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Adam's Apple (Touch of Tantra #1)

Page 26

by Liv Morris

  I spread her legs farther with my hand and run my fingertips up her thighs. Feeling her shiver at my touch, I grasp my cock, and I begin to rub myself around her sex. Even under the condom, she feels slick and wet, and I feel no resistance as I brush myself against her.

  I give a full lunge with my hips and she cries out when I push fully inside her. I close my eyes briefly to stay in control, as the feel of her around me is almost more than I can take. I’m falling deep and hard for this woman.

  As she gyrates her hips beneath me, I ravish her with kisses. She returns my fervor and we imitate the circling of hips with our tongues. A hot and slow cadence of passion builds as I make love to her. I pull and twist one nipple with my fingers. When I give it a little pinch, she responds by pushing her hips firm against mine. Taking my cues from her actions, I drag my lips down her throat and to the other nipple.

  “God, Kingsley.” She moans and presses my head harder against her breast as I continue my onslaught

  I’m getting close to coming and feel her legs starting to shake. Every time I’ve brought her to climax, her legs always react to the build-up first. It’s been her trademark response signaling an impending orgasm.

  “Look at me, Kathryn.” I’ve pulled my mouth from her nipple and gaze down into her eyes. I slide my hand down, between us and find her clit. I work my fingers against her, watching the desire in her eyes to gauge how close she is to coming. The second I feel her tightening around my cock, I plunge deep and fast into her. She arches up into me and scratches her nails desperately against my back.

  We release together, looking into each other’s eyes. Watching her surrender to the pleasures I give her is so fucking powerful. I had no idea sex could be like this. In this moment I feel as if Kathryn and I are truly one.

  I drop down and rest my elbows at her sides, keeping most of my weight from falling on her.

  Once I catch my breath, I bring my lips to her ears.

  “Thanks, beautiful,” I murmur while kissing a trail from her ear to throat. Finally, her breathing becomes slow and even, and I know she’s drifting off to sleep.

  While holding her I realize I’ve never wanted a woman to be mine before. Only mine. But I’ve never met a woman like Kathryn, either. My feelings for her are foreign and unrecognizable. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder if I might be falling in love with her.

  Chapter 22

  A faint buzzing sound awakens me from my sleep. I rise from the bed to find the source and see our clothes in a pile on the floor by my bed. I discover my phone still in the pocket of my pants and illuminate the screen to see several missed calls and texts. The battery is low again. I shake my head realizing this beautiful woman totally distracts me and makes me forget the simplest parts of my daily routine.

  However, her distraction has had a positive effect on me. I had another peaceful night of sleep. She may be the cure for my ten long years of insomnia.

  Then again, I recall being awakened by a pair of sweet, hot hands rubbing all over my body last night. I smile remembering our nocturnal lovemaking and Kathryn’s definite preference for being on top. I preferred it, too, because that position lets my hands be free to roam over her perfect body.

  I glance over at Kathryn sleeping quietly in my bed. Her hair is a mess of black curls, and the sheets cover up to her hips as she lies on her back. Her full breasts are on display for me. She looks like an erotic Sleeping Beauty waiting to be awoken by her prince’s kiss. I’d love to stay and kiss her, too, but I’ll be late to see Tom if don’t start getting ready.

  Deciding to let her sleep as long as possible, I take a quick and lonely shower. I throw on a pair of casual black pants, followed with a light gray cashmere sweater. It’s still early enough in the spring to need something more than just a shirt to keep me warm.

  When I finish getting ready, I head to the kitchen to make coffee for Kathryn and myself. I don’t know how she likes hers prepared, so I put some cream and sugar in little containers and place them and our coffee cups on a tray to take them back to my bedroom.

  Before I deliver her coffee, I tap on the door of the butler’s bedroom off the kitchen to check in with Goliath. I need to confirm with him that I’ll be leaving in a few minutes to head to my office.

  “Come in.” I hear Goliath’s gruff voice calling to me from behind the door. After opening it, I see him sitting at a desk, fully ready for the day, dressed in all black, and analyzing three CCTV feeds in front of him.

  “Good morning, Hayes. I’ll be ready to leave in about ten minutes, maybe less. Eddie sent me a text stating he’ll be here shortly. Did you receive one from him, as well?”

  “I did and also one from Peters. Nothing new to report here. I’ve been watching the surveillance camera we set up in front of the building to make sure the area’s secure when we’re ready to leave.”

  I feel like this entire security thing is overkill, especially since all the leads trace Simon to being in Canada. But I’ll put up with it all for now.

  “All right, we’ll meet you in the front foyer. Say in five to eight minutes.” He nods and returns back to the screens in front of him. What a damn boring job. I’m thankful he is dedicated; I’d be going nuts in his shoes.

  I stop back in the kitchen and pick up the breakfast tray with our coffee. When I enter my bedroom, it’s like déjà vu, because the bed is empty and Kathryn’s nowhere in sight. I set the tray on the smooth sheets and hear water running in the bathroom.

  The door to the bathroom is ajar, and I peek through to see Kathryn reflected in one of the mirrors over the sink. She’s bent over the sink, splashing water on her face. I step into the room and hand her a towel. She looks up and smiles brightly at me. What a sight to see in the morning.

  “Thanks,” she says, taking the towel from my hand.

  “You’re welcome.” Patting it against her face, she quickly finishes and turns to me, naked from head to toe. What a lucky fucker I am to have a woman who is so carefree with her body.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  I peruse her and watch her nipples harden. It’s a heady feeling knowing my inspection can turn her on. I pull her into my arms; my hands run the length of her back, ending at her lovely ass. She brings her arms tightly around me and lays her head on my chest.

  “I wish we had a little more time this morning.” She has to feel my erection pressing against her and know the meaning behind my words. “But I need to meet Tom at the office in a few minutes.”

  She pulls her head away from my chest and looks up at me. I run my fingers over her a soft cheek, fresh from just being washed.

  “It’s okay. I have a few errands to run. What time will you be done? Remember we have a Tantra date,” She says as I raise my eyebrows at her and smirk.

  “You think I’d forget that?” I press my erection against her. “Believe me when I say this, I can’t fucking wait. I should be done by noon or sooner.”

  She reaches between us and palms me over the zipper of my pants. The pressure makes me groan and throw my head back.

  “You’re going to kill me, beautiful.” My voice is tight as my need for her courses through me. It’s taking everything I have to keep from placing her on the bathroom counter and fucking her brains out.

  “I better quit touching you. I know boys hate a prick tease.” She bats her eyes at me.

  “How many times have I been buried inside of you?” I raise my brows in a challenge. She gives a coy shrug at my question. “Exactly, there’s been no teasing.”

  “Oh, Kingsley.” She laughs and walks back into the bedroom. I follow behind, watching her sweet little ass sashay in front of me.

  “Hey, any chance you might call me Adam one of these days? It’s just four simple letters. I’m starting to think you’re just being stubborn.” Kathryn stops to scoop up her clothes and begins to put them on. Clothes should be a crime with a body like hers.

  “I’m not stubborn, just careful.” She winks. “We haven’t
even known each other a week. Seeing a woman for seven days will be an all-time record for you, wouldn’t it?”

  As usual I throw my hands up in surrender as she stands before me fully dressed and ready to leave. But I think she might be missing an important article of clothing.

  “Commando?” I say when I see her panties still on the floor.

  She stuffs them in her purse and answers my question with that one swift move. She smiles wickedly and walks toward me. “I’d prefer to leave you knowing I didn’t have anything underneath my dress.”

  “I think it’s official. You’re going to slowly kill me with sex.”

  “Oh, I’ll make it worth dying for.” She winks and runs a finger down my chest, stopping just below my belt.

  “You like torturing me. Don’t you?” My voice is unsteady and gravelly. She gives me a quick nod while biting her lip. Yes, it will be worth dying for.

  We join Goliath in the foyer and head down to meet Eddie, who’s waiting for us in front of my building. Kathryn and I are holding hands in the elevator, but we don’t give Hayes quite the PDA scene we did last night.

  The walk through The Pierre’s lobby is uneventful. A few hotel quests are checking out at the desk, but the area is calm for a Saturday morning. We approach the double glass doors, skipping the revolving ones.

  Through the glass, I see Eddie has the SUV. For some reason, knowing it’s back from the being impounded

  by the police makes me feel that things in my life can return to normal. Time will tell, and I don’t want to get my hopes up yet.

  “I think you better come back to my place for Tantra. I don’t know if I’m allowed to go out yet.” I feel like a grounded teenager only able to go to work or be at home. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure, don’t worry about it. Remember, Tantra doesn’t use any outside equipment. I’ll just bring the body oils, and we can put your mattress on the floor.”

  I hold her hand tighter as I think of us rubbing some exotic smelling oil all over each other.

  “Body oils?” She silently replies to my question by curling her lip up at me in a sexy smirk, and I know then that she is truly going to kill me.

  Eddie stands by the limo with his hand on the open door, signaling it’s time for me to say goodbye to Kathryn. Standing close to the back wheel, I pull Kathryn’s body flush with mine and kiss her passionately. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hayes backing up a foot or two to give us a little space.

  Suddenly the beautiful woman I’m fervently kissing in my arms is gone. My arms are now empty. I open my eyes, and in a flash of movements I see a blonde man dressed in black, wrapping his arm around her as he brings a pistol up to her temple.

  “What the fuck? Let go of her!” I scream at the man until I feel the muscle straining in my neck. Starting to lurch forward to get her away from this man, I stop dead in my tracks, because I know who the fuck has her.


  The fucker bleached his hair and is wearing sunglasses. I’ve known him since we were eighteen, so he can’t hide from me behind the disguise.

  “Simon, let her go!” I yell again, pleading. Kathryn looks at me in complete terror. I mouth the words, it will be okay, and hold up my hands as if I’m trying to reach out to her. Hayes stands next to me, but his gun remains concealed.

  “Shut the fuck up, Adam. Or I’ll shot her. Not that you would even care. She’s just another screw to you, I’m sure.”

  “No, she’s not. She means the world to me.”

  “Well, isn’t that something. It’s time for you to listen to me.” He presses the gun harder against Kathryn’s temple. I’m physically ill but need to think. Keep a cool head. Try to find a way to get him to release her.

  “Last summer, the woman I loved was one of your whores, Adam. You fucked her and don’t even remember her, do you? When I told you her name there was no recognition on your fucking face. None at all.”

  Simon is starting to pay less attention to Kathryn as he unloads his anger at me. I’m his true target, and she’s just his pawn. I keep glancing back and forth between them, wanting to let Kathryn know that somehow it’s all going to be okay. I’ll make sure of it.

  “Well, she sure as fuck remembers you. Wanted you desperately. So desperately that she used me to see you again. You. The man who fucks every woman in the city. Women drop to their knees at a snap of your finger. And finally I found someone who I thought wanted me. But. She. Wanted. You. So now I’m going to take something of yours.” Simon finishes his tirade and focuses on the gun at Kathryn’s head.

  I hear Hayes yelling, but I have no time to wait. Instead I need to act and save Kathryn. A police sedan pulls up the sidewalk with sirens blaring. Simon looks to his right, and in that split second I run full strength right into him.

  Grabbing the arm holding the gun as I hit him, I pull it away so it’s no longer pointing at Kathryn. Simon loosens his grip on her as I continue to struggle with him. Kathryn falls onto the ground as I scream for her to move away. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her scooting toward the limo.

  As I’m fighting to get the gun out of Simon’s hand, I feel one of his fingers moving against the trigger. An earsplitting blast is followed simultaneously by piercing pain in my side. Inhuman pain hits me, and I cry out while falling to the ground. My shaking hands find the gritty sidewalk, and my arms try to hold me up. In front of me, Simon is raging and pointing his gun around in the air. I glance over my shoulder to check on Kathryn. I see her eyes wide in shock and her mouth forms a perfect “O” in a silent scream.

  Simon moves closer to me. All I can do is try to block him from Kathryn and hold my hand out in front of me. A vain attempt to keep him at bay.

  “Drop the gun,” Hayes shouts the orders at Simon, but instead of complying Simon aims the pistol right at my head. I close my eyes waiting for the gun to fire off. Instead I hear a gunshot but oddly feel nothing hit me. My eyes snap open and see Simon lying in front of me with a bullet hole between his eyes. His sunglasses must’ve flown off because his lifeless eyes are staring right at me.

  Hayes gets to me first and kneels down at my side. He pulls up my blood-soaked sweater and inspects my injury. Everything he’s doing hurts like hell.

  “You’re going to be all right, Mr. Kingsley. Had two tours in Iraq and this isn’t bad. More than a graze, but you’ll be okay.” Hayes places his jacket under my head for support.

  “Thanks for… what you did,” I say, gritting through the pain.

  Kathryn appears above me as I lie on the sidewalk; tears are streaming down her soft cheeks.

  “Beautiful, you’re okay?” My voice is barely audible. She smiles weakly through her tears and gently caresses my cheek.

  “You saved my life, Adam.”

  Finally, she says the one word I’ve longed to hear. My name. Adam.

  For the Reader

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for taking a chance on an independent author. I truly appreciate you choosing to buy and read my debut novel.

  I’d love to hear from you too. Perhaps leave a review on Amazon, or a comment on my web site or Facebook page. or

  You can also connect with me on twitter. It’s a favorite of mine.

  All the best,


  Adam’s Fall

  The #2 book in the Touch of Tantra series

  Due for release December 2013

  About the Author

  Liv Morris resides in Manhattan with her first and hopefully last husband. After relocating eleven times during his corporate career, she qualifies as a professional mover. Learning to bloom where she's planted, Liv brings her moving and life experiences to her writing.

  Liv received a degree in communication from the University of Maryland. She has published five short stories in the Love in the City series. Her debut novel, Adam's Apple, was released July 30, 2013.
br />   To learn more, visit:

  Amazon Author Page

  Other works by Liv Morris

  Love in the City Short Story Series

  Magic at Macy’s

  Perfect Strangers

  The Panty Dropper

  The Love Handles Club

  Drunk and Disorderly

  Table of Contents

  Adam’s Apple



  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  For the Reader

  About the Author

  Other works by Liv Morris




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