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Sweet Legacy (Sweet Venom)

Page 23

by Tera Lynn Childs

  Besides, she’s worked here for ages—longer even than Harold. She couldn’t be a monster in hiding.

  I must be seeing things. I’m already hearing things—the madness is just progressing. The pressure is finally getting to me.

  “Never mind,” I say, and I turn to leave.

  Out in the hall, I unfold the note from Harold, written in surprisingly elegant handwriting—I would have imagined it hard for a spider monster to grip a pen.

  Miss Greer,

  I had to return home unexpectedly. If the time comes while I’m gone, please ask Miss Tregary for assistance. She can get you the help I promised.



  I fold the note back up and press my palms against my stomach. All right, maybe I hadn’t been seeing things. I guess I’ll have to confront Miss Tregary about her lizard tail after all. Pushing away from the wall, I turn and walk back into the office.

  “Oh, Miss Tregary,” I say, with a more genuine smile on my face, “there is something I need to ask you.”



  The moment Greer leaves to rally her troops, Sillus tugs on my pant leg.

  “Sillus have friend,” the little monkey dude says, looking up at me with wide eyes. “Family. Lots. Go get, they help huntress.”

  Nick and I exchange a questioning look. It’s not like either of us has a broad circle of friends or family to call on. If Greer is right and we need every last bit of help we can get, we don’t want to overlook his friends. Sillus has help, so we should take advantage.

  Sillus directs me to the Bay Bridge underpass where I first found him and sent him home. I pull Moira up onto the sidewalk and put her in park.

  There, in that abandoned lot, is a huge group of cercopes—at least two dozen little furry monkeys who look just like Sillus.

  They rush us as we climb out of the car.

  “Huntress!” they shout, jumping up and down to get my attention.

  “Dude,” I say to Sillus, “there are so many of you.”

  “Family,” he says, looking over the monkeys with pride. “Is mom”—he points to one who jumps up and waves—“dad”—another monkey bounces above the crowd—“brother, sister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousin.” The group erupts in high-pitched cheers. Turning back to me, Sillus grins. “Family.”

  I almost don’t believe it. Little Sillus has a huge family. It seems so . . . human.

  In a flash, I’m taken back to when I first met him. That moment—my conversation with the little freak—seemed so ordinary at the time. He was just another beastie, living in the wrong realm.

  “All right, monkeys,” I say to the excited group. “If you want to help—”

  “Yes, help.”

  “Help huntress.”

  “Help, help, help.”

  My words drown in the sea of shouts. Nick coughs to cover up a laugh. I hold up my hand, and eventually they calm down.

  “If you want to help,” I try again, giving them a glare when they look like they want to riot again, “then get in my car.”

  Without hesitation, the entire group races for my Mustang. While they are climbing over each other to get inside, I look down at Sillus to find him beaming with pride.

  Finding him was a turning point. He seemed so . . . innocent. Every creature I had encountered up until then had been a monster in the worst sense, intent on killing or controlling humans. Sillus just wanted to live in the city, to make his home in this empty lot and get by like any one of the city’s millions of residents.

  From that moment, I looked at monsters differently. Instead of grouping them into a single black (never white) category, I started seeing shades of gray.

  Since then, everything has changed. I’m proud to call some monsters my friends. And Sillus is first among them—which makes what I’m about to ask him even harder.

  “Sillus,” I say, kneeling down on the ground in front of him, “I need a favor.”

  I slip my arms around his tiny body and hug him. The look Nick gives me over the furry head is full of pride and understanding.

  “Anything, huntress,” he says with a serious look. “Sillus do anything for huntress.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of. That’s where the guilt comes in.

  I sigh. “You might not want to do this.”

  He scowls but says, “Anything. Swear.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I say, “I need to send you back.”

  I see his earnestness flicker. “Back?”

  “I need you to go back,” I explain, “to let everyone know.”

  “The war is coming,” Nick says. “They need to be ready.”

  I nod. “We will need their help from the inside.”

  Sillus jumps to his feet. “Sillus understand. Sillus help.”

  I smile. It’s weird, but I’ve grown to really like the little guy. I like having him around. When my sisters and I open the door and defeat the factions on either side—because I know we will—maybe he’ll be able to live here full-time, without fear of being sent back again.

  The risk, if we don’t succeed, is too great to even consider. I won’t let the possibility of defeat enter the realm of possibility. If he is trapped inside and we fail to open the door, he and every other creature in the abyss will die instantly.

  The pressure only drives me harder.

  “Thank you,” I tell him as I push aside my guilt.

  We all have to take risks in this situation. We’re all in danger until it’s over, one way or another.

  With a brave smile, he lifts up his foot. As I sink my fangs into him, I hope he gets there in time and that we all get through this alive.

  When Sillus is gone, I sit back on my heels and sigh. There’s an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. I stare up at the underside of the bridge, taking a moment to get my emotions under control. They’re not going to help me win this war; if anything, they’ll distract me. So many people are counting on me—my sisters, our friends, our families, thousands upon thousands of people who don’t even know I exist. It’s overwhelming if I think about it too much.

  Nick kneels down in front of me.

  “I need to go, too.”

  “What?” I ask, too shocked to hide it. “What do you mean?”

  He can’t leave. He can’t abandon me. I need him. I don’t want to do this alone.

  After four years of going it solo—a whole lifetime, really, if I don’t count time with my ex-parents—it’s amazing how much I’ve come to rely on others—Nick, my sisters, everyone fighting on our side in this war. Guess loner Gretchen is a thing of the past.

  “It’s time for me to rally the third faction,” Nick says, “to spread the word that the prophesied time has come.”

  He stands, takes my hand, and pulls me back to my feet.

  “You need as many allies as you can find,” he says. “The door will not open quietly.”

  As much as I know he’s right, I still don’t want him to go. But what I want has never mattered very much. Duty and destiny come first.

  “Fine,” I say, nodding. I know this is what he needs to do, even though I want him at my side, where I can protect him. Then, daring to reveal some of my feelings for him, I add, “Be careful.”

  He grins. Cocky bastard knows exactly how I feel.

  “I will be faster than you can imagine,” he says. He reaches into the neckline of his tee and pulls out a necklace. It’s very old-looking—ancient, even—a heavy gold chain with a pendant at the end: a single feathered wing. He holds it up to catch the sun. “A gift from Hermes.”

  I reach out to touch it, but then I pull back. Last time one of us touched a godly pendant, her brain almost exploded and she became telepathically connected to a god. No thanks.

  “Protect yourself,” I say, echoing back the words he said to me when he left the abyss, “until you’re back at my side and I can do it myself.”

  There I go, exposing those feelings again.

  “I will,” he answers.

  I look into his midnight blue eyes. “Promise?”

  Instead of responding, he cups the back of my neck and presses his mouth to mine. My eyes fall shut and I focus on the sensation—warm, firm, and full of promise. If I could freeze myself in one moment in time, it would be this one. My sisters and I have accomplished so much already, and we’re about to risk our lives to save countless others. But right now, in this moment between pride and fear, held by the boy I’m pretty sure I’m growing to love, I’m tempted to pull him closer and forget the rest of the world. I have to force myself back to reality.

  I push against his shoulders.

  His eyes glow with the same fire running through my veins.

  “I will meet you back at the marina before you leave to open the door.”

  Then he grabs the wing pendant in his fist, whispers something in a language I don’t understand, and vanishes into the ether. He was right—that was fast.

  I stand there for a few moments, just breathing in and out, while the tingle in my lips fades. When it’s gone, I finally turn and walk back to my car full of monkeys—I’ll have to give Moira an extra-special bath once this is all over. The time for romance and fantasy is gone. I have to earn the right to bring it back.

  The war is about to begin—my sisters and I are going to start it. And if we want to finish it, we’re going to have to be heavily armed when we do.

  “Come on, monkeys,” I say. “Time to find some weapons.”



  While Greer goes to her school and Gretchen goes off with Nick and Sillus, Thane and I stay at the marina. He gives me a little distance, moving off under a nearby tree as I pull out my phone. My hand shakes as I start to dial Milo’s number.

  Sure, he’s been very understanding about all of this—he didn’t run screaming from the room, never to be seen again—but this might cross a line. Knowing this world exists and participating in it are two different things.

  But my sisters are right. We need as many people helping us, fighting on our side, as possible. And the results of the war, whether we win or lose, affect the humans who live in this world, too.

  He picks up on the third ring.

  “Grace?” he asks, his voice a hushed whisper.

  Shoot. I forgot it was a school day. He’s probably in class right now. I can’t remember the last time I was in class. Time has just slipped away from me.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have—”

  “Hold on,” he whispers. His voice is muffled as he says, “Mr. Johnson? I need to use the restroom.” Moments later, he’s back at full volume. “What’s up? Everything okay?”

  I smile at how easily he got out of class. He is such a charmer.

  Then I remember why I called.

  “Actually . . .” How do I say this? I’m about to be involved in a mythological battle for my life, and I’d like you at my side? Well, maybe that. “It’s time,” I say quietly. “We’ve found the door, and we’re about to—”

  “Where are you?” he asks.

  “I’m at the marina,” I say. “We’re trying to gather some forces to our side before all Hades breaks loose.”

  “I’ll be right there,” he says.

  Then the phone goes dead, and I’m left silent and stunned. He’s coming. He’s really coming. Just like that. I need him, and he’ll be right here. How did I get so lucky?

  Thane walks back over to me. “Okay?”

  I look up at him. “Yeah,” I say, confused. “I didn’t even have to ask. He’s . . . he’s on his way.”

  Thane winks at me. “I pick good friends.”

  He does. Milo might not have any godly blood in him, no personal reasons to get involved with this war, but his friendship with Thane and his feelings for me are enough. He’s in.

  Next, I scroll to Cassandra’s contact info.

  “Grace?” she asks when she answers two rings later. “Is it time?”

  “Yes. We’ve found it,” I whisper. Even though we’re not near the door, I don’t want to risk being overheard—not if we really are being watched. “We’re ready.”

  I tell her where the door is and where we’re meeting.

  “I’ll be there soon,” she says. “And I’ll bring the reinforcements.”

  Before I can ask what that means, she’s gone.

  I walk over to Thane and sit down next to him on a bench. I place my hand over his.

  “You know I love you, right?” I ask him.

  He twists to look at me, surprised by my question.

  “I know you’re worried that I’ll hold your past against you.” I squeeze his hand. “But nothing can change the fact that you’re my brother in every way that matters.”

  “I—” He tries to pull his hand away, but I hold on tight. “I lied to you, Grace-face. Since day one.”

  I turn to face him and make sure he’s looking at me when I ask, “Were you lying when you told me that Sherwood Pierce was a moron if he didn’t see how great I was?”

  Thane laughs and shakes his head. “No.”

  “Were you lying when you crawled into my bed and told me you were scared of thunderstorms?”

  Again, “No.”

  “Were you lying when you told me you would protect me with your life?”

  “Of course not,” he says, trying to look away.

  I tug him back to face me. “Then nothing else matters. You’re my brother,” I say again, “and I love you. End of story.”

  The emotions battling inside him show on his handsome face, the hope and the guilt fighting for prominence. But I know Thane—the core of him, not the pesky details—and I know that hope will win in the end.

  I don’t say this out loud, but I’m relieved to finally have the secrets of his past out in the open. They have been eating at him for so long, he could never truly be his whole self with us, with his family. No matter how much he loved us and wanted to belong, he always kept himself at a bit of a distance.

  Now, he’ll be able to shed all that armor.

  The first step, I think, is whatever is growing between him and Greer. He’s never dated before, never seemed interested in forming relationships outside the family. Probably because he thought he wouldn’t live long enough for them to matter when his bosses found out he was defying them.

  I’m glad he’s finally taking that step.

  “You and Greer are a good match,” I say, turning to look back out over the water.

  He doesn’t say anything; he doesn’t have to.

  As we both stare out at the boats, we fall into a peaceful silence as we wait for everyone to return—for my sisters and the support they’re bringing with them.

  I’m shocked when the first car that pulls up is our station wagon. Mom jumps out of the passenger side and runs over to me.

  She wraps me in a big bear hug. “Oh good,” she cries. “We’re not too late.”

  “Not too—?” I pull back and look at her. “Mom, what’s going on? What are you doing here?”

  “When Thane called,” she says, her eyes damp, “I was afraid we wouldn’t get here in time.”

  I give my brother a questioning look as Dad gets out of the car and walks over.

  “I told them. Everything.” Thane shrugs. “I thought they should know.”

  “We want to help,” Dad says, walking up to Thane and proudly wrapping an arm around his shoulder. For once, Thane doesn’t pull away.

  “No,” I say, glaring at Thane. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Thane looks at me. “I got some good advice recently,” he says. “When you love someone, you don’t abandon them in their time of need.” His mouth lifts into a half smile, telling me exactly who gave him this advice. “You’re in need. They love you and want to help.”

  “You’re both in need,” Mom says. “And we love you both.”

  Thane won’t admit it, but he needed to hear her say that more than almost anything.

��We’ll do whatever we can,” Dad adds. “Even if you tell us to stay out of the way. Whatever we can.”

  I feel so loved. My heart feels like it might burst. Between Thane, Mom and Dad, and Milo, I can’t believe I’m so lucky—to have people willing to risk everything, to take a stand side by side with me and my sisters. I pull my family into a group hug.

  “Thanks,” I say with an emotional sniff. “It means . . . a lot.”

  “That’s what family is for,” Mom says.

  And it only makes me cry harder.

  Greer returns first, leading an alarmingly large crowd of monsters across the parking lot. Her eyes are wide, like she can’t quite believe she’s at the head of this parade.

  “Hi,” she says, sounding kind of shocked. Waving over her back, she says, “These are, um, some of the monsters who have, um, been living in our fair city.”

  Greer is not an um kind of girl. I can tell she’s uncomfortable with the swarm of beasties following her. There are a lot of them. It’s hard to imagine all these creatures living in San Francisco without anyone—Gretchen especially—noticing. Gretchen before things started changing. Then again, I suppose they kept pretty low under the radar.

  Well, at least we’ll have some good backup.

  I wave at the crowd.

  Then Milo arrives—with half the soccer team. I hurry up to him. “What are they doing here?”

  He gives me an uncertain shrug. “Davidoff saw me skipping out of class and decided to join me.”

  A tall, lanky boy with straight hair that falls to his shoulders waves at me.

  I turn back to Milo. “So?”

  “So . . .” He looks over his shoulder. “Then the rest of the guys caught us leaving and followed us out.”

  “You couldn’t have told them not to come?”

  He gives me a helpless look. “I tried.” He leans forward and whispers. “They want to help. Once a team, always a team.”


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