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Cum For Bigfoot

Page 2

by Virginia Wade

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped. He’d primed me earlier by the campfire, but nothing could have prepared me for the size of a grown man’s cock. It stung for a moment, filling me completely. Before tonight, I’d only had sex with boys.

  “You’re so tight, baby. Ooohh…yeah.”

  “Oh, Mr. Vandekamp!”

  “I’m gonna fuck this tight cunt.”

  My hands were on the mattress, while his cock plunged deep. I was dripping wet from the finger job he’d given me earlier. The inklings of pleasure teased me from a distance, and it wouldn’t take much to bring it all back full force. His huge tool was thrusting and demanding. He took me roughly, his balls smacking against me.

  “That’s it. Thatta girl. Take daddy’s cock, you nasty girl.”

  No one had ever been so crude while fucking me before. I didn’t think I would like it, but the words inflamed my desire, heightening the experience. I’d only slept with boys before, who fumbled along blindly, self-consciously. Having sex with a man was a singularly heady experience. He had all the power, and I was happy to give it to him. As his cock slid in and out, I felt the toying edges of release building.

  “You wanna cum, don’t you? Should I fuck you harder?”


  “Good girl. I knew you’d like it.”

  He drove deep, practically banging on the door of my cervix. I wasn’t going to last long now, because it was too good. The constant pounding had shaken me to the sexual core, breaking away the last remnants of self-restraint.

  “Oh! God! Mr. Vandekamp!”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Work it, honey. Use me.”

  “I can’t! Ooohhh…”

  And, there it was. The last shred of control I had was shattered by the onslaught of the climax. I moaned like an animal in pain, loud and organic, my pussy clenching around the object that had brought me such pleasure. I gasped, and let my face drop to the mattress, shuddering and moaning.

  Doug pulled himself free and sat on the bed. “Finish me off, Porsche. Be a good girl, and suck daddy’s cock.”

  I fell to my knees and held his hot, wet dick. He smelled like my pussy, musky and delicious. I slid the object into my mouth and beyond. His hands went to my head, as he shoved himself down my throat.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Keep that up, and I’ll squirt. Do you want it in your mouth?”

  I’d never had a guy do that before. The boys I had sex with wouldn’t have dared. Could I refuse him? Did I want to? “I guess.”

  His look softened. “I’ll tell you when to open up. Right now I need you to suck my balls, sweetheart.” He grasped them, bringing them out. “Be a good girl and work these.”

  The only balls I had ever eaten were my ex-boyfriend’s, and his weren’t nearly as large. I opened and took one in, gently compressing and sucking.

  “That’s it. You got it. Keep doing that.”

  He stroked his cock, while I continued to lave his balls, taking one and then the other in my mouth. I placed little nibbles and kisses on his inner thighs.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. I’m getting close.”

  His thumb worked over his head, rubbing repeatedly. I licked the shaft from side to side and then lowered to eat a ball.

  “Open up, honey. Daddy has a present for his little girl.”

  I waited beneath him with my tongue extended, while he worked himself into an orgasmic frenzy. The end suddenly erupted, and wild splashes of whitened cream were tossed out haphazardly into my face, sprinkling my tongue.

  “Oh, yeah! Oh, God, yeah!”

  I swallowed, grimacing. It wasn’t my favorite taste, but I persevered, determined to pleasure him to the best of my abilities. I sucked his cock clean, first one side, and then the other.

  “That’s so nice, honey. So nice,” he groaned.

  Chapter Three

  Early the next morning, after showering and packing, we headed deeper into the woods, embarking on the first of several long hikes that would take us into the heart of the mountain. Shelly and Leslie knew I had sex with Mr. Vanderkamp last night. I had divulged this bit of information, while we were in the bathroom earlier. I blamed the incident on the whiskey. Doug had acted as if nothing had happened, which was annoying. The urge to kiss him overwhelmed me periodically, especially when we were alone, but I resisted the impulse. When we broke for lunch, I sat near him.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he murmured.

  “Like what?”

  He dug through his backpack. “Like you are right now.”

  “How am I looking at you?”

  “Like a bitch in heat. Stop it.”

  I gasped.

  He looked exasperated. “Porsche, I made a mistake, honey. I crossed the line with you. I’m married. I know better.”

  “It’s my fault.”

  “No. This one’s on me. I’m the adult. I screwed up big time. We gotta pretend it didn’t happen, alright? If Chris finds out, I’m toast. He’ll tell his mom.”

  “I won’t say anything.”

  “Don’t tell those bigmouthed girlfriends of yours either.”

  “I won’t,” I lied. It was too late, because they already knew.

  “Hey, dad,” called Christopher. “Come check out these tracks.”

  “Yeah, in a sec.” He glanced at me. “You’re a sweetheart, Porsche. I really like you…but...” Longing and regret shone in his eyes. “We gotta watch it. Okay?”

  “That sucks.”

  He laughed, “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Maybe tonight I can go to your ten—”

  “No! Absolutely not. We’re in way too close quarters now. No more hanky panky.”

  I pouted.

  “Stop that.” He got up. “Let’s go see some tracks.”

  Everyone had gathered around a single footprint embedded in the moist earth. We stared, mesmerized at the size of the imprint.

  “Okay, which one of you assholes did this?” asked Doug. “Come on. Fess up. Who did it? Was it you, Chris?”

  “No, dad. Darren and I found it.”

  Mr. Vandekamp shook his head. “Who dug out the fake print? Cameron? Is this your idea of a joke?”

  “No, man. I didn’t do it.”

  “I’m getting my phone,” said Christopher. “Gotta document the Bigfoot sighting.”

  Doug moaned, “Gimme a break. You guys are pullin’ my leg.”

  “That’s impressive,” said Leslie. “It looks real.”

  “Yeah, but it ain’t. One of you jokesters did this.”

  I exchanged a glance with Shelly. She shrugged. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Come on. Enough messin’ around,” said Doug. “Get your stuff together. We got about three hours before we make camp.”

  I wore comfortable hiking shoes with grooved soles that allowed me to grip the ground without slipping. As the path became thinner, we found ourselves navigating through rocks and fallen trees. My backpack had begun to feel like a load of bricks. Sweat dotted my forehead. Doug’s shirt was stained with perspiration. Shelly had taken her hair and piled it on top of her head to cool off. This was my least favorite part of the journey, which seemed to drag on, hour after hour, as we hiked deeper into the forest, distancing ourselves from civilization.

  Mr. Vandekamp glanced at his GPS. “I wanna try something different, guys. Lots of people are on this trail.”

  What exactly did he mean by that?

  “We’re gonna take a little detour.”

  Cameron pounded the ground with his newly acquired walking stick. “Awesome. I love uncharted territory.”

  “We’re not gonna get lost and die out here, are we?” asked Leslie.

  “No, honey. We’re gonna be fine. I know exactly where we’re going.”

  “God, I hope so,” I muttered.

  “Let’s go, gang. Follow me. Let the adventure begin.”

  An hour later, we found ourselves in a dense forest surrounded by enormous trees. We’d decided to make camp near a stream, and, as the tents wer
e erected, Shelly drank from one of her many sports bottles.

  “Oh, no. Not again,” I muttered.

  She grinned. “It’s Miller time, Porsche. Have a sip.”

  “I still have a hangover from last night. I’ll pass.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  The tents were positioned in a semicircle, with the makings of a campfire in-between. I sat on a log and rested my weary legs, while the guys went off to find firewood. A movement in the distance caught my attention, and I froze. What the hell was that? Was it an animal? It sure looked big. Shelly and Leslie were nearby, because I could hear them giggling, sharing the whiskey. I squinted trying to get a glimpse of what I had seen. It had looked like something large and dark, but it had disappeared.

  I drank from my canteen and stared at nothing in particular. Long, quiet minutes passed. The giggling had stopped. It was almost deathly still. A whooshing sound came from behind me, and then everything went black.

  Something cold was pressed to the side of my face. I opened my eyes in virtual darkness to the sound of crying. I struggled to sit, my head pounding with pain.



  “What the fuck’s going on?”

  “We’ve been kidnapped,” she sniffed.


  “The creature from the woods. It’s true.”

  I rubbed my head. “Where’s Leslie?”

  “I dunno.”

  “I’m here,” was a feeble reply.

  “Shit,” I said. “I can’t see a fucking thing.”

  “We’re in bars. I feel bars.” Shelly began to cry again. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Guys,” I said. “There has to be a way out.”

  The lights suddenly came on, and I gasped. We were in what looked like a rustic basement that smelled of damp earth and timber. Shelly, Leslie, and I sat in a large cage, with crudely implemented bars. I wrapped my hands around one and shook. It held firm. Before me was a long, wooden table. There appeared to be restraints attached to both ends of some sort. A growing sense of horror began to seep into my bones, making the hair stand up on the nape of my neck. Oh, my God!

  A low growl caught our attention, and we huddled together as the thing that had kidnapped us appeared, shuffling into the room. It looked like an upright ape with human-like features covered in a thick layer of tufted fur. Behind him was an old woman.

  “Well, hello darlings,” she said. “Aren’t you pretty girls? Does anybody need to use the bathroom?”

  I got to my feet. “No. Can you open this cage please? We have to get back to our friends.”

  She laughed, “I don’t think so. You’re here to entertain my boy, Leonard. He hasn’t had a woman since the last one we kidnapped. Now he has three! What a lucky cuss.”

  I recoiled in horror. We were going to have to have sex with this freaking beast. I slunk into the corner, trying to hide.

  Shelly began to scream, “Get me outta here! Get me out! That fucking rug’s not touching me. Open the fucking door, bitch!”

  The old woman’s smile twisted unpleasantly. “She’ll be the first. She needs to learn a lesson.”

  A set of keys appeared. They were in the creature’s hand. His dark, glossy eyes widened as he drew near, and his nostrils flared as he inhaled our scent. He growled and unlocked the door, opening it slightly on creaky hinges. Shelly and Leslie joined me in the back of the cage, as we huddled together. The hulking form of the animal approached, and he grabbed Shelly, snatching her from us and dragging her kicking and screaming. The old woman quickly locked the door behind him.

  “That’s it, Leonard. You have your plaything now.”

  “Help me! Oh, my God! Help!” Shelly kicked viciously, but it had little impact.

  The ape began to rip the clothing from her, one piece at a time. Her perky little breasts were revealed and then her stomach and buttocks. She tried to cover herself with her arms, shivering and crying. The old woman stood nearby and watched as the teen was hauled onto the table. They worked together to secure her hands and feet, while she screamed and fought hysterically.

  “No, don’t! Please don’t! Oh, God. Help me!”

  I held onto Leslie as we watched in horror. The old lady placed a ball gag in Shelly’s mouth, silencing her. What came next made me want to scream. From within the tufts of matted hair, the creature released a huge pale cock that defied logic. It was riddled with intersecting veins and bulging on the end like a tennis ball. That massive cock was going to be inside of Shelly in a matter of moments, and we were powerless to help her.

  Chapter Four

  “That’s my good boy. You take that bad girl. You know she wants it.”

  Leslie glanced at me; tears were in her eyes. “It’s gonna be okay,” I whispered. “We’re gonna figure something out.”

  Shelly was on the table whimpering. Her eyes flashed with the horror. The beast held his cock, rubbing the length of it, making it expand even further. The old woman squirted him with what looked like oil. Then she doused Shelly’s pussy with the fluid.

  “You get her now, son. She’s all yours.”

  He grunted and pushed the huge tip of his cock into Shelly’s dripping pussy. The old woman opened a drawer in a cabinet and retrieved an item. My eyes were glued to where his cock was, watching as it stretched open the lips of her vagina, the phallus sliding in deeper. Shelly moaned and tossed her head back.

  “That’s a good boy. You fuck that dirty girl.” She produced what looked like a vibrator, which buzzed loudly. She held it to Shelly’s clit, while the beast drilled her with an enormous phallus that opened up the walls of her pussy to impossible breadths.

  The vibrator continued to work its magic, while the hairy animal thrust in and out, the pale tool sliding easily in the oiled up snatch. Leslie and I held each other.

  “Good boy. That’s it.”

  He grunted and thrust. Then he pulled out all the way, letting the rounded tip pop free. It looked far too big to fit into a woman’s pussy. He plunged deep, working her aggressively. Her breasts had spilled over her chest, with hardened nipples pointing in the air. The low, growling grunts of the beast filled the room. He began to drive harder, his enormous balls slapping the table. The vibrator on Shelly’s clit had a sudden and drastic effect on her, because she moaned then and shuddered and shook, her breasts jiggling.

  “That dirty girl liked that. Whores like big cocks, don’t they?”

  “Whoooaaarrrr!” roared the animal. A second later, he pulled himself from her. “Aaaarrrhhhhhh…”

  He held his gleaming tool as he pointed it at Shelly’s belly, spurting a shocking amount of semen, which doused her abdomen and breasts with milky fluid. It was like a fully loaded water gun.

  “That’s a good boy. You liked her plenty, didn’t ya?”

  He massaged his cock and grunted in reply. Large drops of cum dripped from its end.

  “Rest, Leonard. You can have the next one when you’re ready. It’s your treat for being such a good boy.”

  He glanced at us and snorted. “Good,” he uttered. I shivered.

  They released Shelly and gave her a towel. Naked and traumatized, she returned to the cell where we held her.

  “I-can’t-believe-that-happened-to-me,” she stammered.

  “It’ll be alright,” I murmured. “You’re gonna be okay. We have to think of a way out.”

  “The guys are looking for us right now,” said Leslie. “They’ll find us.”

  I doubted that, but I had to keep strong for Shelly. “For sure. They’ll be here soon. What the hell is that thing? Jesus.”

  “It’s fucking Bigfoot,” hissed Leslie. “He’s real, for fuck’s sake.” Horror filled her eyes. “With a huge cock.”

  Shelly shivered.

  I glanced at her. “Did it hurt?”

  She refused to look at me, staring at the dirty floor instead. I took her silence as a reflection of the ordeal she had just suffered. We were all going to
be raped by that horrible walking rug, and there wasn’t anything we could do about it. No sooner had this thought crossed my mind, then Bigfoot returned. He’d recovered quickly. He approached the cage, his hulking form menacing and eager. Dark eyes flashed as he looked at me, which sent me to the wall.

  “Which one do you want now, Leonard? I’d go for the blonde. She sure is pretty.” The old woman stood behind him with her hands on her hips.

  He grunted and pointed at Leslie. Relief flooded me, but then guilt set in. Unlocking the cage, he flung open the door and grabbed her, hauling her out, screaming.

  “Let go! Oh, my God, no! Help! Help! Somebody help me!”

  The woman closed the door. “Shut that bitch up, Leonard!”

  A furry hand whacked the side of her head, stunning Leslie. She stopped screaming long enough for them to take her clothes off and affix her to the table. A ball gag was shoved in her mouth. The enormous rod of his pale cock suddenly sprung out from beneath the mass of matted hair. I swallowed hard. It looked scary it was so big.

  The old woman squirted oil. “There we are. The young ones always shave. There’s a pretty pussy for you, Leonard.”

  “Good.” He grunted and began to rub his meat against her slit, coating them both with oil. Shelly and I huddled together, watching as his huge cock attacked her. Her clit was being massaged with each pass in a deliberate and enticing manner.

  “Oh, Leonard likes the girls. That’s a good boy. You make her feel real nice.”

  That old woman was disturbing on several levels. What was she doing living out here with this monster? Why would she condone this behavior? Was she really his mother? How would that be possible? She was human, and he was a man, beast hybrid.

  Leonard grunted and pushed himself into Leslie’s pussy. The pale length of him penetrated deeply, massaging her tight walls, and opening her for his pleasure. She moaned then and closed her eyes. Tears were on her face, as the beast began to drive in deeper. I noticed his balls this time, and they were huge. They had been hidden inside the tuft of fur between his legs. Round and pale, they slapped the edge of the table with a whacking sound, while his cock slid in and out.


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