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Layne, River & Damion

Page 4

by Vicktor Alexander

  Layne smiled. “My great-great grandfather had already done a genealogical trace into our family heritage before Langston Hughes was even born. When he found out that we had British family with the last name Langston. So he named one of his sons Langston in honor of his elite heritage. When it was discovered that Langston Hughes had the same connection, it was too late for any type of dissolution, we were firmly connected. So the only thing my grandfather and my father could do was change the spelling from L-a-n-g-s-t-o-n to L-a-y-n-g-s-t-o-n. It’s subtle but it casts enough doubt though.”

  “Sneaky,” River laughed.

  Layne nodded. “I thought so.” He gestured into the employee lounge. “Shall we see what we can scrape together for dinner?”

  River’s stomach growled loudly and Layne’s eyes widened. “I think River’s stomach has just answered that question,” Damion stated, amusement tingeing his words.

  Layne grinned in Damion direction and returned his gaze back to River. “So, sir, may I escort you to your table?”

  River giggled. “Yes, sir, you may.”

  Layne tried not to let on exactly how much hearing those words from River’s lips affected him and led the young man into the room.


  River woke up, disoriented, his head resting on a firm pillow. Pressing against it, he looked around the dimly lit room in confusion and realized he lay on Damion’s chest, where he’d fallen asleep the night before. They had unapologetically feasted on the remains of lunches left behind by various employees before River had cuddled up to Damion and fallen asleep, ignoring the furtive glances thrown his way by Layne.

  Now, with the morning sun shining through the library’s windows and doors, River was extremely aware of how strange his situation was. He lay sprawled on top of the janitor, a man he’d only met the day before, while Damion’s ex, Layne, lay on the other couch, lonely, and missing Damion. River looked down at Damion, his gaze moving over the man’s strong features. River’s cock lengthened in his pants and he inhaled sharply. He looked up at Damion to make sure he was asleep. Assured that Damion wasn’t awake, River traced his fingers over Damion’s forehead.

  “He’s more sensitive right in between his eyebrows,” Layne’s deep voice was raspy with sleep and right next to River’s ear.

  River jumped and would have let out a scream, but Layne’s hand over his mouth prevented any sound from escaping.

  “Ssshhh. You’re not in trouble. I’m just pointing out to you that if you’re wanting to turn him on that you want to focus there. If you want to get him to stay sleeping you need to rub right at the edge of his hairline, and to calm him down, you rub around his chin.”

  River looked over at Layne in confusion and pulled on Layne’s hand to remove it from his mouth.

  “Why would you help me turn your ex-boyfriend on? Especially when I heard you tell him that you wanted him back?”

  Layne sighed. He glanced away before returning his gaze back to River’s face. River shivered at the intense emotion he saw in Layne’s eyes. The blend of despair, hopelessness, love, and determination was humbling to him; without thinking, River reached out to touch Layne’s forearm, hoping to offer support.

  “I found out seven months ago that I have cancer. Brain cancer. Glioblastoma.” River had to strain to hear Layne’s words; the man had begun to speak softly and when his words penetrated River’s brain he realized why. River gasped. He looked down at Damion in horrified disappointment. How could Damion leave Layne just because the man had been diagnosed with brain cancer? That was absolutely disgusting! Damion had seemed so caring and compassionate. Well it was obvious that River was wrong about him, he’d just have to—

  “I didn’t tell Damion why I was dumping him until last night,” Layne interrupted River’s internal tirade. “So don’t be upset with Damion. He was blindsided. I thought I was protecting him from being saddled with someone who would end up suffering at the end of their life. I thought I was doing what was best for him. Giving him the chance to find love with someone else, but I realize now that I was just afraid.”

  “Afraid of what?” River asked.

  Layne opened his mouth and looked over at Damion, shaking his head. River glanced down at the still sleeping man. He stood up and grabbed Layne’s hand pulling the man with him over to the other couch and sat the man down next to him.

  “What were you afraid of?” River asked again.

  Layne sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “When I came out to my parents they disowned me, quite viciously and violently. Gave me one hour to get out and didn’t speak to me again for the rest of their lives. These were people who gave me life. If they can do that because of who I love, because of how I was born, then how can I be sure that Damion won’t turn his back on me because of cancer? Something else that I have no control over?” Layne shrugged. “I wanted to leave him before he had a chance to leave me.”

  River’s heart clenched and he leaned forward to wrap his arms around Layne’s neck, hugging him tightly. He’d heard about families who rejected their children and family members when they came out, who hadn’t? But he had never actually met one before. It was sad in the objective, like one of those commercials you saw for those starving children in Africa. You felt bad and you sent twenty dollars to help out, but when you actually met one of those children personally, and they told you about the hunger pangs, eating mud pies and feeding it to their siblings, watching their parents die, watching their baby brothers and sisters die, it all became more real to you.

  In the same way, actually talking to someone who had experienced the heartbreak of being disowned, River had never realized exactly how lucky he was to have his own parents. And yet, while he felt bad for Layne, he still felt extremely sorry for Damion.

  “You know that was unfair to Damion, right?” River pointed out as he sat back, his hands sliding along Layne’s shoulders and arms. He shivered slightly and swallowed the dryness that suddenly appeared in his throat. He thrilled at the feel of Layne’s muscles beneath his fingertips and reminded himself that he was trying to get Damion and Layne to make up and get back together, even if it meant he would miss out on fucking one—or both—of them.


  “Yes, I know,” Layne replied. He sighed, sat back and lifted his arms up over his head, tapping his fingers against the wall over his head in a nervous gesture. “I just don’t exactly know how to make it up to him. Especially since he seems to be so into you.”

  River shook his head, his eyes drifting up to Layne’s fingers beating out a staccato rhythm on the wall. “That’s just because he can’t have you.”

  Layne shook his head. “No. We’ve had fights before. Really big arguments, but this time it’s different. It’s like there’s a part of him that has come to life with you. A part of him that I can’t tap into.”

  River tilted his head to the side. “What part is that?” He narrowed his eyes at Layne’s fingers as they slowed down, before speeding up again.

  “He gets to take on the alpha role with you. He doesn’t take that position with me.”

  River’s eyes widened. “You don’t let him top?” He was aghast. He couldn’t imagine Damion not getting a chance to fuck Layne’s ass. As a matter of fact, he’d had quite the graphic dream about Damion fucking Layne while Layne fed his cock to River’s mouth, inch by agonizing inch.

  River cleared his throat and tried to discreetly adjust himself. If the smirk on Layne’s face was any indication, he didn’t do a good job.

  “Oh I let Damion top, absolutely. That’s not what I mean. This isn’t a sexual thing. This is about personality and position in a relationship. When we were together, I was the more dominant one. I was the protector and he was the caretaker. But with you he takes the protector role.”

  River nodded finally understanding what Layne was saying. “Maybe you just never let him take that role with you.”


  Layne stared at River and River felt h
is dick grow harder. He shifted on the couch, looking around the room, trying to find something else to talk about, the silence growing uncomfortable and fraught with sexual tension.

  Groaning from Damion made River jump and he skittered away from Layne as if he were doing something wrong. Damion sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking over at them, his eyebrows rising as he glanced back and forth between the two of them. River tried to adopt a nonchalant air. He wasn’t so sure he was successful at it, but he attempted it nonetheless.

  “Dee,” Layne said.

  “I heard.” Damion said.

  River gasped, turning to look at Damion, his eyes wide. “You heard what?”

  Damion smiled sheepishly. “All of it.” He shrugged. “I woke up the moment you touched my face.”

  Layne chuckled. “Sneaky bastard.”

  “Yeah, well.” Damion stretched. “I thought it was you for a second.”

  River stood frozen in the middle of the room looking at the two men who were suddenly looking at him. “What?”

  Damion lifted one shoulder. “I’ve only been with Layne, ever since high school, but he’s right, you’re different. I want you.”

  Layne bobbed his head. “So do I.” He looked over at Damion. “But I still want you too.”

  Damion swallowed and rubbed his chest. “Lay…”

  Lay lifted his hand. “I fucked up, Dee. I know I did, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still want you. Don’t still love you. Because I do. And I’d like to spend the rest of my life, as long as I have, making it up to you. So much.”

  “I still love you too.” Damion sighed. He looked over at River. “But, I want to be with River as well. So what do we do about that?”

  Layne grinned. “That’s up to River.”

  River looked between the two men and groaned as his erection grew impossibly hard. They were trapped in the library for who knew how long. He had two gorgeous men who wanted him and they were asking him what he thought about it?

  “I say we make this a blizzard to remember.”


  Leaning back on the couch, Damion moaned as Layne kissed his neck. It had been too long since he’d had this. Felt Layne’s touch on his skin, Layne’s hands caressing down his torso. Damion reached out and yanked off Layne’s shirt, lifting his hips as River unbuttoned and pulled down his pants. He hissed as Layne’s fingers trailed up his inner thighs and gripped his leaking cock in a firm grasp. Damion tilted his head back and took Layne’s lips in a deep kiss, his own hands running through River’s thick, red hair. Pulling away from his former boyfriend’s mouth, Damion finished undressing, letting out a grunt of pleasure as the other two men did so as well. He hissed as River’s tongue came out to flick at the hardened nubs of his nipples. Lust overwhelmed him and Damion felt as if he were drowning in it. He pulled Layne back to him and took his lips in a bruising kiss.

  Releasing Layne’s mouth, Damion stood and gathered River into his arms before lowering his head and pressing a passionate kiss on River’s lips, sipping from the younger man’s mouth. He swallowed the moan that rose up. He ran his hand down River’s back and squeezed River’s naked ass, letting his finger trace River’s tightly puckered asshole. Damion shivered as Layne licked and nibbled his way down over Damion’s back to Damion’s round bottom, spreading the globes of his ass wide and swiping his tongue up over his hole.

  Damion growled as he pushed the tip of his finger into River’s entrance, biting on River’s bottom lip and pulling on it gently. He was soaring on the passion and desire being sandwiched between these two gorgeous men was inducing in him. Damion knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out for long, it had been too long for him and he was on fire, having Layne’s hands and lips on his body again. And now, with River thrown into the mix, this gorgeous, intelligent young man, was an extra, added dose of aphrodisiac that was more than Damion’s brain could process.

  Damion gave River a gentle push and smiled when River fell into a graceless sprawl onto the couch. Though he hated to disengage from Layne’s tongue in his ass, Damion wanted River’s cock in his mouth. Damion knelt in front of River and licked at the angry, red flared tip of River’s dick, tasting the clear liquid that formed at the top. He swirled the taste of River’s desire in his mouth and groaned at the flavor. A slightly bitter but still sweet taste and, opening his mouth, he dropped down over River’s shaft, sucking it deep.

  The insistent nudge of a bottle against his elbow caused Damion to open his eyes—though he didn’t remember closing them—and look over his shoulder. Layne was holding out a small battered bottle of their favorite lube and a condom, Layne’s bag opened with its contents spilling out on the floor. Damion lifted his lips from River’s cock and accepted the items with a “Thanks”. He’d have to ask Layne why he was carrying around lube and condoms later. Placing the condom on the cushions beside River’s hip, Damion poured a generous dollop of lube onto his fingers. He rubbed the digits together to warm the liquid, before lifting his hand and pressing the tip of one against the pink pucker that was clenching and unclenching before his very eyes. River’s feet were on the edge of the couch, his toes curled around the cushions.

  Damion licked his lips and slid in to the first knuckle. His moan echoed River’s and he heard Layne growl behind him and a thrill shot through him. He’d always loved it when Layne growled.

  “That’s right, stretch that tight hole for your fat cock, baby,” Layne said in his ear, biting on Damion’s earlobe. Damion felt Layne’s own lubed finger at the entrance to his body and he spread his knees apart farther, even as pushed River’s legs up. Pulling his fingertip free, Damion ran his lubed fingers up and down the crease of River’s ass, before pushing two deep twisting them, searching for River’s prostate. Damion let out a groan as Layne shoved two of his thick digits deep into his rear. He dropped his head back, his mouth open and accepted the hard kiss that Layne gave him, even as he thrust his fingers in and out of River’s channel.

  “Fuck! Damion, yes. Oh God. Harder,” River encouraged him.

  Damion released Layne’s lips, not wanting River to feel left out and leaned forward to take River’s mouth in a fiery kiss. As his tongue delved inside of River’s warm opening, Damion pounded the young man’s tight heat, now with three fingers, even as Layne increased the number of fingers as well.

  Damion blinked as River pushed him away with a grunt. “Now,” River stated firmly.

  Damion chuckled and nodded, not wanting to argue.

  “Are we suiting up?” Layne asked.

  Damion nodded. He hesitated and looked over at Layne. “I thought you said…”

  Layne kissed his nose. “I haven’t been with anyone else, but until I can get tested and prove to you that I’m clean I want to make sure your mind is at ease.” The corner of his mind quirked up. “I know you, Dee.”

  Damion knew if his skin had been lighter, it would have been flaming red; as it was he was extremely grateful for his dark brown skin that probably only held a faint tinge of red at that point. “Thank you, Lay.”

  “My pleasure.” Layne looked him up and down. “Trust me.”

  “This is all really touching, but can we save the sappiness for later? I’d really like to have you inside of me, now,” River whined.

  Damion laughed and turned back to River with a wink. “I got you, babe.” Picking up the condom, he ripped open the packet and rolled down the latex over his thick, aching erection. Pouring a generous amount of the lube on his shaft, he line up the head of his dick with River’s hole and waited for Layne to get ready.

  “This is going to be fast. It’s been too long for me,” Layne warned.

  “Same,” Damion agreed.

  “Well then, let’s go,” River complained again.

  Damion groaned and hissed as Layne pushed his long, thick cock deep within his hole, and once Damion felt Layne’s pelvis against the curve of his ass, Damion pushed his own dick deep within River’s body. He moaned as River scoured his skin wi
th his nails, but fuck it felt so good to have his ass filled and to feel his cock surrounded by a tight heat at the same time that Damion was pretty sure that he was going to die in that moment.

  Layne set up a punishing pace and Damion struggled to keep up. It wasn’t graceful, there was no finesse to it. They were simply three men trying to get off. But Damion was extremely aware of the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, the smell of sweaty skin. He heard growls, groans, moans, and curses. He ignored the pains in his lower back and his knees as he thrust into River’s tight chute and fucked himself back onto Layne’s thick shaft.

  And when River reached down to grasp his red and weeping erection, Damion helped him, stroking the column of flesh firmly, before he leaned down and kissed River and licked the young man’s nipple. Which was apparently all it took to send River over the edge. River let out a scream and tightened every muscle of his body, including his ass, as his orgasm roared over him.

  River’s bliss set off a chain of events, Damion, fell soon after, his body wracked by tiny tremors of pleasure and desire, which caused Layne to crash just after him.

  Damion braced himself on his arms on either side of River, remembering Layne’s bad habit of falling forward and falling asleep immediately, seconds before the man did just that. Damion shook his head and laughed. River snorted and reached up to caress Damion’s cheek.


  Damion nodded. “Yeah.”

  “So what are the two of you going to do now?”

  Damion quirked an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean the three of us?”

  River’s eyebrows lifted. “W-what? But I thought…”

  Damion chuckled as he slowly slid out of River’s ass, the both of them groaning as he did so. He moaned and shivered as Layne’s softened cock glided from his ass and he nodded his thanks to River when the younger man helped him get the larger, naked man settled on the couch. Who never once stirred. Bastard.

  Damion turned back to River and smiled gently. “Layne and I don’t do what we just did. Not with anyone. We weren’t lying when we said we hadn’t been with anyone else since high school. We haven’t been. That isn’t to say we haven’t been propositioned or tempted. We have been. Plenty. But still we’ve been completely faithful. There’s just something different about you. So the fact that we both wanted you and were both willing to be with you, together, says a lot.”


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