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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Neither is Darcy,” Emily said.

  “What happened?” Baker asked, chuckling.

  “We don’t know, apart from the fact that Tabitha kicked Michael in the nuts, then Darcy slapped him, and Simon punched him. Anthony shoved him, and when Michael was on the ground, they all proceeded to jump on him.”

  “Michael was saying horrible things. Called Tabitha ugly, Daisy fat, Simon small, and Miles lame. He then told them all that he was number one because he was the oldest, at which point, Darcy wasn’t having him outrank her, and so, they pummeled him,” Sally said, using her crutches to walk toward them. Steven was behind her, staring intently.

  “How the fuck did you find that out?” Nash asked.

  “Easy, I’m one of them, or at least that is what they say.” Sally smiled. “They’re Skulls through and through. Daisy told me that what Anthony said as a warning to Michael. They may be young, and they may not be perfect, but they’re Skulls, they’re family, and if you take on one, you take on them all, and then you’re in big trouble.”

  “Wow,” Lash said, puffing out his chest. “I’m a proud father.”

  “Michael is in for a rough ride,” Whizz said. “He called Daisy fat?”

  “Yeah, and Anthony didn’t like that. Apparently Daisy was crying to Tabitha, and Anthony heard it. He then went back to Michael, sat on him, and forced him to eat dirt.” Sally looked at Lacey and Whizz. “Don’t worry, I spoke to Daisy. I told her she was fine, and she didn’t need to worry. Boys suck, and she should know she’s awesome.”

  Lacey looked relieved. “No one would say anything to us.”

  “They have a Skulls kids’ vow. The grownups should never know. Don’t tell them I told you.” Sally winced. “Holy crap, I’m a grownup now. When did that happen?”

  “Welcome to the club,” Baker said.

  The look of shock made Millie laugh. She loved the club. They were all amazing, loving, and a family. A real family as well. Her own family were nothing like The Skulls. There was no love. Everyone had to take care of themselves, and she hated it. Bethany, her sister, was never there for her, nor were her parents.

  “Millie, you’re big enough to fight your own fight!”

  “Millie, for God’s sakes. Do it yourself.”

  She’d never had a parent come to school, and none of them wanted to know of her success. Her grades were mocked.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Baker asked.

  “Yeah, I am.” She snuggled in close to him, basking in the feeling that only he inspired.

  Chapter Nine

  Three months later

  Baker stared at the apartment the realtor was showing him. It was on the sixth floor, and the view across the horizon was just beautiful. He needed to find his own place. Well, it wasn’t needed, but it was something he wanted. When it came between him and Millie, he either spent time with her at her place, or she stayed at the clubhouse.

  It was time for him to have his own place. Ever since he’d been prospecting with The Skulls, he’d been living at the clubhouse, and wasn’t interested in finding another place to call his own.

  When Katie died, he’d sold his business and the house. He’d gotten rid of everything, including furniture.

  “This is the only apartment left,” the realtor said.

  He couldn’t remember the woman’s name, and he wasn’t interested in remembering. Listening to the crap that came with selling any kind of property, he looked around. “There’s no furniture?”

  “No. It’s entirely up to you, and the price does reflect that there is no furniture.”

  “If I accept, how soon until I can move in?”

  “It depends on your loan.”

  “I’m a cash buyer,” he said. He had plenty of money saved up. This place was well within his means, and he’d still have plenty left over. There was no reason for him to spend money in the past few years. What was the point? There was nothing to spend it on.

  “Oh, well in that case, by the end of the month.”

  “Just in time for Halloween,” he said.

  “Yes, are you thinking of having a party?”

  He saw the change in the woman immediately. Staring at her, Baker frowned. Why? Was it because he was paying by cash? Did he suddenly look more attractive to her?

  “I’ll be spending it with my woman. I’ll take it.”

  The realtor looked a little disappointed, but he didn’t care. Millie was the only one for him, and that was the way it was going to stay.

  The club, he saw it meant so much to her. The Skulls had always been a family. Even when they had more trouble than any of them could deal with, they stuck together and got through it. There was no other way to be.

  Once he finished with the paperwork, he headed out toward his bike in time to see Gash arriving. His club brother lived in the same building, along with Charlotte.

  “You checked the apartment already?” Gash asked.


  “Charlotte called me like ten minutes ago.”

  “It didn’t take long for me to decide what I wanted.”

  “Does Millie know you’re wanting to take that next step?” Gash asked, arms folded.

  Baker shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter. This place is for me. I’ve been putting it off for so long. I feel that it’s time to have a space of my own, you know?”

  “Yeah, I do. Living at the clubhouse has its perks, but I like coming home. It helps when you’ve got a woman to come home to.”

  He and Millie had been together for over three months now, and during that time, Baker had never been happier. For him, it was the strangest feeling in the world. Millie called to him in ways that Katie had not. There was no way he was ever going to compare the two. Millie was a sweetheart, and even though Katie had been, too, she’s been more fired up, more passionate about being successful, which he’d loved about her then. Baker remembered how many times Katie would sit him down talking about how best to improve the bakery, what to do to get maximum price.

  There were times she’d kind of sucked the fun out of baking, but that had been fine. He was young, determined to make his way in the world. They were both equals in that.

  With Millie, she was different, or maybe he was different now. She didn’t beg him to start his own job, nor did she try to convince him to start baking again. When he was with Katie, he’d been in a different place emotionally. Now, he was older, wiser, and he wanted different things out of life. The two people he’d been, Jaxson and now Baker, were not the same. He was the same, but what he wanted out of life was not. With Millie, he talked about what he did for The Skulls, going between their businesses, and helping to keep employees up to date with changes. Everyone at the club pitched in.

  “You okay?” Gash asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’m just having one of this moments, thinking about Katie.”

  “Katie? Who the fuck is Katie? You already straying from Millie?”

  “No. Katie is my dead wife.”

  Gash stared at him. “Oh, I didn’t even know her name. Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve not mentioned it before.” Baker took a deep breath.

  “What were you thinking?”

  “Just how different she is from Millie. How different I am now, compared to then. I didn’t even think I’d changed that much but I have.”

  “Why dwell on that shit? None of us are ever the same people, Baker. You loved her, right?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Then don’t think about anything else. Don’t compare. Besides, you don’t want to ruin your chances with Millie. She’s a good woman, but from what I’ve seen of her, she’s been hurt before.” Gash slapped him on the back. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know everyone wants you and Millie to get together, but if you’re not ready, then don’t take that next step. I like Millie, and I’d hate to see her hurt, but you’re also my club brother, Baker. Do
n’t do anything that you’re going to regret.”

  “You think she’s the rebound?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me?”

  “Gash, Millie is the furthest thing from the rebound.”

  “I don’t want to see you hurt, Baker. Your wife, she meant a lot to you.”

  “She really did, but I also know that a dead wife won’t keep me warm at night. I want Millie. She…” He tried to find the right word to describe Millie. The way she made him feel was whole, complete. “She’s everything, Gash. Everything, and just thinking about her makes me smile.”

  “You’re ready?”

  “More ready than I’ll ever be. I love her.” He smiled. “I’m in love with her.”

  Gash chuckled. “It’s really something when you realize the truth, isn’t it?”

  “Holy shit, I love her, and I’ve wasted so fucking much time.” He shook his head. “I’ve got to go and see her.”

  “Go ahead.”


  Gash watched him go, happy to see the true happiness within his friend. Heading up to his apartment, he opened the door, and Charlotte threw herself at him.

  “Hello, big boy,” she said.

  “Well, hello. Did someone miss me?”

  “Only a little but there’s something I wanted to tell you,” she said.

  “And what’s that?”

  Charlotte took his hand and led him into the bathroom. He didn’t know what was wrong or what was happening.

  “I’ve not had my period in two months, and I took a test this morning while you were out.” She handed him a white stick. “It’s positive, Gash. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Happiness swamped him, totally consumed him until he couldn’t be sure if it was a dream or not.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Gash gasped, then screamed before picking her up, and spinning her around. “We’re going to be parents. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Placing her on her feet, he cupped her face, tilting her head back, and kissing her. “I love you, Charlotte. I love you so fucking much.”

  “We’re going to have a family, finally after all this time.” She kissed him back with a passion that took his breath away. “I never thought we’d get another chance.”

  “I knew we would. Andrew took away our happiness, but I wouldn’t allow him to ruin our future.” He’d die for Charlotte, and for their unborn baby. Gash lowered himself to the floor and kissed her stomach. “You hear that, sweetie? You’re going to be so spoilt.”

  “What do you want? Boy or girl?”

  “I really don’t care. I just want him or her to be healthy. I’ll have a healthy baby. Everything else doesn’t matter.”

  “We’ve got to tell the others,” Charlotte said.

  “Halloween is not far. How about we break it to them for the party?” This year Lacey had gotten her way, and the whole of The Skulls were having a Halloween party, complete with costumes, and a freaky inspired menu, including a monster meatloaf head. Gash didn’t have a clue what that meant, but it all sounded like fun, and right now in his life, he wanted fun. More fun than anything else.


  Millie was serving a customer as Baker walked in the shop. She saw the happiness in his eyes, and the excitement he was trying to contain.

  “Now that guy looks hot,” the woman said.

  She chuckled. “That man is mine.” Millie had never been one to actually make a claim on a man. When it came to Baker, he wasn’t just any man. He was the man.

  “You lucky woman.”

  Millie thought so, and waited for her customer to leave before turning to Baker. “You look perky this morning.”

  “I am. I’ve just bought something, and I’m pretty excited about it.”

  “What did you buy?”

  “I bought an apartment.”

  “An actual apartment?” Millie asked. “I thought you lived at the clubhouse.”

  “I do, and I can still live there, but it’s not what I want for the rest of my life. I was hoping you’d be willing to move in with me?”

  The large stack of cards she’d been carrying tumbled around her as she spun around. “Move in with you?”

  “Yes. It’s the next step, and I really want a place to call our own.”

  “You can move into my place?”

  “Millie, you hate it up there. You’ve not put much in the way of personal touches, and I know you like getting up and going to work, but think about it. Come and stay with me for a couple of weeks. What do you say?” Baker took her hands, pulling her against him.

  “You don’t think we’re moving too fast?” she asked.

  Was it too much to hope they could be moving forward? Not only was it the past three months they’d been dating, and doing some pretty damn heavy petting, but it had been over three years of waiting for Baker. Nearly five years of waiting for him, and she was done waiting.

  She was a twenty-nine year old virgin, scared to take that next step.

  Life was passing her by, and being around The Skulls, and witnessing them in the past three months up close and personal, she knew without a doubt, she wanted that connection with someone.

  “I don’t think we’re moving too fast. If I’m being truthful, I don’t think we’re moving fast enough, Millie. Time is flying by, and I don’t want to wake up regretting another moment.”

  “Do you regret already?”

  “Yes. I regret holding onto the memory of Katie. I regret leaving this between us for so long. I could understand you though. I know you now more than ever before. No one has ever wanted you for you, and because of that, you’ve never felt what it is like to be wanted, to be needed, and to be loved. I can give you all of those things, but it requires something from you.”

  He cupped her face, tilting her head back, and Millie could do no more than stare into his eyes.


  “To take a leap of faith with me. To ride this wave no matter what. I know there will be pain along the way, and a few disappointments. Life always is, but I can promise you I won’t want another woman, I won’t be comparing you to anyone else, and it’ll just be you and me. Are you ready for that?”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips.

  “Tonight, Baker, I want you to make love to me. I want you to be my first.”

  Millie saw she had surprised him. “What?”

  “I’m ready. I’m more than ready. I have to be the oldest virgin living, and I don’t want that title anymore. I want to get rid of it. I want my first time to be with you.”

  Baker slammed his lips down on hers, sliding his tongue across before she opened up, moaning as he thrust inside.

  She moaned, meeting his tongue with hers, dancing together to their beat.

  “Tonight?” he asked.

  “Tonight. You and me. No complications.”

  “I don’t own the apartment yet.”

  “No, here. I’ll make us dinner, and if you’d like, you can stay the night.”

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not. I’ve always had a reaction to the pill. It doesn’t like me.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” He pressed his lips to hers again. At the same time, the door opened and closed. “Tonight.”

  She watched him leave. Her heart was pounding, and she did her best to ignore the nerves that was currently rushing through her entire body. Holy shit, what had she done?

  It’s okay.

  You want this.

  Your first time is going to be with Baker.

  Your only times will be with him.

  Her lips were sore, and she made her way over to the older woman who came into the store.

  After twenty minutes of helping her pick out the best gift for a grandson, Millie rushed to close the shop. Once that was done, she grabbed her cell phone, and dialed Lacey’s number.

  “Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.”

  “Hello, sweetie, what can I do for you today?”

  “I’ve just asked Baker to make love to me tonight, and I’m freaking out. I mean seriously freaking out. What do I do?” Millie asked. “I want to look … good. Nice down there, and all over.”

  “Wait? You and Baker haven’t done it yet?”


  “Why not?”

  Even though they were not in the same room, Millie’s cheeks heated at Lacey’s question. “Erm, I’m sort of a virgin, and it’s no big deal. I mean, the first time is no big deal.”

  “You’re a virgin!” Lacey yelled the words so that Millie had no choice but to hold the cell phone away from her ear.

  “Yeah, just tell everyone.”

  “Right, you need to go upstairs, shower, and wash, and stay in a towel. I’ll be there with a few reinforcements.”

  “Reinforcements? I don’t like that. What the hell?”

  “Just, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle everything.”



  “Try and keep the whole virgin thing to yourself.”

  “Sure, sure.”

  Millie hung up the phone, knowing without a doubt that everyone close to her would know she was a virgin, or at least her days of being a virgin were in fact numbered. Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on her door, and she made her way down, dressed in only a robe. Lacey, Kelsey, and Angel were the only three there.

  “This is it?”

  “I’ll need some help, and besides, there may be a couple more people turning up. This is a big deal, a huge event for you, and you need your besties to help me through it,” Lacey said.

  “Besties?” Millie followed them upstairs.

  “Best friends,” Angel said. “We’re your support group.”

  “I’ve never had a support group.” She’d not really had much of anything.

  “Well, now you have. The Skulls, we stick together. The club, the women, and even the kids,” Kelsey said. “We’re all a little shocked that you’re a virgin.”

  “All?” Millie asked.

  “Yeah, I had to call Angel, so Lash picked up. I told him it was an emergency, and it sort of slipped.”

  “‘Virgin end mission’ is not exactly letting it slip,” Angel said.


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