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The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1)

Page 81

by Emilia Hartley

  “That’s not your decision to make. You should have let me meet him,” Cynthia said.

  “And what? Have you run off and join some biker band? Let you get passed around a bunch of dogs until you’re used up and thrown out?” she questioned angrily, “no, my granddaughter isn’t going to grow up to be like her mother. You need to do something better with your life.”

  You frustrating old woman!

  Cynthia felt the tears gathering in her eyes.

  “You didn’t know what he was like before. When your mother came back she came back for a reason. He was a violent, outspoken man that ordered her around like a slave. He did come a few times, and every time he came he clashed with the pack alpha. They got in more than a few fights and after the last one I decided it was enough.”

  “Okay, this isn’t the time to talk about this. We need to evacuate with everyone else before the fighting starts,” Cynthia sighed with frustration. She pressed a tear away from the corner of her eye and turned to leave but was stopped at the door.

  “I’m sorry,” her grandma said.

  Cynthia lingered a moment. Would chiding her grandmother further really accomplish anything? She swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “Just get ready to leave,” she said.

  That said, she left the small house.

  Across town she saw Alex and Connor sprint off before everyone else. She worried for him. Even his new abilities as a primal probably wouldn’t protect him from the onslaught that was coming.

  Come back to me, you promise?

  Cynthia joined the convoy that was loaded with all the children and women unable to fight. She eased into the driver’s seat of the old yellow truck and brought it to life. Tess slammed the passenger door shut beside her and without a word they began their journey to safety.


  All was quiet for Alex and Connor. The eerie silence was almost too much for either of them to bear. They sat still beside the crossroad that led into their den, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.

  Well, this is awkward.

  “How’s Tess?” Alex wondered.

  “She’s bored of being stuck in the house. I feel like I’ve spent more time hunting food for her cravings than I have protecting the pack,” Connor snickered.

  Alex laughed nervously; he needed something to help him feel normal. His heart was pounding in his chest and as much as he wanted to shift, he wasn’t sure he would enjoy the silence and the waiting.

  “How’s your girlie?” Connor asked in kind.

  Alex caught himself smiling.

  “She’s good,” he replied.

  “Good?” Connor said, “That’s all you got? You could give me something here.”

  “Okay, okay,” Alex added, “She’s amazing, hell, she’s the reason I’m here ready to take on these bears. I’ll do anything to keep her safe. Plus, if I don’t, her father would find me and tear my head off.”

  Connor looked at him with disbelief.

  “Long story.”

  The ground shook beneath them. From behind they heard the trucks heading their way. Alex tore off the clothing he wore, Connor did the same.

  Alex’s shift felt different this time. Where before he had to force his body to respond, accompanied by cracking bones and torn muscles, this felt as though pulling on a warm jacket; it was comfortable and relaxing. His arms stretched to their new length and his body doubled over, landing him on all fours. The thick black fur still covered him and he thought it felt… different.

  “Alex?” Connor asked.

  Alex growled, positioning himself in the middle of the road. What he felt wasn’t fear but excitement. He’d never felt so invigorated in his life. He was ready to hunt.


  Connor joined him, standing much taller than Alex. New scars covered Connor’s body, scars Alex knew he earned from all the fighting the last couple months.

  As the trucks roared past the duo, Alex saw Cynthia in the lead car and gave her a nod. She smiled back and howled in the car when she saw him in his true shape. The small convoy trundled past but as they did, Alex watched the bears press through the forest, bringing with them an earthquake of motion.

  Connor growled and Alex was invigorated beside him. The first of the bears pressed through the tree line and began their assault. The cars were nearly past so they wouldn’t need to hold for long, but the two wolves longed for a good fight.

  Row after row of bear spread from the forest until the entire road teemed with fur. Alex howled and charged into the group of bears without a single shred of fear. This was his chance, he would defend his girl and his pack with all he had. Connor stayed beside him, not wanting to be shown up.

  Alex dodged the first of a trio of powerful blows. Just like in the bar, everything seemed to move in slow motion. It felt like child’s play.

  Hunt. Kill.

  He lashed out with his fangs and crunched at the neck of the lead bear. His powerful bite drew vital life blood and it fell to the street.

  Connor latched himself to the first beast ahead of him, pressing it back with all his might and slowing their assault. His jaws barked and ripped at the air while the bear tried to hold him away but to no avail. Connor’s mouth found the bear’s shoulder and its blood dripped into his mouth, further driving his bloodlust.

  Alex dashed between the bears, dodging blow after blow. His teeth sunk into their flanks and stomachs. Tufts of fur filled the air as he continued his deadly assault. Eventually a mighty paw found his muzzle and knocked him back toward Connor.

  As valiantly as they fought, Connor and Alex wouldn’t be able to hold them all at bay – there were far too many. Connor barked and snapped at the aggressive bears. He was a flurry, ripping at anything that got in his way. Even when the overwhelming strikes from the bears should have knocked him from his feet, he continued to attack.

  Allies arrived from the den; more wolves to join the fight. They had loved ones to protect and they wouldn’t be denied the chance. The new wolves rallied around Connor and supported him while Alex struck at their flank.

  Still, the bears were gaining ground. Alex fought with Cynthia’s safety in mind, but no matter how many bears he tore into, there was no end to them.

  Connor howled at the pack and together they retreated to the den. Any further fighting on the road would cause them to be surrounded.

  Alex dashed with his newfound speed and forced himself into the middle of the advancing bears to cover their retreat. Their jaws dug into his side and their strikes tore him to the bone but still he fought. Blood poured from his snout but adrenaline surged through his body and he fought on.

  With the rest of the wolves evacuated to the den, Connor howled, informing Alex of their escape. Alex readied himself to leave as quickly as he could but found it difficult. His speed gave him an edge but it wasn’t enough. He needed to go faster, like when he dodged the shotgun in the bar. Where was that speed?


  The largest of the bears appeared on the battlefield, stomping a whole head taller than the grizzlies they’d fought so far. They were the brutish bears that attacked Alex near the Cliff Walker den. They brought with them a new ferocity that even Alex couldn’t match, going so far as to push the smaller bears out of their way.

  Alex managed to get clear of the bears and joined Connor, panting heavily. There was no clear end to the battle in sight. Connor and Alex exchanged glances and returned to the fray with Connor launching himself into the chest of one of the brutes. It reared back and roared, falling to its side but Connor didn’t let up. He continued to sink his teeth deeper into the fur of the beast.

  Alex leapt over his brothers and onto the back of another brown bear, tearing a gash in its arm, a large enough wound that caused the bear to shake off limp backwards to escape. As Alex planted his feet on the ground he received another downward swipe from a standing bear that pummeled him into the dirt. His accumulated wounds were taking their toll. Even with his new strengt
h and agility, he was no match for their numbers. As the bear readied another strike to finally end Alex, a bolt of silvery fur leapt out, his father wrestled his would be slayer to the ground, saving Alex’s life.

  The battle continued to wage, the wolves constantly losing ground to the massive group that laid siege to their den. Blood flowed on the dirt pathway, kicking up a red mud that covered every fighter. Lifeless bodies littered the floor as the wolves protected their fallen comrades. The bears pushed their onslaught all the way back to the footsteps of the farmhouse.

  After half an hour of fighting, the sky had grown dark and before long the rain beat down upon the battlefield. Alex was exhausted from the fighting. Connor’s tongue hung from his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. Both were surrounded on all sides by bears. They were the only ones still in the fight.

  Alex gave Connor a nod. This was the end. They’d fought tooth and nail; long enough that their children and loved ones would live on to see another day.

  Cynthia was the only thought on his mind. Oh Cynthia. He wished he could have held her and kissed her one last time. He wished they could have ran, one last time. Watching from behind as her fur rippled down her back. He wanted to brush the hair and feel her warm embrace on his skin once more. But, if he had to die to protect his love, he would gladly.

  The bears growled around closing the gap of the circle but stopped as a guttural roar was heard over the battlefield. Alex searched around to locate the source and saw in the back of the grouping of bears, a massive bear with a scar that stretched down the side of his face. His fur was covered with old scars, and as he approached he even made the grizzly bears appear small. Finally, within a few feet of them, he shrunk to a little over six feet tall, his fur and claws disappeared, and he was just an old man, about Alex’s father’s age. He was frail with loose skin covering old muscle. Tattoos covered his chest and his grizzled, weather-beaten face had one eye sewn shut. The bears parted to let him into the circle.

  “You fought hard,” he said, “but you’ve lost today. Bears are stronger than wolves. We always have been, and always will be. Picking a fight was foolish of you.”

  Connor didn’t budge, and neither did Alex.

  The stranger paced around the perimeter of the circle, patting his hand on every bear that he walked past.

  “I hate wolves,” he said, “You somehow think you’re better than everyone else.” He stopped in his tracks and scratched at day old facial hair. “You know what you did was wrong and yet you defend your actions. Just give me the killer and we can end this.”

  Alex and Connor were both confused, killer? There was only one real killer here and he had one eye.

  “I’m going to-”


  A crack rang out, echoing throughout the forest, it was impossible to tell where it came from. The bear standing just beside the old shifter fell dead. He contemptuously eyed Alex and Connor.

  “You allied with hunters!?” he shouted, “I’ll make sure you pay for this.”

  The leader grew as he shifted and barked out a retreat. Gunshots continued to ring out from the forest and chaos ensued. Bears trampled each other while frantically trying to escape. Connor and Alex got low and hid inside the farmhouse.

  Within ten minutes the battlefield was empty. The forest fell silent. Connor and Alex lingered inside for a few minutes longer before Connor poked his head around the corner.


  The survivors on the ground stirred and sputtered out coughs. The few that could stand did so and struggled to help those that couldn’t.

  It wasn’t until nightfall that the ground was finally clear of wounded and the dead were laid out on the side of the road. While the fighting was fierce, they only suffered a few real losses. Connor mourned them all. He’d walk amongst the dead, pausing at each one as though trying to remember their face.

  Nobody in the den rested until their fatigue forced them to. Alex found himself in the kitchen of the farmhouse, Connor joined him shortly afterward; not a single word was spoken. They feasted on anything that came close to their mouth, in hopes of replenishing their strength. They even finished the leftover food in the fridge that Alex’s father made, despite its terrible texture and burnt taste.

  “It’s never enough,” Connor said, breaking the silence.

  “What?” Alex wondered.

  “We won’t be able to stand against them again. There’s too many,” he said.

  Alex leaned against the counter with his arms crossed. He was frustrated and tired. Seeing the stress on Connor’s face made him wonder if he’d be able to handle it. If he wanted to be a true leader he knew he would have to face loss, just the same, could he? Connor sharpened his eyes, his brow wrinkled on his face, exaggerating his frustration and anger.

  “We need to thin out their herd. We need to be mobile and strike them before they hit us right back,”

  “That sounds dangerous and reckless,” Alex said.

  Ignoring Alex’s thoughts, he continued “What fucking killer was he referring to? They’re the only killers around here.” A pair of headlights flashed through the kitchen window, and the sound of a truck engine roared in the quiet den. “Nevertheless, we’ll come out on top.” Connor pushed past and stepped outside first followed by Alex.

  Alex recognized the old yellow truck, Cynthia was behind the wheel. His heart lifted the second he saw her return and knew she was safe. When the truck came to a halt, Alex was already there waiting for Cynthia to climb out. He couldn’t wait any longer and instead ambushed her in the driver’s seat with kisses. She returned his affections.

  Connor was growling at the woman in the passenger seat that Alex hadn’t even noticed. But, the name suddenly came to him.

  “Sam?” Alex asked, shocked.

  “She stood in the road and wouldn’t move until I let her in the truck,” Cynthia replied.

  “I couldn’t wash off the guilt of being saved by … one of you,” she shuddered. She swiveled in her seat. Alex could see her leg heavily bandaged and casted, his own guilt panged at his chest.

  She still hasn’t healed.

  “Who is this,” Connor demanded.

  “This is Samantha. I saved her life,” Alex said.

  “Thank you for that,” Samantha said with a cracked voice.

  “Why did you come here?” Alex asked.

  “I came to tell you, you’re not the only one that wants to see the fighting end. I have news that you gotta hear,” she said.

  Connor sniffed at the air. Something didn’t smell right to him.

  “Alex, what the hell is she,” he asked, “she better not be-”

  “A bear,” Alex confirmed, “she’s in no position to shift at all. It’s safe.”

  Connor growled; it was clear to Alex that he was trying to hold back his wolf. He advanced on Samantha. She leaned in her seat to back away but there was no ground to give.

  “Just hear her out; she has news that could help us!” Cynthia said, “It’s important.”

  Connor stopped a foot away from the passenger door. His face was tensed up, he was ready to shift.

  “You’re siding with this … thing?” Connor growled.

  Alex maneuvered around the truck, pushing himself between the disgruntled alpha and his prey.

  “Look the fuck around! If she has something to say, you should listen. Or do you want to see more dead bodies piling up on the side of the road?” He knew he had no right to talk back to his alpha, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t like Connor to be stubborn about something like this. Especially if the news would turn the tides of the battle. If only he could talk some sense into Connor.

  Connor roared into Alex’s ear, Alex gave no ground. A punch flew out, striking the truck and leaving a fist shaped dent in the side of the door. Two wolves appeared from the shadows to back up the alpha, Alex felt the noose tighten. The pair readied themselves to pounce should the order be given. It didn’t come.

  “I’m going to give yo
u two options, you idiot. You can either tear this piece of shit bear’s throat out right now, or you can get the fuck out of this den.”

  He’d never seen Connor blinded by rage before. Why was he acting this way?

  Samantha whined with fear. She came here of her own free will but that didn’t seem to matter to Connor. He was out for blood.

  “I thought you were a leader, not a killer,” Alex said. The conflicted feelings on his face showed clearly. Alex had struck a nerve but he wasn’t sure it was enough. “Don’t be like your father.”

  That was it; that was the moment that his expression began to fade. His hand rubbed at his forehead, trying to brush away his rage.

  “Lock her up,” he exhaled, “let her taste the fear we’ve been savoring for the past two months.”

  She’s an ally you moron.

  At least she wouldn’t die today. Alex couldn’t take his eyes off Connor. Even as Samantha was taken to the cage that just two months ago held Connor; Alex could do nothing to repress the anger that choked the back of his throat.

  “You are just as bad as they are,” Alex said.

  “And you betray your own kind!” Connor retorted.

  The cage locked shut behind them. Alex wanted to free her but he knew nothing he said would convince Connor. He had to do this on his own.

  “I’m done,” Alex said, “I’ve had enough of this pack. I’ve had enough of you.”

  Alex stamped away while Connor watched on. Samantha sat uncomfortably inside the slightly too small cage, shivering against the growing cold of the evening air. Alex removed his leather jacket and shoved it through the bars. He waited for Connor to reprimand him, but Connor said nothing. Instead he just turned and shoved his way back inside the farmhouse.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there,” Alex reassured Samantha. He was going to show Connor, there was no need for all this unnecessary bloodshed. “Keener heads will prevail in the end. What did you come to say?”

  “The bear alpha,” she started, “a wolf took his wife. If you can find the killer he might come around.”


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