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The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy

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by Adrienne Mayor

  Media, 298

  medicine, Pergamon as center of, 58. See also antidotes; botanical medicine; doctors by name

  Memnon, 4, 48, 147, 174, 212, 271, 275, 276, 278

  memory techniques, 253–54

  Men (Anatolian god), 84–85

  Menander, 281–82

  Menes, 241

  Meniphilus, 323, 325, 330

  Menophilus, 277

  mercury, 252

  Merry, Robert W., 9

  Mesopolis, 220

  Mesopotamia, 46, 54, 138, 298, 330

  Metellus, 173

  meteorites, 268, 269

  Metrodorus of Scepsis, the Rome-Hater, 5, 108, 159, 187, 253, 296–97, 328, 367

  Metrophanes, 190, 192, 261, 270, 323, 345, 363

  Miletus, 157, 172

  military: building the, 113, 127, 230

  diversity in, 93–94, 199, 205–6, 212, 298, 300

  M’s overtures to, 79–84

  M’s popularity with, 96

  Roman, 113

  size of M’s, 147, 205, 261, 399n1

  strategy for, 92, 127, 147, 295, 298, 299, 304, 307–8, 318–19

  training of/for, 50, 127, 230, 237, 304

  wealth of, 147

  mill, water-powered, 2, 253

  minerals and mining, 70–71, 71, 78, 247–48

  Mitchell, Stephen, Anatolia, 7–8

  Mithra, 46, 103

  Aristonicus and, 60

  fire ceremony to honor, 152, 233–35, 303

  gold sacred to, 193

  M named after, 1, 27, 40

  mushrooms sacred to, 394n5

  as mythic hero, 41

  omens sent by, 32, 44

  sacrifice to, 262

  savior-king sent by, 69

  worshipped by pirates, 316

  Zeus as form of, 79

  Mithradateion, Galatia, 129

  Mithradates I, 73, 121, 129

  Mithradates II, 161

  Mithradates IV, 100

  Mithradates V Euergetes (father of M): assassination of, 68, 71

  children of, 45

  as king, 44–45

  and mythic hero archetype, 40, 42

  and ritual, 233

  as Roman ally, 51–52, 60, 161

  succession to, 69

  Mithradates Chrestus “the Good” (brother of M), plate 3, 45, 68–69, 75, 97–99

  Mithradates Monument, Delos, 106–7, 130, 179

  Mithradates of Pergamon (son of M), 114

  Mithradates the Younger (son of M), 114, 224, 230, 364

  Mithradates vase, 248, 248

  Mithradatic Wars: Armenian campaign, 293–302, 306–9, 329–30

  battle for Greece, 189–213

  casualties of, 385n23

  Caucasus Mountain trek during, 326–38

  current world crises and, 3, 9

  duration of, 1, 381n2

  early victories in, 147–57

  First, 147–227, 191

  invasion of Pontus, 279–80

  Kabeira besieged, 280–87

  last battles and escape, 318–29

  Lucullus’s mismanagement of, 288–314

  maps of, 191, 264

  M’s Roman invasion plans, 327, 342–45

  omens in, 181–83, 185, 189, 194, 202, 267–69, 269, 272, 297, 310, 343

  origins of, 139–40

  paintings of, 358

  peace treaties in, 221–23, 225–27, 229–31, 237, 256, 340

  Pontus occupied, 329–31

  pursuit of M, 267–82, 318–29

  rebellions against M, 218–21, 343–46

  Roman and Italian refugees of, 171

  Roman resistance movements in, 174, 183

  Rome’s forces at start of, 146

  Second, 229–35, 264

  speeches relating to, 142–46, 159–62, 263–65, 305–6

  Strabo’s family and, 45

  Third, 259–352, 264

  Mithradatis (daughter of M), 114, 344, 349, 352

  Mithras (general), 138

  mithridatism, 239

  Mithridatium, 58, 239–46, 245, 289, 296, 330, 349, 367

  Mithrobarzanes, 257–58, 297

  Moaphernes, 45, 230

  Moctezuma, 170

  Mommsen, Theodor, 7

  Monime, 114, 163, 164, 165, 169, 186, 194, 218, 219, 233, 277, 285, 286–87, 331

  monkshood, 48, 86, 101, 418n4

  monuments, victory, 208–10, 209, 212–13, 311

  Moonlight Battle, plate 6, 319–20

  Moors, 111

  morality, 46–47

  Moses, 40

  Mosynoeci. See Turret-Folk

  Mount Realgar Mine, 70, 71, 78, 121

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 2, 361

  Muhammad, 40

  Murena, 198, 208, 228, 230–33, 236, 255, 262

  mushrooms, 101, 252, 394n5

  music, 251–52

  Mylitta, 89

  myrrh, 240

  myrtle, 118

  mythic hero archetype, 39–42

  and burial site, 354

  examples of, 40, 41

  exile from Sinope and, 393n5

  and false death, 419n20

  life guided by, 41–42

  and male-female couples, 304, 364

  M and, 371–73

  and marriage, 100

  Mytilene, Lesbos, 157, 166, 171

  Ñaco del Hoyo, Toni, 8

  name of Mithradates: meaning and spelling of, 1, 27

  nicknames, 36, 45

  naphtha, 46, 53, 302–3

  Nasrallah, Hassan, 39

  natron, 240

  natural disasters, death tolls of, 22

  navy: and battle for Rhodes, 180–83, 181

  building the, 113, 179

  control of Aegean by, 199–200

  Roman, 157, 220–21

  rule of, 187

  Near East, 20, 54, 172–73

  Nemanes, 152

  Nemea, 158

  Neoptolemus, 117, 147, 149, 152–53, 192, 197–98, 221, 225, 231, 261, 335

  Nero, Emperor, 10, 50, 243, 244, 249

  Nicander of Colophon, 240

  Nicomedes III, 127–31, 128, 135–36, 139

  Nicomedes IV, 139–41, 143–47, 149–51, 153, 155, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168, 222, 225–26, 233, 260, 264, 305

  Nicomedia, Bithynia, 224, 274–76

  Niconides, 252

  Nicopolis, Pontus, 330

  night attacks, 320

  nightshade. See belladonna

  Nike, 194

  Nisibis, 309

  nomads, 112, 116–17, 298–99, 304, 307, 321, 338. See also Berber nomads; Scythian nomads

  Norse saga, 364, 420n26

  North Africa, 110–12. See also Jugurtha

  Numa, 166

  Numidia, 111–12

  Nysa, 18, 153, 154, 172

  Nyssa (daughter of M), 114, 344, 349, 352

  Nyssa (sister of M), 45, 98–100, 253, 277, 284, 314, 358

  Obsequens, A. Julius, 185

  Odin, 420n26

  Oedipus, 40

  oil, 46, 53, 63, 235, 302–3

  oleander, 70

  Olympias, 68

  omens: interpretation of, 33–34

  for M, 105

  Marius’s use of, 132–34

  in Mithradatic Wars, 181–83, 185, 189, 194, 202, 267–69, 269, 272, 297, 310, 343. See also dreams; prophecies

  Ophiogenes, 241

  opium, 230, 240, 418n4

  Oppius, Quintus, 142, 155–57, 166, 177, 226

  oracles, 33–35

  at Delphi, 34


  of Hystaspes, 34. See also omens; prophecies

  oral tradition, “Snowball Effect” of, 41

  Orchomenus, 211–13, 223

  Orosius, 343

  orpiment, 70, 240

  orris root, 240

  Orsabaris (daughter of M), 114, 139–40, 343, 352, 358

  Ossetia, 334

  ostension, 41

  Otryae, 267–69

xathres (son of M), 114, 343, 352, 358

  Paccius, L. Lutatius, the Elder, 243

  Paccius the Younger, 243

  Palestine, 341

  Pamphylia, 177, 221

  Pantikapaion, 53, 117, 326, 331, 339, 339, 343–47, 356–57

  papers, M’s private, 240, 246, 289, 305, 319, 330–31

  Paphlagonia, 128–29, 135, 152, 161, 162, 222, 223, 226, 260, 263

  Papias, plate 1, 101, 107, 240

  paradoxes of M, 10, 24, 26, 215–16, 236. See also character of M; psychology of M

  paranoia, 68, 104, 187, 216, 220, 231, 244, 340

  Parisades, King, 116, 282

  parricide, 361

  parsley, 240

  Parthenon, Athens, 202

  Parthia, 115, 136, 138, 298, 303, 305–6, 316

  pastimes, 50, 75, 87–89, 125–27, 237–38, 247–52, 294–95. See also chariot races; hunting

  Patara, 157, 183, 186, 228

  patricians, 108–9

  Paul, Saint, 16, 39

  Pausanias, 202, 204, 208

  Peace of Dardanus, 221–23, 225–27, 229–31, 237, 256

  pederin, 102

  Pegasus, 29, 29, 32, 44

  Pelopidas, 108, 142–46, 157, 159, 183, 186

  Penthesilea, 304

  Pergamon: Aquillius taken to, 166–68

  comets’ meaning in, 32–33

  description of, 15–16

  massacre of Romans in, 15–16

  medical learning in, 58

  in M’s empire, 157, 159, 193–94

  M’s visit to, 121

  road to, 167

  slaves in, 20

  Telephus and, 63

  theater in, 159, 169, 193–94

  Perperna, M., 60

  Persephone, 272

  Persia, 37, 46, 49–50, 66–67, 136, 295, 362

  Persian-influenced cultures, 31–32, 34, 42, 46

  Persian religion, 27, 34, 36, 46–47. See also Ahuramazda; fire; Light; Magi; Sun; Truth; Zoroastrianism

  Pessinus, 132

  Petra, 341

  petroleum. See oil

  Phanagoria, 53, 117, 339, 343–44, 356

  pharmaka, 48, 70, 239. See also antidotes; poison

  pharnaceon, 47

  Pharnaces I (grandfather of M), 47, 58, 82, 85, 114, 161, 358

  Pharnaces (son of M), plate 3, 114, 316, 339, 341–43, 345–47, 351, 357, 361–64, 366, 369

  Pharnacia, 277, 282–87

  Phazemon, 79

  pheasants, 326

  Philip of Macedon, 68, 136, 148, 162

  Philopoemen, 165, 218

  Phoenicia, 138, 221, 330, 331

  Phoenix (son of M), 114, 278, 280–81

  Phrygia, 82, 110, 121, 142, 144, 155, 157, 161, 162, 225–26, 228

  pig bladders, masks from, 240

  Piraeus, 196–99, 204–5

  pirates and piracy: Aegean raids of, 228

  extent of, 116

  M’s relations with, 52–53, 113, 116, 258

  Pontus and, 52

  present-day, 9

  Rome and, 258, 314

  scimitar associated with, 104

  and slave trade, 20, 52, 116

  in Third Mithradatic War, 276–78

  Pitane, 224

  Pizan, Christine de. See Christine de Pizan

  plebs, 108–9

  Pliny the Elder: on Krateuas’s treatises, 101

  on M, 359

  and M’s library and papers, 331

  on M’s linguistic abilities, 254

  on naphtha, 302

  Natural History, 4

  on plants, 118

  on poisons, 240–42, 244–45

  on Sulla’s Triumph, 229

  plots. See assassination plots

  plunder. See looting

  Plutarch: on Athens’ destruction, 202–3

  on Attalus, 58

  on Cleopatra’s linguistic abilities, 254

  on Delphic treasure, 201

  on flatterers, 126

  on Marius and Sulla, 112

  and Mithradatic Wars, 4–5, 197–98, 207–10, 212, 224, 236, 265, 267–68, 272, 274, 276, 280, 282, 284, 286–87, 292, 293, 296–98, 301, 303, 307, 309, 311, 318, 323, 327, 328, 330, 331, 334

  on M’s death, 353, 354, 359

  and M’s library and papers, 331

  on M’s marriage to Monime, 163, 165, 218

  on M’s mercy, 215

  on Peace of Dardanus, 225

  on Pompey, 352–54

  on Sertorius, 259–60

  on Spartacus, 272

  on Sulla, 196, 201, 202, 229

  Pluto, 154

  poetry, 218, 238–39, 250–51, 364

  poison: Alexander’s death from, 69

  Aquillius the Elder’s use of, on cities, 61, 167

  in Armenia, 295–96

  arrows tipped with, 86, 116, 303

  Attalus III and, 57–58

  in Black Sea region, 70

  dual nature of, 48

  effects of, 99, 418n4

  father’s death from, 68, 69, 71

  Galatians’ death from, 215

  Grypos and, 107

  Hannibal’s death by, 56, 57

  kings’ collections of, 102

  Laodice’s death from, 99

  Laodice the Younger’s death from, 124–25, 125

  Medea and, 63

  metals/crystals for detecting/neutralizing, 246–47

  from minerals, 70–71, 78

  Mithradates the Younger’s death from, 230

  M’s attempted suicide using, 349–51

  M’s investigations of, plate 1, 1–2, 48, 58, 69–72, 88–89, 101–3, 201, 220, 237–47, 295–96

  M’s invincibility regarding, 237–39, 349

  personality traits associated with use of, 373–74

  as political weapon, 1–2, 45, 50

  prisoners as test subjects for, 220, 237–38

  Psylli and, 111

  Roman soldiers killed by, 315

  Roman use of, 239, 242

  royal succession by, 45

  safeguards against, 246–47

  as siege tactic, 61

  Socrates the Good’s death from, 140

  suicide by, 57, 247, 275, 287, 325, 349, 418n4. See also antidotes; specific sources of poison

  poison cups, 246

  polemonia, 101

  Polybius, 34

  Pompey the Great, 290, 317

  Amasia incapacitated by, 80

  Armenian campaign of, 329–30

  birth of, 112

  command of war assumed by, 312, 312–14, 316

  criticisms of, 341

  gems dedicated by, 249

  Lucullus’s rivalry with, 265, 278, 312–14

  and Mithradatic War, 312–45

  and Moonlight Battle, plate 6, 319–20

  movements of, 327–31, 340–41

  and M’s death, plate 9, 352–54

  and M’s library and papers, 240, 246

  as M’s rival, 4, 24, 63

  nickname of, 112

  peace negotiations of, 340–41

  pirate campaign of, 314–16

  rise to power of, 278

  and slave uprising, 278

  Spanish rebellion put down by, 270

  and Sulla’s body, 256

  Triumphs of, 312, 328, 351, 357–59

  victory proclaimed by, 330, 358

  Pontic ducks. See ducks, poisonous

  Pontus, 1, 162

  appearance of, 79

  culture of, 250

  foreign policy of, 50–52

  influences on, 46

  invasion of, 279–80

  map of, 78

  minerals in, 70

  M’s father and, 44–45

  M’s recovery of, 309–10, 316, 341–42

  pirates and, 52

  poisons in, 70

  as Roman ally, 51–52

  as Roman province, 292

  symbol of, 32

  wealth of, 52–53, 115, 279

  Popov, Se
rguei, 246

  Populars, 132, 188, 222, 227, 236, 259, 270, 294, 312

  Poredorix, 214–15

  portraits of M. See artistic portrayals of M

  Poseidon, 262

  Presley, Elvis, 39

  Priam, 93–94

  Priene, 121

  prisoners: Bruttius’s treatment of, 192

  general as, 156, 157

  M’s cynical use of, 271

  M’s freeing of, 151–53


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