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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Did you know Charlotte and Gash have gone away again?” Tate asked.

  Several of the women nodded their heads. Charlotte and Gash were expecting a little baby, and Millie helped them a few weeks ago to pick out some baby toys. She’d never seen a woman so nervous about having a baby. Charlotte was constantly rubbing her stomach, and looking worried that her baby was going to disappear.

  “They deserve to go out and travel. When their daughter is here, they won’t have so much time, and they’ll be wishing they took it,” Prue said.

  “Regretting kids?” Tate asked.

  “Fuck off, Tate. No, I’m not regretting having kids. I think we need some of our time. You know, girls’ time. It has been too long since we just had some fun.”

  “Yeah, try three years since we had some fun,” Eva said.

  “Since Andrew,” Lacey said. “If I could go back in time, I would so like to gut that man! Every time I see Sally hurting, and she does, even with her prosthetic.” Lacey shook her head. “I know it still pisses Whizz off. We promise to protect her, and what happens? She gets shot and loses her leg. I’m a fucking awful mother.”

  They all booed and disagreed.

  “Sweetie, you’re a fantastic mother, and Sally adores you,” Angel said.

  “I’m with Angel. You’re a wonderful mother, and I don’t think you should do shit like that. None of us could stop what Andrew was going to do.” Tate hugged Lacey close. “We all promised each other that we wouldn’t talk about this.”

  “I tried to save Happy. He took a bullet for me, and I wanted to save him,” Millie said. Many nights after the drive by shooting, she’d been so damn scared. She’d dreamt of Happy for so long.

  “Again, it’s no one’s fault. It’s Andrew’s and Russell’s. Both men are dead,” Prue said.

  They all shared a look, and Millie felt one with each of them. They had all been hurt by Andrew and his partner in evil.

  After a few moments, Lacey pushed Millie down into a chair. “Let’s make you so beautiful that Baker is kicking himself for waiting so long.”

  Chapter Three

  Baker knocked on Millie’s door and waited. Several of The Skull women had disappeared, and he knew without a doubt they were helping his woman get ready. There was no way that any of the men would allow their women out of sight or for so long if they didn’t know where they were.

  The door opened, and he saw Angel smiling. “Hey, Baker.”

  “Is Millie ready?” he asked.

  “She is.”

  One by one the missing Skull women left the house, and there right at the end was Millie. She was dressed in a pair of jeans that fit her beautiful curves, and a red shirt that seemed to thrust her tits out.

  “Wow,” he said.

  Then he noticed her hair had been dyed, purple underneath with black hair on top. It was curled to make the colors pop out. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. From the moment he first saw her, he’d thought that.

  “Hey,” he said, finding his voice a little husky.

  “Hey yourself.”

  Lacey nudged him in the side. “You’re very welcome. Come on, girls, we’ve been gone long enough.”

  Within minutes they were alone.

  “I like them,” she said.

  “They clearly like you.” He didn’t doubt that they liked her.

  “I had no idea where we were going, or what we’re doing. If you need me to go and change—”

  “You’re perfect, Millie. Can I confess something?”


  “I don’t have a clue what to do tonight. I just want you all to myself, and without the club, or pressures. Just you and me.”

  Millie smiled. “Then let’s go and make this a date together.”

  He squeezed her hand, and she paused when she saw his bike.

  “Please, for me, give it a try.”

  “Bikes are kind of scary.”

  “You’ll have a reason to hold onto me.” He couldn’t resist grabbing her hips. They were so full, and he wanted her. His cock thickened, and he pressed his lips against her neck, breathing in her scent.

  She drove him fucking crazy, and she didn’t even know what the hell she was doing to him. It was like a spell that only Millie could weave.


  “Yeah, I’m hungry.”

  “Shit, sorry.” Grabbing the helmet, he held it out to her.

  “Not a chance. Do you know how much Lacey pulled, tugged, and tweezed to get this hair like this? I’m scared to move in case my hair literally falls off my head.”

  He burst out laughing. “It makes me wonder at times how she is so busy.”

  “The woman is a sadist.”

  Baker didn’t like the thought of her going without a helmet, but he wasn’t about to force the issue. He’d drive carefully, and he was confident with his skills. They would both be safe.

  Straddling his bike, he waited for her to get on comfortably. He noticed she didn’t grab him too hard, and he rolled his eyes.

  “You’ve got to hold right on tight to me, babe.” Taking hold of her hands, he wrapped them around his waist, and she snuggled in close.

  “Take me to get some food, Baker.”

  Then she kissed his neck.

  Starting up the engine, he pulled away from her shop, and headed out of town toward a bar that served food, sometimes had a band, and a dance-floor, Ronald’s bar. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was good. He’d never seen a fight break out, and it took them away from the prying eyes of The Skulls.

  He felt as she leaned back a little, looking up at the sky.

  “Whoop, this is great!” She screamed the words, and he loved seeing her let go.

  Millie held onto him tightly still, her jean covered cunt calling to him as it pressed against his back. He wanted more than anything to stop somewhere, and fuck her. This was how it always felt around her. She filled him with so much need that it was hard for him to think of anything else.

  She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight for several seconds before loosening her hold and enjoying the rush of wind over her face.

  By the time he pulled up outside of Ronald’s bar, Millie looked full of life and passion. Her eyes sparkled, and even though she fell on her ass getting off his bike, Baker found it an enjoyable excuse to put his hands back on her. Several cars and bikes were parked outside.

  “Are you allowed to be here? Isn’t there some law about bikers or something?”

  “There’s no other MC here, and I’m not in anyone else’s territory. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “Okay. I don’t want you to get into trouble for just taking me out.”

  “That would never happen, I promise.”

  Unable to resist, he dropped a kiss to her lips. “Now, let’s go and get you food.”

  Once inside the bar, he found a table that offered them a little privacy but allowed them to see everything going on inside the bar. Years of The Skulls finding trouble had made it impossible for him to actually relax.

  “I like it here,” she said. “It has a really good vibe. Have you been here before?”

  “A couple of times. Just because I wanted to be alone and stare at the beer bottle, or wonder what the fuck I’m doing. I came here a lot after you left.”

  “I didn’t really leave. I just went home.”

  “You left, and I knew it was all my fault.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  He reached out, taking her hand. Running his thumb across her knuckles, he stared into her eyes at the same time. “It was my fault. Everything you said to me wasn’t wrong. I loved my wife, and I’m not going to lie to you. I still love my wife. I will always love her, and I doubt that will ever change. She holds a place in my heart. The only difference is the fact that it’s not the same. She’s there, but she’s not. Does that make sense?”

  “I think so. You don’t have to not talk about her, you know.”

  “I don’t want to hu
rt you.”

  “You won’t. We all have a past. I accept that. How did you meet her?”

  “Katie was my high school sweetheart. I fell in love with her when we were kids. Obviously I didn’t have a clue what it meant until later. The moment I did, I knew I was going to marry her, have kids.”

  “How do you know you’re ready to move on?” she asked.

  He held his hand up, showing his empty ring finger. “Memories are all well and good, but they don’t keep you warm at night. I haven’t been warm in a long time, Millie. I want to have a life, and not just look back wishing for another woman. I want you.”

  She licked her lips. “Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special.”

  “Do you believe me?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do.” She opened her mouth and then closed it. “We all have a past, and I have, had, a fiancé.”


  “Yes. Ten plus years ago. I was nineteen, and young, and stupid. The guy I had been dating in high school asked me to marry him, and I was so convinced that I loved him, I said yes. We hadn’t had sex or anything.” He saw her cheeks had gone a really deep shade of red. She didn’t stop talking though. “I should have known it wasn’t meant to be. I mean, he’d never even tried to be with me, you know.”

  “Have sex with you?”

  “You know how most girls are supposed to be pressured or whatever? I never was. He was this sweet guy, and I thought he was what I wanted.”

  “What happened?”

  She stared down at his hands. “He was having sex with a girl I know. I walked in on my wedding day as they were fucking. They didn’t know I could see them, or that I was there, and I heard them talking. Sucked.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “I’m going to go a little personal right now and say that all my life I have always been second best. No one has ever wanted me for me, or they’ve always wanted me to do something, or it was because I was there, and their other friend wasn’t. When I came to Fort Wills, I promised myself that I wouldn’t be second best anymore. I wouldn’t settle for second best.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze, amazed as she batted away her tears. Baker wondered if she’d learned to do that a lot.

  “You’ll never be second best to me.”

  “I don’t mind waiting.”

  “There’s something I’m curious about,” he said, staying on topic but changing it a little.


  “You said you didn’t have sex with your guy, and then you moved to Fort Wills. Have you ever had sex?”

  Her mouth opened wide, and then closed.

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “You know it’s really rude to do what you’re doing,” she said, looking around the bar.

  “No one can hear us, and if they could, they really wouldn’t care. You’re a virgin?”

  “Yeah, I’m a virgin. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go and announce it to the entire world.”

  Baker nodded. “Well, I didn’t expect that.”

  She glared at him, and picked up the menu.

  “I’m not a virgin.”

  “I already know that.”

  “I can teach you a thing or two. I have this trick with my tongue—”

  “Baker, this is supposed to be a date.”

  “I’m not judging you. I’m advertising my skills. Haven’t you ever been curious about it?”

  “Sure, I have. I’ve just never wanted to do something like that with someone I didn’t know. It hasn’t been exactly hard to stay this way, Baker. There’s not thousands of hot men, or ugly men, banging down my door to go on a date.”

  “All it takes is one.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “I’m right here, Millie, and I’d gladly break your door down to get to you.”

  Her mouth had opened slightly, and he saw that her nipples poked against the front of her shirt. She was curious, and he was going to work with that.

  “If you ever feel the need to experiment, or find out what you like, I’m your guy.”

  “Baker, are you being serious?”

  “Deadly serious.”

  “Wow, you’re full of surprises today.”

  “The night is young.”


  “Am I better than Millie?”

  “Fuck, baby, even if I let Millie get close, you’re the best. I’m going to have to put a bag over her head to fuck her.”

  Millie would never forget the horrible words she’d heard. She’d truly believed that Brian had been a sweet man when in fact, he’d found it easier to hide who he really was. Five years they were dating, and in all of that time, she never once suspected that he’d been cheating on her, or that he despised her.

  After finding him screwing her on the day she was due to get married, Millie couldn’t take it. She’d gone back to her room where everyone else at the wedding was more interested in their own stuff, and she’d simply left her own wedding. No one had stopped her, even as she climbed into a car in her wedding dress. It had been like she didn’t exist in this world, or that no one even cared that she was running away from the guy she was supposed to marry.

  Once she got home, she’d packed her bag and left. The wedding dress was wrapped up in a bag in her attic. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to throw it out. The dress had cost a fortune, and had meant so much to her at the time.

  She had been second best her entire life.

  The moment she entered Fort Wills, she’d felt at home, and known without a doubt that this was where she was going to stay.

  “The night is young, huh?” she asked.

  “Neither of us has to be back by a curfew. How do you feel to spending some time with this badass biker?”

  She giggled. “Badass?”

  “I am bad.”

  “You bake, Baker. I wouldn’t exactly call that a bad profession. It’s … sweet.”

  “I’m a sweet guy as well as bad.”

  “All right then, bad boy. What’s good here?” she asked.

  Baker went and ordered their food after they had decided what they wanted. They both were having the steak with fries, onion rings, and the works. Her mouth watered just thinking about the food. He came back with some drinks. She was surprised to see he had the same as hers.

  Millie didn’t drink, and he’d remembered that.

  “So, are you going to give me a chance? You can test drive me if you like?”

  Sipping her drink, she rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to stop, are you?”

  “I can, but the question is, do you want to?”

  It was nice to have a guy hitting on her. “No, I don’t want you to stop. So, tell me about you, Baker? Something knew that I’ve never heard before.”

  “There’s not much to tell. You know I was married, and I had a baby on the way. I was a baker, and I sold up shop to move out here. Being a prospect wasn’t exactly my plan. I liked The Skulls, and I knew it was where I needed to be. Now I’m a patched in member, I’m happy.”

  “I never thought I’d be a toy shop owner. I love it, and don’t get me wrong it’s amazing, but I thought I’d be a wife and mother. It’s interesting how everything changes, don’t you think?”

  “It’s life, baby. We’re always being challenged, and having shit thrown our way, and that way.” He took hold of her hands once again. “Do you wish you weren’t in Fort Wills?”

  “No. This is my home.”

  “You don’t miss your family?”

  She thought about her family, and their complete lack of love for her. Even with her being in Fort Wills, no one had come to visit her. They probably found her embarrassing. Her family was wealthy. Not newsworthy of course, but the kind that came from old money.

  Biting her lip, she didn’t know how to answer without making herself sound terrible. “No, I don’t.” She averted her gaze, hating how much she actually disliked her family.

  “They must have really done a number on you to feel like

  She looked at him. “You don’t think I’m mean or nasty?”

  “No. I think you’ve clearly been hurt enough that you don’t want to revisit them.” He didn’t say anything more.

  “Thank you for not prying.”

  “You’ll tell me the truth when you’re ready.”

  Their food came out, and she stared at the steak, her mouth watering.

  “This looks so good.” Grabbing a fry, she took a bite and moaned. Sometimes fried comfort food was exactly the best thing in the world.

  Eating food with Baker turned out to be a lot of fun. He didn’t stare at her every time she took a bite of steak or ate a fry. He even dipped one of his in the spicy dipping sauce he ordered, to give her a try. It was nice not to be judged, and she used to be. Brian would spend a lot of time telling her what she should and shouldn’t do.

  “Normal women diet, Millie.”

  “You should really watch your waistline. It’s getting bigger.”

  “Do you know how fat you’re getting?”

  The insults had kept on coming, and she’d hated it. She’d spend most of their dates pushing food around her plate.

  “Damn, I love a woman who knows how to eat,” Baker said, sitting back.

  She’d already stopped eating because she was full, and she was on a new diet. Tonight was going to be difficult to work off, but she was determined to lose at least two dress sizes, or three. She was a size eighteen, and she wanted to be either a twelve, or try for a ten.

  Baker finished his plate, and hers, until there was nothing left.

  “You must think I’m a pig,” he said.

  “Not at all. You’re a big guy. You need to keep a lot of food to keep you going.”

  “Food is a good way of keeping my energy up.”

  She saw the wicked glint in his eye. “You’re not even talking about food, are you?”

  “I am, just what good it can do.”


  “That’s one of them.”

  “You’re not going to stop?”

  “I can stop, but you see, Millie, I’m not going to with you. It’s time for you to know what I want, and that I’m not going to be the nice patient guy who pretends he doesn’t care.”

  “This is a huge change.”

  “I needed time. I’ve had time, and I’m ready.”


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