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Collision (Delta Protectors Book 1)

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by Kayla Myles

  Hot Preview: Trusting Daniel (Delta Security)

  A Delta Prequel

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  I never thought that this was how I was going to die.

  My heart was hammering in my chest as I looked into his wild, wide hazel eyes. His jaw was taut, his nostrils flaring, but his gaze was steady and unwavering as he stared not into my own, but at the barrel of the gun that was pressing harder against my temple.

  The arm holding me around my neck tightened and I couldn’t stop the tears from forming in the corners of my eyes. I could feel this crazed man’s breath against my scalp, could smell the alcohol and smoke from his mouth and it sent a chill down my spine.

  “That’s right, big guy,” my captor said, taking a step back and dragging me with him, using my body as a shield. “If you try anything, I’m gonna blow her brains out.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down again as he swallowed before glancing at me. I looked at him in despair, hoping that my eyes translated everything I wanted to say to him.

  I’m sorry I got you into this mess.

  I’m sorry for letting you down.

  I’m sorry for coming back into your life and ruining it for you.

  I’m sorry for being me.

  His expression didn’t change and so did his grip on his gun, keeping his arm straight and pointed at us.

  I felt my captor’s breath change quickly and he adjusted his hold around me.

  “I’m serious! Aren’t you going to put the gun down? I’m gonna kill her!” he exclaimed.

  Daniel pulled at the safety off the gun before shaking his head.

  “No.” he said curtly.

  I closed my eyes.

  And then a bang.

  Chapter 1


  I adjusted my hoodie over my head as I walked the few blocks back to my apartment, or the rubble I could barely afford after scraping up every last dollar I had left of my savings. Travelling and acquiring new IDs and documents had taken the brunt of my money, but there wasn’t much I could do about that.

  I had to get out of that city. Staying would have led to my death.

  I see a couple of people walking at the other side of the road and I keep my head down, trying to make myself as small as possible. I turned my head to the side and watched them turn the other way and I let out a small sigh. I was safe…for now.

  The constant paranoia of someone following me and watching my every move was eating away at my remaining sanity, but it was too early for me to relax. Big Boss and his henchmen might not have figured out where I am now, but it was only a matter of time until he did figure out my whereabouts.

  Granted, going back to my hometown here in Louisiana was probably not the best idea, but I counted on the Big Boss’s knowledge of my history to assume that I would never go back here. My parents were long gone and I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. My parents didn’t have any living relatives, either, or at least, not that I know of. And I definitely didn’t have any friends here, not since my only friend left and joined the Army. I didn’t even know if he was still alive.

  I reached my building and decided to take the stairs instead. The building was old and rundown and I highly doubt the elevator was in a better condition. It would probably break into a stop in between floors and I’d get stuck inside for hours…yeah, not my idea of fun.

  I turned towards my apartment door and quickly did the lock before heading inside and placing the bag of instant noodle packs on the kitchen counter. These could probably keep me full for a couple of days, but they weren’t going to last long. I had to find a job soon.

  I went inside my room and fell back against the mattress, feeling the adrenaline leave my body and making way for exhaustion to take over. I was getting used to my body always on the alert, the hairs on my neck always raised up and my eyes darting left and right for any sign of danger until I got home and my mind had settled to the idea of safety it provided. I turned on my belly and sighed.

  Where had my life started going downhill? What did I do in the past life to deserve this? Why did I choose to get out of the club that night and see what I had seen? If even the last thought hadn’t happened, my life would be so much different.

  But if I hadn’t witnessed what happened that night…would I have stayed?

  Maybe not. Maybe I still would’ve left LA, but probably after I had saved enough money, had more of a concrete plan than packing my bags and getting on the next train bound to anywhere…

  After all, working as a stripper wasn’t exactly the dream job I had in mind.

  My mind immediately went back to that fateful day, and I swear it was like I was back in the club again. The heady perfume of the other strippers and the blast of music from the stereo slowly filled my senses like I was actually there.

  I had just finished my first set and was circling the tables for anyone wanting a lap dance when I saw the owner, Alfred, call me over from the VIP Booth. I winced a little at this. It was a bad decision on my part to succumb to his advances. Even at a place like this, a relationship between an employer and an employee was never a good idea. But Alfred was so aggressive and hot, it only took him a few weeks until my defenses crumbled.

  It was good for a while, but his possessive yet secretive nature finally ate away at our relationship until I finally had to call it quits.

  Yes, it was pretty ballsy of me to break it off with my boss, but it had to be done. I should be grateful I still have a job, no matter how humiliating it is.

  But calling me over like this? It’s not helping.

  I squared my shoulders and walked up the steps to the VIP Room, the two burly guards standing by the doors giving me a quick nod before moving to the side to let me in.

  My eyes scanned the two gentlemen sitting adjacent Alfred and the other one occupying the solo sofa on the side. Judging from the suits they were wearing, they were probably here to discuss business with Alfred. Other than the club, I didn’t know what else Alfred occupied himself with, and the one time I asked him about other business dealings, the chilling look he gave me sent shivers down my spine that I dared not ask him again.

  Alfred flicked his wrist over at me and I quickly sauntered over and sat on his lap, my arms wrapping around his shoulders daintily. He placed his hand on my hips and squeezed, hard enough to make me bite my lip to keep from crying out. The three men ogled and leered at me creepily, despite the fact that there were two other of my co-workers keeping them company.

  “She’s quite a looker there, Alfred. Is she the one I’ve been hearing rumors about?” one of the men said, his eyes sweeping over my body and licking his lips like he was staring at a prime rib. Men like him made me feel worse about doing this job.

  Alfred smirked and placed his hand on my back, rubbing it in circles. “Angel here is our best dancer. She’s frequently asked for by the clientele,” he boasted proudly, and I gave these assholes my best flirty smile. Just because I hate them doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to squeeze every last dollar I could get from them.

  I could feel the glares coming from the other women and I rolled my eyes slightly at them. If they were pissed off that I could be getting a tip from their guys, then I don’t care. A girl’s got to make a living, after all. Besides, Alfred wouldn’t have called me over here if they were doing their jobs right.

  “Do you mind if we have a turn with her?” one of them asked, and Alfred shook his head, still smiling.

  “Nah, boys. I like keeping her to myself, if you know what I mean,” he said, raising his eyebrows meaningfully and making the men all roar with laughter.

  That’s right. I’m just a trophy to show off for him.

  I didn’t pay attention to what the men talk about next, and instead I busy myself with serving Alfred drinks or wiggling my ass in his lap once or twice, the way he likes it. I let my mind wander until he ordered me to leave, but before that, the men begged me for a dan
ce on the pole at the corner. I looked to Alfred for approval, and he gave me a slight nod.

  After my dance, I came out of the VIP Room with a wad of cash and a sigh of relief that with this amount of money I earned, I was done for the week.

  I still had one more set to finish though, so I braced myself for the two hour wait before another round of dancing and stripping on stage.

  I was feeling a bit parched after that, so I went over to the bar to get a drink. I saw Alfred and his company get out of the VIP Room and out by the back door, which was funny because only employees got to use that exit. I shrugged it off and had some wine before heading off to the dressing room to get out of my costume and into my clothes. I said my goodbyes to the rest of the folks, took out my pay, and headed out the back.

  That was when I heard the sound of gunshots coming one after the other.

  I woke up in my bed, my hair clinging to my face and neck because I was sweating. I slammed the heel of my palm down on my alarm clock, cursing it for startling me. I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep.

  My stomach grumbled and I wiped the hair off of my face with the back of my hand before getting out of bed. I should cook up those noodles for dinner and try to forget about what happened for a bit.

  The image of those three bloody bodies in the alley popped into my head again, making me shudder. All three of those lecherous men died at Alfred’s smoking gun. I remembered I was too shocked to move, and I was barely able to stifle the gasp that escaped my mouth by covering it with my hand.

  He heard me though. I spun around and pressed myself against the wall the moment he looked up. When I heard him and his men start to move towards me, I ran back inside the club and got out the other way.

  That was the scariest moment of my life, even though, in a way, I was still running. I didn’t know how long I’d be running for, and I might not be able to last.

  I had no family to turn to and no friends to ask for help with. I was alone, and at this rate, I was going to die.

  Chapter 2


  I spotted my duffle coming out of the conveyor belt and waited for it to come near me before pulling it off and to the floor. I slung my backpack behind me before heaving my duffel over my back, keeping a tight grip on the handle and made my way out of the airport.

  Now, I’m pretty sure someone was supposed to pick me up—

  “Daniel! Hey! Over here!” I heard someone cry out and I turned my head and smiled at my younger brother, Ryan, running towards me. He skidded into a stop and placed his hands on top of his knees, trying to catch his breath and I chuckled.

  “You know, you didn’t have to run all the way over here,” I told him, and he looked at me indignantly.

  “’I haven’t seen you in eight years! Did you really expect me to walk in excitement?” he asked, and I ruffled his hair affectionately.

  “Well, I’m glad to see you haven’t changed a bit,” I said, and he swiped my hands away with a scowl.

  “Yes, I did! I grew over a foot and a half taller!” he said, raising himself to his full height. He has grown a lot since I last saw him, but the physical changes of puberty aside, he was still the jovial little brother I said goodbye to years ago.

  “So, how’s Mom?” I asked, letting him help me with my backpack.

  “She’s okay. She and Gran are cooking up a storm because you’re finally home. It’s been a while since they made a huge spread,” Ryan said, turning his head to look away.

  I already knew the words he left unsaid. They hadn’t been cooking a lot ever since Dad died.

  I got into the car and put the windows down, letting the good old Louisiana wind hit my face. I’ve missed it. I missed home. I am so glad to be back.

  “Man, the breeze feels great,” I gasped, taking a deep breath of that fresh air. Ryan snorted.

  “Great? It’s actually pretty dry. Jesus, bro,” he disagreed with my statement, and I shook my head.

  “Try being stationed for a year in Afghanistan. Now that is dry weather,” I countered.

  He rolled his eyes as I recounted some military stories I’ve gathered on the drive and when we finally arrived at home, I slowly got out of the car and just stared at our house.

  Home sweet home.

  It looked cozier and warmer than I remembered. The rustic cabin was a sight for sore eyes after years of living in tents and suffering through sandstorms.

  The front door opened and my face split into a wide smile as I saw my Grandmother come out with a broom and started sweeping the floor. I waited for her to look up and after a few seconds of looking at me, her mouth formed a small ‘O’ as she realized she was staring at her eldest grandson.

  “Danny, is that really you?” she cried, and I half-winced at the nickname she will never let me grow out of.

  I walked over the front porch and enveloped her into a big hug, my arms squeezing her little frame lightly into my chest. Her shoulders started to shake from sobbing and I felt her tears soak through my uniform.

  “Come on, Grandma. I’m really hungry,” I said, attempting to distract her.

  She squeaked and pulled away from me with a jump before nodding. “Oh! Goodness, you’re right!” she looked my body over and tutted. “You haven’t been eating well! Look at you! You’re all skin and bone! Call your brother and come inside. Your mama is probably about done cooking dinner,” she said, beckoning me with one hand to follow her. I turned back to look at Ryan and he waved me off, saying he can handle it, so I went inside.

  Sigh. Paradise.

  The inside of our house was just as I left it, with one or two modifications. Ryan’s medals were all hung on the far left side of the wall while my trophies back when I was playing football back in high school were placed on the right. The TV and some other appliances changed, but that was to be expected by the change of time. The rest of the furniture, like the sofa I used to nap on back in middle school and stuff that my Dad collected over time, were still there, in their rightful place.

  “Helen! He’s here! Get the casserole out of the oven!” Grandma yelled, and seconds later, my mom quickly walked out of the kitchen, clutching the sides of her apron and her eyes lit up with delight.

  “Daniel!” she exclaimed before running towards me, her arms outstretched. I chuckled and held her in my arms, lifting her a few inches off the ground before putting her back down. “Come on, you can have something to eat while you tell us all about what you’ve been up to,” she said, patting my arm lightly and smiling up at me before walking back to the kitchen.

  I shook my head and followed her wordlessly. Mom made it sound like what I’d been through as an Army Ranger was just a walk around the park on a beautiful Sunday morning. There are some shits in the world you just don’t talk about, and most of them happened back in Afghanistan. A lot of shit I wish I could take back.

  During dinner, the women of the house just kept piling my plate with food and I missed home cooked meals so much I let them keep coming. I was practically filled to the brim when Mom started to ask me about my plans tomorrow.

  “I’m going to meet up with the guys, have a drink or two maybe,” I told her. I turned to Ryan. “Did you get to check what I asked you to?” he nodded.

  “Yes, sir. The building’s in a pretty sweet location and it’s got plenty of space, considering its price. Just needs a little paint job and couple of furniture and I think you’re all set,” he said.

  “Why are you looking into real estate, honey?” Mom asked, and Ryan and I stared at each other before I answered.

  “My guys and I are planning on opening up a security firm, offer up our services for protection.”

  “You mean like a bodyguard?” she clarified, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “But isn’t that dangerous?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern. Ryan chuckled and Grandma rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously, Cassidy. Your son has just come from one of the most dangerous war zones i
n the world, and you’re worried about him jeopardizing his safety now?” Grandma asked her, incredulous. “Isn’t a little too late for that?”

  “Yeah, Mom. I think Daniel’s pretty much proven he can take care of himself,” Ryan said, adding his two cents in. Mom’s cheeks bloomed red in embarrassment.

  “I-I just thought that he wouldn’t put himself at risk now that he’s finally home,” she explained. I sighed and got out of my seat so I could walk towards her and hug her from behind.

  “Mom, don’t worry about me. Compared to what I’ve been through, this whole security detail business is going to be a piece of cake,” I assured her before kissing her in her temple.

  “Just trust me.”

  Chapter 3


  I took a swig of my beer as I waited for my buddies to arrive. It took me a while to get my mom to quit fussing over me and let me get out of the house, so the slight buzz would do me good when I get home. I love the woman to death, but her constant mothering was about to drive me up the wall.

  “Danny-boy! You’re already here!” I smiled as my friend, Sgt. Major Jordan came inside, adjusting his stance as he walked over to me with his crutches. I stood up to help him sit over on the stool but he shook his head, wanting to do it on his own. I left him to it and raised two fingers at the bartender, and he nodded as he already knew what our orders were.


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