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True Deceptions (True Lies)

Page 8

by Veronica Forand

  Falling back to the story they used in public, she shrugged and sighed. “I’ve always thought he was kind of sweet. A true romantic.”

  “You must not get out much.” He then went back over all of Simon’s faults and never once mentioned Alex. Perhaps he was focused on Simon to keep himself from worrying about his wife. It made sense, because the question of Simon’s safety clouded Cassie’s thoughts and made her sick to her stomach.

  When she and Henry finally arrived in Oxford, they received a text message from Simon. He told them he and Alex had been delayed but were on their way. That was it. No other details. She and Henry sat in silence in his study. Although happy that Simon and Alex were safe, they weren’t back home. So, more waiting. Cassie drank wine, and Henry drank Scotch. The sun faded, the moon rose, and Cassie’s fear destroyed her attempt to appear rational.

  Henry gripped the armrest as though he had someone by the neck. “I hope you’re not too attached to Simon. His life expectancy is now down to about two hours.”

  “Do you think they’re all right?”

  His mouth twisted into a frown. “Although Simon is one of the most competent people I know, there’s always danger in what he does.”

  “If you’re so mad about Alex taking part in the assignment, why did you let her go with him?”

  Henry snorted. “I couldn’t control her anymore than I could alter the orbit of the moon.” He took a sip of Scotch, tapping the glass with his index finger. “Regrettably, marriage doesn’t give me ownership of her person. She had a reason for going with Simon, and I trust her. Simon, on the other hand, has his own agenda.”

  She wanted to assure Henry of her own trust in Simon, but what did she really know of him? He never showed fear. He hated incompetence. His inner and outer strength provided her security and protection, but if he had to choose between her safety and finishing an assignment, would he pick her? Probably not.

  Henry led Cassie to Simon’s room to sleep. Why would Simon have a room at his friend’s house? The men must be closer than she realized. She remembered he’d gathered a few things from the room when they’d first visited. His black and steel furniture created a forbidding environment, the complete opposite of the warm colors in the rest of the house. Some black and white cityscapes decorated the walls, but nothing personal. No photographs, no books, nothing that revealed Simon’s essence. Or maybe it did. Even the bland, beige walls of the London flat had more warmth than this place. Cassie preferred colors.

  Someday she wanted to buy a small farmhouse and fill it with bright blue and white furniture and colorful quilts. She could work in a small office that doubled as a guest room and watch her children grow up in a peaceful environment. The man she married someday would have to prefer a simple life and not one filled with guns. Although Simon’s image popped into her head, he didn’t fit in her dream future. His world was too stark and cold for her and, although she melted when he touched her, she couldn’t see him wanting such a domestic situation with her or anyone else. The image of him in a colorful kitchen, cooking some wonderful meal, however, soothed her mind as she fell asleep.

  In the morning, Henry made her breakfast. She didn’t want the bacon or eggs, so she picked at some toast and drank two cups of coffee. As she helped Henry with the dishes, the Range Rover arrived. Simon opened Alex’s door and walked to the house at a slow, methodical pace. He wore the same dark outfit as the day before. Alex, now dressed in sneakers and jeans, held on to Simon’s arm. As they came closer to the house, the fatigue from their journey became apparent. Alex had dark circles under her eyes, and Simon needed a shave. Despite their disheveled appearances, the cloud over Cassie’s mood lifted. He was safe.

  “Thank God.” Henry ran out the back door.

  He hugged Alex tight and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. It was a lovely sight—until he pivoted and punched Simon in the gut with his left fist. Simon didn’t move to block the hit. His face tightened, however, and he winced. The two men exchanged tense words with each other. Simon nodded at Henry and continued walking past him into the kitchen, his right arm tucked into his stomach.

  He went straight to Cassie, looking like a soldier returning home from war. She was unsure what to say, so she remained silent.

  His hands rested on her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  “Me? What about you?” Was he really worried about her?

  “I’ve been better.” Those beautiful blue eyes rotated away from her. “I’ll grab our things. We’re leaving.”

  “Do you want some coffee or breakfast?”

  “No. We need to leave and give Alex and Henry some space.”

  Henry and Alex remained in the backyard embracing each other and talking. When they finally came in through the backdoor, their conversation became more animated and hostile.

  Alex crossed the threshold first. “Stop worrying. I won’t go with him again. I promise. Not my best idea, but I needed one last adventure before the baby arrived.”

  “You want an adventure? I’ll give you enough thrills to last a lifetime. You don’t need to fly all over Europe, risking your life.” Henry followed her to the table, where she snagged a piece of bacon. His face suddenly whitened, and his eyes widened. “You’re pregnant?”

  “And you’re going to be a dad.” Alex whipped around, stood on her toes and kissed Henry on the chin.

  Terrific. Alex was brave and calm under pressure, fluent in a million languages, an expert on art and gems, married to an earl, pregnant, and Simon’s first choice for a partner. Nothing could have made Cassie feel more inadequate.

  Henry’s face colored again, this time into a flaming red. For the first time since Cassie met him, he sounded angry with Alex. “You took off on a dangerous adventure when you’re carrying our child. Are you insane?”

  “I want to be a responsible mother, so I’d never go off like that after the little guy arrives. Simon’s timing was perfect. How could I turn him down?”

  She stopped him from answering by tugging his lower lip with her teeth until he lifted her off the ground. They kissed long enough to make Cassie agree with Simon’s decision to leave as soon as possible.

  “God, you’re going to drive me crazy for the rest of my life, aren’t you?” Henry dropped Alex on her feet and kissed her on the top of the head.

  “I hope so.”

  Simon came back in the room with their suitcases and prodded Cassie toward the door. “Let’s go, angel. Now.”

  Alex ran up to Simon and hugged him, her head not reaching his shoulder. “Bye, Simon, and thanks for everything.”

  He backed away as though pregnancy was contagious, or perhaps he was afraid Henry would take another swing at him. “Go take care of your husband. He’s going to need a shot of something strong to get him through this. And for the record, you’re fired for hiding important information from me.”

  “Agreed. At least until Earl, Jr. is old enough to fend for himself.”

  On the drive home, Simon stared out at the highway in silence.

  Cassie needed to know. “Did you know she was pregnant?”

  “She mentioned it to me yesterday.”

  A tightening in her throat made her pause before asking the question she didn’t want the answer to. “And you didn’t stop the mission?”

  His eyes narrowed, and he glared at her. “I’m not her keeper. Besides, she has better survival instincts than most agents in the field. If Henry weren’t her husband, I’d use her as back up any day. Pregnant or not.” His adulation of Alex never faltered. The woman could do no wrong in his eyes. He seemed to adore her like a precocious little sister.

  And that’s when she formed the idea. Cassie could connect to Simon in a way Alex never could. She’d become his lover.

  Chapter Eight

  Simon jumped in the shower as soon as he arrived in the flat. He was tired from the trip and his unwarranted worry about Cassie. The warm water sprayed over his back and eased his tension. He passed several languid min
utes leaning against the wall and thinking about how prepared Alex had been for the trip, yet even the queen of cool found herself in a potential minefield for herself and her unborn child. Cassie, on the other hand, didn’t have any of Alex’s reserves. Would she panic when trouble unfolded for the first time, or would she stand her ground and adapt? From her reaction to Tucker’s gun, she’d probably shut down.

  He stepped out of the shower, dried off, and shaved. If they were to succeed, it was time to use some of Cassie’s expertise. She could research the types of UAVs on the market, the cost, and the ability of a subcontractor to retrofit what they purchased to the specifications of their buyers. Then she could educate Simon. They had barely one week to get him knowledgeable enough to set up the transaction.

  He made his way toward his bedroom with only a towel covering his bottom half. Cassie blocked his way. She’d changed into tight jeans and a low cut blouse. Sweet and sexy.

  “Can I talk to you?” The hesitation in her voice didn’t bode well for the conversation.


  She nodded and sucked in her bottom lip. He’d give up everything to spend one night with free access to those lips. She must have noticed his focus on her mouth, because her hand touched her lip in an attempt to remove a nonexistent crumb from the corner.

  “I’m embarrassed to say I doubted your ability. But you not only succeeded, you also brought Alex back unharmed.” Cassie inched closer to him as though she’d abandoned veganism and was starved for a steak.

  Was his pretty California girl coming on to him?

  “So you’ll trust me from now on?” he asked, maintaining his position in front of her.

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Cassie, you always have a choice. Be decisive. React. Don’t second-guess every move you make. If you want something, take it.” He bated his breath to see what she would do.

  Stepping forward, she placed a hand on his chest. He brushed his fingers across her cheek and felt her lean into him. The tilt of her head against his palm short-circuited his normal control.

  “What if I want you?” she whispered.

  He should refuse her. She was his subordinate, and sex could screw up their already delicate relationship. Or it could strengthen it. Maybe give her more confidence. And then what? When the assignment terminated, they’d each go their respective ways with fond memories. Perhaps.

  “Like I said. If you want something, take it.”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and stepped forward, her mouth poised for a kiss. Who was he to deny her? He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted of grapes. His gorgeous health fanatic. He deepened the kiss, indulging in her warmth, her feel, and her subtle reactions. Her mouth demanded more of him, and he complied. The connection tethered him to her.

  Her hands dropped to the bare skin of his waist. A low moan left her lips, as her fingers tucked under the edge of his towel. Her touch sent his nerves firing.

  Not fair.

  He wanted his hands on her naked skin. Lacking the patience to unbutton her blouse, he yanked at her shirt until the threads holding the buttons broke. Buttons sprayed across the floor, tapping the hardwood as they scattered. The shirt followed. She stood an inch away from him, wearing only jeans and a white lace bra.

  “That blouse was five hundred pounds.” Her gaze followed the flight of the shirt until he lifted her chin back up to look at him.

  “I’ll buy you five hundred more to replace it. That way I can rip them off you whenever I want.”

  They remained entwined as they stepped into the bedroom.

  He cupped her breasts and nuzzled the spot where her neck flowed into her collarbone. Her groan vibrated through him and reached a part of him he’d never known existed. Snippets of time with random women had never been this satisfying. Never fed anything more than physical desire. Cassie, however, needed to be claimed and protected. The thought should have scared him, but he felt her claiming him as well. He’d deal with the consequences later.

  He lowered his mouth to her chest and moved the lacy fabric of her bra aside. Her body—its feel, its taste, its scent—had occupied his thoughts since their first encounter. And here she was offering herself to him.

  Her new red nails dug into his back until the pain intensified. He bit her nipple in return. She moaned. Her amazing lips tickled his neck until some very vampish teeth scraped his skin.

  How had this woman turned his libido upside down and twisted his desires in knots? Control went out the window when her hand yanked the towel from his hips, and she rubbed his inner thigh.

  If she wanted to find his weakness, she had. One of her hands caressed his full length, while the other slid over his ass. She’d better not be bluffing, because she’d succeeded in making him out of his mind with need.

  He led her over to the bed, reached into the dresser, and grabbed a condom. This would be a first for him. He’d never had sex in this flat, although he’d left the condoms there with the hope Nicola would eventually come around. Destiny, however, favored Cassie in his bed, here and now.

  Her jeans were a definite barrier. She tried to sit up, but he placed a hand in the middle of her chest, tracing the edge of the lace covering her breasts, and forced her onto her back. She would undo him in less than a minute if she gained the upper hand.

  He pulled her jeans past her ankles. Lying on the bed in a virginal white bra and knickers, the angel reached out to massage him. His body covered hers in an instant. Grasping each of her wrists and holding them over her head, he dropped his forehead to hers.

  He was barely able to speak, but he needed to have her permission. “Say you want me.”

  “I want you.” No hesitation, just lust and need.

  “Perfect answer.” He’d never craved a woman the way he craved the blonde currently in his bed. She drove him insane with worry and crazy with frustration, but he loved being in her presence.

  “Now.” Her legs wrapped around his waist. She pressed herself into him until his sanity deserted him.

  His mouth covered hers, and they kissed. Her taste merged with his, her sweetness overpowering all the bitterness around him. He almost pulled away, knowing that Cassie had attached herself to him, and in the process linked him to her in ways that would tangle their lives.

  His blood heated to a burning inferno. She tugged her hands free and began assaulting his back again with her new red fingernails. He’d be bloody soon, but he didn’t want her to stop. He pulled down her knickers. The bra could stay, for now.

  “Please, Simon.” Her hands pressed into his back. She deepened their kiss and sent his hormones into a frenzy he hadn’t felt since adolescence.

  Hearing his name on her lips scraped away the last of the ice from his heart. He set a speed record for sliding the condom on and moved between her legs, shifting back and forth until he was sure she was ready. He entered her faster than expected, and she cried out with a low moan.

  Her nails dug into his back again. Shit. It hurt, but he refused to ask her to stop. This aggressive side of her was wild, passionate, and driving him crazy. Then her hands dropped to his ass, and she forced him faster and deeper. He felt her tighten under him. Her pleasure took priority. With every move of his hips, he pressed into her, feeling her body react to his.

  Her pleas for more urged him to go faster, harder. She arched her back and shuddered in complete surrender to him. The cries were no longer low and sexy—they were higher pitched and animalistic. They both came together, as though their bodies had each been design to pleasure the other. Only each other.

  He hugged her close, then rolled off her in a state of bliss. Everything felt perfect.

  His breathing slowed and the frenzy dissipated and the erotic mist cleared. She was the type of woman capable of filling the voids—voids created by a broken youth and a bloody adulthood.

  Blood, violence, deception. His dreams of a life with Cassie disappeared amid the reality of a blackmailing emplo
yer and a bunch of gunrunners. He couldn’t steal her away. Happy-ever-afters didn’t happen to men like him.

  As his blissful thoughts receded into a pile of regrets, a wet spot under his thigh torpedoed the comfort he’d momentarily found in the here and now and blew it to smithereens.


  “What?” Her question was whispered into his neck and would have been sexy as hell if he didn’t want to shoot himself.

  “The condom broke.” When had he ever done something so stupid? Never. “Are you on birth control?”

  “Sort of.”

  What the hell did that mean? “That’s not an answer.”

  “I’m on the pill, but I was late with one when Henry and I fled Bulgaria. It shouldn’t be a big deal. I’m the most regular person ever, and this is in the beginning of my cycle.”

  Simon turned his face into the pillow and exhaled. He couldn’t afford to mess up like this.

  “Seriously, it’s no big deal.” She sounded irritated.

  Tell that to Henry and Alex who were right now making plans for a nursery at Ripon Manor, their castle.

  She’d failed again. She couldn’t shoot a gun, face danger head on, or control her jealousy and immature outbursts. Now, she could add failed seductress to her list. Although she did manage to get him naked, she was never in control. And now he’d be freaked out by the possibility of her pregnancy. So much for him having any respect for her.

  He’d jumped out of bed and fled to the bathroom so fast he left a cool breeze behind him, ridding the room of any warmth they’d shared. He was probably on the phone that very moment trying to obtain a new partner.

  Cassie pulled the covers over her head. I should just stay here and hide for the rest of the assignment.


  Sure, now she’d be branded a coward. She flipped the sheets off her face, and they fell to her shoulders. Simon appeared in the doorway to the bathroom. Completely nude. Like the statue of David, only more masculine, and more muscular, and more real.

  “Are you okay?” He sounded sincere, but he was trained to show no real emotions. Everything was fake. He excelled at the skill. She rarely saw him smile, and even his frowns had an element of strategy behind them. She’d never been with a man who dominated every aspect of her life, including what to wear, what to eat, and the tempo and rhythm of any sex they had. She wasn’t complaining. He took her to a level of satisfaction she’d only read about in her mother’s stash of romance novels.


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