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The Dragon's Mate (Elemental Dragons Book 1)

Page 100

by Emilia Hartley

  “Does Connor help out at all?” Cynthia wondered.

  “Of course he does,” Tess replied, “It’s just that most the time he just gets them riled up before bedtime, and then I’m stuck lying with them for an hour hoping they’ll get to sleep. Seriously, don’t let Alex play with your kids before bedtime.”

  Cynthia laughed, but it was a nervous laugh. Connor entered the kitchen where they were playing.

  “Hey ladies,” he said, “having fun?”

  “If you think changing dirty diapers is fun, then sure,” Tess said, “It’s so fun, we should trade jobs. I’ll go outside and build houses and you can come in here to take care of babies.”

  Connor leaned in and kissed Tess on the forehead, then rubbed her belly. The belly rubbing was always the worst part of being pregnant.

  “Maybe when you’re a little less pregnant,” Connor said.

  “So does that mean you’re giving up on sex, then?” Tess scoffed.

  “No can do,” he said, “I just find you too damn attractive.”

  Tess laughed while Cynthia rolled her eyes. Connor looked the same as he always had after the last year, stacks of muscle and shirts that were always too tight. But, the love that Connor and Tess shared was more than just appearance.

  Cynthia secretly hoped that was the same bond that she and Alex shared.

  They were all rocked from their thoughts as the sound of a loud thumping engine rolled its way down the driveway.

  “What the hell is that?” Connor wondered. He walked outside. Tess stood up as fast as she could with her pregnant belly to join him. The den had grown over the past year. The once shoddily built houses that lined the dirt road were rapidly disappearing to make way for real homes. Nothing large and fancy, anyway, just something cozy where you could keep a roof over your head on a rainy day. The person they had to thank for that was Samantha. She’d come through for them on so many levels. With her newfound wealth she paid off the mortgage and help fund the housing venture.

  She was, after all, the godparent to Tess’s first two children. She had to spoil them.

  Waddling her way to the patio, Tess saw what was causing the commotion. An old, yellow truck. She thought it sounded familiar, but it had been so long since she’d heard the sound of that engine that it faded from memory.

  “What is this!?” Connor shouted, running out to stare at the shiny new paint job.

  “It’s a gift,” Samantha said, “Remember? I destroyed your last one?”

  Tess wasn’t there, but she’d heard stories of how Samantha grew into a massive bear right before Connor’s eyes. Such a small girl, yet so powerful. Deserving of the title of alpha.

  “I had to take the thing down to base parts, I tried to salvage as much as I could but it’s basically brand new from the ground up. I thought you might like it.” She plopped the keys in Connor’s hand.

  “For me?” he asked. Samantha nodded. He wrapped himself around her so fast that her head spun.

  From the passenger seat of the truck stepped Billy. Yes, that Billy. He and Samantha had been dating for the last six months. She once told Tess that he was nice to her when she was stuck in the cage. They’d chat every night, and Billy would keep her company till she fell asleep. It sounded romantic, in an awkward way.

  “At least he found somebody,” Cynthia said, gagging. She didn’t like the idea of Sam dating that creep, but if he made her happy what could she say? Her mind wandered when she heard the sound of Alex’s motorcycle start to make its way into the den. He crawled past the new truck that stood in his way and pulled to a stop a moment later. Kicking out the stand and pulling off his sunglasses, he examined the beautiful new truck.

  “Who’s is this?” he asked.

  “Mine,” Connor said with pride.

  “Damn, I’m going to have to find out who your mechanic is.” Samantha smiled and waved at him. “No way, you did this?” She giggled as Billy came around the truck to hold his woman.

  Alex couldn’t help but wonder what she saw in him. Nonetheless, he had something else on his mind.

  Cynthia tackled Alex. She had something that she wanted to tell him but her nerves weren’t allowing her to.

  “Hey Cyn, can we talk?” He looked over the people that were gathering around the truck, “… alone?”

  At least this would make things easier. She walked arm in arm with him to the side of the old farmhouse. She remembered this spot clearly from a long time ago. It was the place where they’d first shared a real kiss, and the same spot where he’d asked her to run away with him before the fights started.

  “We’ve been together for almost two years now, and it’s got me thinking. The memories we’ve shared together, the experiences, I think we’re a really good match,” he said. He fumbled with something inside of his pocket. “I can’t imagine going anywhere in life without you. You’re my best friend and my partner.” He knelt down on his knee. Cynthia shuddered all throughout her body, her knees became weak, and a lump stuck itself in the back of her throat. “Will you marry me?” He held up a ring box, inside was a simple ring. A gold band with a small diamond inset.

  Cynthia did her best not to cry, but she couldn’t help herself. “Yes.”

  Alex stood back up as Cynthia leapt into his arms. She covered his face with kisses. It probably wasn’t appropriate for the children watching from the kitchen.

  “I have something to tell you, too.” She was still overcome with emotion. Alex returned her to the ground and she wiped at the tears on her face. “Alex, I’m pregnant.” His face went blank. She worried that he was going to take back the ring. He was a man that valued his freedom. He went out of his way to make sure he had it. Having kids would only slow him down.

  “I have never loved you more than I have right now,” he said. He snatched her by the arm and ran to the front of the farmhouse where everyone stood nonchalantly.

  “Guys, I have an announcement!” he said. They all perked up with smiles on their faces. “Dammit, you already know, don’t you?”

  Samantha coughed into her hand. But, Billy was the one that gave it away.

  “Connor told us you was goin’ to town to buy a ring, and Tess told me that Cynthia was pregnant.” He said.

  Alex smacked his hand on the truck, giving it a new dent.

  “What the hell man! That was a brand new fender!” Connor shouted. Samantha waved her hand.

  “Don’t worry about it. Now that you have it back, that probably means it’s time to start a new adventure anyway.”

  Really, they already had found their new adventure; family. The future never looked brighter.

  I hope you enjoyed the Alpha Wolves series! Turn the page to begin the Alpha Bear series! (Note: The Alpha Bear series is separate from the Alpha Wolf series. They do not involve the same characters)

  Adored by the Alpha Bear

  Alpha Bears Book 1

  Emilia Hartley


  Jo sighed loudly, wondering whether or not Brian would hear it. However, her boss seemed far too caught up in the sound of his own voice to even pause for breath, continuing to talk about everything that was expected of her. “Yes, yes, I know,” Jo muttered, gritting her teeth.

  “You absolutely must get this artist on board,” Brian insisted, his voice taking on a slightly lofty air. “The success of our little gallery depends on it.” He’s using that posh voice again, Jo thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

  “You might say, we are all relying on you, even with your lack of experience!”

  I have plenty of experience, Jo growled inwardly, leaning against the side of her car and sighing again.

  “Well, best of luck! You know what I expect now, don’t you? Keep me informed.”

  With a couple of beeps, Brian disconnected, leaving Jo in silence. There were no other cars at the gas station so she was quite alone. Taking a few deep breaths, Jo struggled between wanting to call Brian back and scream at him, or simply bashing her head against t
he car until she stopped feeling so angry. Deciding that neither was particularly a good choice, she pushed back her unruly mop of brown hair and let the wind cool her hot cheeks.

  “Best fill up while I’m here,” she muttered to herself, hoping that perhaps focusing on filling her tank with gas would distract her from thinking about Brian. Swallowing another sigh, she watched the numbers slowly go up as the gas filled the tank.

  Another two days of this, she thought to herself, groaning. She’d already had one full day of travel and had stayed overnight at some small – and fairly dirty – motel. It had been so like Brian to book her into the cheapest place possible. Now another day’s drive was ahead of her, thanks to Brian’s economical ways. Not wanting to pay for a flight, he’d convinced her that she’d enjoy the drive, that there would be spectacular scenery along the way but so far, there had been absolutely nothing she’d call inspiring. Flying from Thorpes to Dornwich would have been much more simple, but, of course, more expensive. Brian wasn’t just frugal, he was cheap.

  “Heading anywhere nice?”

  Trying to raise a smile to the girl behind the counter, Jo shook her head. “Just going to Dornwich. For work.”

  “Have a good trip!” she replied, handing Jo her receipt. “Drive safe!”

  “Thanks.” Crumpling up the receipt in her hand, Jo walked back out to her car. At this rate, she wasn’t going to have enough energy to convince their client that they were the best Art Gallery to display his work. Glancing at the clock on the dashboard, she buckled her seatbelt, revved the engine and pulled out on to the road.

  “At least it’s quiet,” Jo said to herself, aware that she hadn’t seen a single other traveller in her two hours of driving. “And that’s probably because everyone else is flying,” she muttered, grimly. This simply didn't seem worth it, not for any job. Jo shook her head to herself, fully aware that she wasn't happy. At first, being the Artist Liaison Officer of the prestigious Liberty Art had been a dream come true, until she'd met Brian. He was the Gallery Manager and insisted that she travel here, there and everywhere to secure new artists. Initially, Jo had loved every minute of it, before slowly realizing that she was being paid to travel great distances via her own little car. She was reimbursed, of course, but the travel was beginning to seep tiredness into her bones. Even though she'd discussed the matter with Brian and begged him to hold the purse strings a little less tightly, nothing had changed.

  On her next assignment, Jo had been told that she was to go and meet with the agent of the amazing Martin Fresnel. It was her job to get his work in their gallery, and Brian had expected her to drive there, as per usual. Jo had argued over and over until he'd harshly reminded her that her job was to ‘liaise' and if she did not fulfil her job's criteria, then he would have to look for her replacement. It had been a thinly veiled threat but it had done exactly what he'd wanted. Jo had stared at him for a moment before silently leaving his office.

  That had been the day she’d started hating her job. Now she could hardly face the thought of where he’d make her go next but if she wanted to keep her job, she had to do it.

  “Maybe I don’t want my job anymore,” she voiced aloud, the shock of her statement rushing through her. “Well, maybe I don’t!” she continued, a little defiantly. “I could do something else, couldn’t I?”

  Not in the same town, a little voice said. You’ve just gotten a house here. Do you really want to uproot yourself and start all over again?

  Frowning, Jo held back a groan. She liked having a house of her own, having a job to go to. There was a sense of security there. To quit her job would throw all that away. Would she be able to cope?

  Deciding that she needed to focus on something else, Jo glanced up at the views, noticing that the clouds were still dark and the sun almost entirely hidden. Everything around her was gray and gloomy which didn't help to lift her spirits. Even the trees were beginning to become a little more dense. "Looks like the road goes through a forest," Jo mused. The tall trees hid even more daylight and branches littered the ground. Knowing that she would have to be careful, she slowed the car down, flicking her lights on for good measure.

  Out of nowhere, a large brown object came flying down one side of the road, as Jo quickly caught it out of the corner of her eye. Slamming on her brakes, she screeched to a halt as the large object hit the side of her car with immense force.

  “What on earth?” Jo exclaimed, breathing hard from shock. The car had been pushed to one side from the impact although, thankfully, it had not gone over the verge. Pushing down on the brake firmly, Jo grasped the steering wheel as though her life depended on it. The brown object turned out to be a great brown bear that slowly got to its feet and looked her directly in the eye.


  Jo stared at the beast as it slowly stood up to its full height. It was both utterly majestic and completely terrifying. Trying desperately to remember what you were meant to do, should you be faced with a bear, Jo tried not to move. The bear tipped its head a little to the side, as if it were contemplating her.

  Slowly pulling her fingers from the steering wheel, Jo reached down to put on the handbrake just as the engine died, watching the bear give itself a shake. Managing to lock her doors, Jo tried to breathe normally, even though she knew that the locked doors meant very little to a mighty bear. It still gave her a slight sense of security, however ridiculous. Thankfully, the bear seemed completely disinterested in her now, meandering away on all four paws. It certainly was magnificent, the way the fur rippled as it walked away, the immense strength it held hidden under its dark coat. It had one long strip of gray fur on its right side, which glistened under the light. Hoping that her car was not too badly damaged, Jo mentally urged the bear to keep walking, so that she could at least get out to check. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck when there was a bear in the vicinity. If it didn't work, then she'd be stranded and completely without help. Hoping that her cell phone had some kind of signal, Jo breathed a sigh of relief as the bear continued to amble away from her car.

  With a shriek, Jo saw another bear come hurtling out of the woods to her right, driving itself straight on top of the first bear. Her hand to her mouth, she watched with wide eyes as they began to pounce on one another. Rolling across the ground, they slammed into the front of her car again and again. “What do I do?” Jo whispered to herself in disbelief, her hand trembling slightly. Thinking that she was going to see the bears tear each other to pieces before her eyes, Jo couldn’t help but cringe with every swipe from a giant paw.

  After a few minutes, Jo began to stop shaking. Studying the bears with slightly narrowed eyes, she realized that this wasn't a fight to the death. Do adult bears play fight? she thought, frowning. Frustration slowly began to replace her fear, the build-up of her long drive and Brian’s cheapskate ways bubbling to the surface. Now, on top of all that, her car was damaged and she was sitting, waiting for two bears to get out of the way! She’d have to get herself to the nearest town and get her car repaired, provided the car even started at all. This is getting ridiculous, she thought, the car jolting as the larger of the two bears slammed onto the bonnet. Never taking her eyes off them, Jo suddenly leaned heavily on her horn, completely surprising both herself and the bears.

  The shock of what she’d done sank in immediately. It had been completely on impulse but it had also been a terrible mistake. The two bears turned towards her, their play stopping at once. Her hand at her throat, Jo stared at them both, waiting to see what they would do. She felt trapped.

  To her complete surprise, the bears appeared to be very aware of her presence, rising to stand on their two feet as though looking over the damage they’d created. Then, the larger bear looked at the other, before dropping to its four paws and running off to the side of the road, disappearing out of sight. The slightly smaller bear followed after, giving her a final look over its shoulder. It all happened so quickly that Jo could hardly believe she was finally alone. Her heart still
hammering, she sat completely still for a good few minutes, just to make sure they had really gone for good.

  Unlocking her door, Jo slowly opened it carefully, looking all around her. Rubbing her hands up and down her arms to try to stay warm, she made her way to the front of the car, trying not to shiver. Her heart sank as she surveyed the damage. The front right wheel looked to be completely buckled, even though, thankfully, the tire was still on. There was a severe amount of damage to the bonnet and side of her car, and all the lights were smashed. “I’m going to have to find a mechanic now," she sighed to herself in frustration before getting back into the car. Beginning to worry that her trusty car wouldn't even start again, she turned the key, hearing it attempt to start for a few moments, before dying again. Putting her head on the steering wheel, Jo closed her eyes tightly. She needed the car to start. She had no idea where she was and if there were bears in the woods, Jo didn't exactly want to start walking. Waiting for another motorist wasn't exactly a bright idea either, given that she hadn't passed a single car for hours. "Please work," she muttered aloud. Turning the key in the ignition, again and again until she finally heard the engine suddenly spark to life. Hardly daring to touch the steering wheel, she waited for a few moments with baited breath, before grasping the wheel and attempting to drive down the road.

  The drive had been difficult since the right side wheel was at a very strange angle. Various warning lights were on in her dashboard and Jo had prayed that she’d make it to the nearest mechanics. Thankfully, it hadn’t been too long until she’d seen signs for a place called Woodhaven, which was only a few miles further. The car had limped along the road, relief filling her as she arrived. Seeing a few passers by giving her strange glances, Jo rolled down the window to ask for directions to the nearest mechanic.

  “Have you had an accident?” an older lady asked, peering into the car window with concern. “You’re not hurt, are you?”


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