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Sapphyre_Burden to Bare

Page 4

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “What kind of car is this? I’ve never seen one.”

  “It’s a 1965 Triumph Spitfire. You mostly see them in the back of junkyards rotting away or see trees growing in the middle of them. You hardly ever see them running or look in perfect condition. We have only seen one other around and it’s nowhere close to the condition this one is.” He grinned proud of himself.

  “Wow. How did you get it?” I asked as he helped me in the car. Surprisingly, it has more leg room than I expected.

  He laughed lightly. “That’s an easy question to answer. My dad is obsessed with old cars. He saw one sitting in someone’s driveway and stopped to ask if they wanted to sell it. The guy immediately answered, ‘If you have five hundred cash you can have it.’ Dad handed him over the cash then and there. Apparently, he and his wife were getting a divorce, and he sold it so she wouldn’t get it.” He paused to laugh again. “But the car needed a lot of bodywork, not to mention parts and a good paint job. A few years ago, this thing was a dull brown.” He made a disgusted face. I smiled. “But dad and I rebuilt it. I’ve been helping him build it since I was twelve. It was our project for years and a few months ago he decided to give it to me for my birthday. I think that’s just because he got a new toy to put together.” He chuckled again. “I’m sorry, I’m talking too much. I do that when I get nervous.” He glanced at me with a sly smile.

  “That’s okay, I don’t mind.” I really don’t. I love the sound of his voice. I looked at him and smiled reassuringly.

  “Well, how about you?” he asked. “I mean… I wasn’t expecting that kind of house. You don’t seem like that… ‘type’ of girl.” He air quoted. “You don’t act like…”

  “A spoiled brat?” I finished for him with a soft smile. “No, our family isn’t one to flaunt what we have. I don’t like people knowing because I don’t want friends who like me for money instead of just me. So, I keep it a secret. I don’t act like a brat because my parents didn’t raise me to be like that. They taught me that money isn’t everything and to be grateful for what we have because other people are not as fortunate as we are. So please don’t tell anyone about it.” I looked at him practically begging with my eyes.

  “Your secret is safe with me, and I know what you mean about friends wanting you for your money. There’s a reason those girls hang around me at school. Especially Rashel. I hate that. I keep a secret too, but somehow it got out and the whole school knows. I’m sure you know gossip spreads through that place like wildfire. Everyone knows we’re going out tonight. I heard plenty of people talking about it.” He sighed.

  “Thanks.” I was about to ask a stupid question, but I already knew the answer before he spoke.

  “I’ll have to take you to my place sometime. My house isn’t exactly small.” He chuckled. What a beautiful sound.

  “Sounds like a date.” I grinned. I like the sound of that. He grinned back at me.

  I didn’t notice anything around us until we arrived in Dansville. That was fast, we’re already on Main Street.

  The buildings are all touching and they seem to be challenging each other to be the tallest. None of them are the same height or color, really. Some are red, some blue and some brown, while others are unrecognizable. Anyone can tell by the buildings, how old the town is, but it still holds its natural charm.

  He slowed when we got to the Chinese restaurant on Main Street and pulled into an off-road parking lot. The rest of the parking is on the street and I’m sure he doesn’t want to risk his car getting scratched.

  He got out first, and in a blink of an eye, he is around to my door. Before I can even touch the handle, he has it open holding his hand out for mine. I took his hand, and he helped pull me from the car. My heart reacted again, I can’t help it. I looked into his eyes and grinned.

  “Thanks,” I said. I’m grateful for the help. The car sits so low, it’s like sitting on the ground.

  “No problem, you hungry?” He asked.

  In truth, I’m really not. My stomach ached from being full of butterflies. It almost made me feel sick. But I sucked it up and said, “Sure am.”

  He led me to the restaurant, never letting go of my hand. I kept looking at his face and down at our intertwined fingers. I can’t stop smiling even though I tried. I don’t want to look like I’m floating on cloud nine, but I am, and I’m enjoying every moment of it. I wish I could figure out what it is about him that makes me feel this way, like I want to be with him forever, being so happy I could sing, like I never want to let go of him. There is so much going on inside me I can’t understand half of it. It scares me a little that I have these emotions at the same time and not being able to recognize all of them. For some reason, I trust Zach so completely that these emotions are overridden with this trust. I can’t understand that either. Right now, I don’t care, he’s with me and that’s all that matters.

  We walked into the restaurant and my mouth almost hit the floor. The outside would have never given away what it looks like inside.

  “No big deal, huh?” I looked over at him narrowing my eyes and closing my gaping mouth.

  “It isn’t a big deal, it’s just a place to eat, and you said you liked Chinese, but we can go somewhere else if you want. There’s not much around here, but there’s a Burger King on the other side of town if you prefer.” He started talking too fast and smiled nervously like he’s afraid of my reaction.

  “No, this is fine. I just wasn’t expecting to see this.” I gestured toward the room with my free hand. Right now, I’m very grateful for picking my dress. In my jeans, I probably would have looked like a bum off the street in here. “It’s pretty.”

  “Good.” He laughed releasing his stress. “Then let’s go get a table.”

  He gently led me by the hand, over to a table away from the small crowd of people gathered up front. As we walked the short distance, I can’t help but look around. This place is small but charming. There are three glass chandeliers hanging evenly through the room, throwing small, square rainbows across the floors and tables. Large lighted pictures hung on every wall with scenes of Temples and bright beautiful gardens. The chairs and tables are a contrast of browns and greens swirled together like marble. There are several fake trees in the corners of the room and ivy plants hanging from the walls in-between the pictures. The top halves of the walls are painted a subtle green, while the bottom half of the walls are painted brown, matching the tables and chairs. Before I can notice anything else, the several food buffets in the middle of the room brought me back to reality. They even match the green and brown theme. The six small food bars filled the air with their pleasant aromas. It smells so good my mouth is watering and my stomach snarled with hunger.

  I ordered a raspberry iced tea and Zach got a coke. We walked over to the food tables and began the piling of our plates. There are three foods I’ve got to have: crispy honey chicken, black pepper chicken and of course, vegetable lo-mien. Yum! I love Chinese food, it’s so good. We sat back at our table and I picked up a fork to dig in, in a very ladylike way I might add. I don’t want to humiliate myself by dropping food all over. Talk about horror.

  Zach interrupted before I could take my first bite.

  “Have you ever eaten with chopsticks?” He asked curiously.

  “I tried once but wasn’t good at it. I dropped my food a lot,” I laughed.

  He laughed too, then asked, “Would you like to learn how to eat the traditional way?”

  He’s so sexy. Uh, what’s wrong with me!?

  “Sure. I’d love to,” I said hesitantly. This is bound to be a disaster. I can see it now, food all over my dress.

  He handed me a pair of chopsticks and I took them not sure what to do.

  “Okay this is what you do, take one of the chopsticks and place the top in-between your thumb and pointer finger, right in the crevice there.” He showed me with his chopsticks. “Then let the bottom, the end that will pick up the food, lay on the side of your ring finger. That’s good. Now take y
our other chopstick and hold it like you would a pencil… There now you have the proper holding. Now you need to pick up a piece of food. Just move the one you’re holding like a pencil. The other one stays stationary… Great, now pick up that piece of chicken.”

  “Like this?” I went to pick up the chicken and actually did it.

  “Great job!” He laughed.

  “I did it!” I grinned.

  We both laughed together. I’m glad I didn’t drop it on myself.

  We continued to eat, both using our chopsticks. It’s fun to use them once I got used to them. I only dropped a few pieces of food and thank heavens it fell back on my plate. While we ate, we talked about different things, nothing of great importance. We laughed a lot though. I’m having fun, and by the sound of his laughter, so is he.

  “Would you like to try some coconut shrimp? It’s really good, the best I ever had,” he asked. He has a pile of it on his plate.

  “No thanks. I don’t want to get sick.” I laughed.

  “Getting full?” He laughed quietly. “Come on one shrimp won’t kill ya.”

  “Actually… it could…” I played with him a little as I paused, looking serious. He has a funny look on his face.

  Before I can continue, he asked, “What do you mean it could kill you?” Concern crossed his features.

  My face softened with his concern for me. “Well, I’m actually allergic to seafood. Well, shellfish really. I can have salmon and that type fish, but no shrimp or crab, nothing with a shell. Just touching it for an extended period can make me feel sick. So, I’ve never been able to have any.” I smiled.

  “Wow…” He paused, thinking for a moment. Then smiling, said, “You don’t know what you’re missing.” He popped another shrimp in his mouth. “Mmmm.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, it looks so good. Can’t imagine what that thing tastes like.” I snickered. Shrimp never appealed to me. They just look nasty.

  “Mmmm.” He said again. We laughed aloud while he kept his mouth closed, like a gentleman, as it’s full of food.

  He looked at the clock overhead and his eyes enlarged. “Wow,” he said after he swallowed. “We have three minutes to get out of here and down the street to the theater before the movie starts. Are you ready?” He looked at my nearly empty plate, then up to me.

  I took another sip of my tea, and stood, holding my hand out for him. “Let's go.” Time seems to fly when I’m with him. I wish it would slow down. I want to spend as much time with him as possible.

  He held my hand, and we headed for the door, after paying of course. I insisted on paying my half, but he didn’t want to hear of it. When I started to complain, he placed his hand on my cheek with a longing in his eyes. I fell quiet under his touch.

  “It’s my honor to pay for your dinner Lexi.” He smirked softly.

  After a moment of looking into his hypnotic eyes, I surrendered. “Okay, you win.”

  He smiled. “I usually do.”

  I’m not used to people buying me stuff; I’m always the one buying, so it feels weird to have someone else pay.

  We practically had to run a block and a half to get to the theater on time. We got there and they only have one movie playing. It’s a horror movie that I wanted to see. Zach remembered.

  I grinned to myself and thought that a horror movie fits for this date. It would give me the excuse to cling onto him without it looking suspicious. I laughed very quietly to myself.

  I saw him peek at me out of the corner of his eye and smile. So, he heard me laugh. Oops.

  We didn’t need any snacks, so we went right into the theater. The lights are off, so it’s dark, and the movie is just beginning. We quickly took our seats in the back row as not to interrupt anyone else. We sat next to each other, still holding hands. He acts as if we are bound together, maneuvering around without ever having to break our grip. I felt as though he never wants to let go of me, and I never want to let go of him.

  I looked around the theater and saw how beautiful it really is. It’s an older theater with balconies high in the air and detailed beauty everywhere. I’ve never been in such an elegant theater. Like the restaurant, the outside would never give away the beauty inside. It’s stunning.

  The movie caught my attention, but I would see Zach out of the corner of my eyes looking at our hands occasionally throughout the movie and smile. It made my heart swell… that he truly seems to be enjoying his time with me.

  During the movie, I found myself cringing into his shoulder a lot and squeezing his hand when I would jump. I love horror movies and never really get scared, but this one takes the cake. Besides, I figured this is the perfect opportunity to cling onto his muscular body. He decided to wrap his arm around my shoulders and hold me tight. When he pulled me closer, I saw this huge grin spread across his face, and I smiled in response. It feels nice to be held this way. It’s new to me and not awkward like I thought it would be. I feel as though I belong here in his arms, and I don’t want to move. I want to stay like this forever…

  When the movie ended, we got up and stretched. I’m stiff from sitting so long. As we walked out of the theater, he intertwined our fingers as we meandered to the car talking about the movie. It was one of the goriest movies I’ve seen in a long time, but I doubt I’ll have nightmares over it. Then… maybe again I will.

  He helped me into the car, and we took off back out of town the way we came.


  We continued to laugh and talk as he drove me home. I’m having so much fun I don’t want tonight to end, then through the dark, things started to look odd. It seems brighter out than it should be, allowing me to see extremely well. The crescent moon sat behind thick, dark clouds, so I know the light isn’t coming from it. The car's headlights don’t shine on the trees in the direction I’m looking, and there are no other cars around on the desolate country road.

  I blinked my eyes a few times, but nothing helped. The trees should look like black shadows in the night like they always have, but… I can see the color of the brownish-grey bark, and the multi-colored fall leaves still lingering on the tree branches. I looked behind us where the pitch black should have dwelled, but… again it looks like an early dusk. Squinting my eyes in confusion, I turned back toward the front of the car to look out the windshield. Déjà vu hit me like a punch to the gut. The intersection is rushing upon us, and I know what is going to happen next… the stop sign, the truck, and the dark-haired driver. I saw it again for the second time. This really can’t be happening… can it!? I looked out the windshield, just as I had in my dream. In a few seconds, we’d be going into that intersection to our deaths…

  No! I have to stop this before it happens! We’re getting closer to the intersection… causing my fear and anxiety to keep building until I can’t hold it anymore.

  “STOP!” I screamed at the top of my lungs throwing my hands onto the dash to brace myself.

  Zach slammed on the brakes with no hesitation.

  The car stopped just in time before we got to the blind intersection, just as the tractor-trailer sped through the stop sign. If not for my dream, we would have been killed.

  I began to hyperventilate and my heart is pounding so fast it physically hurts. My hands still hold a death grip on the vinyl covered dash as I gasped for air, staring into the intersection before us. Zach gently reached over, not saying a word, and clasped my hands, pulling them from the dash. In my frozen, shocked state, he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me in a tight squeeze as if he can hold me from falling apart. He remained calm and laid his head on mine.

  “It’s okay,” he said in a soothing voice.

  I finally began to thaw from the sudden shock, into the realization of what just happened.

  I wrapped my arms around his back and clutched fistfuls of his shirt as I shoved my face into his chest. Zach held me tighter, keeping me together the best he could.

  “Lexi… it’s okay, we’re okay. Breathe, relax, everything is fine. We’re fine.�
� He repeated in a calming voice while rubbing my back with one hand as his other gripped around my waist.

  I began to calm down a little at a time. My heart slowed and my breathing became easier. Zach never let go of me, holding me tight to his chest. When I stopped crying and calmed down, Zach stopped rubbing my back and placed both hands around my waist. I kept my face on his chest and wound my arms around his neck. It took me a few seconds to realize, if I just lifted my head a little, our lips would meet.

  “Lexi?” He asked warily as if he’s afraid to speak yet.

  I’m not sure if I can talk without cracking my voice, but I tried. “Yeah?” I said with a slow breath.

  “How… did you…” He stopped talking, possibly looking for the right words.

  I know what he was about to ask, but I can’t tell him. He would think I’m crazy. I slowly shook my head, no.

  “It’s okay… you can tell me.” He kept his voice calm and relaxed.

  “I…” I paused trying to look for the words to explain, but they won’t come. All I can start thinking about is that he’s going to think I’m crazy. I won’t blame him if he did. At this point, I even think I’m crazy.


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