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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 7

by Sara Crest

  I reached down and kissed her. With her backing me like that I really did think that we could make this work, I was willing to risk it all just for a chance to be with her and a chance to break her free from this life.

  “We gotta get out of here then, now. We gotta put as much distance between us and your dad as possible.”

  I just had to make sure the guys wouldn’t come after us. I walked around to the other side of the warehouse. From the looks of it Mike and Ron and gone inside but Axel was out smoking a cigarette, they probably kept him out here to make sure Viktoria and I didn’t run off.

  “You heading to bed?” Axel asked as he took a drag of his cigarette.

  “I don’t know man, I’m still a little shaken up over all that’s happened tonight. Feels weird without Chuck you know.”

  “He was a good man. I always thought that he would get out of the game as an old man, never thought they’d take him out like that.”

  “He deserved better Axel, you’re right on that.”

  I walked over to my bike, opening my bag and taking out the 2 grand that we were given at the beginning of the assignment. I counted it discreetly, making sure it was all there. It would be tough to see it all go, and to give up that $10,000 pay day, but I knew it would help clear my conscious. Besides I had a stash near the original MC headquarters that would help Viktoria and I out for a little while.

  “You know Axel, we’ve had our differences the past few years. We’ve put each other through a lot of unnecessary bullshit, we’ve beaten the shit out of each other, probably insulted each other more times than I can count.”

  “You ain’t going soft on me now are you?” Axel said, I could have sworn I saw him crack a smile for a second there. Don’t think I’ve ever made that boy smile.

  “I just wanted to tell you, man to man, that I’m sorry for everything I’ve done” I replied.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  I walked up to him, shoving the 2 grand into his back pocket before grabbing him by the shirt. “I know it wasn’t the payday you were hoping for, but at least it’s better than nothing.”

  “What the hell are you-”

  I opened the door to the warehouse and threw him inside. I quickly wheeled over all of their bikes and leaned them against the door, trapping them inside using all 1500lbs of their own rides.

  “That’s the thing about the Iron Horses” I said to Viktoria as the guys began banging on the barricaded door “the club won’t even drop the extra money for a warehouse with a backdoor.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I couldn’t believe that it was finally happening, all my life I’ve wanted to escape and now I was actually doing it. Even as I sat on the back of Jack’s motorcycle I couldn’t believe it, holding onto him as tightly as I could while thinking about how he had just put himself in danger just for a chance to be with me. Never in my life did I imagine a man would take a risk like this just for me.

  The wind that blew in my face that morning was more liberating than any gust or breeze I had ever felt in my life, and I had Jack to thank for all of it.

  We pulled off into an old town, Jack told me that we needed to make the stop in order for him to pick up the money he had stashed away for when he was ready to leave the Iron Horses.

  “We have to be quick with this” Jack said as we entered into a mostly abandoned neighborhood. “We gotta keep putting distance between us and them, not to mention that they probably called some of the Iron Horses’ presidents and told them what we just did. With a guy like your dad involved they’re going to be coming after us too.”

  The houses were practically falling apart, most of the windows were boarded up and nearly every one was tagged with graffiti.

  I had seen places like this before, when I was younger my father would sometimes bring me along on some of his “business trips” outside the city. He would buy up entire streets of abandoned homes for next to nothing, I don’t know what he used them for but he never did let me go inside.

  We pulled into the driveway of one of the homes, Jack drove onto the grass and around to the back. We got off the bike and he concealed it in the shade to make sure anyone looking for us wouldn’t recognize it.

  Jack walked into the house through the back entrance, the house was so run down that the back door had fallen off its hinges. He did a quick check inside, making sure that nobody was squatting before motioning me to follow him.

  When I walked in the stench of something rotting hit me hard. It felt like I was walking into a butcher’s fridge whose power went out, I could only imagine that with the back door out there must have been some dead animal in here somewhere.

  “You always gotta be careful with houses like this, addicts and homeless squat in them for shelter. They can be unpredictable and you never want to cross them unless you’re prepared” he said.

  “Back when I was a young teenager one of my bodyguards became addicted” I replied. “I don’t know what it was that he was taking but I could see him slowly deteriorate day by day. I was too afraid to tell my dad because I didn’t know what would happen to the guard if he was discovered, back then I tried to think of any bodyguard I had as one of my friends so I never did like to tell dad about their faults and shortcomings. I let him get in too deep with his addiction and one day he just pulled a gun on two other bodyguards while they were all on their break. I don’t know what happened to any of them, I can imagine my dad was furious that they didn’t report his addiction to him. He never asked me if I knew about it, guess he thought that I was too young and sheltered to know about anything like that.”

  “Did stuff like that happen a lot with your guards?” Jack asked as he got pulled up an old chair and stood on it to reach the ceiling.

  “Not a lot but we did have some few mishaps. There were really only three guards that were always consistent, they protected me as for as long as I could remember… but then dad fired them when they started getting more lenient with me. They never even let me run off or anything they just let me walk around under their guard more often while dad was out. Sometimes I feel guilty that I lost them their job.”

  Jack stopped what he was doing and looked at me “that’s no way to live, you just wanted what every human wants. You can’t blame yourself for that.”

  Never in my life did I feel like I could be so open with someone, I felt like I didn’t have to ever hold back when I was talking to Jack. It was a freedom I didn’t even know I was missing out on.

  Jack was lifting the ceiling tiles and checking the back of each one. Finally he found the one he was looking for, he pulled it out of the ceiling and flipped it over to reveal several stacks of cash duct taped to the other side.

  “I never knew how I would leave the Iron Horses but I always felt that it wouldn’t be on good terms, considering my growing contempt for the leaders as well as my desire to finally be my own man again.”

  He looked at me and smiled before continuing.

  “I’d have to say that so far it’s worked out far better than expected.”

  He tore a few of the stacks of bills off and pocketed them. He was about to tear off the last one but decided to leave it on. “Might be better to keep a little here, never know what might happen. A back up stash could come in handy.”

  He carefully put the ceiling tile back where it was, leaving behind a good bit of money that we could come back and take in case of an emergency.

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me back outside, I breathed a sigh of relief being able to smell clean air outdoors again. He started kissing me up and down the back of my neck, rubbing his hands over my hips. He spun me around by my waist and kissed me again, just getting away from his former club brothers was beginning to turn him into a much lighter person. Feeling his lips on mine certainly made me feel much better.

  “Soooo, where exactly are we going to go?” I asked him, curious about where he was planning on taking me.

tell me” he said with a smile“ where’s the one place you’ve always wanted to go to?”

  I didn’t expect that question at all, I kinda just assumed he had all of this planned out even though everything was so sudden. I thought back to the time where I used to look at pictures from all around the world, how I would dream about one day being able to actually go there. Leaving the country wasn’t really an option right now so I decided to just start with baby steps.

  “The Grand Ganyon.”

  “The Grand Canyon? Really?” He sounded like he didn’t believe me, like I just said it as a test.

  “I’ve been stuck in Chicago all my life, the city and the suburbs are all I’ve really known. I want to start everything off right by seeing the most wide open place you could possibly imagine.”

  “You know we’d see plenty of wide open places just riding there, right?”

  “I know, but nothing it going to compare to that sight, I’ve only ever seen it in pictures.”

  He ran his fingers back through his hair, smiling at me. “If you wanna go to the Grand Canyon then I’ll take you to the Grand Canyon.”

  I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Part of me still didn’t believe all of this was happening.

  Even with all of this happening I couldn’t shake the growing fear within me, for the first time in my life I wasn’t afraid of my father’s judgement, I was afraid of his wrath. The joy I got from Jack would always have a catch, that my father wasn’t going to rest until he found me again.

  I tried to push the thought out of my head, hoping that the more distance we put between us and my dad the less those intrusive thoughts would bug me.

  “Everything alright?” Jack asked, noticing how I trailed off in thought.

  “Yeah I'll be fine” I said rubbing his back. I pulled out my phone, realizing that I never wanted to see a phone call from my dad ever again. With all my strength I flung it as far as I possibly could. The phone was a tether to the past that I didn’t want to keep and as long as I had it on me it would bind me to my father, his endless calls, his overbearing nature, and the life I didn’t want. Just throwing it made me feel that much lighter.

  Jack smiled at me, it looked like he was actually proud of what I did.

  “You know what, I’m gonna follow your lead.”

  He took his vest off, looking at the sewn Iron Horses patch just one last time before tossing the vest aside into some nearby bushes.

  “This is gonna be a new start for both of us.”

  I looked at him sitting on that bike, t-shirt lightly blowing in the warm breeze. Just by getting rid of that vest he already seemed happier, it even made him look different. Now the man I was falling for was completely unchained, bound to nobody’s will but his own. It was the man that I saw when I looked deep into his eyes when we first met, the man clawing his way out, and I was more than ready to experience the new Jack. The real Jack.

  I got on the bike and hugged him from behind, just touching him made me feel good.

  He hit the throttle and sped around the house and back onto the road. With everything set the reality of leaving my old life behind really started to hit me, a thought that I assumed would make me far more afraid and uncertain over what was next for me actually turned out to make me feel longing for my new beginning.

  I looked at Jack’s hair lightly blow in the wind before laying my face down on his back. I felt like with him by my side my new life would be just fine.

  * * *


  I was exhausted but more optimistic than I had been in years. I hadn’t had any real sleep in 24 hours and when you’re running on empty the road just seems that much longer. The only thing that was keeping me going right now was the desire to get as far away from Petrov as possible and the emotional high that Viktoria was giving me.

  Viktoria’s arms were wrapped firmly around my body, it was a comforting feeling that I was really starting to get used to.

  The sun was high in the sky, which meant that Petrov probably just got off of his plane from wherever he was flying in. Wish I could see him get the news that his daughter ran off with the bodyguard he hired.

  Things were going much better than expected between Vik and me, my fears that she was just using me to get out of the city were pretty much gone. The way she spoke to me, the way she touched me, the soft little kisses she planted on my back while I was riding… it all made it seem almost surreal. I almost couldn’t believe that I had ridden this thing for so long without her constant and gentle touch.

  I still had my doubts about the situation itself though, why wouldn’t I? I had no idea how much this girl was worth to the Russian mob or its enemies, all I knew is she meant more to me than anyone else. I’ve fought for things that meant far less to me than her, even if I had to give up my freedom to see her in a normal life it would be worth it. All my life the only thing I’ve ever done worthwhile was rescuing this girl, and I cared about her enough to make sure it stayed that way. I was learning to cope with it though, the more I pushed them to the back of my mind and the farther we got from the people who wanted to hurt us the more confident I felt that I could protect her. That we could really be together and try to make something work.

  We were well out of Iron Horses territory by now, hell we were almost out of the state. I was a little worried about how far reaching Petrov’s Russian mob was but I figured by the time he organized anything we would be too far for it to matter.

  I wanted to sleep, more than anything I wanted to sleep. But I knew that whatever rest I had wouldn’t be peaceful until I got her out of Illinois. I just had to tough it out and ride it a little bit further. It reminded me of my earlier days with the Iron Horses, when dozens of us used to ride around for hours raising hell to show that we meant business. Somehow it already seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We finally stopped to rest, I was still riding my wave of excitement but after everything that had happened the past few days I was absolutely exhausted.

  Jack was struggling to stay awake, we had found a motel with a diner across the street and we were having our first meal together. Normally I would want to remember something like this for a long time but with how tired we both were I was already deciding that this didn’t really count.

  The diner had a TV with the news on, I got to constantly see video footage of my old home being blown up playing again and again on repeat. The good thing was the more I saw it the more I realized that I never really cared much for that apartment, if anything I was glad it was gone. If you were stuck in one place for most of your life shouldn’t you celebrate when it’s finally destroyed? It’s like watching your prison disappear before your eyes.

  They started talking about speculations over the source of the attack, everything from terrorists to a faulty gas line. They mentioned that no bodies were found in the wreckage. “Poor Chuck” I said “couldn’t even find you to give you a real burial.”

  What amazed me about the whole news report was that they said there was no record of who owned or lived in the suite.

  “It’s kinda scary actually…” I mentioned.

  “What, the explosion? I just can’t believe we were that close.”

  “Not just the explosion, the fact that I lived in that house for more than two decades and there was no record that my father ever actually owned it. I always assumed that with the kind of work dad was doing that the government was keeping tabs on him waiting to slip up but now… now that I know he can hide in plain sight I’m even more afraid.”

  Jack took my hand as it rest on the table, rubbing it for reassurance.

  “We’re hundreds of miles away from your dad right now, and you have me by your side. You don’t have to worry, I’ll do anything and everything I can to protect you.”

  I don’t think I would have been able to do this alone, if Jack wasn’t here I probably would have been caught by my dad already. I only wish that we didn’t ha
ve to sleep so that we could keep driving until we reached our destination.

  Jack was practically falling asleep at the table, I put some money down to pay for it then led him by the hand out of the diner and back to the motel.

  Our room was tiny but all I needed was him, it was the first time we had been alone in a bedroom together without the possibility of anyone unexpectedly coming in. Every time I had a doubt in my mind about how intimate I wanted to be with Jack all he would have to do is take his shirt off.

  As he pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it onto a nearby chair I bit my lip, looking at his toned body gleam in the light from the window. His tattoos and light scars all over his body practically told a story. He ran his fingers through his thick brown hair as he let his pants slack down below his waist revealing his adonis belt, a deep V on his torso that completed his body. The first man I would ever call mine and he was far more man than I knew what to do with.

  I walked up to him and started to rub my hands on his body, feeling every inch of him and revelling in the fact that he was now mine.

  He ran his hand up my body to my neck, firmly grabbing it and holding me in place before leaning in and giving me a long, deep, passionate kiss.

  He paused for a moment before leaning over to my ear.

  “If I wasn’t so tired I’d show you the best time of your life” he moaned into my ear kissing my neck up and down.

  Yeah I was disappointed, I wanted to feel him more than anything but I knew I had to wait. With everything that he did in the past day I couldn’t even imagine how tired he was.

  He laid down, pulling me by the hand into bed with him. Even with his exhaustion he had the strength to pull me in and kiss me again and again, his hand on the back of my head and his fingers intertwined in my hair. As he kissed me I could feel him drifting off into sleep, and as much as I wanted him to stay up so we could be intimate for as long as possible I knew he needed some rest.


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