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Cum For Bigfoot

Page 4

by Virginia Wade

  Chapter Six

  Leonard laid on the rug with his huge, pale cock jutting out from tufts of dark brown hair. His black eyes gleamed with a carnal light, as he anticipated what we were about to do to him. Neither Shelly nor Leslie seemed inclined to take the initiative, so I grabbed his cock and sucked the rounded end into my mouth.

  “Good,” he moaned.

  I worked him as aggressively as I could, while Leslie massaged one of his huge balls. With a grimace, Shelly reluctantly helped; she worked one side, and I the other. Our tandem ministrations made him moan hoarsely over and over. Gagging on him had made me so horny, that I felt my juices sliding out, wetting me. His cock glistened in the firelight looking invitingly yummy.

  “I…have an idea.” Straddling him, I shocked my friends by lowering on his tool. I wasn’t able to sit down completely because he was too long, but I could kneel over him, taking my pleasure from him, which I did shamelessly. His hands went to my hips, as he guided me over him. “Oh, my God.”

  Shelly and Leslie exchanged a glance. They said nothing as I took him, forcing that talented organ to massage me intimately. The feel of something that soft and big, left me throbbing with arousal. My breasts jiggled and thrashed with the movements of my hips, but I couldn’t stop myself. My body was hell-bent on achieving release, and, even though I had shocked my friends, I sensed they were as turned on as I was.

  “Oh, God, Leonard!” I thrust my hips back and forth, using him. His fur tickled my inner thighs, but none of it mattered at the moment, because I was about to lose my mind to sheer bliss. Throwing my head back, I moaned, “Ooohh…ooohhh…yes…” My tummy shuddered, my hips shook, and my sex clenched around the massive tool in my pussy. It was dirty to feel this good, but I didn’t care.

  “Omigod, move. I gotta try that.” Shelly pushed me off Leonard and climbed on.

  His eyes blazed as a second girl climbed over him and lowered on his cock. I was mildly surprised that Shelly had taken him on, but she seemed more than eager to taste ape-man’s delights. She began to rut, thrusting her hips back and forth.

  I glanced at Leslie. “He has a really big tongue. You should sit on his face.”

  “No!” She looked horrified.

  “I would. It’s amazing.”

  “You’re a couple of sluts.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Do you think I really enjoyed that?” I lied. “It’s the plan, asshole. Do you want to die in the woods?” What was the matter with this moron? Did she have any sense of self-preservation?

  Leslie shook her head, looking unsure and horrified.

  “Fuck him! Help us, for Christ’s sakes.”

  “Oh, man!” cried Shelly. “It’s so good. Fuck me, Bigfoot! Fuck me!” Her ass jiggled as she rode him like a prize bull at the rodeo. “Fuck me with that big, nasty cock!”

  With a look of distaste, Leslie sat on his face, and he obliged her by thrusting his tongue up into her snatch. While he was thus occupied, I got up and searched for our clothes, which I found in a pile on the kitchen table. Our shoes were nearby. I snatched the items and left them by the front door, which I quietly threw up a metal lock on.

  The scene in the living room was surreal. Two women were fucking the legend, the beast that was Bigfoot. This big, burly hunk of prehistoric creation was nothing more than a horny man with an enormous cock. He had to kidnap women to satisfy his lust. It didn’t surprise me that no one knew about his penchant for pussy. What woman in her right mind would crawl out of the woods and claim that Bigfoot had raped her? I hadn’t even entertained the notion that perhaps he and the old women murdered their victims. That was too terrifying to contemplate. We would not die tonight in the forest at the hands of an over-sexed ape. I was determined to escape with my friends, and, if that meant whoring myself out for a while, then so be it.

  “I’m…shit! So close. It’s soooo good.” Shelly fucked him, grinding down hard with each thrust.

  “Oh…my…” Leslie was flushed from her tummy all the way to her face. “You can’t tell anyone about this,” she breathed. “Swear it!”

  I took a swig of the moonshine, eyeing them. “I’m not talking.” She worried about her reputation, when the only thing that mattered was escape.

  “I can’t take it. Ooohhh…” Shelly moaned, her hands gripping his hairy belly.

  “Good!” Good!” he rasped. Then he drove his tongue up into Leslie’s snatch filling her to the brim.

  “Oh! God…” she moaned and shuddered over him, finding her own slice of bliss at the end of his abrasive, yet well-endowed tongue.

  Shelly lifted herself from his glistening tool. We shared a conspiratorial glance and grabbed for his meat at the same time. Then we set about licking and sucking him. He smelled musky and heavily of pussy. Our juices had dripped to his hide, making the fur reek faintly of wet dog hair. While the fire crackled and blazed warmly, the three of us ate his meat, licking, sucking, and tonguing him, while he growled and groaned, the sound rumbling in his chest. We had him now, exactly where we wanted him, and, as soon as he squirted, he would fall asleep.

  “Good…good…” he moaned raggedly.

  I nibbled on the end of his juicy cock, munching gently on the spongy, soft texture of him. He oozed pre-com, the clear fluid sliding down his shaft. Leslie sucked and licked his massive balls, pulling them away from his furry body. Shelly had her mouth open running it up and down his shaft. There was more than enough cock for the three of us.

  “Good!” he roared.

  The first shot of cum took me by surprise, because it caught me in the face, nearly hitting my eye.

  “Acchh…grroarrrrr…” he howled

  An arching spray of milky spunk flew into the air, followed by several more spurts that landed in his fur. He growled and shuddered as yet more came, squirting into the air.

  “Wow,” murmured Leslie.

  He collapsed and groaned; his breathing was deep and ragged. I pointed silently, indicating that we should lie down and pretend to sleep. “I’m so tired, guys.” I faked a yawn. “I’m beat.”

  I lay snuggled next to him, and he put his arm around me. Leslie and Shelly grabbed a blanket and huddled together by the fire. It wasn’t long before the sounds of his snoring filled the room. The deep, even breathing as his chest rose and fell, revealed that he was fast asleep. I gently slid out from under his arm and crawled over to my friends. I motioned for the door, and together we tiptoed to it. It creaked ever so slightly, and I feared he would wake up. He continued to snore, his belly moving faintly.

  Leaving the cabin, we raced naked and shoeless into the forest, only stopping when we were a safe distance away.

  “Put these on.” I threw clothes at Shelly. “I can’t tell what’s what.”

  “Thanks,” said Shelly. “Fuck, I never thought he’d sleep.”

  “I’m so glad to be free, but how the hell are we gonna find the guys?” Leslie looked worried.

  “They have to be searching for us,” I said. “We’ll be alright. Let’s just get outta here.”

  “Amen to that,” said Shelly.

  We walked for what felt like hours. As the first streams of light began to filter down through the trees, we realized that we were hopelessly lost. Tired, thirsty, and demoralized, I stumbled along behind Shelly, who had begun to cry. I was hoarse from trying to reassure her that we would find Mr. Vandekamp and the boys. They had to be out searching for us. A movement up ahead caught my eye, and I felt a spark of hope.

  “Guys! Somebody’s over there!”

  “Where?” asked Leslie. “You see them?”

  “I saw…something.” Nervous knots formed in my belly. “Maybe it was a deer or something.”

  “Hello?” called Shelly. “Cameron, Darren, Christopher? Mr. Vandekamp?” She stumbled on ahead, leaving us behind.

  I was too tired to stop her. We came to a small clearing, the warmth of the sun shining down on us. The muscles in my legs screamed for rest, but we had to keep going. A pair of ha
iry feet suddenly appeared before me, and I gasped.

  “Oh, my God!”

  It was our Bigfoot or was it? To my horror, he had a friend, and they growled at us, exposing full sets of dripping, sharp teeth. I glanced at Leslie. She’d frozen and turned white.

  “Um…guys,” she whispered and collapsed, fainting.

  “Motherfucker,” cried Shelly. “What the fuck? Now there’s two of ‘em?”

  One of the creatures threw back his head and laughed, frightening several birds into flight. It sounded like the special effects in a horror movie. His black eyes glimmered with interest. It was then that I recognized him. It was Leonard. Who was his friend, or did I even want to know?

  He pointed a black finger at me. “You mine,” he rasped.

  “Yeah, I told you they wouldn’t get far, these bimbos,” said the old woman. She appeared suddenly wearing sturdy walking shoes and carrying a formidable looking stick. “We’ll keep the blonde. The stiyaha can have the other two. They’ll breed good and proper.”

  I was going to throw up. My stomach lurched. “I have a family! I have to go home!”

  Leonard laughed, and it chilled me to the bone.

  The woman was in my face, smiling like the insane person she was. “Oh, honey, peaches. You are home. We’re your family now. You’re gonna be carrying the next generation of little Leonard’s. You probably got one growing in you right now.”

  Shelly was slung over the shoulder of the other Bigfoot. He grunted and took her off into the woods. “Help! Somebody help me! God…please…” Her pleas drifted into the distance.

  To my utter shock, there had been a third creature hiding. He approached with silent grace, picking Leslie off the ground and slinging her unconscious body over his shoulder. He trotted off into the woods with his stolen possession.

  “Let’s go, Leonard. Time to take blondie home.”

  I turned and ran, sprinting into the woods, fleeing as fast as I could. The feel of strong hands grabbing my t-shirt halted my escape. The fabric ripped, and I suddenly found myself topless.

  “No! Shit! No!”

  He tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and hauled me off into the forest. The only evidence that we had been there was the discarded remnants of a dark blue t-shirt, which clung to the branches of a low-growing bush.

  The End

  Preview of

  Ann of the Apocalypse

  by Virginia Wade

  He entered the room, closing the door behind him. A click sounded, signifying the lock had been engaged. “How’s my little hellion?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Must we be so hostile?”

  “Get me out of these chains.”

  “I will, but…I have to make sure you’re not wired for sound. The last pretty girl who strolled through here had tracking devices on her. They were embedded under the skin. Because of her, fifteen men died. That won’t happen again.”

  “Fine. So check me out, and let me go.”

  “Exactly.” He smiled slightly, and I got the feeling that this particular interrogation had nothing to do with tracking devices. “That blanket looks good on you.” His voice had taken on a husky tenor. “But, we won’t be needing it.”

  He snatched the end, exposing me entirely. Something flared in his look, heat, arousal, and an unnamed emotion. It dawned on me then that John Cross was a pervert. My illusions of the great and mighty freedom fighter had been thoroughly shattered. I should have stayed in the city. Ugh.

  “You have a lot of scars.” A finger traced the puckered purple slash on my shoulder. “What happened here?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Tell me.”

  “What do you care?”

  “Must you be so difficult?”

  “Must you be a pervert?”

  He looked affronted. “I’m hardly a pervert.”

  “Oh, yeah? What do you call this?”

  “I don’t want alien napalm raining down on us again. I’ve got kids to protect.” His finger traced the raised scar, leaving a path of tingles. “What happened?”

  “I got attacked.”

  “By what?”

  “Another person. He wanted to rape me.”

  “Were you okay?”

  “Yeah, just fine, but he died.”

  He nodded. “You’re pretty good at protecting yourself.”

  “It’s how I’ve survived.”

  “What about this one.” He felt around the edges of a scar on my arm, which had whitened.

  “I fell off my bike when I was a kid.”

  His attention drifted to my breasts; their abundance hid my ribcage entirely. I wished I could hide myself from him, but it wasn’t possible. His look sent a tremor through me, which had my toes curling under.

  “Are you sure you’re not working for them?”


  He traced the line of my jaw, his thumb grazing my lower lip. The touch was so soft…so gentle, shivers of pleasure ran through me. “They like to hide their devices under the skin here.”

  Yeah, right. “Great.”

  He felt his way around my throat, feeling my pulse. “Your heart rate’s up.”

  I tried to calm myself by thinking of something neutral and boring, but it was impossible. His warm hand moved over me with gentle persistence. “Are you done yet?”

  “I haven’t even started.”

  His exploration of my neck led him to my ears and scalp, which he ran his fingers over, pressing and feeling me. My long hair hung down over the edge of the table.



  “What’s your last name?”

  “Who cares?”

  “What is it?”


  “How old are you?”

  “Nineteen.” I struggled against the chains, as his hand drifted down the side of my breast. An explosion of flutters burst in my tummy. “Please, stop that,” I whispered. “You’re supposed to be our hero, our leader, not a fucking pervert.”

  Something darkened in his look. “I’m not a pervert.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  He seemed conflicted, yet aroused and fascinated. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Untie me.”

  “Am I torturing you in any way?”

  “You’re humiliating me. I’m naked.”

  “You look really good naked.” He smiled slightly.

  His hand drifted to my tummy, the heat of it nearly burning me. “Stop!”

  “I have to check everywhere for hidden weapons and devices.”

  What did he mean by that? “I don’t have any on me!”

  “You sure?”

  He was dangerously close to my pussy. “Yeah, I’m sure, asshole!”

  “Well I’m not.”

  I knew what he intended, and I was mortified. His finger slid over my clit, which was embarrassingly damp. A finger dipped into the folds of my pussy. I hated the rush of arousal that swept through me, bringing a guilty flush to my cheeks. I refused to look at him. Disillusionment and shame forced me to glance at the wall, while he drove into the snug confines of my vagina. He wiggled inside of me, rubbing something extraordinary. To add to my distress, his thumb grazed my nub, inflaming me even further.

  “This seems free of devices,” he murmured near my ear. “Are you hiding them anywhere else?”

  “No!” I hissed, clenching my teeth.

  His nose rubbed against my neck, creating an almost intolerable tingling. He kissed my skin, leaving small patches of wetness. The lobe of my ear found its way into his mouth. I shivered and gasped with the delicious sensations that were building. His finger thrust deeply, over and over, while he rubbed my nub. I wouldn’t be able to fight off the orgasm, if this continued.


  “Yes,” he breathed. “I think you like this very much.” His voice was low and husky.

  End Of Preview

  Books by Virginia Wade

  Cum Fo
r The Viking

  Cum For The Viking 2 - 6

  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2 - 16

  Cavegirl (Primitive Lust)

  Jane’s Playmates

  Sarah’s Playmates

  Lily (A Novel)

  Ann of the Apocalypse

  Conquest of the Gladiator

  Taken By Pirates

  In The Garden Of Snakes

  The Virgins of Castle Bliss

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

  Total Nympho 2: The Stacy Collection

  Stacy’s Breaking the Rules

  Curvy Girls Rock

  Bred By The Dark Lord

  Breeding the Lusty Babysitter

  Bred by Pastor Green

  Bred at Bible Camp

  Dirty Preacher Daddy

  Fertile Womb

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