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The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches)

Page 12

by Lauren McMinn

  Around noon, Leo came into the kitchen groggily. “Do I smell coffee?”

  “Yes, you do.” Skylar hugged him and gave him a kiss. “I’ll get you some.”

  “So Leo, do you plan to make my sister an honest woman?”

  Leo sputtered. “Yes. By our customs, she already is. But if she wants a wedding, I’ll do whatever she feels is best.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  “I think a small ceremony here at Ward Manor would be nice.”

  “I would actually suggest the Coven House. It has the facilities to make a gathering more comfortable.”

  “Then we’ll do that.”

  They talked wedding details for a while longer until Selby bumped his arm on the table and grimaced.

  “I think Selby and I had better have another healing session,” Dymphna said.

  “No,” Selby said. “If Dr. Ward will clear me, I think that my injuries are now little more than a bad sunburn would be. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve already done, but I can heal from here on my own.”

  Leo went over and examined Selby’s burns. “He’s basically right. Thanks to D, he’s in no danger, and the burns will heal on their own, though they may hurt and peel.”

  Dymphna breathed a sigh of relief. “Good to hear.”

  “Also, I’ve been thinking, and I may have some information for Tim,” Selby offered.

  “I’ll call him now,” and Leo left the room.

  Tim must have dropped everything to rush over because he was at the front door in minutes with a clipboard in his hand and a pen behind his ear.

  “We’ve been looking for a lead but haven’t gotten anything yet. Please tell me you have something, Selby.”

  “I hope I do. I’ve been having nightmares since the accident. The most vivid one involves a man standing in the road ahead of me. I try to swerve around him, but the car bursts into flames before I even hit the tree. I can hear him laughing as I go off the road, and he keeps laughing as I start to choke. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but the more I’ve been around these witches, I can’t help but wonder if maybe that wasn’t a fever dream but a memory of what really happened. Could someone have deliberately made me careen off the road and set my car on fire?”

  Everyone looked stunned for a second, and Tim began writing furious notes. “That is very possible, given that Linda hated you and your sister for your magical abilities, or imagined magical abilities.”

  “The other thing I remembered was looking at Linda’s obituary in the newspaper. It was brief, but mentioned that she was survived by Roger Crowley. I don’t know if that’s her son or her husband, but maybe he would know something.”

  “Good man. Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything else?”

  “Sorry, but no. Not yet. I’ll keep thinking.”

  “You’ve certainly helped us. We’ve been hitting dead ends all over the place. Well, I hate to run, but I’ve got to go look into this new information. Congratulations to you on the bond, Skylar and Leo. Bye!”

  Then, just like that, Tim was gone again like a whirlwind.

  “How did he know we were bonded?”

  “Everyone has a different magical signature, so to speak, as you may or may not have really noticed. When a couple bonds, their signatures change to reflect the signature of the other person as well.”

  “Great. So now everybody is involved in my sex life?”

  Dymphna smiled, Selby made a choking noise, and Leo colored. “Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like a wedding ring; it shows off that you’re bonded, and who you’re bonded to.” He walked over and took Skylar’s left hand in his. He tapped on the ring finger. “We’ll have to put something here too, for the non-magical community.” Skylar blanched a little, but he just kissed that finger.

  Dymphna coughed a little. “So Selby, you’re a fan of books? Of course you are. I’ve got a few books on a shelf that I call a library. Would you like to come see it? Great, it’s right this way.” Without really needing Selby to participate at all, Dymphna grabbed his hand and dragged him off. He looked confused, but let himself be pulled out of his chair.

  Once they were gone, Leo turned Skylar’s chair around to face him. “What was that about?”

  “That was D’s attempt to be subtle. She realizes that I’ve got plans for you that don’t involve her and Selby, so she paved the way for me to realize my plans.”

  “Oh? What plans are those?”

  “Don’t be coy. You’re not very good at it.” He kissed her soundly before she could protest, and she melted into his arms. “My plans start here and end in my bedroom.”

  “I don’t think so. Your mattress is hard and old. The one in my room is soft and fresh. Let’s go there.”

  “Now you get the idea.”



  Skylar giggled as he lifted her into his arms. How had she gotten so lucky? Why had she sectioned her magic away from her life like she had? This was... she didn’t get out the thought before he started kissing her again and there was no room for thoughts.

  “You can’t possibly think to carry me upstairs. I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Oh, my dear Skylar, you haven’t been a witch long enough to know that I hardly need do that.” She closed her eyes and hoped for the best.

  As they got to the bottom of the staircase, she could feel an almost itching on her skin. She moved to throw off its effects, but realized that Leo’s arms weren’t around her anymore.

  “What the hell?”



  “Magic. I’m an air witch. Now do try not to move too much.”

  Like that, with Leo holding out his arms and Skylar hovering slightly above him, they proceeded up the staircase.

  “You’re beautiful, you know?”

  “And you fit the cliche of the dashing doctor.” He blushed, just as she intended him to. In the light of day, Skylar was torn between moving forward with this relationship or not. But with him seeming nervous as well, it helped her make up her mind. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his, making love to him with her tongue. Inspired by his earlier display, she used just a little bit of her own magic to singe the buttons off his shirt. It’s a good thing she had been practicing control and restraint. Buttons gone, she pulled his undershirt out of his waistline. Leo eagerly shed both pieces of clothing before returning to her mouth.

  Skylar tried to unbutton the top of his pants by normal means, but he stopped her with his hand. “I’d hate to arrive early to the party. Besides, I want to see you.”

  “You’ve seen me.”

  “In our haste, I didn’t get time to really enjoy just looking at you. I meant it, you’re beautiful, not to mention sexy.” He pulled off her shirt, toying with her chest through her bra. “This needs to go.” As with the shirt, Skylar let him take it off. “Just right,” he proclaimed, palming her breasts. She liked the way he looked at her, somewhere in between a hungry man and a man in love. No, this wasn’t about love for him, she corrected herself. But still she liked his assessing gaze. She gave him one right back, examining his six pack with her hands.

  “You stay in shape.”

  “I try to keep my body strong to keep my magic strong. But we’re not here for me. We’re here for us.”

  He eased her pants down, and again, she let him, anxious to see what would happen next. Leo took her shoes off slowly, caressing her ankles. He massaged up her legs, caressing tenderly at each pressure point. Then, about halfway up her thighs, he suddenly pressed a finger into her.

  “Mmm, nice and wet. Just how I like you.”

  “Then get your pants off and do something about it.”

  “Not just yet. Believe me, I would love to, and I’m hard with wanting you. But I want to savor the moment like we didn’t have time to the last time.” He continued to massage between her legs, putting a hand underneath her butt to get a better angle. By the time she cried out her ecstasy, he was
ready to get inside her.

  “Condom?” He asked.

  “Please. I’m not ready for a baby.”

  He complied, and pushed in. “You feel so good, Skylar!”

  “As do you. Harder, Leo!”

  “No no no. I want to savor this.”

  But rather than wait, Skylar grabbed his butt and changed the pace.

  “I tried....”

  “Duly noted. Now get moving.”

  He groaned, quickening his thrusts. Soon after Skylar orgasmed again, he let go his own pleasure.

  They curled up in the bed together, her head on his chest. They talked and talked, in between rounds of excellent sex. They pretended that for a while, Leo didn’t have to go to work the next day or that there even was an outside world.

  “You know, that really was supposed to take longer,” he commented as he turned the light off so they could both get some rest for the morning.

  “I know. But we’re both going off some intense sexual energy, and I have the feeling there will be plenty more times to try for a more languorous pace.”

  They curled up and fell asleep together that evening without thinking any further of the next day. After all, Leo was tired from staying up all night, and Skylar was still tired from the effects of the bonding being completed.

  Skylar woke to the sound of Leo’s alarm from down the hallway. He groaned and headed to turn it off and take a shower. Skylar stretched for a minute before getting dressed to go make breakfast. Wanting something quick, she made eggs over medium with toast.

  Selby was the first to arrive as the eggs were almost done. “I was woken by a loud alarm at this ungodly hour. Want to explain?”

  “Six is only on the edge of ungodly. Leo and Dymphna need plenty of time to get ready before leaving for the city. Leo’s in surgery this morning, so he really can’t be late.”

  “We do need to talk about this new situation, sister mine.”

  “Not right now though. We’ll talk after they’ve left.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Dymphna came down next, fresh out of the shower in sweats and a towel around her head. “That smells delicious. May I?”

  “Oh please. And don’t forget that there’s a sandwich in the fridge for work.”

  “You’re such a sweetheart.”

  “Thank you. I realized that I didn’t cook dinner last night, and I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Mind? Ha! You were obviously otherwise detained. Selby and I hardly starved; we ate some frozen pizza and it was all good.”

  “I’m glad. Now eat before your eggs get cold.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Dymphna shot her a mock salute.

  Before Skylar could respond, Leo appeared for his food and a quick kiss from Skylar. “Looks great. Have enough for me? I seem to have missed dinner last night.” Skylar colored and shoved a plate his way. “Kisses, honey. You’re great.”

  “And there’s a sandwich in the fridge for your lunch.”

  “Like I said, you’re great.”

  Once the twins were gone, Selby turned an inquisitive look at his sister. “So, how do you feel?”

  “Confused. So much has happened in the last week or so that I’m still reeling.”

  “Not so much that you didn’t go off and get married in the heat of the moment. Dymphna told me all about this magical bonding.”

  She colored. “You’re right, of course. It’s quite possibly crazy to make such a commitment right off the bat.”

  “It’s more than possibly crazy. Don’t you remember what happened with Jeremy?” He sounded angry, and began to pace. Skylar was convinced that not all of the red in his face was from the burns. “You lost everything because of that dick.”

  “I didn’t lose you.”

  “True enough. But I thought you would have learned your lesson.”

  “I thought you were fine with this. You said you were fine with this.”

  “What else am I supposed to say with him standing right there?” He sighed.

  “Will you trust me on this one?”

  “Can I trust you, Skylar?”

  She stepped back, horrified. “I know you didn’t just ask that.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t. Please, explain.” She was starting to get angry too. “You are always trying to get me to do something better with my life. I finally do, and you’re all over me!”

  “I'm always thinking of you when I do that You can’t claim you were thinking of me when you did this.”

  “I can’t claim that, no. But you could try being happy for me.”

  “Why? How is he different from Jeremy? Besides being a witch?”

  “I love him, Selby.”

  “You loved Jeremy too!” He countered.

  “But not like this. Leo’s different.”

  “He’s a witch. He could have cast a spell on you or something.”

  “I know my own heart better than that.”

  “You may think you do at least; I’ll grant you that. But do you even know if he can be trusted? Does he return your feelings?”

  “Of course he can be trusted! And we haven’t really talked about feelings...”

  “You’re essentially married, and you haven’t talked about how you feel? This is utterly backwards, Sister!”

  “Now is not the time to turn older brother on me!”

  “Someone evidently needs to!”

  “Can you not appreciate all that they have done for you?” Skylar asked, looking for a different tactic.

  “I would hardly sell my sister for anything they’ve done for me.”

  “I’m not some prostitute! I love him, and I’m marrying him!”

  “Then what? Have you talked about the future as much as you talked about how you feel?”

  “Well, not precisely.”

  “And there’s my point!”

  “You’re picking up too much from Aunt Linda. This is how things are done in the magical community.”

  “That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to think about this! You don’t know what he’s planning for you. You don’t know anything about him. Get yourself away from this brainwashing and you’ll think differently about what you’ve done.”

  “Look, I appreciate that you’ve helped me all these years. I appreciate that you’re concerned. But there’s nothing to be concerned about.”

  “I don’t like this place and I don’t like these people. I’m getting my stuff and moving back into the apartment.”

  “Don’t do this, Selby! They’re trying to help you!”

  “They can go to hell for what they’ve done to my baby sister. When you’ve realized that this isn’t the life for you, you’re welcome back at home. Until then, goodbye, Skylar.”

  “You can’t mean to do this!”

  “It’s already done. When you’re done being a witch’s whore, as I said, you’re welcome back. But I don’t want to hear from you until then. I’m serious.”

  “A whore?” She didn’t want to think about how much that hurt. “You think I’m a whore?”

  “Care to tell me differently? He offers you money, a place to stay, and you believe this load of crap about magical soul mates or whatever and climb into bed with him. I’m appalled.”

  “Then do get out. I hope you’re happy alone.”

  “I’ll be happier than you will be when you wake up and realize that the only man who has ever cared for you is gone.”

  As soon as Selby gathered his things and was out the door in a cab, Skylar sat down at the kitchen table and cried until she had no more tears.

  Dymphna came home from work first to find the kitchen full of food.

  “Skylar?” The other woman appeared from pulling something else out of the oven. “What’s going on?”

  Skylar sighed and looked over the cookies, cupcakes, and so many other things she had baked that day. “Selby left.”

“What? He’s not nearly healthy enough to leave yet.” Dymphna looked at Skylar again and she knew that Dymphna saw more than how much Selby’s departure had hurt her. “What else happened?”

  “He yelled at me about my choices. He said I was a witch’s whore, and that I don’t know what I’m doing by selling myself to Leo for money and a place to stay.” The tears started to fall again.

  Dymphna rushed over and grabbed Skylar in a hug. “Oh honey! There’s no way.”

  “I tried to explain to him how it was like a marriage, but he wouldn’t see. He wouldn’t try to understand that there is a way for me to be sure that Leo is it for me.”

  “I’m sorry. Let me call Leo; he’ll know what to do.”

  “Please don’t bother him...” Skylar was interrupted as Leo came into the kitchen.

  “Honey, are you ok?”

  Leo stood in the kitchen, gasping for air and watching his sister and his, well, mate sit on the floor. Skylar was crying and he watched Dymphna pat her on the back. His heart wrenched at the sight of them.

  “I came as fast as I could once I felt your distress. What’s wrong?” He crouched next to Skylar and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight.

  “It’s my brother. He lied when he said he was ok with the whole witch thing. He was so mad that I had become a witch’s whore, as he called it. I tried to explain that I went into this with my eyes open and that this is what I wanted, but he couldn’t accept that. He’s gone, and he says he’ll never speak to me again if I don’t renounce witchcraft.”

  “Hey now, it’s going to be alright. He’s being a jerk, and you need to let it go. If this is what you want, then you should stick to it. If he can’t accept who you are, perhaps you’re better off. Who knows, maybe he’ll realize that he was wrong to judge you so harshly and he’ll come back.”

  “I know that I can’t change my brothers, so I try to accept them for who they are,” Dymphna added. “No matter how much they annoy me I know that I love them and can’t judge them for who they want to be.”

  Skylar wiped at her tears angrily. “You know, you guys are right. I’ve never done something like that to him. He’s made all kinds of bad decisions, but I don’t hold it against him permanently. It’s just that I love him, and I’ll miss him.”


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