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Page 20

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Good morning.” Alexo strode into the room, the large double doors swishing shut behind him. “I’ve spoken to Donaldo. He’s aware of your upcoming exams, of your need to return to school. You may return as soon as you’re ready.”

  “Where is he now?” I kept moving on the belt, not once breaking my stride.

  “He’s in a meeting.” He lowered his voice. “Yours are unusual circumstances. You have lived on Earth your entire life, unlike any other Wincrest before you. Donaldo will need to see you accept your heritage and your country as well.”

  I nodded, for I’d gathered as much.

  Alexo took my mother’s arm. “And you need to adopt Dralion too. So let’s finish your tour.”

  They left in a blink, and I picked up my speed.

  Oh, my father was in trouble because I knew my mother hadn’t finished talking. I laughed as I imagined him getting an earful, one that was usually reserved for me.

  As my giggles subsided, I centered my mind.

  It was probably best I not think of Silvie who would be dressing for school, or Belle who hadn’t as yet contacted me and certainly not Davio, in case I felt the need to go to him. Nope, I would not use my forethought on them, for it was Donaldo I was curious about.

  I focused on him, watching as he sat on a gold-threaded burgundy chair at the top end of an elevated stage within a meeting hall. Men, women and children of all ages lined the outside perimeter of the public room, some standing and some sitting on wooden benches.

  Donaldo’s personal guards stood evenly spaced in a half circle behind him. A man dressed in dark cotton pants and a clean shirt approached. The newcomer asked a question and Donaldo answered. He offered advice to him and then asked for the next to come forward.

  I stayed with him, intent on the discussions.

  Time passed.

  Two hours later the door thumped open, and I jumped, my vision dissolving.

  Oh no, this could not be good.

  In a single file, six men and two warrior women entered the room. The man at the front of the pack was colossal in size with oily black hair hanging down over his shoulders, and wearing a vest of gray leather. Fire-breathing dragon tattoos curled over the other on his bared chest and arms. Sharp silver spikes were pressed into every inch of his leather belt which held a roughened metal mallet dangling from his side.

  I gulped.

  Dark brows drew together. “My name is Killian. To my right is Abelard, next is Frey, then, Hiram, Laidley and Nicolas. The warrior women to my left are Xrnina and Leoda.” Blunt and to the point.

  I glanced at the women. They looked scary–one had half her head shaved on either side, giving her a mohawk of bright red. A piece of coiled silver pierced one nostril and round silver hoops looped through both eyebrows. Tight leathers showed off a muscular body. “Nice to meet you.” I rubbed at my chin.

  The second woman cleared her throat. Little less than a strip of black leather contained her breasts and black leather pants hugged her hips. The exposed skin from her waist up was painted in a dark camouflaging mud, a bloodied dagger held in one hand. “Welcome, Princess.” A firm nod of her head.

  I tensed, jabbing at the treadmill’s stop button. “Thank you.”

  The man beside Killian stepped forward, the one named Abelard. “We are the leading eight of the warriors and should you have any need of our services then our king has stipulated you ask.” Brown scraggly hair fell forward to cover one half of his face, a singular spiked piercing in one ear. Biceps bulging, his fists balled around not one, but two bloodied swords.

  I cleared my throat and found my voice. “I appreciate your introduction.”

  One by one, they snapped a severe bow, promptly leaving the exact way they’d come.

  I shivered. That was intimidating.

  Faith. My father speaking in my head. I see the leading eight visited. Do not worry about them. You only ever have to call on me, and I will come. Donaldo’s intention would be to ensure they knew you held a strong position. It is his way.

  You could have told me that was going to happen. I teleported back to my room and sat on the end of my bed and unlaced my sneakers.

  I could have, but you need to stand on your own two feet, particularly when your rising is close.

  Ah, what’s a rising? I seemed to recall Belle using that word at one time.

  A rising occurs around a month following a Magioling’s eighteenth. It signifies the conclusion of your skills coming in.


  As this cycle is reached, you’ll feel an overpowering assault on all your senses, for the adrenaline pumping through your body causes an all-time high and your moods will swing. Also, when your rising begins, you’ll need those closest to you to aid you in draining the excess energy. I’m speaking of strength-levels three-times greater than what you currently experience.

  I couldn’t imagine that. I’ll have three-times my normal strength and my hormones will be raging? Is that what you’re saying?

  Yes, but only this one time. You’ll have to take care not to hurt others, but allow them to help. It will take two or more to match you and the moods that link.

  Why am I only hearing about this now?

  You are new to Magio. There is much you don’t have the knowledge of, but it will come in time. I will teach you.

  I sighed. While we’re chatting, is there anything else you’d like to enlighten me of?

  As I said, prepare for a difficult few days.


  If you’d like to go and visit Loveria, take the time now while you can.

  No. I’m not leaving my mother. Not this soon.

  I cut the link, rolling my shoulders, for obviously my mother would need me. She was here and bound to Dralion for no other reason than me.

  I lobbed my training clothes into the bathroom’s hamper and showered. I could handle a rising.

  Chapter 12

  I could not handle a rising.

  Two shaky days passed, ones where my emotions spiked up and down and all over the place, but still my rising had not yet come to pass. And I had school–I could take no more time off or I would get too far behind.

  “Oh, look, miladies,” Jilly said, one hand flat on the sitting room windowsill as she gazed out.

  My mother left the imperial designed corner chair. “What is it?”

  Jilly pointed to the west. “King Donaldo and Prince Alexo are about to ride. Have you been to the stables yet?”

  In two short days, I had become reliant on Jilly’s presence. She cared for us in a way I couldn’t have imagined for she wasn’t only the head of this wing, but quickly becoming a friend.

  Joining her at the window, my mother smiled. “No, but I’ve always loved horses. When I was a child, the local stables sponsored four of us from the orphanage for a season. I was only thirteen, but I was fortunate enough to have riding lessons for two weeks.” Her smile grew.

  “Where are they going?” I asked as I moved in between them.

  Jilly glanced at me. “The four-day tribal summit which is being held half a day’s journey from here. King Donaldo is going, and Prince Alexo is traveling as far as the village of Herring. He’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Her brow quirked. “It was mentioned yesterday.”

  “I remember now.” I rubbed at my head, feeling a familiar ache begin. The one which meant I needed Davio and to cement our merge.

  “Why don’t they simply, you know–” Kate clicked her fingers. “–do that flashing thing they do instead of traveling by horseback?”

  I listened as Jilly explained how Donaldo preferred horseback at times. How he liked to travel through the villages and see the countryside.


  Hey, Belle. I’m coming soon. I’d told her I would today, especially in light of my mother’s settling in. Where’s Davio?

  The training hall. He’s venting his frustrations on Silas again. How far away is soon?

  Not long.

  I crossed the room
to the coffee table, collecting my textbook and scooping up my sandals from the floor. “Mum, it’s almost nine, and I’m supposed to be at school.”

  She eyed the book in my hands. “Yes, you should.” She turned to Jilly. “You’ll stay with me?”

  “Yes, and I’ll ask a stable hand to saddle two of the smaller mares. We’ll take them for a walk. There’s a beautiful path right along the edge of the forest.”

  I hugged Jilly who jumped. “Mum will love that. What a great idea.”

  She patted my back. “Um, certainly.”

  Stepping back, I grinned at her blush as I gave my mother a hug. “You two have a fabulous day.”

  Bless Jilly–I officially loved her.

  Then, summoning the likeness of the dome room, I flashed through it to the image I already had of the training hall.

  My toes curled inward on the cold slate flooring. I breathed in, smelling sweat, for all around me, sword clashed against sword, held by men who battled in pairs.

  I fell back a step, hitting the brick wall and scraping my shoulders.

  In all the times I’d watched Davio in this room over the past two days, I’d never seen it filled this way.

  So where was he?

  My mind reached out, searching for him, demanding the connection.

  But he wasn’t here. Not as Belle had said.

  “Do. Not. Move.”

  There was a sharp prick to the side of my neck as I heard the words.

  Which meant sword, as I’d already had the pleasure of learning.

  “Now, who exactly have we got here, boys? Looks like a pretty blonde who’s not where she’s supposed to be. Only protectors are permitted in the castle’s indoor training hall and you are not one.” I turned a fraction to see the speaker–a man with a bitter slant to his lips, his chest bared and drenched in a river of sweat.

  Another swept in beside him, pressing his blade to my arm. “Drop what’s in your hands.” Oh, I probably should have thought about castle security.

  I opened my fingers and my textbook and sandals fell to the floor with a thump. I raised a brow, my silly emotions again rising. “Huh, now that’s handy them being on the ground where I’ll just have to pick them back up.”

  He snorted. “We have a smart aleck, eh?”

  “I’ll admit to being a touch moody lately. A girl has to go through her rising and all–apparently.”

  I clenched my fists, glaring at the giant before me. Black hair was plastered wet to his scalp, his neck almost as thick as his head and shoulders so wide he could carry a full grown man over each side. He was enormous and I should probably keep my mouth shut.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m after Davio Loveria.” Nope, it seemed I couldn’t.

  “No,” said the first one, narrowing his gaze and holding me firm. “The fine for teleporters sneaking into the castle is a week in the cesspit. The cesspit is not a pretty place. I’m Derick, and the one with other blade is Warrick. He’ll be taking you for your upcoming stay.”

  “Anyone who turns up unexpectedly like you have, would know that this is not the way to gain an audience with our prince.” Warrick twisted me around in a move so fast and jarring, everything blackened.

  And in a flash, we were gone.

  He released me, the first drag of air I pulled in was so rotten my stomach heaved. It was dark, only a lantern casting a small glow down the passageway of gray bricks on each side. Warrick shoved me from behind. “Now, along further are our steel lined cells for those lovelies like yourself–who can teleport.”

  “No.” My heart thumped. “My name is Faith. Your prince is my mate.” I didn’t hold back, not when it appeared my life might very well be on the line.

  The monster only laughed with deep grunting noises that boomed and hurt my ears. “So says you and every other pretty who wants the prince as theirs. I’ve heard it all before so why don’t you shut up. You’ve got some time to learn this isn’t to happen again.” He pulled open a steel door, and I knew I was out of time.


  I’m here. When are you coming? Same opening words as always, only this time I loved the sound of them.

  I was shoved forward, and fell to my knees. Warrick. Some kind of–

  The door slammed shut.

  That was it, and I no longer heard her.

  I squeezed my eyes shut.


  The steel that lined this cell finished me.

  Inhaling, I coughed as the smell of sludge–which I didn’t even want to contemplate the origins of–flowed into my lungs.

  Staying still in the dark, on my knees, I felt the putrid mess covering the floor seeping into my jeans.

  Pushing to my feet, slimy muck oozed in between my toes.

  Gagging, my movement only stirred up the stench beneath me until it was all I could smell.

  Oh boy–this really was the pits.

  “Davio,” I screamed. “Where the hell are you?”

  Peering through the pitch black behind me to where I thought the door should be, I slipped through the muck toward it. I slammed my fist against the metal, hearing the jarring sound it made with each hit.

  “I mean it, Davio. Get me out of here.”

  “Hell, Warrick.”

  I sagged against the door for I knew my mate’s voice. “Davio.”

  “I’m coming.”

  The steel door cranked open, and I grabbed at my head at the sharpness of my mind flying toward his. It was a piercing need to connect, one I couldn’t hold back.

  I heard his answering grunt as the merge landed. A beam of light hit my eyes, and he caught me tight. “Silas, take the lantern.” Davio’s voice rumbled over my head.

  Silas stepped forward into the light and took it.

  Davio’s arms came around me. “This should never have happened,” he bit out, leading me out of the nasty cell.

  I sent him a wild glare. “Trust me, you don’t want to hear what I have to say about the way your protectors protect, but let me enlighten you anyway.” I drew in a deep breath whistling it out. “That one.” I pointed at Warrick who stood in the flickering lamp’s glow. “Needs to die.”

  “I’m sure he does.” Davio pulled me around. “But first, let me take you out of here. I can’t stand to see you in this place.”

  And he did–zapping us straight into an outcropping of trees which edged a roaring river. The instant change of location, the bright vivid colors and the shock of morning sunlight beaming through the dense foliage, had me pinching my eyes shut.

  I took a moment, slowly opening them again, and when I did, I saw Silas had followed. “No, you go back.” I jammed my finger at him. “You have to kill Warrick. That’s the deal.”

  He crossed his arms. “Before I do that I have to make certain you don’t take your anger out on my cousin.”

  I huffed as Davio took my arms and turned me toward him. “I can’t believe you’re here. You should have told Belle you were coming. We would have been on the alert. There’s certain security in place.”

  “Alert this,” I snapped. “Warrick. Dead. Now.”

  Silas sighed. “How about I go see to Warrick. I’ll return once I’m done with something that’ll take that awful stinky smell away.” He slanted his head at me. “And sadly I didn’t mean you.”

  I scowled, hating all things Silas. “Go.”

  He wavered and disappeared.

  “We’ll clean this muck off you in no time. The river’s deep enough in the center, and it’s not too cold.” Davio shucked off his boots and took my arm.

  “I’ll do anything to get rid of this stink.” As the water rose past my knees, then my hips, I rubbed my arms, each step making me sink deeper. “Grrr, you don’t call this cold?” I stopped, now far enough out to lower to my shoulders.

  “Hey.” Silas was back and far too soon. “Catch.” He tossed a large bottle from his position near the side, one that Davio caught midair. “I’ll give you two sometime to clean up.”

teeth chattered and Davio answered. “Bring Viv back with you.” He squirted out a glob from the bottle and raised his brow. “Dunk, love.”

  I didn’t argue, dropping to my knees under the frigid water and rubbing at my hair and body. When I popped up, a new kind of goop landed on my head.

  With the cold water flowing briskly past us, Davio scrubbed until I smelled lavender instead of stench.

  At the dark shadows under his eyes, I groaned. “I couldn’t come any earlier. The thought of leaving her–”

  “I understand. How is she?”

  I touched an icy finger to the raspy two-day stubble on his jaw. “Have you slept at all?” I searched his mind, but he was blocked. There was nothing.

  “Your mother,” he insisted.

  “She’s handling things. Although I need to be home by the time school finishes.”

  “Why so soon?” His jaw tightened. “It’s Thursday and you’ve been gone since Monday night. The weekend is coming. You’re sleeping in the enemy’s territory, and I don’t know from one minute to the next whether I’ll ever see you again.”

  The tumbling water sucked at my clothing. “Don’t you go getting mad at me. I’m unstable at the moment as it is.” I meant with my rising, for it had not begun and the delay had my emotions tossing up and down. Then there was the thought of all that additional strength, three times as much. I stamped my feet in place, trying to keep my circulation going. “As nice as this river is, I need a warm shower.”

  He took my arms and lowered us further into the water where the current whipped my hair into a tangle around his neck. “You didn’t answer me.”

  “Ah, freezing my butt off. I’ve got to get out of here. That’s all the answer you’re going to get.”

  His gaze darkened. “I’ll have your answer after you’ve showered, where I’ll meet you in the recreational room. Take the image from my mind so I know you’ll always have a safe place to arrive.”

  An image of where he said flashed into his mind, and I stored it. Next came an image right on the cuff of that, one that showed a very exclusive male bedroom.


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