A Time of Tyrants
Page 44
44. Kesson, Another Time, Another Place, p. 8.
45. Isobel Murray, Jessie Kesson: Writing her Life, Edinburgh: Canongate, 2000, pp. 160–61.
46. John Wheatley, One Man’s Judgement: An Autobiography, London: Butterworths, 1987, p. 45.
10 Striking Back
1. NA ADM1/13410 Naval Training: Specially constructed craft for training submarine personnel in Loch Corrie (Port HHX) and Loch Cairnbawn (Port HHZ).
2. NA ADM1/12880 Complements of Ships and Establishments (7): Small submersible craft (X-craft, Chariots and Welman craft) combination as 12th S/M Flotilla: complementing, administration and training, 1943.
3. Admiralty, His Majesty’s Submarines, London: HMSO, 1947, p. 61.
4. The full account of the attack is told in C. E. T. Warren and James Benson, Above us the Waves: The Story of Midget Submarines and Human Torpedoes, London: Harrap, 1953.
5. Bruce Barrymore Halpenny, Fight for the Sky, London: Patrick Stephens, 1986, p. 41.
6. NA AIR 26/597 Banff Mosquito Strike Wing: photographic record of operations, September 1944–May 1945.
7. Obituary of Air Chief Marshal Sir Christopher Foxley-Norris, Daily Telegraph, 29 September 2003.
8. NLS Acc. 6119, Wimberley Papers, Box 2, Part 4.
9. McGregor, Spirit of Angus, p. 9.
10. P. K. Kemp, The Middlesex Regiment, 1919–1952, Aldershot: Gale & Polden, 1956, p. 129.
11. McGregor, Spirit of Angus, p. 26.
12. Hamilton, Monty: The Making of the Field Marshal, p. 198.
13. Delaforce, Monty’s Highlanders, p. 33.
14. Ibid., p. 51.
15. Barker, Gordon Highlanders in North Africa and Sicily, p. 6.
16. Borthwick, Sans Peur, p. 34.
17. NA WO 175 War Office: Allied Forces, North Africa (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War, 1st Gordon Highlanders.
18. Alanbrooke, War Diaries, pp. 378–9.
19. McCallum, Journey with a Pistol, p. 98.
20. Sinclair, War like a Wasp, pp. 130–31.
21. Selwyn, Victor, ed., Return to Oasis: War Poems and Recollections from the Middle East 1940–1946, London: Shepheard Walwyn, 1980, p. xix.
22. Ibid.
23. Angus Calder, ‘Hamish Henderson’, Independent, 12 March 2002.
24. Henderson, Elegies, p. 37.
25. MacLean, Selected Poems, p. 122.
26. Sorley MacLean, ed. Christopher Whyte, Poems to Eimhir, Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 2002.
27. Garioch, Two Men and a Blanket, p. 8.
28. Obituary, Robin Lorimer, The Times, 24 August 1996.
29. Hay, Collected Poems and Songs, p. 77.
30. Jocelyn Brooke, ‘Landscape near Tobruk’, John Lehmann, ed., Penguin New Writing 21, Harmondsorth: Penguin Books, 1944.
31. NA WO 175 War Office: Allied Forces, North Africa (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War, 1st Gordon Highlanders.
32. Barker, Gordon Highlanders in North Africa and Sicily, p. 25.
33. Barclay, History of The Cameronians, p. 113.
34. NLS Acc. 6119, Wimberley Papers, Box 2, Part 4.
35. NA CAB 101/182, Correspondence on Operation ‘Thursday’ (second Chindit expedition), Symes to Major-General S. Woodburn Kirby, February 1958.
36. John Masters, The Road Past Mandalay, London: Michael Joseph, 1961, p. 136.
37. Ibid., p. 146.
11 Victory in Europe and the Far East
1. McGregor, Spirit of Angus, p. 123.
2. Delaforce, Monty’s Highlanders, p. 138.
3. Salmond, 51st Highland Division, p. 145.
4. Hamilton, Monty: Master of the Battlefield, pp. 701–2.
5. Delaforce, Monty’s Highlanders, p. 143.
6. Ibid.
7. Lindsay, So Few Got Through, p. 38.
8. Keegan, Six Armies in Normandy, p. 175.
9. Ibid., p. 176.
10. Ibid., p. 181.
11. Michael Blackcock, The Royal Scots Greys, London: Leo Cooper, 1971, p. 102.
12. Muir, First of Foot, pp. 333–4.
13. Ibid., pp. 342–55.
14. Miles, Life of a Regiment, vol. V, pp. 320–24.
15. Lindsay, So Few Got Through, p. 183.
16. Scott, ‘Coronach (For the dead of the 5/7th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders)’, Selected Poems, p. 12.
17. Miles, Life of a Regiment, vol. V, p. 346.
18. Ibid., pp. 351–2.
19. Barclay, History of the Cameronians, p. 221.
20. Martin Gilbert, Churchill: A Life, London: Heinemann, 1991, p. 767.
21. Hamilton, Monty: Master of the Battlefield, p. 227.
22. Neat, Henderson, pp. 153–5.
23. Linklater, Campaign in Italy, p. 100.
24. NA WO 170/1471 War Office: Central Mediterranean Forces, (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War, 2nd Royal Scots Fusiliers.
25. Kemp, History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, p. 197.
26. Madden, 6th Black Watch, pp. 37–47.
27. Wallace Kinloch and Ralph Couser, 350 Glorious Years, 1642–1990, London: RHQ Scots Guards, 1993, p. 152.
28. McBain, Regiment, at War, p. 178.
29. Ibid., p. 180.
30. Muir, First of Foot, pp. 154–5.
31. F. C. Currie, ‘Kohima 1944’, Thistle, January 1946.
32. Hawkins’ Diary, Historical Records of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, vol. V, p. 156.
33. Ibid., p. 159.
34. Sym, Seaforth Highlanders, p. 285.
35. Historical Records of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, vol. V, p. 179.
36. Allen, Longest War, pp, 514–23.
37. Muir, First of Foot, p. 180.
12 Brave New World
1. NAS HH 50/136 Report of the Interdepartmental Conference of Arrangements for Celebrating the Cessation of Hostilities with Germany 3 October 1944.
2. Ibid.
3. NAS HH 50/137 Scottish Home Department memorandum, 20 April 1945.
4. Edinburgh Evening News, 9 May 1945.
5. NAS HH 50/138 Celebration of the Termination of Organised Hostilities (VJ Day).
6. John Ellis, World War II: A Statistical Survey, London: Facts on File, 1993.
7. NAS HH 50/160–165 Heavy explosive and incendiary missiles dropped in Scotland 1939–45.
8. Allport, Demobbed, pp. 1–3.
9. Lindsay, Forgotten General, p. 174.
10. A Decade of American Foreign Policy: Basic Documents, 1941–49, Article VII Poland, Prepared at the Request of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the Staff of the Committee and the Department of State. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1950, pp. 23–8.
11. Interview with Wladyslaw Fila, Royle, ‘General Sikorski’s Tourists’.
12. Carswell, For Your Freedom and Ours, pp. 27–9.
13. ‘Polish immigrants swell Scotland’s new baby boom’, Scotsman, 15 June 2007.
14. Clarke, Hope and Glory, p. 214.
15. Glens Folk, Kirriemuir: Community of the Glens, 2000, p. 57.
16. NAS HH 50/144 Post-War Planning Response to Memorandum by the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, 19 October 1943.
17. Slaven, Development of the West of Scotland, p. 249.
18. NAS HH 50/201 Joint Memorandum on Reconstruction by Mr J. Westwood and Mr J. S. Wedderburn, to Secretary of State, 13 March 1941.
19. Kohan, Works and Buildings, p. 431.
20. Johnston, Memories, p. 169.
21. The files are contained in NAS HH 50/144–155 Post-War Planning and NAS HH 50/166–192 Scottish Council on Post-War Problems.
22. Scottish Daily Express, 28 June 1945.
23. UK Election Statistics 1945–2000, House of Commons Research Paper 01/37, 29 March 2001, p. 12.
24. Your Health Service: How It Will Work in Scotland, Edinburgh: HMSO, 1948, pp. 22–3.
25. Dunfermline Press, 7 January 1947.
26. Modernisation and Re-equipme
nt of British Railways, London: British Transport Commission, 1955, p. 14.
27. Marr, Battle for Scotland, p. 95; Devine, Scottish Nation, p. 565.
28. Editorial, Glasgow Herald, 28 November 1946.
29. Douglas Young, Plastic Scots and the Scottish Literary Tradition: An Authoritative Introduction to a Controversy, Glasgow: William MacLellan, 1946, pp. 19–20.
30. Alan Bold, ed., The Letters of Hugh MacDiarmid, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1984, p. 788.
31. John MacCormick, Scottish Convention: An Experiment in Democracy, Glasgow: William MacLellan for the Scottish Convention, 1943, p. 43.
32. Marr, Battle for Scotland, p. 116.
33. Eileen Miller, ‘Henry Harvey Wood’, New Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: OUP, 2004.
34. Lindsay, Thank You for Having Me, p. 126.
35. Finlay, Modern Scotland, p. 184.
36. NA INF 1/292, Home Intelligence Weekly Reports, 30 September–9 October 1940.
37. Lindsay, Thank You for Having Me, p. 116.
38. The Scottish Economy 1965 to 1970, a Plan for Expansion, Cmnd. 2864.
39. Johnston, Memories, p. 170.
1. Herdman, Some Renaissance Cultural Wars, pp. 11–12.
2. Editorial, Catalyst, December 1967.
3. Isobel White and Jessica Yonwin, ‘Devolution in Scotland’, Standard Note: SN/PC/3000, Edinburgh: Parliament and Constitution Centre, 2004.
4. Devine, Scottish Nation, p. 565.
Official Papers and Records
Glasgow City Archives and Special Collections
Imperial War Museum: Department of Sound Records (IWM)
National Archives, Kew (NA)
ADM 116 Admiralty: Record Office: Cases
ADM 178 Admiralty: Naval Courts Martial Cases, Boards of Inquiry Reports, and Other Papers (Supplementary Series)
ADM 199 Admiralty: War History Cases and Papers, Second World War
AIR 27 Air Ministry and successors: Operations Record Books, Squadrons
AIR 28 Air Ministry and Ministry of Defence: Operations Record Books, Royal Air Force Stations
AIR 50 Air Ministry: Combat Reports, Second World War
CAB 65 War Cabinet minutes, 1939–45
CAB 66 War Cabinet memoranda (CP and WP) 1939–45
CAB 67 War Cabinet memoranda (WP[G]), 1939–45
CAB 68 War Cabinet memoranda (WP[R]), 1939–45
CAB 73 Air Raid Precautions Registered Files 1931–57
CAB 106 Historical Section Files (Archivist and Librarian Series)
DEFE 28 Ministry of Defence: Directorate of Forward Plans: Registered Files
HO 186 Air Raid Precautions Registered Files 1931–57
HO 207 Home Office and Ministry of Home Security: Civil Defence Regions, Headquarters and Regional Files, 1935–57
HS 2 Special Operations Executive: Group C, Scandinavia: Registered Files
WO 165 War Office: Directorates (Various): War Diaries, Second World War
WO 166 War Office: Home Forces: War Diaries, Second World War
WO 167 War Office: British Expeditionary Force, France: War Diaries, Second World
War WO 168 War Office: British North West Expeditionary Force, Norway: War Diaries, Second World War
WO 169 War Office: British Forces, Middle East: War Diaries, Second World War
WO 171 War Office: Allied Expeditionary Force, North West Europe (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War
WO 172 War Office: British and Allied Land Forces, South East Asia: War Diaries, Second World War
WO 175 War Office: Allied Forces, North Africa (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War
WO 197 War Office: British Expeditionary Force, France: Military Headquarters Papers, Second World War
WO 198 War Office: North West Expeditionary Force, Norway: Military Headquarters Papers, Second World War
WO 199 War Office: Home Forces: Military Headquarters Papers, Second World War
National Archives of Scotland (NAS)
AF 59 Agriculture, Labour, Safety and Wages Files
HH 50 Second World War Files
National Library of Scotland (NLS)
Acc. 10517 Papers of Christopher Murray Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid)
Acc. 5862 Papers of Tom Johnston
Acc. 5540 Papers of James Kennaway
Acc. 3721 Papers of the Scottish Secretariat and Roland Eugene Muirhead
Acc. 6119 Papers of Major-General Douglas Wimberley
Acc. 7380 Papers of Major-General Douglas Wimberley relating to the 51st (Highland) Division
Acc. 7656 Papers of Arthur Woodburn
Scottish National War Museum
Commando Country exhibition, October 2006–February 2008
Land Girls and Lumber Jill exhibition, February 2010–February 2011
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Cochrane, Peter, Charlie Company: In Service with C Company 2nd Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders 1940–1944 (London, 1977)
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—, The Wild Green Earth (London, 1946)
—, The Black Watch and the King’s Enemies (London, 1950)
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—, Guests of War (London, 1956)
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—, Private Angelo (London, 1946)
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—, The Company I’ve Kept (London, 1966)
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