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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 1

by Sara Crest

  She’s Mine

  Sara Crest

  Curved Mountain Books



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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  Don’t Forget To Connect

  Dethroned: Two Hearts

  Dethroned: Act I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Want to read all of Dethroned?

  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Crest

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  I’ll always remember the first time I saw Viktoria… the night her father introduced her to all of us was one that would change our lives forever. At first I thought she’d just be a nice little prize, a sexy girl with a tight little body who I could have some fun with while getting paid by her daddy to protect her. The way she swayed her hips back and forth, those sexy legs, her tits that’d make any guy who saw me with her jealous, those lips that I wanted to see wrapped around my cock, and those eyes that I could just stare into forever.

  I had to show restraint, but what man wouldn’t want to have a secret affair with the daughter of a Russian mob boss? Wouldn’t that be a story to tell the boys back home.

  But what I thought would just be lust and physical desire turned into more than I expected.

  Once in your life you meet a woman that really lights a fire underneath you. She’s the one that pushes you further than you've even been pushed before, she gets your heart racing faster than any chopper ever could. To hang on to her you'd break and remold your own rules, you'd defy the whole goddamn world and prove to everyone that when you have her there’s nothing you can’t do. Viktoria was all that and more.

  Some men will bullshit you, they’ll tell you that a girl like that will come to you three times in your life. Don’t listen to them. They tell you that to cope with their own loss, they’ll repeat it like a mantra to make them feel better. They fucked up. When I have my hands on her and I’m pulling her body close to mine I know that there’ll never be another girl that can make me as wild as she can.

  You only get one shot, any man can take it, a real man has to hold onto it.

  Look at me getting ahead of myself, when you want a girl as badly as I wanted her you tend to ramble on about it. So let me tell you how it all went down. Let me tell you how we both fought for each other.

  Chapter One


  “Shit, I’m late.”

  I used to never have to say those words. Hell just saying it practically killed me inside, I should have never let it get this bad. I had only myself to blame.

  I was sitting on the can, I didn’t need to actually use it, I was just using the stall for some peace and quiet. It was the only place in the bar you could go and not hear whatever shitty music was playing out of their jukebox.

  I stood up and opened the stall door, taking my beer from its resting place by the sink. This bar was the only place in a hundred miles I could get my favorite beer, they didn’t even have it on tap too they had it in a bottle. Man can’t even enjoy his favorite beer while being stuck in a shithole like this… that beer was the only thing that made this town tolerable.

  I walked out into the bar, still sipping on my beer. The way I see it late is late, at this point it didn’t matter if I showed up 10 minutes late or an hour late. I was still gonna get chewed out by Axel, he was like a goddamned schoolteacher with that shit.

  I downed the rest of my beer and immediately motioned the bartender for another, he unbottled it for me and slid it down the counter right into my open hand. A couple of days ago he started a tab for me seeing how I was starting to drink here so often. I still wasn’t sure if I was gonna pay that tab or not, that would come down to how charitable I was feeling.

  As I sipped my beer and looked around the nearly empty bar I crossed eyes with one of the patrons, I had been at that bar every day for the past 4 days and he was here every damn time. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was following me. Every time we met eyes he gave me this look, this “I could wipe the floor with you” kinda look. He always tried to initiate contact with me when he could by shoving me and bumping into me unprovoked, I hadn’t let it escalate when it happened, I wasn’t in the mood to fight back then. It was a different story now.

  I walked over to him, slow and deliberate so that he wouldn’t think I was about to do some cowardly nonsense like sucker punch him or knock him out clean with my bottle.

  I stood over him, staring down as he drank his beer alone at his table.

  “So, are we gonna do this thing or what?” I asked, taking another sip of my beer.

  “The hell are you talking about?” he replied. It was so easy to tell when they were feigning ignorance, now was the time when I separated the men who had fire behind their stares from the men who backed away at any sign of conflict. Anything I’ve learned from all these encounters is that the modern man is a fucking pussy, they’ll back down as soon as you tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

  “You been staring at me for the whole week buddy, now do you want to start this thing or not?”

  He stood up from his chair and I motioned him out the front door. Least I could do for the bar owner was not trash his place for no real reason.

  He walked out the door and I followed, downing the remainder of that beer before chucking the empty bottle across the street.

  No sooner had that bottle shattered he swung at me, even with a good buzz going I saw that coming a mile away. The thing is about me, if you miss that first punch the fight might as well be done. With just one quick jab I had him on the pavement.

  I don’t know how many times I’ve done this before, but it gets easier every time I do it. If there’s one thing that being a part of the Iron Horses Motorcycle Club taught me is that guys’ egos inflate when they run into a biker. They see the patches on my vest and it was like showing red to a bull.

  I was holding the fucker down with one hand, it only took one solid punch to drop him onto the pavement which was disappointing. I was hoping that this one would actually have some fight in him. Once you’re on your back it’s all over, you just better hope I’m in a good mood and don’t beat the shit out of you w
hile you’re down.

  It was just like every other time, it happened far too often. I’d park my ride somewhere to go inside a store to get something, maybe even have a quiet drink. There was always just some overcompensating dumbass either disrespecting my bike by sitting on it, disrespecting me by calling me soft for being part of the Iron Horses, staring me down when I was trying to unwind, or challenging me in front of their drunken friends in order to prove something.

  I’d like to say I don’t know why they do it, but I know exactly why. The Iron Horses is a pretty new club full of fresh blood, guys think they can beat up on one of us and make a name for themselves real easy. That may be true for some of the younger members but I know how to carry myself, you cross me and I’ll make you regret it before you even hit the ground.

  I stood up, letting the little bastard scramble to his feet and dart off. Some guys chase them down to make sure they learned their lesson but that shit isn’t worth my time, besides I had somewhere to be.

  I walked over to my bike, thankfully the fight didn’t spill over and cause us to hit it or else we’d really have a problem, I just had it painted the chassis pitch black to match the rest of the ride and I didn’t want a scratch on it.

  I got on and turned my key, bringing it to life. I had to haul ass across town to make sure I got to my meeting on time, maybe this time we’d actually get to do some worthwhile shit instead of just intimidating the coke, meth, and heroin dealers scattered throughout this town. I joined the club because I wanted to make it into something, the higher ups were getting in the way of that and my patience was running thin.

  I pulled onto the highway and really let my ride fly, when I hit 100 miles per hour that’s when I really start to feel the rush.

  Truth be told I was starting to question my allegiance to this club, my skills were being wasted here and being stuck in one area for too long was starting to get me antsy. I wanted my goddamn freedom back, I couldn’t believe I gave up on the ability to do what I wanted when I wanted all for a chance to try and build up this worthless club. Don’t even get me started on the bullshit the higher ups pulled, it was starting to become a “conflict of interest.”

  I used to be as free as I wanted to be, I went where I wanted, did what I wanted, and made money how I wanted. When I joined this club I thought it would just be an extension of all of that, instead it was just full of posers and fakes who had no idea what they were doing. Yeah it was still more fun than my old life but why settle for better when you can have the best.

  I pulled off the highway to the shit side of town. Apparently being a part of a MC means that you should always hold up in a place that even the drug addicts thought was beneath them.

  I spotted the meeting spot, an old abandoned strip club that we were trying to refurbish into a new headquarters, the presidents of the club thought that the old one would be compromised any day now so a move was imperative. That’s the thing when you join an MC with no history, you gotta try making something out of nothing.

  “Shit, they’re already here” I said spotting the bikes that were already parked outside of the joint. I pulled into the parking lot and turned my ride off, patting it down and thanking it for the safe journey.

  I rubbed the stubble on my face in frustration, I was not looking forward to the shit that I was about to be put through for being late.

  I walked up to the door, looking around to make sure I hadn’t been followed before opening it.

  It was my second time in the old strip joint and it was just as disgusting as I remembered. Part of the roof caved so water and animals regularly got inside, of course nobody had the incentive to actually fix the damn thing.

  The guys were all sitting at a round table, they went silent when they saw me walk in.

  “You’re late Jack.” It was Axel, the closest thing we had to a chapter leader. That wasn’t his real name but he refused to answer to anything other than that. I wanted nothing more than to drop him but I couldn’t risk getting kicked out of the club just yet. Soon though, real fucking soon. Just give me a fucking reason and I’ll do it.

  “Yeah, I’m late, it happens.” I replied walking over to the empty chair. Axel was the only higher up there but the other guys were all just grunts like me. Not including Axel there were four of us. Unlike the other grunts we were always stuck with doing the hard shit because we were the only ones who knew how to get things done.

  “It didn’t happen with anyone else, you’re always late. Does our team mean that little to you?”

  Jesus it was like a fucking board meeting. I stared at him in the eyes, I wanted to plant my fist right on his jaw. He was just some kid barely old enough to drink who got in because his uncle started the club and he thought he could just order us around.

  “You gonna ride me for being late or are you gonna start the fucking meeting?”

  I could tell that pissed him off, he always had this attitude with me. He would treat me like I was gunning for his position in the club, he should probably stop thinking so highly of himself. He shrugged off my comment and turned to address all of us.

  “We got a job for you all, it pays big.”

  Fucking finally, sick of kicking meth heads out of our territory for pennies on the dollar. I wanted to make some real money.

  “So what do you want us to do then?” one of the men replied. It was Chuck, he had been there longer than any of us and it showed. Why he didn’t quit this shitshow I’ll never know.

  “We got a contract direct from the head of the Russian mafia up in Chicago, he’s short on guys and needs some extra muscle for what he says is something big.”

  “Oh shit the Russian mob? How does a big player like the don of the Rusky mob know anyone from our circle?” Mikey asked, Mikey was the new guy and I didn’t know much about him. What I did know was that he used to ride solo like me and was a fast learner. As far as I was concerned if he stayed out of my way I’d stay out of his and everything would go along just fine, besides he was starting to grow on me.

  “Higher ups have their connections” Axel replied.

  “So how much is that pay?” I asked. “I’m not wasting my time doing some work that isn’t even good enough for Rusky lackeys if the pay isn’t good.”

  “The pay will be fine Jack, more than whatever you’re used to I can guarantee you that. We’re riding for Chicago ASAP to meet my uncle and get the details. The sooner we get there the sooner we can start and the sooner we can start the sooner we get paid. Understood?”

  “The fuck are we waiting for here then?” Chuck blurted out getting up from his seat. “I got debts to pay let's go make that fuckin’ money.”

  I don’t like this. Ruskies have no business hiring us, they gotta be up to something.

  Chapter Two


  It was starting to get harder, I was beginning to realize this really wasn’t the life I wanted to live.

  My father kept me on constant watch, when I was younger I used to be able to get away with going outside if I brought my guards with me but recently dad’s been cracking down. I always thought that he did this because he had my best interest at heart but recently I’ve been starting to doubt that.

  He had told me to stay in my room for the day, well more like ordered really, I don’t know what was going on but he was talking to my bodyguards outside. A while ago I thought I heard a lot of yelling but I couldn’t tell, when it came to what my dad was doing I tried to keep my head down and my ears covered.

  I had watched him rise through the ranks of the Russian mob, something like that changes a man and not for the better. He was becoming more controlling and there was nothing I could do.

  I got up off of my bed and looked out the window. Our highrise suite apartment looked over lake Michigan, I don’t know how many times I’ve taken pictures of the sunrise over it because I didn't have much else to take pictures of.

  My life was anything but normal, and whenever I looked down onto the street and
saw people walking with their friends and loved ones I couldn’t help but feel jealous. What was the point of being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the whole city if he kept me locked away in here like I was some kind of prisoner.

  I wandered over to my closet, it was full of beautiful clothes that I hardly ever got to wear. Dad bought them for me for the sole purpose of making me wear them when he paraded me around the other Dons of the Russian mafia on the few occasions he even let me meet them.

  His intention was to try and marry me off to the son of a Don so that he could use the connections, yes that was really the kind of person he was. I had no say in any aspect of my life and that was the bottom line.

  I had never been on a real date, or at least one I wanted to go on, let alone been intimate with a man. The only men I was ever surrounded with were my bodyguards and they were all much older men past their prime who only got the job from experience. Not exactly the kind of man I was looking for but then again I didn’t have enough experience to even know what kind of man I wanted.

  I was starting to get really impatient about it too, I almost thought about making my dad hurry it up with this whole dating the sons of other Dons thing so that maybe I could finally feel what it was like. It was just that… if I gave it up to someone just for the sake of finally feeling what it was like I thought I would regret it. I mean a woman definitely has her needs but I wanted my first time to be with someone who really got me going, not some pampered asshole who thought he could buy me because his dad was also a Don.

  But I guess I should focus on solving the more important issue, actually breaking away from my dad and starting my life.

  You might think that I could just walk out at any time, just take the elevator down to the ground floor and leave and just like that all my problems would be solved. I mean why would I need protecting from my dad’s enemies if I wasn’t anywhere near him or associated with him right? The thing is though, my bodyguards worked both ways.


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