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Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

Page 63

by Alycia Taylor

  We said good-night to Debbie…I think. Molly mesmerized me with her beauty. I know that sounds clichéd or over-the-top, but it’s true. She had on another one of those cute little knit hats like she wore to the football game, only this one was white. She also had on a fuzzy white sweater and a pair of jeans that looked like they had been made just for her…I swear. She put on her coat and gloves before we got on Suzie, and I think I may have glanced around to make sure Debbie wasn’t watching, and then I kissed her. She kissed me back, and I hope I’m right, but she seemed to be as happy to see me as I was her.

  I drove slow, knowing she was cold. I was thinking I might have to get a car for the winter months. Not that I’d ever give Suzie up, but a car for when I had Molly with me, to keep her comfortable and warm, would definitely be worth the investment. Well, okay my dad’s investment until I started making a little more money. But Dad was cool like that, I knew he’s help me out.

  When we got to the park, I parked Suzie in a well-lighted lot, right underneath a lamppost. Molly got off and as she was taking off her helmet, she said, “Is Suzie afraid of the dark?” She smirked when she said it. She’s lucky she’s her because no one else gets away with making fun of my Suzie.

  “Let’s put it this way,” I told her. “I would never leave you standing in a completely dark place for hours. I would be afraid someone would take you, or at the very least, touch you against your will…am I right?”

  She wrinkled her nose and said, “Which one of us do you like best?”

  I pled the fifth, and she laughed. I like her best, of course. I was just afraid if I opened my mouth about it, the big “L” word would come out. I had just got her comfortable enough to go out with me. I wasn’t going to risk scaring her away already.

  We walked across the park hand in hand. It was a little cold, but overall a really nice night for early December. The pond was easy to find. They had it decorated for Christmas with a big tree in the middle and twinkling fairy lights were strung overhead. We rented our skates, but decided to eat first so we found a nice little semi-secluded spot under a big tree. It was close enough to the lights that we could see what we were eating, but far enough away to give us some ambiance.

  “So what were you and Debbie talking about earlier?” she said with a grin.

  “She was getting my life story,” I told her. “If you hadn’t come down when you did, she may have brought out the torture devices.”

  Molly laughed. “My grandmother left me in her care and right before she left me there for the first time, she gave Debbie her scariest look and said, “I’m counting on you.” I know, looking at Debbie it’s hard to imagine, but I think Gran scared her.”

  “I wasn’t scared…much,” I told her, honestly. “I wrote a song for you today. Do you want to hear it?”

  “I’d love to,” she said.

  “You have to dance with me,” I said. She looked around at all of the people in the park and said, “How about we eat, and while we skate you can sing it to me. We won’t stand out so much, dancing on the ice.”

  “You don’t like to be the center of attention?” I asked her.

  “Not at all,” she said. “Do you?”

  I had to be honest here, but without coming off like I thought I was some kind of stud or something. “Well, I wouldn’t say being the center of attention so much as center stage, if you know what I mean?”

  She laughed and said, “No, I have no clue.”

  “Okay,” I told her. “I’m a musician and I like to entertain people with my music. I feel like center stage means you’re giving something back in return for the attention.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” she said. “Are we going to eat? I’m starving.”

  I opened up the basket and started taking things out. I handed her a bottle of water as I did. “My kidney thanks you,” she said with a smile before drinking it. Then she looked at all the food and said, “Wow! My stomach and taste buds are going to be indebted to you too. I can’t believe you did all of this. Thank you.”

  “It was fun,” I told her, honestly. “I like it that we’re both kind of on the same diet. I used to feel so left out when everyone was eating and I had my little healthy portions.”

  “Aw,” she said. It was cute, she wasn’t being sarcastic or anything as she said, “I don’t like thinking of you feeling left out.” I had to lean in for another kiss. She met me halfway. We kissed until we both needed to breathe and then she cleared her throat and said, “Can we eat now?”

  I laughed, “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” she said. “I want to do that some more. I just want to do it on a full stomach.”

  After we ate and cleaned up our mess, I told Molly, “If you want to put on your skates, I’m going to take the basket back and put it in Suzie’s bag.”

  She grinned and said, “You’re just going back to check on her, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe,” I said, “are you jealous?”

  “Maybe,” she said, with another grin. I kind of liked that idea.

  When I got back, she had her skates on and she was waiting for me on a wooden bench next to the pond. Her little nose was all red from the cold, but her eyes were bright and shiny. I could tell she was having fun. I sat down and put on my skates too and we hobbled the two feet to the entrance, clutching onto each other for dear life.

  Once we were out on the ice though, I realized that in a competition, Molly would have beaten me, hands down. Her moves were so graceful that I was tempted to just sit down and watch her. Instead, I turned her so that her back was against me and I let her lead us across the ice as I sang the silly little song I wrote for her. Last night, while we made love, I thought I was falling in love with her, but sometimes in a man’s brain, love and lust get mixed up. Tonight after I finished singing to her and she turned back towards me and I wrapped my arms tight around her, I knew the difference. I was falling in love with this girl, and I was falling hard.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Kissing Brock, on the ice in public like that was not like me at all. I thought about that for a few seconds, and then I decided that if being me meant not kissing him like this I didn’t want to be that girl. Nothing up to this point in my life had ever felt better than being in his arms, or feeling his lips on mine. His singing to me as we skated didn’t make me worry that people were looking; it made me hope that they were listening. It gave me goosebumps, in a very good way.

  I wasn’t always self-conscious I public. I never cared or even noticed when people looked at me, until after I got sick. Every time I turned a corner after I’d been sick and went back to school, it felt like someone was looking at me. They weren’t bad looks, or mean ones. They were just looks filled with curiosity or pity. Either way, they made me feel like some kind of side show attraction, and I hated it. That was the best part about starting college…until I met Brock, of course…but knowing that when I walked across campus, no one knew my history. No one was saying, “Oh look, her hair grew back,” or “Poor girl, how much longer do you think she has left?” I was just Molly, finally. And now…Well, now I’m part of a couple, Molly and Brock, Brock and Molly. I laughed out loud at myself when I had that thought.

  “What are you laughing at?” Brock asked me.

  “I’m just happy,” I told him. It was so beautiful out here, such a nice night that I felt like the Fates had arranged it all just for us. I knew at last what those silly women in the romance novels I used to read had been talking about all of these years. This is where I’m supposed to be, here with this wonderful man, safe in his arms.

  We skated for a while, and then we got some hot chocolate and took a walk around the park. We talked some. But mostly we walked in silence, just holding hands and enjoying the fact that we were together.

  When we got all the way across to the far side of the park he said, “I guess we should turn around.” I started to, but then he spun me back around to face him and he g
ave me the most incredibly hot kiss I’ve ever had, not that I have much to compare it to. It was one of those kisses thought that made you think, if I died right now…my life would be complete. But then he took it to another level. He slid his lips across my cheek and down to my neck. He started with soft kisses, and before I knew it he was nibbling, and I didn’t want him to stop. My heart felt like a sledge hammer banging against the inside of my chest it was pumping so fast and so hard. He ran his hands through the hair that hung out of the back of my hat at the same time, and when he whispered, “Oh Molly,” in that sexy, bedroom voice of his, it almost put me over the top. I swallowed hard, pushing the lump in my throat back into my belly where it belonged and said, “It’s not legal to make love in a park, right?” Brock laughed and said, “Trust me, if it wasn’t…”

  “Are Megan and Jake going to be gone again tonight?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, Jake said one more night,” he said breathlessly.

  “Let’s go home,” I told him. I was suddenly so bold that I surprised myself, but I had never wanted anyone or anything the way that I desired this man.

  The ride back to his apartment on Suzie was twice as cold as it was on the way over. I didn’t care though. All I had to do was just think about kissing him again and all of my senses came alive and caused comfortable warmth to travel through my veins.

  The other thing that is so incredible about this guy is that we’ve already made love once. Most guys would assume that to mean we would be doing it again and again. But not Brock. When we got back to his apartment he told me to sit on the couch and he went and got me a blanket. Once had tucked me all in, he made me a cup of tea and then he said, “Do you want to watch a movie?” I wanted to hug him until he couldn’t breathe. In relatively short amount of time, I think he may have restored all of the faith in men I had lost when Zack walked out on me.

  “Sure,” I told him with a smile. He handed me a few to look through and to my surprise and delight, there was Untamed Heart right in the middle of the stack.

  “This one?” I asked him.

  He grinned.

  “Somehow I knew you would like this one,” he said.

  “Well, you must like it too, even more than me. I don’t own a copy of it.”

  “Neither do I,” he said with another grin. “This is Jake’s.”

  “Oh, Megan must have left it here,” I said.

  He put it on and sat down next to me and said, “Why do you think it could be mine, but seem like you can’t even consider that it might be Jake’s?”

  I didn’t know how to phrase it without making it sound a little like an insult. Finally I said, “I think you’re more comfortable in your masculinity than Jake is in his.”

  He laughed out loud at that and said, “Like metrosexual or something?”

  “Oh God no!” I told him. “Those guys with nail polish and eyeliner completely freak me out. I just mean you don’t ever seem like you have anything to prove…to anyone.” That must have been the right way to put it, because before the little boy who would grow up to be Christian Slater with a baboon heart passed out on the orphanage playground he had covered my lips with his and completely obstructed my view. I didn’t care though. After two or three minutes I couldn’t have even told you what we were watching, and after five it was doubtful that I remembered my own name. When we came up for air, he looked at me with those intense blue eyes for about thirty seconds, and I could barely remember his name.

  Brock made love to me again that night, and it was even better than the first time. Afterwards, as I was drifting off to sleep, I told myself not to forget to thank Megan and Jake for bringing him into my life.

  I woke up in his arms again the next morning.

  “Good morning,” he said with a sleepy smile when I opened my eyes.

  “Hi,” I said. “How did you sleep?”

  He closed his eyes and smiled.

  “Fantastic,” he said. “How about you?”

  “The same,” I said with a smile.

  “Can we stay here like this all day?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in tight.

  “You have no idea how much I would love to,” I told him, honestly. “I have my final in lab today before the Christmas break. I can’t miss it.”

  “Yes you can,” he said. “You can quit school and be my groupie.”

  I laughed, “That sounds like an ambitious path to take with my life. I don’t know if I can dare to aim that high though…and then there’s Gran…” He opened his eyes wide then and said, “Okay, go take your silly final. I’m going to lie here all day and smell your perfume on my pillow, and wait for you to call.”

  “Mmm,” I said, snuggling back into him. “School is over-rated. Maybe I could pull the band groupie thing off after all.”

  He hugged me again and then he said something that got me up.

  “There is the fact that Jake will probably be coming home soon.”

  I was still not ready to meet Jake at the breakfast table in one of Brock’s shirts. By the time I finished in the bathroom, Brock was dressed and ready to take me home. Sometimes I just can’t believe how amazing he is.

  After I showered and dressed, I went to my class, hoping that I could come down from my cloud a bit, at least long enough to concentrate on my final experiment. We were paired up, and if one partner ruined her part of the experiment, we would both fail. I didn’t want to make my partner, Mai fail. She was a perfectionist, and failure could possibly send her spiraling down into the dark, cold abyss. While we were setting things up for our experiment, Mai said, “You haven’t stopped smiling since you got here. What’s the joke?” I’m tempted to tell her that it’s no joke, but because I just spent the night with the most gorgeous, incredible man on Earth, but instead I said, “I’m just happy to be here.”

  She looked around the beat up old lab letting her eyes rest for a minute on Professor Noland. Let’s just say he looks like Joan Crawford and leave it at that. Then she looked back at me like I was crazy. I smiled at her again. As I set up for our invisible smoke ring lab she stood back a little, just in case I really was a little bit crazy. I didn’t blame her, I was still grinning like an idiot.

  When all was said and done, I had come through for Mai. We got a B on our final. It was no A, but nobody’s perfect. It proved that I was good at multitasking too, because I still hadn’t been able to stop thinking about ice-skating in the moonlight with Brock as he sang to me, or eating a picnic dinner he had packed for me under the stars, or making out, or making love to him, and I still got a B. Go Me!!

  On my way home after class, I had to go by the coffee shop and get my schedule. Now that I was finished training they were going to give me a real schedule. It was a good thing, I really needed the money.

  “Hey Cassie, is my schedule ready?” I asked her as she bustled about. I was surprised that she wasn’t whistling while she worked. She really liked her job.

  “Hi Molly,” She said. “Yeah, I think it’s in the back.” I started back to get it when suddenly there was a blonde, cheerleader type standing in front of me.

  “Excuse me,” I said. “I didn’t see you there.” The girl looked familiar, but I didn’t think much of that. I did think was weird that she was still standing right in my way. She hadn’t moved an inch one way or the other, and she was glaring at me.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” I asked her, finally.

  “Do you know who I am?” she said.

  Barbie? Skipper?

  “No, I’m sorry. Should I?”

  “My name is Tammy. I’m Brock’s ex-girlfriend.”

  The stalker that was it!

  “Oh, hello,” I said. I’m not sure what else I was supposed to say to that. I’ve also never met a stalker. At least I don’t think I have. I’m not sure what stalker/new girlfriend etiquette called for in this situation. I tried to step around her again, and again she stepped in my way. Okay, now I was getting pissed.

ill you excuse me? Please!” I said, none too patiently.

  “I just thought maybe you and I should have a talk,” Tammy said.

  “Most people walk up and say, ‘Hey can you and I have a talk?’ They don’t block your path.”

  She seemed to realize suddenly that she had pissed me off. Not that I think she genuinely cared, but she tried to act like she did as she said, “Oh, I’m sorry. Can we talk?”

  I looked at the clock. It was four-fifteen. I hadn’t seen Brock in over six hours and I was beginning to have withdrawals.

  “I have five minutes,” I told her. She turned then and walked to a table in the corner, expecting me to follow her. I did, grudgingly.

  “What’s this about? Tammy…is it?” I asked her.

  She smiled. It was supposed to be sweetly but it looked more like the offspring of Barbie and Attila the Hun.

  “Brock is still in love with me. I’m sorry to be blunt, but I hate to see you get hurt.”

  I was speechless. I don’t mean that in the sense of the old saying, I was truly, literally speechless. Nothing would come out.

  “Did you hear me?” she said, finally. Now I smiled. It was my own cross between a cheerleader and a serial killer smile and I found my voice.

  “Oh, yes I heard you,” I said, simply. “Is there anything else?”

  She looked shocked that I wasn’t getting confrontational. She had geared herself up for at least a verbal fight.

  “I think you should just back off. Brock and I were meant to be. He wrote a song for me, you know.”

  “That’s nice,” I said with a tight smile. “I need to go, okay?”

  This chick was not right in the head.

  “Just remember that I warned you. When he comes back to me, and he will, I plan on taking him back. I’m letting him sow his oats with the…waitress-types first.” She really did want to fight. In my head I could picture myself slapping that snotty look right off of her face. Don’t give her the satisfaction, Molly. Make her leave with as much pent up crap as she came in with.


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