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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 15

by Sara Crest

  I couldn’t believe it, I was going to get my Viktoria back.

  I had to do everything in my power to make sure that this time we’d stay together for as long as I had breath in my body.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I laid down on the couch in nothing but sweatpants and a hoodie, listening to the bodyguards talking as the night shift left and the day shift began.

  I looked at Roman as he walked out the door. He looked back at me and I could tell from his eyes that he felt sorry for me. I was still trying to figure out how to maybe use it to my advantage. It would be a terrible thing to do but then again I was in a terrible situation.

  My father walked in with the new set of bodyguards, as always he was on his phone. When he saw me downstairs he immediately hung up the phone and walked towards me with a dirty look on his face.

  He walked around the couch to make sure he was facing me when he spoke.

  “The meeting with the other dons from across the country is tomorrow, do you remember what I told you?”

  “To agree with everything you say.” God just saying that made me feel like I was a child.

  “Exactly, this is very important Viktoria my future as a major player in this city depends on this meeting.”

  “Well what’s it about that’s so important?”

  “That’s none of your business, all you need to do is smile and nod.”

  “Well if I’m not going to know what it’s about then maybe I won’t agree with you.”

  Without hesitation he slapped me hard, holding me down by the bottom of my throat against the coach.

  “You’re on thin fucking ice already don’t you smartmouth me” he barked, squeezing tighter around my throat.

  “Go ahead, kill me, what else do I have to fucking live for? You keep me in here as your fucking prisoner! I’m not your daughter I’m you’re fucking pet!”

  “You’re lucky that incident with you and your little boyfriend will work in my favor. I am ashamed of you as a daughter but at least you can be some use to me.”

  “If you bring me to that meeting I’ll tell them what you do, I’ll tell them how you keep me locked away like a caged animal!” I yelled back.

  “And they’ll think that it’s nothing more than psychobabble, coming from a confused little girl whose was taken and brainwashed by those fucking Italians. You think I don’t know how to use you to my advantage? No matter what you do I will get my way and I’ll make sure you rot in here.”

  He let go of me and stood up, adjusting his suit and tie. “You could have been a good girl and married that Miami boy, you could have made me a powerful man through a peaceful matrimony but instead you ran off with that degenerate. Your mother would be ashamed of you. Now I have to clean up your mess and ensure a future for this family.”

  He walked away and entered his study, slamming the door behind him. The bodyguards all looked at me before quickly acting as if they didn’t hear or see what had just happened mere feet away from them.

  What did he mean he mean that I was brainwashed by the Italians? What was he going to tell them? Did he think Jack was working with those men that had tried to kill me? How did he know if they really were working with the Italian Mafia? He had to be up to something here but I had no idea what it was.

  I didn’t care what happened to me, I didn’t care if everyone at his meeting thought I was crazy. If I was going to be locked away in here with no end in sight then I had to make sure I brought my father down with me.

  But how would I make them believe me?

  * * *


  “Uncle? What are you doing here? Who is this?”

  “Roman I’m gonna have to ask you some questions about that job I helped you get.”

  We had waited outside Roman’s apartment for an hour or two, despite it being early in the morning Nikolai was practically falling asleep standing up by the time Roman arrived. Can’t say I blame him since he was stuck in that bathtub unable to sleep from the loud music for god knows how long.

  “Uncle I’m not allowed to talk about what I do at work, especially when you have this guy with you who I don’t even know.”

  “Look buddy I don’t have time to waste here, do you or do you not protect a girl named Viktoria for her father Mr. Petrov?” I asked.

  I saw his eyes light up, he knew her, he knew where she was.

  “I am just a new immigrant to this country I can’t risk my first and only job here, even if it is shady and uncomfortable. Yes I do know that people you are talking about but what does that matter?”

  “Roman” Nikolai said “Petrov is insane, I got you that job because I knew you needed the money but I didn’t realize you would be protecting his daughter. I thought his daughter was long gone with this guy over here.”

  Roman looked at me astonished “so you’re the Jack she keeps talking about, since I’ve seen Viktoria she hasn’t stopped crying over you, she thinks you’re dead.” He looked at my neck scar as if he couldn’t believe that I was standing there alive in front of him “how did you even survive?”

  “I got lucky, now I have to take mine and Viktoria’s fate into my own hands. We’re going to need your help son.”

  “I… I can’t, I can’t risk my livelihood.”

  “Roman your uncle just told me that your boss, Petrov, planned on killing that girl you’re hired to keep safe. I don’t know if he still plans on killing her but I’m sure he still plans on using her in some way so that he can start a gang war with the Italian Mafia. If that gang war starts you’re not just going to be a bodyguard, you’re going to be a target to every gang member in this town.”

  Roman looked at me afraid before turning to his uncle and asking him something in Russian.

  “Yes my boy it is true” Nikolai replied. “I have it under good faith that this man can protect that girl better than anyone else, he just needs a chance to run away with her. With your help we can get that girl to him and maybe prevent this gang war.”

  “That won’t be enough” I said. “Even if I ran away with Viktoria her dad would hunt us down again, and even if we did completely escape he would find another way to start this war, probably by lying and saying that that the italian mafia kidnapped her. For Viktoria’s safety we need to kill Petrov. I need to kill Petrov.”

  “Son if you’re after revenge then you better dig two graves” Nikolai said.

  “This isn’t about revenge, my revenge is being alive when that fucker had every chance to kill me. This is about making sure that the love of my life gets to live a life without constantly looking over her shoulder.”

  I turned to Roman “we need you to sneak Viktoria out and meet us at a nearby motel, there we’ll go over the plan with her and maybe get some info on her dad. Then you have to sneak her back in to make sure that Petrov doesn’t grow suspicious. Once we find out the best way to kill Petrov and he’s out of the picture those guards won’t have anyone writing the paycheck and we should be able to walk her free.”

  “But how am I supposed to sneak her out? There are at least 5 bodyguards in and around the house at all times. Not to mention they’re all ordered around by the hardass Mr. Bobrik.”

  “We drug them” Nikolai said. “It’s late at night and they have to stay up don’t they? I bet they make a big pot of coffee that you all sip on throughout the night. You put something in there to make them fall asleep and it’ll buy us a few hours.”

  Roman looked at me “I hope this girl is worth all this trouble.”

  “She’s worth that and more Roman, she’s worth all of this and so much more.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Night fell and the late shift guards began to come in. I stood on the balcony near the door to my room and watched them walk inside one by one.

  I saw Roman walk in, he looked nervous about something. Maybe he just didn’t get enough sleep. He walked over to the coffee pot while the others starte
d talking to each other, guess he was sleepy because he was taking his time around the coffee.

  I saw my father leave his study and walk out the door, walking outside and getting in a car that pulled into the driveway to pick him up.

  Roman walked upstairs with a cup of coffee and started making small talk with me despite what his boss told him the night before.

  “So, is everything alright with you?”

  “I’m here against my own will with a father that hates me, what do you think?” I said. Yeah I sounded salty but didn’t I have a right to be after all that happened?

  Throughout the night I leaned on that balcony and watched the three guards standing at the front door, occasionally going outside for security reasons.

  “God damn I’m getting sleepy” Bobrik said as he took another gulp of his coffee. They were standing by my door but let me stay outside of my room this night, at least it was better than staying in bed and crying into my pillow.

  “Do you think this coffee is strong enough to you?” Bobrik asked Roman.

  “Pretty sure it’s the same as it was last night” Roman replied. I watched him continuously taking sips from his cup for the past couple of hours but despite Bobrik refilling his own cup several times Roman hadn’t refilled his once, in fact it didn’t even look like he had drank any at all.

  “I could have sworn I slept enough, at my age 5 hours is enough sleep for me” Bobrik said. His eyes looked like they were getting heavy and he seemed as if he was barely able to stand properly.

  I looked downstairs and one of the guards had decided to lay down on the couch, yawning uncontrollably. What the hell was going on? Was it really this hard to work the night shift two nights in a row?

  “I’m gonna… I’m gonna take a seat for a minute and rest my eyes, you keep an eye on the girl.”

  Bobrik sat down on the ground outside my bedroom door and leaned his head against the wall, no sooner had he closed his eyes had he started snoring.

  I looked down and saw that all the other guards had passed out, it was just me and Roman.

  Roman dumped out his coffee in a nearby plant “I can’t believe that actually worked.”

  I backed away from him horrified “what the hell did you do? Why did you knock them out?”

  I was afraid that he was going to do something to me, that he might be some sexual deviant and was going to use this opportunity to have his way with me.

  “You don’t have to be worried, I’m breaking you out of here. I put sleeping pills in the pot of coffee so they should be out almost the whole night.”

  “Why should I trust you? You’re nothing like Jack you really think we could outrun my father when Jack and I failed to?”

  “This is only step one, you just have to trust me on this I don’t think I could pull something like this off again. Everything will be explained to you when we arrive at the meeting spot.”

  “What meeting spot? Who sent you?”

  “He asked me not to say, he insisted that it be a surprise.”

  * * *

  Roman and I waited in a small motel room. I couldn’t believe that I had actually gotten to leave the house, I never thought that I’d ever experience something like this again even if it was just a room.

  I was just about to ask Roman who it was that we were waiting for but then I saw the light of a car pull up outside our room. I had no idea who it could be.

  After a few seconds I realized that it wasn’t a car it was a motorcycle, did he get an Iron Horses member to help us? Was it Ron? He always seemed the most sympathetic to my situation after Jack. I noticed that it wasn’t just one man on the bike but two, that was probably uncomfortable.

  They got off the bike and began to walk towards our room, there wasn’t enough light for me to see who they were and it didn’t help that there was a glare on the window.

  I heard the door unlock and I could practically hear my heart beating out of my chest, trying to think of anyone it could possibly be.

  The door opened and I couldn’t believe who it was.

  I stood up from the bed, looking at him. “It can’t be, you can’t be him, I saw my dad kill you.”

  “It is me” he said beaming. “Everything is going to be alright now Viktoria, I’m going to make everything ok don’t you worry.”

  I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him harder than I’ve ever hugged anyone before. I cried out of joy into shirt as he ran his hands up and down my back.

  “Never leave me again Jack, please never leave me again. I didn’t want to go on without you…”

  I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe that I had him back. Was it really him that I was feeling? Was I really holding onto him or was this just a cruel and sick dream?

  I stood there crying in his arms for what felt like hours, just holding onto him and squeezing him. I didn’t ever want to let him go, just a few minutes ago I thought I would be alone for the rest of my life and now I had him back. I loved him so much and I had him back in my life.

  He lifted my face up and kissed me, with tears streaming down my face I have never been so happy.

  I looked up at saw the scar, the scar on his neck that he’ll walk with for the rest of his life. Yet he wore it like a badge of honor that said; I am a dead man walking, and in my second life I chose to defy the man who did this to me and fight for my happiness.

  “You’re alive and you came back to me? But why? You could have had everything you wanted with me out of the picture.”

  “Not everything, I realized that I’d rather spend a moment with you in danger of your father capturing me again than ride off and be by myself. I love you so much that I realized I can’t have my freedom without you, it just wouldn’t feel right. I love you more than anyone I’ve ever met in my life. I made a promise to protect you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  Before I could even answer he kissed me again and I embraced him. He picked me up by my legs and I wrapped myself around him as our lips locked together.

  “You guys might want to leave the room for a bit” he said as he set me down on the bed and began taking his shirt off.

  “Just don’t take too long” the man he was with said. He looked familiar but I couldn’t figure out where I had seen him.

  “You can’t rush something like this Nik” Jack said as they closed the door and left us alone in the room. I never thought I’d see him again and now we were about to make love, I almost felt overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

  Just looking at his body as he climbed on top of me sent shivers down my spine. Running my hand along his bare chest as I began to realize more and more that this was really happening, that I wasn’t going to be stuck with my father anymore, that I would have Jack back in my life.

  I dug my nails into his back and our lips locked together, I never wanted to let him go again.


  I had no idea why I ever thought I could live without her. Just feeling her underneath me made my blood rush through my veins and made my heart begin to race.

  I got off of her and began to pull down her jeans and underwear, revealing her sculpted hips, round ass, and tight pussy that I had grown to enjoy so much.

  I ran my hands up her legs and past her hips and began to lift her sweater up over her head, letting her breasts come free. I cupped them in my hand, squeezing her pink nipples between my fingers as I kissed her again.

  I felt her hands run down my abs until they got to my pants. She unbuckled my belt and let my jeans fall to the floor before pulling my underwear down and releasing my cock.

  “You’re even bigger than I remember” she said whispering into my ear before kissing me again.

  I climbed on top of her and she wrapped her legs around me. I rubbed the tip of my cock against her clit as I wrapped my lips around her nipple.

  She moaned softly and ran her fingers through my hair, god I missed that feeling, it was something I wanted to feel every day.

  I released her nipple from my lips and began to kiss her from her chest and up her neck. I reached down and grabbed my cock, slowly sliding it in inch by inch into her warm and tight pussy.

  She held her mouth agape and closed her eyes as I pushed more of my cock into her until finally I was completely inside of her. She looked at me deep in my eyes and kissed me “I never thought I’d ever get to feel that ever again” she whispered to me.

  “Now you can feel it whenever you want to.”

  I began slowly thrusting into her, getting a rhythm going as I felt her tightness wrap around my cock. Somehow it felt even better than the first time. With every thrust I made into her she gave these little moans right into my ear, keeping her eyes closed as she took me into her again and again.

  “Nobody makes me feel as good as you do” I whispered into her ear.

  As I thrust my cock into her I ran my hands up and down her body, groping her breast and moving her hips to match every one of my thrusts.

  The way her pussy felt wrapped around my cock, the way she bucked her hips every time I thrust into her, the way she squirmed with pleasure underneath me, I missed it all. I wanted to fill her up every day, I wanted us to ride all day and then fuck all night. The best part about it all was knowing that it was going to be a reality.

  Every time I pulled my cock out of her it felt like her pussy was trying to pull me back in, she had the kind of tightness every man dreamt of. Every thrust into her felt better than the last.

  Her nails dug into my back every time I entered her, when she squirmed I felt her pussy grip me even harder.

  “I’m never letting you go again” I said, “you’re going to be mine forever, I want you forever.”

  “Oh Jack yes please” she moaned “I want to be with you, I want to live the rest of my life with you.”

  I kissed her as deep as I could, holding her down by her hips as I thrust myself into her again and again. Her nails dug deeper into my back and she began to run them down my sides until her palms were on my chest.


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