Collared By The Cowboy (Bad Boys)

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Collared By The Cowboy (Bad Boys) Page 35

by Susan Arden

  “God dammit, woman.” The man pushed up into a sitting position.

  “No!” she grunted, her mouth still taped. The sweat on her skin had cooled once she stopped moving, and her body trembled more from adrenaline bursts than from cold.

  Get moving, Mia! She got onto her hands and knees and began crawling away from him.

  He grabbed her ankle. “Why are you trying escape?” He let her go and got up, walking behind her. “Just stop struggling.” His motorcycle boots tramped beside her.

  It was futile. She couldn’t get away but she refused to just give up. After crawling another yard, suddenly she stopped. Jesus! Something slithered over her calf. Scouring the area with her eyes, she jerked her legs up next to her torso. Swallowing hard, her breath frozen as she glanced down to where her legs had been. A mouse? It better not have been a spider—fucckkk! It was, a huge one—the mother of all spiders.

  She held out her trembling fingers and flicked the spider from her ankle. Her heart clacked in her chest, making hearing nearly impossible and she scrambled to her feet, ready to bolt. She didn’t know if she should laugh or cry.

  “Hey,” the man said. “I found some lotion for the tape. You want it?” She turned and then he pressed his hand over her mouth, motioning with a finger for her to stay quiet.

  Seriously? She griped the edge of the tape and ripped the blasted thing herself.

  “There!” she snarled into his face, her chest heaving and she stared daggers at him. “I’m not some tender flower. Okay?”

  She had just run down the hall of a bondage club like a crazy woman. Crawled on her hands and knees down the hall. Had one helluva face off with a spider, and now was not just going to do as she was told.

  She wasn’t finished either. She shoved against the man’s chest. If he was going to take her to some open area in this den of iniquity to let anyone and everyone have a turn, and on top that that sell her to God knows who, he’d have to fight her tooth and frigging nail.

  “Simmer down,” he snarled. “You need to stay quiet.”

  “Fuck. You,” she growled back.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He took hold of her hands and used the side of his torso to keep her pinned to the wall. She looked around for something—God dammit, anything! She lowered her mouth and bit the arm that held her wrists together.

  “Mother A!” he hissed in a low voice.

  She expected him to backslap her, not stare at her with disbelief in his…blue eyes. Blue eyes that reminded her...He rubbed the place she’d bitten and laughed. He actually laughed!

  “Who are you?” she demanded.

  “Girl, I’m here to hide you because of McLemore. The name Brandon mean something to you? You sure do to him. He’s on his way here and the police too.”

  She relaxed her fighting stance, exhaling heavily. “Oh, Jesus. I’m sorry.”

  “No problem. Just don’t move from that doorway. Okay, I was going get you some ice for your face and a towel, but you ran. That shithead is about five yards down the alley. He’s expecting some friends just as twisted as he is. So far, I doubt they could find their asses with a map. But you running head-first into them might spur them to take you somewhere else.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Mia panted.

  “Hold that thought.” He stepped away from her and took out a cell phone and dialed a number. “Man, I have her safe just like you asked. You owe me big time. I’m talking huge.”

  The man nodded, then held out the cell. “He wants to talk to you.”

  “H-Hello?” she stuttered.

  “Baby, I’m coming for you,” Brandon’s husky voice exploded in her head.

  “Oh, Brandon! I’m sorry. So sorry!”

  “Hush, Mia. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

  “OVER there,” Brandon pointed toward the parking lot and Miller eased into a space.

  “Looks like a dive,” his brother remarked.

  “Not any place I’d come to.” Brandon had been here once before, years ago, checking out the local action, and opted out of coming back. Wasn’t his form of pleasure to see the less than sophisticated methods employed in kink. He and Tony, the owner, would see each other at bars, and they’d nod, shoot the shit; but he had his own ideas and wasn’t going to pretend that the public exhibitions like those that went on at Tony’s club were copacetic in his book.

  Lately, he’d heard that the Clock had gone a couple of clicks beyond rough—delved into serious floggings, and they’d chalked up a reputation as the place for people to come who wanted to get leathered black-n-blue. So far no lawsuits had come from it, because everyone signed a waiver. Wasn’t his gig, and wasn’t his problem, until now.

  Luckily, the guys working the club door listened to his claim that his girlfriend had been kidnapped against her will, as retribution to him. They’d reacted better than the city police, getting hold of Tony, who took the matter seriously. Tony demanded to know the details and Brandon assured him it was far from consensual and amounted to a federal crime, as Miller had kept repeating. Tony confirmed a new member had arranged for some pretty crazy shit to go down, with a new sub being broken in, but he refused to divulge the member’s name. Tony confirmed he’d addressed the issue of risky boundaries with the member, queried him if it was consensual, and the member claimed it was and had all the required forms signed.

  Brandon’s fury ignited into a rage as he’d listened to the things Tony described. It was nothing short of a gang rape, torture, and beating. After talking to Mia a few minutes ago, Tony assured him she’d be kept safe and they wouldn’t give her up to anyone other than him.

  “The asshole is outside,” he growled. “That’s the motherfucker.” Brandon watched his target light up and puff on a cigarette. No…that son of bitch was smoking a pipe.

  “He’s getting high,” Miller observed. “He could be hell to deal with.”

  “But he’s alone. I’d rather take my chances before anyone else shows up. The owner said he was waiting on friends, and that runs with what North heard him say.”

  “He was definitely making arrangements with two other men to meet here,” North said.

  “That’s good enough for me. This fucker is mine. I don’t want you to intervene. You both got that?”

  “Roger that,” Miller said, and North nodded. “But we’ll step in if needed.”

  “Fine.” He opened his car door slowly and kept his vision trained on Humphrey. Brandon clenched his teeth and his muscles bunched over his bones. His breath came in short pants as he struggled to tamp down and control his desire to attack the man who’d threatened Mia. Nothing short of tearing Humphrey limb from limb could satisfy him if he put up a fight.

  Brandon tried to give himself a good talking-to, reminding himself that Mia had experienced severe trauma, and him getting hauled away for murder would not help her heal, or protect her during a time when she needed him most. For her, he caged the raging beast that otherwise was ready to howl.

  Humphrey leaned against the building, his eyes closed, not even stirring as Brandon approached. “Didn’t I warn you to stay away from Mia?” He let his voice come out low.

  Beau’s head rose and he coughed, a cloud of smoke surrounding him. “You coming for the party?” Humphrey snorted.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “Being prepared for a fuckfest. You’ll enjoy watching me take her first.” The asshole straightened, coming off the wall, tapping his pipe, and then put it into his pocket. “See, I can get what you own, too. Any day. Any moment, and there’s nothing you can do.”

  “Really. You’d like to think that.” Brandon already knew Mia was inside, but safe. He was buying time, gauging how lucid this moron was, but he seemed wired. Couldn’t tell if Humphrey had a gun, but he sure had his. The man grinned like an ape with a gaping mouth. He could easily take this bastard, and fisted his hands, rage streaming in his blood, fueled by more and more fury.

  “She’s one hell of a bitch, but that p
ussy of hers…can’t find much nicer. Today it was all mine. Enjoyed it just like old times. Even got some punches in. She’s got a black eye, but what the hell, who cares? As long as all the holes still work.”

  “You hit her?” The son of bitch was lying. Had to be.

  “Slapped and punched.” Beau sneered. “While I fucked her, too.” He held up his hand, displaying a few swollen knuckles to back up his story, and that was enough to fuel Brandon’s fiery temper into an out of control backdraft.

  “Asshole, you’re dead.” He launched forward with one intention: a sprawl-and-brawl that included using the brick wall as a place to slam the fucker’s face. The image of Humphrey landing a punch to Mia was all it took, and Brandon swung, connecting his fist with the side of the man’s head.

  To his surprise, the idiot responded with a few well-placed punches to his ribs. With that kind of motivation, Brandon no longer held back. He’d been looking for an excuse to go balls-to-the-wall on the cocksucker, and he took it. He landed punch after punch into Humphrey’s torso and head, cracking ribs, shattering a cheekbone, definitely blackening both eyes, and what the fuck, there went Humphrey’s nose.

  Brandon had acquired more than enough grappling skills from brawls with his brothers, scraps with cattle hands, and typical teenage clashes, growing up always having to prove himself as a McLemore in a tiny town.

  He continued pounding Humphrey until he heard Mia’s voice calling to him. “Brandon, please!”

  He swung his gaze over his shoulder and took in her bruised face, swollen lip, and black eye. All the hatred he’d ever possessed tore through him, surfacing and condensing into a towering rage as he bellowed into Humphrey’s face, “I’m going to kill you, motherfucker!”

  Brandon held on to the man’s neck and charged, ramming him back into the wall. He smacked the Humphrey onto the brick surface then yanked the asshole’s body off the wall in order to slam him again. Humphrey’s head thudded hard against the brick and his eyes rolled back, then closed.

  “Oh, no you don’t, you piece of shit. I want to finish this.” Brandon pulled his arm back, knowing this was the last time, tasting bitterness and the tang of revenge, and he inhaled.

  “Babe,” Mia whispered. “No. More.”

  Her scent infused the air and swam within his mind and memory. His furious desire for retribution waned, spiraling, and with her hands on his arms, subsided. Her soft body blanketed his back and within him, the need to hold Mia overrode everything else. His love for her was too overpowering to resist.

  “Mia,” he whispered, letting go of the jagged shard of rage that dissolved under her cool hands, so soothing against his arm. Her body snug up against him acted as a balm to his anger.

  She pressed her cheek to his arm and the vivid memory of being with her skin to skin expanded inside him. She implored him, “For me. Stop.”

  He cut a glance once again over his shoulder, the periphery smeared around him, color siphoning from everything except for Mia. To him, she blazed in full color. He lowered his arm and released Humphrey, not watching or caring as the shithead crumbled downward. He was too busy reaching for Mia. “Baby. Come here.”


  “I thought I told you to wait for me at home,” he said, his husky voice enveloping her.

  She flashed open her eyes and looked up into blue fire. Her fire. Brandon loomed over her, almost larger than life, and he’d come for her like a knight in shining armor. She wrapped her arms around him, while at the same time kissing his face.

  “Brandon—” I love you! The words echoed in her mind. She loved him. In him she saw her future. Suddenly her knees didn’t seem to work and she canted forward.

  Brandon lifted her until her body was snug against his and he whispered against her mouth, “You know what happens when you don’t follow directions.”

  She nodded. “I can’t believe you came for me.” She threw herself into his neck, burying her face against his shoulder, savoring the feel of his strong arms around her body, the place she wanted to be now and until kingdom come. He lowered her, and when her feet touched the ground, she looked up him again and smiled.

  “Why?” He removed a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at her cheek. “You’re mine and I always come for what’s mine.”

  Red flashing lights began to fill the parking lot. “Finally, they decide to show up,” Miller said from behind them. “Not to worry, North and I will deal with them.”

  “Thanks,” Brandon replied, leading Mia over to the SUV. She didn’t know who the man was with Miller, but he nodded to her and spoke into a cell. She had the distinct impression that none of these men would let anything happen to her.

  “I need to get you to a hospital,” Brandon said, opening the car door and using it to shield them from the police and men pouring out of the club.

  “No. Brandon, I’m fine.”

  He lightly stroked his fingers along her jaw. “Baby, we need to get you checked out,” his voice cracked with emotion.

  Suddenly, the level of his concern dawned on her. “He only hit me. I have taken harder falls from horses. I’ll be fine.”

  Brandon eyes searched her face. “He said—.”

  She pressed her fingers to his mouth and shook her head. “Nothing. I promise you.”

  “Baby, I’ll get you home and take care of you.” He hugged her to him then leaned back. “God, you had me out of my mind with worry.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” she whispered, reaching up and stroking his face. “I love you.”

  “Damn woman, about time you admitted it. I love you too, Miss Santero.” He gently guided her lips to his for a single kiss. “Mia. Mine.”

  She melted as his lips touched hers. First, she felt herself hold back but then she relaxed under his gentle kiss. Sure, she was in pain, but none of it mattered now that Brandon was here and holding her. She traced the edge of his jaw, her body quivering from his touch. “I love you so much. I was so wrong to demand that you not say it. I was scared.”

  “You? Scared?” He laughed. “Heard you bit a man.”

  Hot tears welled in her eyes. “He wasn’t you. I don’t follow anyone’s orders other than yours.”

  He cupped her chin, gently tipping her face up to him. “Then kiss me.”

  Mia gasped at his simple command, then smiled at him. “Yes, Sir. With pleasure.” Snaking her arms around his neck, she crushed her mouth against his, teasing open his lips, and thrusting her tongue inside his mouth.

  She could feel his lips spread into a smile and he deepened the kiss, took over, commanding her mouth in their unspoken language, using the subtlest of devices that told of his love for her. The same way he’d communicated the first time they’d met and she’d been too stubborn to listen.

  This time her heart took over and she heard Brandon loud and clear. He’d let her make the decision instead of pushing her, and she’d come to him with an open heart, ready to let go of the past, and love him for the rest of her life. If he’d still have her.

  He pulled back from her mouth. “I love you.”

  “You were the brave one, bending and not forcing me. I love you with all my heart…I was just too stubborn to stop fighting.”

  “Since you’re no longer fighting me… marry me, baby. We’re good together.”

  “Babe, that’s a definite can do.” She looped her arms tighter around his neck. “I’ll gladly marry you, Sir.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  One month later.

  “How much are you taking?” Mia asked, looking around the room.

  They stood at the bar and he reached down, tearing off the sheet of paper with their handwritten agreement. He folded the paper while gazing into her eyes and slipped it into his shirt pocket over his heart.

  He’d always remember this room as the place he’d found Mia, taken her that first time, and learned about love. Not for any other reason. And now he was ready to turn the place over to someone else. After having reached the end of a long
journey, he was ready to begin living a new kind of life with Mia.

  “I have everything I could ever want right here. I love you.” He ran his hands over her shoulders, brushing aside the hair from her collar, and then kissed her lovely neck. Inhaling her scent, he groaned as his muscles tightened and his hunger urged him to push her down on the sofa, spread her legs wide, and take them both over the edge. God, she swam in his blood, so much so, he’d never get his fill. Not that he wanted to.

  “You’re one smooth-talking cowboy, and I love you too.” She pressed her mouth to his before he could command her to kiss him.

  Her soft lips made his mind empty and his cock harden, and all he could think about was getting her back to their house, their bed. She’d agreed to marry him in the summer after she graduated. His little hellcat was more than excited at the prospect of opening up a therapy practice in Annona, down in the Old Town section, close to Gillian’s dance studio. By then, the attorney had assured him, every last detail would be finalized regarding the criminal court proceedings, including having his fake marriage set aside. Humphrey’s family had pressured Beau into pleading guilty to all charges and seeking drug treatment. There’d be no trial, just closure.

  He and Mia would have a sunny future by June, and he intended to devote his time to breeding. Horses—palominos this summer—and eventually babies. His own with Mia. Perhaps practicing a lot at first, until they got it just right.

  “My little submissive. I’m hot on getting you naked and on your back.”

  “Speaking of back…still up for some bareback riding?” she asked, twirling a strand of black hair around her fingers. “Heard you were a master horseman in the saddle.”

  “Good enough to teach you a thing or twenty. I want you barefoot and pregnant by next year.” He grinned, picking her up, and swinging her in his arms. “If that’s a goal you’d like to consider.”

  “Oh, it is. Taking care of you, and someday our baby. I’ll pencil those as two objectives in my planner.”


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