If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story

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If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story Page 14

by Mz. Toni

  “Oh my God what Zahniyah said something, I ain't even allowed to have a girlfriend auntie,” he said laughing.

  “Yeah whatever, I saw how she was looking at you!”

  “I think she’s nice though,” he blushed.

  “That's nice baby, but you know she’s different so don't be hurting that baby.”

  “I'm a ladies man, I don't hurt no women I love them!” he said causing me to laugh.

  “Uncleeee Kasannnnn!!” I heard Shaun scream.

  “What’s up little man, how you?” Kasan asked. I heard him coming towards the basement and I swear I was dreading it.

  “Come here Tae baby,” he said reaching for me, dodging his ass I went upstairs to check on the kids. I know he didn't think he could be gone for a fucking week and I would just welcome him back with open arms, he got me fucked up.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “You're what’s wrong with me Kasan,” I said nonchalantly.

  “Can we talk?”

  “I'm busy,” I said grabbing the baby and walking away. I kept myself busy until it was time for me to drop the kids off and set up the hall.

  “So you're just gonna ignore me like I'm not here?” Kasan asked.

  “I got shit to do, why don't you go back where you were!” I snapped.

  “Seriously Tae baby?” he asked while I was putting the kids in my truck.

  “Seriously Kasan? You think I'm fucking stupid, like I would actually believe that you were on “business” for a whole fucking week!!” I said with teary eyes. Grabbing my arm, he turned me around to face him.

  “I love you,” he said before kissing my lips passionately.

  “I used to believe you when you said that.” Hopping in my car, I pulled off without looking back. I wanted to break down and cry as soon as I pulled off but I knew his sneaky ass didn't deserve my tears. I had too much to do today and I wasn't gonna let my shit with Kasan fuck up my bestie’s birthday celebration. Pulling up to Shana’s house, I beeped the horn and waited for her to come get her bebe kids.

  “What’s up sis?” she asked when she came outside.

  “Nothing dealing with Kasan and his mess,” I replied shaking my head.

  “Don't worry about his ass. He loves you so he’ll get it together.”

  “You're right but let me get out of here, I still have to drop Camille’s crew off at her moms,” I said hugging Shana and the kids before leaving. After dropping the kids off, I went home only to have Kasan waiting for me at the door.

  “So you can't answer my phone calls?” he asked pissed.

  “You can't seem to bring your ass home!”

  “Come talk to me Shante.”

  “What’s up?“ I asked sitting next to him.

  “Why you acting like this?”

  “Look, it’s obvious someone has your attention and it ain't me!” I said getting pissed.

  “Don't nobody have my attention!”

  “If you’re gonna stand there and lie to my face then we have nothing to talk about!” I said turning to walk away.

  “Don't be that way, I promise you I ain't cheating,” he pleaded.

  “I didn't say you were Kasan, but you're keeping something from me,” I said shocking the shit out of him.

  “Can we just talk after the party?”

  “Naw Imma stay at my apartment for a while.”

  “Yeah aight!” he said getting upset.

  “Seriously, I think you need space.”

  “You ain't going no fucking where, don't get fucked up.”

  “I ain't even gonna sit here and argue with you,” I said shaking my head.

  “Aight now go fix ya man something to eat,” he said with a smirk.

  “You got me fucked up, better go make ya ass some oodles and noodles and if you wanna get real fancy it's some tuna you can throw in there!”

  “Damn you my woman but you telling me I gotta eat noodles?”

  “That's exactly what I'm saying!” I said. That nigga’s face was pissing me off. When I heard him breathe I wanted to slap his ass for breathing too loud, I had to get the fuck out of here before he made me kill his annoying ass.

  “Where you think you going?” he asked as soon as I got up. This nigga must have spidey senses cuz he was all the way in the kitchen so how he knew I got up was beyond me.”

  “I'm going to pick up Cammy’s party shit if that's cool with you daddy,” I said sarcastically.

  “We can go do that together!” his simple ass said pissing me off. He knew he had fucked up and he was refusing to let me leave alone out of fear that my ass not coming back. He was right because if I get out this door I ain't coming back.

  “I don't care what you do Kasan!” I said walking away to go get dressed. I changed my clothes, I was now wearing a pair of skintight jeans that made my ass look colossal and a tight low cut shirt that had the words single and ready to mingle written across it. After throwing on my black and gray Jordan’s I was ready to go. When I got downstairs, Kasan was still eating his food. When I walked passed Kasan’s ass he jumped up just like I knew he would.

  “I told you I wanted to go!” he said blocking me from leaving.

  “Kasan I got shit to do and you're still eating.”

  “Shante don't fucking play with me, where you going?” he asked pissed.

  “I already told you where I was going, why you all up in my face? Ya ass come and go as you please, shit you left the state without telling me before you left!” I snapped.

  “Man stop tryna flip and bounce shit, why you dressed like that to run around?” he asked causing me to smirk.

  “Pause nigga, I'm grown as hell. I think I look fine,” I said rubbing my hands over my body.

  “Yeah you grown but you my woman and my fucking woman ain't walking out the house with this shit on!” he yelled. As if on cue, his phone was blowing the fuck up just like usual. He had only been in the house for two and a half hours. .

  “That might be important Kasan,” I smirked looking over at his phone.

  “Don't fucking play with me Shante. Stay your ass right here while I grab my phone!”

  “Yeah, alright. I don't understand why you're holding me hostage, you been gone all fucking night but now you want to come here regulating shit while smelling like some bitch cheap perfume!” I snapped. Him being close to me damn sure let me get a whiff of some bullshit. That wasn’t enough to confirm my suspicions, but it was damn sure enough to make my mind wonder.

  “Man I was at the club. You know them bitches always spraying on some funky shit. Stop tripping and stay ya ass right here!” he said as he ran to get his phone. As soon as he was out of sight and I heard him talking on the phone, I hauled ass out the house. Running down the stairs I missed like three of them and fell right on my ass. By the time he got outside I was already burning rubber. All that could be seen through my rear view was his ass standing in the middle of the street looking pissed and stupid. My ass was sore as hell and you couldn't tell me I ain’t break my ass falling down those stairs, but the dumb look on his face made my sore ass worth it. The whole ride to the hotel I couldn't stop laughing as he called my phone for the tenth time. After riding around and setting up things for Camille's party tomorrow, I decided that I would go to my old apartment and relax. I knew Kasan wouldn’t come looking for me here because he thought I gave it up. Pulling up to my old apartment, I had to admit I felt care free being here, it reminded me of a time before I fell in love with a thug. I didn't have a care in the world when it came to niggas and I liked it that way.

  I watched TV, checked my Facebook and Instagram, took a long hot bath and now I was reading This Couldn't Be Love by Kiara Neufville. I can't lie; I have been so tempted to answer Kasan’s phone calls. I swear I should've brought my kindle because every time I get into the book he calls fucking up my vibe. I saw that he sent fifteen text messages so I decided to check them and see what the hell he had to say. As I read the messages, I was so happy that I didn't answer
, I found it hilarious.

  My Everything: Why the fuck would you leave out like that, I swear Imma fuck you up when I see you!

  My Everything: I swear I don't know why I smell like perfume babe I think it was because of the club you know I ain’t cheating on you if that's what you think.

  My Everything: So what you trying to pay me back for what you think I did I swear if you wit some nigga both of y’all dead!!!!

  My Everything: Just come home or tell me where you at so I can come to you I love you Tae baby

  There were eleven more messages that I didn't even bother to read I just deleted them. Now I knew more than ever that he was doing some shit that he had no business doing. I never knew this nigga to beg or try to explain some shit he didn't even do. Those messages alone let me know that I need to do some digging. Whether or not he was cheating, I honestly didn't know, but I was a hundred percent sure that something wasn't right with him. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. I’m so confused, why would he go through the trouble of getting me if in the end he was going to hurt me. I ain't gonna lie, I didn't want to spend the night without him but I knew I had to show him I wasn't playing. Curling up in the bed alone, I read until I fell asleep.

  The next morning I woke up bright and early to go to the hall and set up for Camille’s party. I was tired as hell because I kept tossing and turning thinking about Kasan dog ass. It was really fucking me up not having any proof but him lying and smelling like some bitch was proof enough for me. I was so excited about tonight and looking at my custom made dress made me even more excited. Kasan wanted to be running around like he don't have a fucking girl at home, I was gonna how his ass what he was about to lose. After everything was set up, I went home to get dress and by home, I meant my fucking apartment. Hopping in the shower, I let the water take away my stress like it always did. Pulling out my dress, I slid it onto my body and couldn't help but smile. It was fitting me like a glove and showing extra love in all the right places. My dress stopped above my knees and it was money green, Kasan’s favorite color. While every chick at the party was gonna be rocking heels I was wearing my skin tight dress with some Jordan’s. I left my hair curly and applied some lip gloss and I was ready to go. Grabbing my phone, I called Shana. I was excited because she was bringing Quesha and I felt like she really needed to get out.

  “Hey sis!”

  “What’s up boo, you ready?” I asked.

  “Yup I'm pulling up to your door now.”

  “I'm at my apartment.”

  “Yeah I know, Camille told me you would be there earlier.”

  “Aight it's unlocked come in!” I said hanging up and grabbing my purse. When they walked in I had to do a double take.

  “Ok divas y’all looking sexy!”

  “Us, bitch you got the whole sexy tom boy thang going on!” Shana said hugging me. After taking a few shots, we headed over to the hall. When I pulled up, I had to admit I had out done myself with this one. I had a red carpet outside of the hall with photographers snapping pictures of everyone.

  “This is so nice Shante!” Quesha said speaking for the first time since I saw her tonight.

  “Yeah, you really hooked this shit up!” Shana said

  “Thanks y’all,” I said handing the valet the keys to my truck. Walking inside, I knew I had to mingle and say my hello’s so I walked Shana and Quesha to their table and left. When Camille walked in she was speechless, I had pictures of her throughout the whole hall.

  “This is beautiful best friend!” she said hugging me. While everyone came up and wished her a happy birthday, I took my ass to the dance floor.

  “You wanna dance?” a sexy stranger asked.

  “Sure!” I replied, shocking the hell out of Quesha and Shana. They were playing Mavado “Give It All To Me” and I was playing no games as I slow grinded up on this stranger. I felt someone staring at me and when I looked over, sure enough, it was Kasan and if looks could kill, I would have been a dead bitch on this dance floor. It was his fault so I wasn't gonna let him get me nervous, I continued to dance and have fun.

  “I’ll handle you let me dance for you I might be thinking bout leaving my man for you…, “ I said singing Nicki Minaj’s part in the song. I guess Kasan realized what the lyrics suggested, because he wasted no time stepping between me and dude, grabbing my waist, he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

  “Oh yeah, you gonna leave him for me?” he asked over the music. Instead of answering, I just smiled. When the song ended, I moved away from his reach, only to have Wale “Matrimony” come on.

  “You don't wanna dance no more?” the sexy stranger asked.

  “Naw bro she good,” Kasan answered for me, grabbing my waist again.

  “Sorry, this me and my babe song,” I said politely. He didn't start no drama or get mad he just walked away.

  “You really gonna make me fuck somebody up,” he said pissed.

  “Oh cut it out, who knows what you been doing for the past week.”

  “If there’s a question of my heart, you got it, it don't belong to anyone but you,” he sang in my ear causing me to blush.

  “Thanks for the dance,” I said walking away. I had to find Mark, it was almost time.

  “You ready?” I asked after pulling him to the side.

  “Yeah I guess,” he replied nervously.

  “You got this bro!” I said hugging him. Hand in hand, we walked to the center of the stage, handing me a microphone, I did what I do best.

  “Camille, baby can you come up here?” Mark asked.

  “When my hair’s over gone and my memory fades, and those hoes don't remember my name, when my hands don't play the strings the same way, I know you will still love me the same, cause honey your soul can never grow old it’s evergreen, and baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory, I'm thinking bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe it's all part of a plan, well me I fall in love with you every day and I just want to tell you out loud,” I sang my heart out to Ed Sheeran “Thinking Out Loud”.

  “We have been through so many ups and downs, you gave me a second chance and I swore to you I wouldn’t fuck up, you gave me a beautiful child all while being the perfect woman, it’s only right that we make this shit official,” he said getting down on one knee. He pulled out the nicest ring I’d ever seen.

  “Oh my God!” Camille screamed.

  “So what’s up, you gonna be a nigga wife or what?” he asked causing the whole room to erupt in laughter.

  “Of course!” she screamed. Sliding the ring on, they kissed while I stood in the corner crying happy tears for my girl. Running over to me, she gave me the biggest hug.

  “You sounded so good boo!”

  “Awwww thanks, congrats!” I blushed.

  “So why you ain't tell me?” Kasan asked.

  “You been so busy doing you, ya ass ain't got time for shit like this,” I said shaking my head.

  “I'm sorry,” he said hugging me. I didn't fight it this time, I hugged him back. Call me gullible, I could care less, I loved my man.

  “Let Shana drive ya care to that apartment, come home with me,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I don't know Kasan.”

  “Please Tae baby, I miss you,” he said kissing my lips.

  “Yo I just got a call from the police, somebody robbed the club!” Mark said running up to us with Camille close by.

  “It figures some bullshit would happen tonight!“ Camille’s drunk ass slurred.

  “Yo you take her home and we’ll go to the club,” Kasan’s slick ass said referring to the both of us. Walking into the club, it was clear that they didn't do shit but steal some liquor.

  “Imma go wait in ya office,” I said as I walked inside and closed the door. Sitting at his desk, I noticed a bunch of papers scattered around. I couldn't stand how messy he could be sometimes. Gathering up the papers, I put them into a neat pile. It wasn't until curiosity took over my brain that I started to look through
them. Everything seemed to be normal just like it was when I checked his office at home, until I came across a recently purchased property that I knew nothing about. I mean don't get me wrong, he doesn't have to tell me when he purchases something, it's not like we married or even engaged, but he typically tells me these kind of things. Grabbing the paper, I folded it and stuffed it right in my bra. Since he didn't wanna man up and tell me what the fuck is going on, I guess I have to find out myself.

  Chapter Nineteen



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