A Time of Tyrants
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Civil Defence Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
civil defence (and curtailment of liberties) Ref1
civilian involvement on Home Front in Scotland Ref1
Clark, Brigadier H.J.D. Ref1
Clark, Captain W.D. Ref1
Clark, Lieutenant-General Mark Ref1
Clyde Alloy Steel, Motherwell Ref1
Clyde Basin Scheme Ref1
Clyde shipbuilding Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
ancillary and related industries, reliance on Ref1
decline in Ref1
industrial unrest, fears of Ref1, Ref2
strikes during First War in Ref1
Clydebank Ref1
blitz on Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
carnage of blitz on Ref1, Ref2
evacuation from Ref1
industrial damage, less than expected Ref1
coal production in Scotland Ref1, Ref2
Coastal Command Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Coia, Jack Ref1
Colditz Castle Ref1
Colville, Sir John Ref1, Ref2
Colville’s steelworks Ref1
Combined Operations HQ, Largs Ref1
Combined Training Centre, Inveraray Ref1
commando units (and training) Ref1, Ref2
Communist Party Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
The Cone Gatherers (Jenkins, R.) Ref1
‘Consanguinity’ (Duncan, R.) Ref1
conscientious objectors Ref1, Ref2
dealing with Ref1, Ref2
conscription Ref1
equality of effort through Ref1
industrial conscription in Scotland Ref1
of Scottish girls for munitions work Ref1
of women in Scotland Ref1
Conservative Party Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11
‘khaki election’ and postwar politics Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4. Ref5
power in Scotland Ref1
Convoy JW66 Ref1
Convoy JW51B Ref1
Cook, Captain James Ref1
Cooper, Lord Advocate Thomas Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Cooper Report (1942) Ref1
Corby, Northamptonshire Ref1
Cossack, HM destroyer Ref1
Country Life Ref1
Courageous, HM carrier Ref1
Cowan, Admiral Sir Walter Ref1
Coward, Noël Ref1, Ref2
Cox’s Bazaar Ref1
Crete Ref1
Crolla, Alfonso Ref1
Cromwell, Oliver Ref1
Crookston House, Midlothian Ref1
Crown Jewels, protection for Ref1
‘The Cry of Europe’ (Henderson, H.) Ref1
Cultybraggan POW Camp Ref1
Currie, Captain F.C. Ref1
Cyclops, HM depot ship Ref1
Cyrenaica Ref1
Czechoslovakia Ref1, Ref2
D-Day landings (June 1944) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
breakout from Ref1
Caen Ref1, Ref2
Escaut Canal Ref1
overstretch Ref1
see also Operation Overlord
D-Notice system Ref1
Dad’s Army Ref1, Ref2
Daily Express Ref1
Dakota transport aircraft Ref1
Dalbeattie nitro-glycerine works Ref1
Dalkeith Ref1
D’Alquen, Gunter Ref1
dancing in wartime Scotland Ref1
Danzig (Gdansk) Ref1
Darling, Sir William Young Ref1
Dau, Captain Heinrich Ref1
David, Saul Ref1
Davidson, Brigadier D.S. Ref1
daylight saving, double summer time and Ref1
declaration of war Ref1
defeatism, sense of Ref1
Defence Regulations (13, Protected Areas) Ref1
Defence Regulations (18B, rounding up of ‘aliens’) Ref1
Defence Regulations (Order 1305) Ref1
Defence Regulations (Order 1AA) Ref1
Defiant night fighter Ref1, Ref2
demobilisation Ref1, Ref2
Denholm, Flight Lieutenant George Ref1
Denmark Strait Ref1
Denny’s Shipyard, Dumbarton Ref1, Ref2
Desert War Ref1, Ref2
Devonshire, HM cruiser Ref1
Dewar, Donald Ref1, Ref2
Dido, HM cruiser Ref1
Diégo Suarez, Madagascar Ref1
Dig for Victory campaign Ref1
Distillers Company Ref1
Dixon’s, Glasgow Ref1
Dollan, Lord Provost Patrick Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Donaldson, Arthur Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Dönitz, Admiral Karl Ref1
Doolan, Lieutenant-Colonel E. Ref1
Dornier 18 flying boat Ref1
Dornier 17 reconnaissance aircraft Ref1
Douglas, Keith Ref1
Douglas, Major C.H. Ref1
Douglas, Ronald Macdonald Ref1
Douglas-Home, Hon. William Ref1
Douhet, General Giulio Ref1
Drabner, Sergeant Rudi Ref1
Drew, Major-General J.S. Ref1
Drone Hill, Cockburnspath Ref1
Drumchapel Ref1
Duke, Norman Ref1
Duke of Argyll (LMS ferry) Ref1
Duke of York (KGV class battleship) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Duncan, Lieutenant-Colonel C.S. Ref1
Duncan, Ronald Ref1
Dundas, Midshipman William Ref1
Dundee Ref1, Ref2
bombing raids on Ref1
Caledon shipyard Ref1
Divisional HQ at Ref1
Empress Ballroom Ref1
industry in wartime in Ref1
jute industry in Ref1
Messerschmitt fighter on display at Ref1
naval co-operation in Ref1
submarine base at Ref1, Ref2
Dunfermline Press Ref1
Dunkirk evacuation Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
Dunnett, Alastair Ref1
Durrell, Lawrence Ref1
Dyle Line Ref1
Eaglesham, Messerschmitt crash at Ref1
Earlston Ref1
East African Brigade Ref1
East Indies Ref1
East Lomond Hill, Falkland Ref1
East Lothian Ref1
Eben Emael fortress Ref1
Eden, Anthony Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Edinburgh Ref1
air attacks on Firth of Forth and Ref1
Archbishop of Ref1
Edinburgh Castle Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10
enemy ‘aliens’ in Ref1
fictional army and HQ at Ref1
industry in wartime in Ref1
International Festival Ref1
violence against Italians in Ref1
Edinburgh, HM cruiser Ref1
Edinburgh Evening News Ref1
Education (Scotland) Act (1908) Ref1
Edward I Ref1
Edward VIII Ref1
Egypt Ref1, Ref2
Eighth Army Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
Eisenhower, General Dwight D. (later President) Ref1
El Alamein, Battles of Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
Electra, HM destroyer Ref1
Elegies of the Dead of Cyrenaica (Henderson, H.) Ref1
Elgar, Sir Edward William Ref1
Elgin, Countess of Ref1, Ref2
Elgin, Lord Ref1
Eliot, George Ref1
Eliot, T.S. Ref1
Elizabeth II Ref1
coronation of Ref1
Elliott, Walter Ref1, Ref2
Emergency Hospital Service (EHS) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Emergency Powers Act Ref1
Emergency Powers (Defence) Act (1939) Ref1
emigration Ref1
Empire Cinema (Bellahouston Park) Ref1
Empire Exhibition, Bellahouston (1938) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
br />
decline in prospects for Ref1
economy, investment and lack of Ref1
enuresis Ref1
equipment, problem of Ref1
Eric II, King of Norway Ref1
Eriskay Ref1
Eritrea Ref1
Escaut Line Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Escort, HM destroyer Ref1
Eskdene (Dene Shipping) Ref1
Essential Work (General Provisions) Order (1941) Ref1
Essential Workers (Agriculture) (Scotland) Order (1941) Ref1
Ethiopia Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
of children Ref1, Ref2
planning and operation of Ref1, Ref2
Evening Citizen Ref1
Experimental Submarine Flotilla Ref1
Fabian Society Ref1
Fairbridge Ref1
Fairfield Shipping Company Ref1
Falconer, Lord Provost Sir John Ref1
Fame, HM destroyer Ref1
Fascist Club in Edinburgh Ref1
Father Malachi’s Miracle (Marshall, B.) Ref1
Fergusson, James Ref1, Ref2
Fergusson, Major (later Brigadier) Bernard Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Fernilee, Galashiels Ref1
Ferranti, Edinburgh Ref1
Ferrier, Kathleen Ref1
Fettes College Ref1
Fiddes-Watt, Captain A.G. Ref1
Field, Lieutenant-Colonel Colin Ref1
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry Ref1, Ref2
Fife Home Guard Ref1
Fife Ness Ref1
15th (Scottish) Division Ref1
north to winter quarters Ref1
order of battle Ref1
training in Borders Ref1
52nd (Lowland) Division Ref1, Ref2
distinguished record Ref1
escape through Cherbourg Ref1
Normandy experience Ref1
order of battle Ref1
51st (Highland) Division Ref1
combat ready Ref1
desert fighting with Eighth Army Ref1
equipment, problem of Ref1
Lorraine deployment Ref1
Mareuil Ridge, last attack of 1940 Ref1
morale, pride and Ref1
reconstitution of Ref1
River Somme defensive line Ref1
Fila, Władysław Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Finlay, Christopher Ref1
First World War Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11
Firth of Forth Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
‘suicide corner’ for German aircrew Ref1
fisheries Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Fishguard Ref1
Fison, Sergeant Wilfred Ref1
Flavell, Bobby Ref1
Fleming, Lord Ref1, Ref2
Fleming, Major A.G.I. Ref1
flying training in Scotland Ref1
Food Ministry Ref1
food shortages in Scotland Ref1
Foot, Sir Dingle Ref1
football in wartime Scotland Ref1
Forbes, Admiral Sir Charles Ref1
Ford, Captain Douglas Ref1, Ref2
Ford, 2nd Lieutenant James Allan Ref1, Ref2
foresters in Scotland Ref1
Forsyth, Platoon Sergeant Herbie Ref1
Fort Augustus Ref1
Fortune, Major-General V.M. Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Forward magazine Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Fourteenth Army Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
France, fall of Ref1, Ref2
Franco-Polish Military Agreement (1939) Ref1
Frank, Hans Ref1
Fraser, George Sutherland Ref1
Fraser, Simon Ref1
Fraserburgh, air raids on Ref1
Frederick Braby, Glasgow Ref1
Free French Navy Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Free Polish Air Force Ref1
Free Polish Navy Ref1
French, Admiral Sir Wilfred Ref1
French Ninth Army Ref1
French Third Army Ref1
Freyburg, General Bernard Ref1
Frontiseki, Josef Ref1
frontline Scotland Ref1, Ref2
Fry, Rear-Admiral C.B. Ref1
Fuel and Power, Ministry of Ref1
Galashiels Ref1
Gallacher, Willie Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Galway, Athenia survivors at Ref1
Gamelin, General Maurice-Gustave Ref1
Garioch, Robert Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
gas masks Ref1
deGaulle, General Charles Ref1, Ref2
Gawsworth, John (pen name of T.I.F. Anderson) Ref1
George VI Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic Ref1
Gibson, Lieutenant-Colonel J.F. Ref1
Gifford, country entertainments in Ref1
Gifford, Flight Lieutenant Pat Ref1
Gilbert, Martin Ref1
G.J. Weir engineering Ref1
Gladstone, William Ewart Ref1
Glasgow Ref1
Barrowlands Ballroom Ref1
Corporation of Ref1
Edwin Muir in Ref1
enemy ‘aliens’ in Ref1
Glasgow Tramways Ref1
‘Second City of Empire’ Ref1
University of Ref1
violence against Italians in Ref1
Glasgow Herald Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
Glasgow Highlanders Ref1, Ref2
The Glen, Innerleithen Ref1
Glen Etive sniping school Ref1
Glenfield Kennedy engineering Ref1
Glenmoriston, Innerleithen Ref1
Gloster Gladiator Ref1
Gneisenau, German battleship Ref1, Ref2
Godwin-Austen, General A.R. Ref1
The Good Soldier Schweik (Hasek, J.) Ref1
Gordon, Esmé Ref1
Gordon Barracks, Bridge of Don Ref1
Gordon Highlanders Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14, Ref15, Ref16
defence of Singapore Ref1
defiance in France Ref1
retreat to Dunkirk Ref1
Göring, Herman Ref1
Gort, Field-Marshal Lord Ref1, Ref2
Admiral Graf Spee, German battleship Ref1, Ref2
Graham, David Ref1
Grainger-Stewart, Brigadier T. Ref1
Grand Hotel, Glasgow Ref1
Grant, Donald Ref1
Grant, General Sir Charles Ref1
Grant-Duff, Captain Neil Ref1
Great Depression, misery of Ref1, Ref2
Green, Lieutenant-Colonel George Ref1
Green, Private Roy Ref1
Athenia survivors at Ref1
blitz on Ref1, Ref2
Gourock and, convoy assembly at Ref1, Ref2
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Ref1
Grieve, Andrew Ref1
Grieve, Christopher Murray Ref1
Grimond, Jo Ref1
Gruinard Island, anthrax contamination on Ref1
Grumman Martlet Ref1
Guam Ref1
Gubbins, Major (later Major-General) Colin McVean Ref1, Ref2
Guests of War (Jenkins, R.) Ref1, Ref2
Gurli, Norwegian MFV Ref1
Guthrie, Tyrone Ref1
Haakon VII, King of Norway Ref1, Ref2
Haifa Ref1
Haldane, J.B.S. Ref1, Ref2
Halfaya Pass Ref1
Halifax, Lord Ref1, Ref2
Halifax, Nova Scotia Ref1
Halifax heavy bomber Ref1
Halton, Gunner Geoffrey Ref1
Hamilton Ref1
Hamilton, Duke of Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Hamilton, Ian Ref1
Hamilton, Major Alastair Ref1
Hampden bomber Ref1
Hanley, Cliff Ref1
Hansen, Chet Ref1
Harvie, Christopher Ref1
Hasek, Jaroslev Ref1
Hawick Ref1
Hawkins, Brigadier V.P.S. Ref1
Hay, George Campbell Ref1, Ref2, Re
Health Department (Scotland) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
health service planning Ref1
heavy industries
decline in Ref1
wartime response of Ref1
Heinkel 88 bomber Ref1, Ref2
Heinkel 111 reconnaissance aircraft Ref1, Ref2
Heller, Joseph Ref1
Henderson, Hamish Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Henderson, Sir Neville Ref1
Henry VIII Ref1
Heraklion Ref1
Herd, John Ref1
Herdman, John Ref1
The Heroes of Telemark (Anthony Mann film) Ref1
Hess, Dame Myra Ref1
Hess, Rudolf Ref1, Ref2
Heydrich, Reinhardt Ref1, Ref2
Highland Light Infantry (HLI) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9
French campaign and Dunkirk Ref1, Ref2
Highlands and Islands Medical Service (HIMS) Ref1, Ref2
Hill, Vice-Admiral Richard Ref1
Hillary, Richard Ref1
Hillington industrial estate Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Himmler, Heinrich Ref1
Hind light bomber (biplane) Ref1
Hitler, Adolf Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14, Ref15, Ref16, Ref17, Ref18, Ref19, Ref20, Ref21, Ref22, Ref23, Ref24, Ref25, Ref26, Ref27, Ref28, Ref29, Ref30
invasion of Britain, hesitation on Ref1
Hoare, Sir Samuel Ref1
Holland, Major (later Major-General) John ‘Jo’ Ref1
Holland see Netherlands
Holy Loch Ref1
Home, 13th Earl of Ref1
Home Fleet Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Home Guard Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Home Rule Bill (1914) Ref1
Honeyman, Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Ref1
Hong Kong Ref1
defence of, problems of Ref1
Japanese attack on Ref1
Kai Tak airfield Ref1
reinforcement of, rejection of Ref1
resistance on, determination of Ref1
surrender of Ref1
Hood, HM battle cruiser Ref1
Hopkins, Harry Ref1, Ref2
Horn, Captain Alfred Ref1
hospital building Ref1
Hotspur, HM destroyer Ref1
Houldsworth, Brigadier H.W. Ref1
housing in rural areas Ref1
Housing (Scotland) Act (1938) Ref1
Hoyle, Flight Lieutenant Ref1
Hudson light bomber Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Hungary Ref1
Hunter, Lieutenant-Colonel A.D. Ref1
Hurlygush (Lindsay, M.) Ref1
Hurricane, HM destroyer Ref1, Ref2
Hurricane fighter Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
Hyderabad Regiment Ref1
hydro-electric power, development of Ref1
Ibrox Stadium Ref1
ICI Ref1, Ref2
illegitimacy rates in Scotland Ref1
Illustrated London News Ref1
Illustrious, HM carrier Ref1
Imperial, HM destroyer Ref1
Imperial Defence Committee Ref1
Indefatigable, HM carrier Ref1
Independent Labour Party (ILP) Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Indo-China Ref1
Indomitable, HM carrier Ref1