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The Business Affair: Forever Mine

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by Noel, Jaspira

  “I have been so relaxed I don’t even know what day of the week this is.”

  “It is Wednesday.”

  Chapter 5

  Paula pressed her way through the crowded ballroom. She had never seen so many business people all congregated in one place in her life. The MC announced there were 4000 people in attendance and more expected to come. The Coliseum was a spectacular center of attraction. It was a sports arena, lavish hotel complex and multiple expansive ballroom facility. It was a modern work of art that was built by 3 wealthy investors.

  This was a black tie event. Everyone was elegantly dressed. There was so many diamonds dripping off of the women and watches on men that could have paid an employees salary for two years. Paula looked stunning. Her sleek couture black dress hugged every curve on her body. It glimmered with black beading and was above the knee revealing her sultry legs. The back of the dress was cut in a V down to her mid back. It was strapless and shoulder-less. Her long blond hair was pinned in a twist and she glistened with her own diamond earrings and necklace. Her makeup was beautiful – wearing smoky eye shadow and highly glossed lips. She would never have done anything like this in America. Heads turned as she made her way across the room and found a seat at the table.

  “Welcome everyone to the 10th Annual Business Affair.” The MC said. “This years attendance is amazing and we certainly have enough activities for all. Let’s not be shy about the mission.” The audience laughed. I would like to introduce to you this year’s president, Mr. Don Stephens. Let’s give him and his team a well-deserved applause for putting this event together.

  Don Stephens rose from the platform and walked over to the podium. He was a strikingly handsome man. He looked to be in his early 40’s, slick blond hair, very slim and had the height of a professional basketball player. His smile would have lit up midnight. “This is going to be quite interesting.” Paula mumbled.

  “Thank you for your applause, and let’s give the team another hand. They have all done an outstanding job.” He waved his hand to quiet the crowd. “I hope that we do not have any return visitors. Because if you are back the mission was not accomplished. All jokes aside, if you are back we wish you much success this time around. Let’s face it, we are all extremely busy executives and that often leaves very little time for a social life. That is why we created this event.

  Over the next three weeks, it is our hopes that each of you will connect with a person, develop a beginning relationship and live up to our slogan – meet, mingle and marry.” A chuckle went through the crowded room. “The top can often be a very lonely place but a partner who understands the demands of business and is like minded can turn a desert into a flourishing oasis. For the next three weeks, put all work aside. It’s time to play.” The room exploded with applause.”

  “Oh goodness, these people are very serious.” Paula thought.

  “We are hosting events all over the city. Each of you has a package outlining the details. Just to highlight some of the most popular events that we have there will be 24-hour speed dating in concourse A. Most of the entire wing is devoted to speed dating. In concourse B we have group cooking classes, wine tasting events, food sampling courts, and the art galleries. In concourse C we have the nightlife activities that will go on 24-hours. Every type of music from disco to hip-hop will be covered. There will always be a party going on. In concourse D you can sign up for events, excursions, sports, water sports and so much more. Plenty to do people so let’s enjoy.”

  “Thank you Don, and he’s available too,” the MC laughed. “I am going to ask that our food hosts go ahead and start their service. And while they are doing that we are going to have a video presentation, followed by testimonials of people that accomplished the mission.

  The lights in the ballroom dimmed and then massive screens began to descend from the ceiling all around the room. As they locked into place a laser show flashed across the room followed by total sound emersion. Each screen one by one began telling the story of some of last year’s events in rapid motion. People began cheering. Paula could not believe what she was experiencing. It was high tech and impressive. There was a dazzling array of events, and some of the most cinematic footage – close up shots of surfers, sky divers, motor cyclist, guest chefs from around the world, casino shots, romantic dinners at sunset. She was overwhelmed. Towards the end of the video they started running statistics of all the people who had married as a result of the event and the numbers were staggering. Then each screen played highlights of the most amazing weddings of those who had accomplished the mission.

  Then with after one thunderous sound, all the lights went out and the room was completely dark. The sound of fast thumping techno music began infusing the room and then a solo spotlight would shine in one area exposing a couple. Each one of them held up a sign with their wedding date, then flipped the card – Mission Accomplished, was written on the back. After the last spot light was shown, one of the couples walked up to the podium.

  The woman spoke first, “Never take it for granted why you are here. The person you meet can change your life for good. There are no coincidences at this event. You are here for a specific reason to meet someone that understands what it is like to run a corporation or be in an extremely high stress filled position. You are here amongst people that know the sacrifices of corporate life and have made an investment in their future. I went to five speed dating events before I met Michael but once we began to talk in those very few minutes we both knew that we had made a connection.”

  Then Michael spoke, “The Business Affair is one of the best global activities for anyone serious about having a committed, long term relationship with someone that understands them. Believe me I tried the dating scene. I did everything that the average person does and could not find that match. From bad experiences, I was always worried that a woman was dating me for my money or my position. It was so liberating to come here and meet people of equal status. A person that pays $4,000 to enter an event is not here to waste time. Alison is the best thing that happened to me. We’ve been married 5 years.”

  “Oh my God.” Paula whispered.

  The next couple took the podium. “I met Donna at a skeet shooting event. We did not have much of a conversation at first, but I just was patient and kept trying to get her attention. Finally at the end of the shoot she surprised me and said, let’s have lunch…”

  Donna cut in, turned sideways exposing her pregnancy and said. “The rest is history. Get your game on people. Get your game on.”

  The audience laughed, loving every minute of it. There were so many more testimonials. The atmosphere was charged. There was enough energy in that room to power it. Paula felt her emotions being swept away by the current. The gravity of the situation finally hit her. She was in a room filled with rich and available men looking for wives. She was in a room with wealthy women determined to be hitch worthy at the end of three weeks. This was incredible.

  After all the speeches, the MC returned to the podium giving serious words of encouragement and inspiration. “Haven’t you all enjoyed this evening?” The crowd gave a standing ovation. After they quieted he continued. “This concludes are kick off activities. Your journey begins tomorrow. Events start simultaneously here and throughout the city at 7:00 AM, and practically non-stop for the next 21 days.

  As part of the kick off you know we have always tried to make it possible for everyone to ease into the events. I am responsible for making the first connection.” He motioned for Don to come to the podium. The audience laughed. “You see that beautiful lady at table 25, that just reached for her purse?” He nodded. “Ask her out for breakfast and tell her where you would like to meet.”

  The audience cheered as Don stepped off the podium and walked over to the lady. Paula’s heart began to race. That woman was sitting only 3 seats away. What if that had been her instead?

  With that dazzling smile, Don said, “I want you to have breakfast with me in the morning, but only if yo
u want to make the connection. If you accept, lets meet at Casa Del Leon at 7:00 AM sharp.”

  The woman’s face was sheer excitement. Her knees were bouncing up and down and then she let out an exuberant, “Yes!”

  What is your name? Said the MC.

  “Victoria Payton.”

  “Nice meeting you Victoria.” Smiled Don.

  “See how simple that was. We have officially launched The Business Affair.” Said the MC. “ I want each of you to walk out of this room tonight with a date for breakfast. We’ve shown you how simple it is to do it. The rest is in your hands. May this year’s event be an overwhelming success. Goodnight everyone.”

  Chapter 7

  Over the next week Paula and Don got to know each other and were practically inseparable. She never would have imagined that her planned vacation away from the demands of Roman Neilson would have ended up with a rendezvous. They had gone throughout the city day and night experiencing the grandeur of the event. They had gone on so many excursions that they lost count, spent nights dancing and he even took her on a deep sea fishing trip - something that was terribly fun, and yet completely out of her character. In her most unguarded moments she began to wonder if by fate she was here to mix, mingle and marry. This day Don a rented a charter boat and took her out to a private island to spend the day. He had a catering crew sent to the island to prepare a sunset meal she would not forget. They sat nestled together on a large blanket under the palms, right on the shoreline.

  “You are amazing Paula. I am glad that we met.”

  “Me too. Everything is happening so fast. It is a little scary.”

  “How so?”

  “Because you came here on a mission and I did not. I have not been involved with anyone for so long, my work is so demanding that I don’t know if I will ever be cut out for commitment.”

  “You told me from the start that you did not want to waste my time. And you are not. This has been one of the best weeks of my life. If it all works out that will be fine. If it does not, I will be back next year knowing that I will be one step closer to finding what I want.”

  He said leaning over and gently kissing her for the first time. She felt electrified and did not resist his advance in the slightest. Until it turned into one of those lingering moments when tables can quickly turn from kissing too much more. She reluctantly pulled herself away.

  “I like you a lot.” He said directly looking into her steel grey eyes. “I will take this as slow as you want. Ok?”

  She nodded, “This has been so good for me. Why don’t we take a swim?”


  The next day Don had Paula picked up early for a day of shopping. She had bought so much stuff that she knew it would have to be shipped back stateside. That evening they went over to the coliseum to be a part of more of the activities held there. They had participated in most of the activities. Paula’s favorite was cooking with the chef’s. They had done that event at least 3 times. Tonight was one event that Don really wanted to attend. This was his 3rd year in attendance at The Business Affair and this one individual kept him coming back even though his trips up to this point had only been marginally successful.

  “I want you to come with me this evening to one of the speakers events. I think this will ease your mind if things don’t work out the way I would like them too.” Don said.

  “What event is that?”

  “It is an event with a guy named Marcus Grant. He is a legend here and has been attending the event for seven years and still has not made a connection. Yet he keeps coming back. He is also one of the biggest sponsors of the event. He inspires people not to give up or to rush things. Someone like me needs to hear that.”

  “Don you are a wonderful guy. Any woman should be honored to have you in their life. Why do you think you have not found someone?”

  “It’s complicated. But the short story is I let a good woman go that I should have married. I was so busy trying to build my career that I pushed her away. Part of me feels I will never find someone like her, and I think I might measure all women by her standard and never feel that another woman would quite measure up. That would be an unfair burden for any woman to live up to. So I am being very careful. You make me feel like I have a chance at love again.”

  “Don, I just don’t…”

  “Don’t say anything just come with me tonight and you will see why I will be okay.”

  “Alright, I will do that. Now tell me about this Marcus Grant and his bankrolling this event.”

  “He is so inspirational. He believes that patience will pave the way to the right woman, even if it takes years. A lot of the men here really pay attention to what he says and wind up getting some excellent wives. There are other testimonial ceremonies that take place during the event. You just got to hear a few of them during the kick off.”

  “So what is his story?”

  “He was a playboy and a very successful entrepreneur at a young age. He used his money and power to get women with no intentions of being committed. Until one day he met a woman named Stephanie. She changed his world. If my memory serves me right, she was the one that got him into the line of work that became his most successful enterprise. She was killed in a car wreck.”

  “Oh my goodness.”

  “He buried himself in his work, thinking losing Stephanie was pay back for all of the women he had trashed. He felt guilty. Then seven years ago he went to a meeting with some friends and they came up with the idea of starting The Business Affair. It started off being a relationship camp directed to healing people that had been bruised in relationships. Then after a year they decided to turn it into a place to …”

  “Mix, mingle and marry.” She said.

  “The partners that started it are still doing it today. He put in $500,000 this year. He said at last years meeting, even if he never makes the connection. He will have lived his life knowing that he finally honored women enough to start an organization to bring relationships together.”

  “Wow, that is incredible.”

  “So my dear, I am going to enjoy you while I have you and not worry about what tomorrow brings. Like I said before, this has been one of the best weeks of my life.”

  Chapter 6

  There was absolutely no way for Paula to go to sleep. Her mind was spinning a mile a minute thinking what had she gotten herself into. In her world there was no social life, there were just acquisitions, hostile take over’s, mergers and more money than most people could ever imagine. The event today made her question her priorities. The sheer amount of people openly confessing by their presence the need for love, physical relationships and monogamy in today’s society was shocking. Her thoughts were as chaotic as the churning of white rapids. There was one particular thought that she could not get off her mind.

  “That man said a person that pays $4,000 to enter an event is not here to waste time…oh my god, what am I doing!” She was freaking out. “Why did I listen to Imelda…oh my god! There is no room for love in my life I was just thinking it would be nice to have a companion while I am here. Wait a minute that is all it needs to be. I need to just calm down and stay focused. Those people might have come here to get married and that is fine and dandy but I am here on vacation. I am here to have the time of my life.”

  Then she was slammed by another thought, “Never take it for granted why you are here. The person you meet can change your life for good. There are no coincidences at this event. If I go back will I be interfering with someone’s destiny? I don’t have to go back. I was doing fine with the activities that the staff here was keeping me busy with. That’s it I will not go back. I’ve got the beach at my back door and am in the best resort on the planet. That’s enough. That is enough.”

  After a considerable amount of twisting and turning, slumber finally set her emotional soul to rest.


  Casa Del Leon had put out a spread in their restaurant that would rival the meals on a cruise ship. As the doors opened promptly
at 7:00 AM the aroma of freshly cooked bacon and pastries filled the lobby enticing people to enter and eat. The five star restaurant had three levels inside and three levels outside elegantly decorated. There were brown linen tablecloths and chairs covered in brown linen with huge pink bows on the back. Each table had a beautiful birds of paradise centerpiece. The tables were set with white, gold-rimmed plates on gold chargers.

  Every wall was filled with food from all over the world. It was truly a feast. Ice sculptures were interspersed throughout the room. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The floors were carpeted with a neutral paisley print that would allow for many exchanges in table covers. To the back of the room were French doors leading out to an elaborate three-tiered balcony and patio. Soft music filled the entire expanse.

  As soon as the doors opened it began filling to capacity. Don had given Casa Del Leon a good plug for anyone on the island to visit. It was obvious that a lot of first date kick off’s were here, bright and early. Somewhere in the midst of all the activities Don and Victoria were having breakfast. By the end of their meal Don and Victoria both realized that they would not make a connection. Their meeting was cordial, but there were apparently no commonalties. He was there for something very specific and so was she. That was the competitive edge of the event, to find what you were looking for very quickly.


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