean what the fuck was I supposed to think. He’s never given me a reason to doubt his loyalty but everybody fucks up and he ain't no exception and neither am I. My release time was twelve this afternoon and it was already ten. I called this nigga over and over, texted his ass over and over and still no response. I guess I had to give up and call Cam to come pick me up and drop me off at my apartment.

  “Hey bestie!” Camille answered on the first ring.

  “Hey boo,” I said sadly.

  “You getting released today and you sound like ya dog died bitch cheer up,” she said. I know she right but I just can't be happy knowing that the love of my life ain't talking to me.

  “I am happy!” I lied.

  “Bitch who you think you talking to? I'm Camille, your best friend since pampers, you ain't happy right now.”

  “Anyways, can you come get me?”

  “You ain't even gotta ask,” she said saying exactly what I knew she would.

  “Thanks best friend I get released at twelve.”

  “Aight see you then boo,” she said hanging up. Eleven-thirty on the dot Camille was here helping me pack up my things.

  “Hey my favorite patient!” my day nurse said hugging me.

  “Hey Ms. Carla, thank you so much for all your help.”

  “That's my job sweetie and you made it easy,” she said causing me to smile. From the time I woke up Ms. Carla was there for me being kind and loving just like a mother should be. After I was released I felt so free. The sun was shining, birds chirping and at that moment I could care less about Kasan’s ass, I'm just happy to be alive.

  “Where you taking me?”

  “You going to my house, why is that a problem?” she asked jokingly.

  “Nope, I miss my Mylee so your house is fine,” I said with a smirk. When I walked into her house I was taken aback by all the people there, I should've noticed the cars but I wasn't paying attention. The house was filled with so many people I didn't even know.

  “Welcome home baby girl!” my daddy said kissing my cheek.

  “Thank you daddy, it feels good to be here,” I said with a big smile.

  “You got me yet again!” I said to Camille while laughing.

  “Welcome home daughter-in-law!” Mama Betty said with a warm hug.

  “Thank you for coming to see me as much as you did, I heard your voice all the time.”

  “You're my baby. I wouldn't have had it any other way.”

  “I have some people I want you to meet,” my father said with a smile. He walked me over to about fifteen strangers.

  “She so pretty Uncle Los!” a girl said.

  “Thank you,” I said blushing.

  “You're welcome, I'm your cousin Tanisha!” she said hugging me.

  “She looks just like us!” an older lady said moving my cousin out of the way and giving me a hug.

  “I do resemble you guys,” I said proudly.

  “I'm your grandmother, damn right you resemble us, our genes strong girl,” she said smiling. I couldn't hold back my tears. Here I was thinking that I had nobody but my crazy mother, now I have a whole family. For a few minutes I was introduced to family member after family member, but I wasn't complaining at all.

  “Daddy you seen Kasan?” I whispered.

  “No baby girl, everything ok? I don't need to whoop his ass do I?” he asked causing me to laugh.

  “No you ain't gotta beat his ass but I’ll keep you posted,” I said kissing his cheek and going to find Camille.

  “Hey best friend,” she said when I walked into the kitchen.

  “I'm starvin like Marvin bitch!”

  “It's almost ready. Go eat some finger food or something greedy.”

  “I done ate a whole tray of buffalo chicken dip, where you get that from?”

  “I got it from ShopRite, but when you feeling better Imma need you to make me some.”

  “I got you boo, but that shit was good, not better than mine, but still bangin as hell,” I said laughing.

  “You so greedy!”

  “You already know I’ll kill a bitch for fucking with my food, my family, my money and my man,” I said serious as a heart attack. Watching Cammy in the kitchen I could see she really didn't know what the hell she was doing.

  “You need help?” I asked already knowing she did.

  “No I got it, this is your day,” she said while taking a batch of burnt chicken out the grease.

  “Seriously you know how I feel about cooking, I miss it.”

  “You sure?”

  “Girl positive, now move over!” I said, before emptying out her burnt grease and refilling the pot.

  “Why you waste my grease bitch!”

  “Girl that grease is done, ain't no bringing it back!”

  “But everybody hungry, what am I gonna do now?” she asked nervously. Looking In the fridge, I pulled out some eggs and chicken breast.

  “We gonna give them a chef salad until this chicken and shit get done.”

  “A salad? That ain't gonna do shit for them greedy ass black folks.”

  “Girl my salad will have them straight for a while,” I said pulling out all her vegetables from the bottom of the fridge.

  “Why you using my chicken breast bitch that was for tomorrow night!” Camille said working my damn nerves.

  “What the hell you was gonna cook with t

  “I wasn't cooking shit but I bought all the shit you gonna need to make your chicken and broccoli Alfredo,” she said with a smirk.

  “Ya ass was frontin like you wanted me to rest and shit!” I said with my hand placed on my wide hips. Boiling the eggs and cutting up the chicken breast, I hooked up a nice chef salad with the works; it was by far the unhealthiest salad known to man. I added carrots, tomatoes, cheese, croutons, eggs, chicken and blue cheese. I made Camille a healthy size plate, after adding her dressing she took a huge fork full.


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