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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 17

by Sara Crest

  “Would you like to meet my son?” Dmitri asked, breaking me out of my train of thought.

  “Sure, if my father lets me” I said lying with a smile on my face.

  “Why wouldn’t he let you?” He asked me with a confused look. “You’re a free woman are you not?”

  Before I could open my mouth and respond my father broke up the conversation. “We’ll have time for all of this later Dmitri, now we have to go talk about very very important issues.”

  “Yes of course, lead the way.”

  My father led us into a conference room with a wall made entirely of windows, looking out onto the city of Chicago.

  “Look at that view” one of them said “makes me want to leave that shithole Trenton and come out here.”

  They all took their seats, the guards were left outside so it was nothing but me, my father, and all of the Dons.

  My father made me take a seat next to me as he stood and waited for everyone to quiet down.

  “So you’re probably wondering why I called you all here, some of you travelled halfway across the country just to be here.”

  They all mumbled and nodded in agreement, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “I know several of you are aware of the Italians that operate within this city. MY city. I was fine with letting them do their small operations but recently they have performed a transgression so egregious that I can no longer lay back and let them grow like the cancer they are.”

  “Petrov we’ve already discussed this, if you attack the Italians then we’ll have a gang war across every major city in America. We’ve been at an uneasy peace the past few years but an uneasy peace is better than no peace” one of them replied.

  I saw in the corner of my eye the suspended scaffold that window cleaners use in order to clean the whole building. It was lowering itself down and I saw Jack and Nikolai on it, taking a mop and using it to wipe down the windows to the meeting room in order to blend in and wait for the right time.

  My father paused for a second to look at them in confusion before shaking his head and continuing his presentation.

  “Many of you, I know, have children. How would you feel if your child was snatched up from under you by one of these Italians?”

  The room fell silent as they all waited to see where he was going with this.

  “For the past few weeks I have kept from you my hardship, that explosion that was plastered all over the news was an attempt on my life. My daughter was just barely able to escape certain death because of the sacrifice of her bodyguards before being taken by these Italian bastards.”

  They all looked at me in shock, seemingly unable to believe what my father just said. I wanted to shout out how he was lying at that very moment, but I had to wait for the right time to motion Jack to break in. I wanted my dad to dig as deep of a hole as he possibly could.

  “That’s right, for days they beat her and forced her to perform acts that I would never wish on any of your wives, mothers, or daughters. We cannot let this stand, if they get away with this then who’s to say your loved ones aren’t next? I know we have the strength to wipe them out and seize their operations, not only from Chicago but from the entire country.”

  Dmitri spoke up “Viktoria… is this true.”

  I looked at him, then back up to my father who glared at me as he stood, then back to Dmitri. “Yes, it’s all true. They did unspeakable things to me for their own pleasure.”

  It hurt me just to tell that lie, to know that I was leading these men on for the benefit of my father, I just had to hold out a few more minutes and then it would all be over.

  The whole room broke out into an uproar, calling for blood and siding with my father. I knew many of these men didn’t really want to have a gang war but the Russian mafia is like family, and when one person is attacked it’s as if the whole mob is attacked.

  In the commotion of it all I saw Jack pull out a drill, drilling a small hole in the glass of one of the window panes while the room was too loud for the Dons to hear what these seemingly ordinary window cleaners were doing.

  The time was right now, they had to do it now before these men made the calls back home. Once those calls were made then hits would be put out and the two gangs would start something so brutal that I doubt it would end until one side was completely gone. I motioned them to break in, taking cover behind the desk while the Dons were all too distracted to see what I was doing.

  I saw Jack grab the long wooden handle that stuck out of his water bucket, I assumed it was a squeegee but boy was I wrong. He pulled out a sledgehammer, he had concealed the head in the water so that it wouldn’t look suspicious when he carried it into the building.

  Jack swung the hammer, hitting the window pane right where he drilled the hole, causing it to shatter completely and for air to rush into the meeting room.

  The whole room went into a panic, pouring out of the meeting room and back into the hall while Jack and Nikolai jumped off of the suspended platform and into the room. They followed us into the hall while everyone tried desperately to get their bearing, they weren’t even sure what happened. I watched as Roman tried to hold off the few guards that were on the floor with us as Nikolai walked in front of Jack to address the room.

  “Everyone, I know that our entrance was unorthodox but this was the only way to reach you safely without our lives being put at risk. I know many of you and many of you have trusted me over the years and I’m here to tell you that Petrov is a fraud!”

  I ran up to Jack and practically draped myself over him, holding him tight and being grateful that he wasn’t hurt. I knew that nobody would attack him or take a shot at him while I was in the way, for the first time I had a chance to protect him. I watched as Roman no longer had to hold back the guards as they all stopped their aggression and listened to what he had to say.

  “Petrov hired me to protect his daughter, and I did run off with her, but I did it on my own desire. I wasn’t working with the Italians, he’s just telling you that as fuel for a gang war that would bring him power.” Jack said pulling me closer to him.

  The Dons all watched us astonished as my father stood there petrified with a look of confusion and disbelief across his face.

  Jack pulled his hat off his head and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his scar. He turned to me father and looked him straight in the eye “Petrov you son of a bitch, next time you cut a man’s throat make sure you do it right.”

  “This man is lying! Why are you listening to him shoot this motherfucker before he kills us!” My father screamed.

  “No he isn’t lying” I yelled out. “My father told me to lie to all of you to advance an agenda that would only benefit him.”

  Jack looked on to the rest of the Dons who still seemed to have no idea what was going on. “This man kept his daughter locked away for her entire life, he intended on hiring Nikolai to kill her and stage it as a deed done by the Italians. He hired me to protect her because he thought I was too incompetent to save her life.”

  “And when I ran off with Jack my father captured me and spun the story to make it seem like the Italians did that too. He doesn’t care about me, he kept me locked away for my whole life, he cares about wasting your men, resources, money, and security all to take full control of Chicago.”

  The dons began murmuring to each other before before Dmitri finally spoke up above all of them. “I told you all, I warned you about this man years ago and you all led me to believe that he could be trusted. For a while I almost did think that Petrov was the man many of you made him out to be but now I see that he is nothing but a threat to what many of us have spent our entire lives building up. I don’t know much about Nikolai but he has worked jobs with me before and has always done his work, if he says this is true and his own daughter is speaking out against him and putting her own reputation on the line then I’m inclined to believe her.”

  The guards walked over to my father, grabbing him by his arms and holding him in place.

  “Petrov you’ve gone against your brotherhood and put the lives of everyone here in danger for your own personal gain” one of the Dons said. “This is an act we cannot forgive.”

  Dmitri turned to me, taking me by the hand and kissing it. “Viktoria I am so sorry, but I believe that you should leave now. Even with the way he treated you no woman should have to see what will come of her father after he commits and act like this. Many of us have worked incredibly hard to build the lives we have today, and while I’m sure none of us are free of sin the intentions your father have would have put our stability at risk. He is not a man that we can afford to let walk out of here, I can assure you that.”

  Jack took me and began leading me down the hall to where the elevators where. I turned and took one last look at my father as he stared at me with absolute hatred in his eyes.

  “Hold on” I told Jack breaking away from his grasp.

  I walked over to my father and the room fell silent.

  “You spent my entire life keeping me locked away, you tried to kill me to advance your own selfish desires, you hunted me down like an animal and tried to kill the only man who has ever loved me because he came in the way of your plans. You’re a disgusting, despicable, and evil man and I am going to spend the rest of my life giving as much love as I can to this world to make up for all the love you took out of it.”

  I wanted to say one last thing, something that I knew would make sure that he knew he failed. Something to take away any final bit of comfort he had.

  “You are not my father and you will die a stranger to me, your grandchildren will never know your name. Your legacy will die with you and everything you worked so hard to build will become nothing. We could have had a real relationship as father and daughter and you threw it away for an ambition that was unquenchable and that got you killed in the end. My mother would be ashamed.”

  I looked deep into the eyes of my father as the room stayed silent. His eyes still showed the same hatred of me as before. He would die thinking that he did nothing wrong and that I was nothing more than a tool that crossed him. I realized that I wouldn’t be sad from his death, I had mourned his death years ago. The man that stood in front of me truly was a stranger. Now I could actually be with the only man to ever love me, now I could live a real life. This wasn’t the end of something it was a whole new beginning and the man standing in front of me named Petrov was my last tie to a life I would never miss.

  I walked away back into the arms of Jack who gave me a kiss on my forehead to comfort me. Before leading me back down the hall to the elevator alongside Roman and Nikolai.

  “Are you alright?” he asked before pressing the elevator button.

  “Jack… I think I’m the best I’ve ever been in my entire life” I said with a smile on my face.

  Jack leaned down and kissed me, it was finally over. We could finally begin our lives together. I took a deep breath, the first of my life where I didn’t have a worry in the world. I had everything I wanted in Jack, and now that I thought about it my father would have had so much cash stashed away at our house that Jack and I could use it for years without worrying about how to pay for anything. Hell I might have just put him in a position where he didn’t have to work another day in his life.

  We stepped inside the elevator and I pulled him closer to me. I was smiling from ear to ear because I knew that I’d get to hug him every day whenever I wanted for the rest of my life. He was mine and I was his.

  What I said about my father being a stranger, it was all true, a man who treats his daughter like that isn’t a father he’s a captor. While I wish that things would have happened another way it would be a lie to say that the man deserved better than what was about to happen to him. I knew the way the Russian mob treats men who cross them, with the way that my father tried to trick them nobody would ever hear from him again. He would be lucky if his name was ever spoken by another person from now until forever.

  Jack stepped out of his workman’s uniform and let it fall to the floor, revealing his street clothes underneath.

  “Where the hell did you even get those?” I asked.

  “I’ve been around this city for years” Nikolai said “I knew some guys who could give me the right uniforms for the job. The real credit goes to Jack for knowing that we could get in through the window washer platform.”

  “Well my Jack is the greatest man I know” I said kissing him on the lips.

  “When you love someone the way I love you Viktoria inspiration comes easy.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  With that girl around my arms I was on top of the world, I didn’t care where we went or what we did as long as I had her.

  “Looks like I’m gonna have to find work” Roman said as we started walking down the steps of the building outside.

  “You know Roman, there’s an MC in Kansas City run by my friend Zeke. The KC outlaws. He’s looking for someone to help him run it.”

  “I don’t know about being in a motorcycle club, and I don’t even have a motorcycle.”

  “Well you helped us pull off this job so you got a good head on your shoulders, and my bike is still in KC so you could use that.”

  “I can come with you” Nikolai said “I’m tired of working for these kinds of people, I need a little more freedom in my life. Besides I need to make sure you stay out of any real trouble.”

  “Just tell them that Jack sent you and you should be fine” I said with a smile.

  We walked a few blocks to where we parked my bike and Roman’s car. After Roman had taken Viktoria back to her place he let Nikolai take the car just in case something happened to him.

  “Well, it looks like this is goodbye” Roman said as his uncle tossed him the keys to his car.

  “Not a goodbye, more like a see you later” Viktoria replied.

  “We owe you both” I told them.

  “Don’t worry about it, you saved me from Reggie and you prevented my nephew here from getting caught up in a gang war that surely would have killed him. As far as I’m concerned we’re even.”

  They got into the car and started the engine up, rolling the window down to get one last word in.

  “You two be safe now you hear? You got your whole lives ahead of you.”

  I put my arm around Viktoria and she snuggled against me “I think we’ll be just fine Nik.”

  They pulled off on the road and we watched them drive away. I knew we’d cross paths again, someday. This wasn’t a goodbye, more of a see you later.

  “So, where does my Viktoria want to go?” I asked sitting down on my bike.

  “Well I believe, before we were so rudely interrupted, that we were heading to the Grand Canyon.”

  I pulled her towards me and kissed her. “If that’s where my baby wants to go then that’s where we’re going.”

  She got on the back of my bike and wrapped her arms around me, god I missed that feeling.

  I started the bike up and burned rubber out onto the road, hearing Viktoria scream in joy as we headed back onto the path we had travelled just a few weeks ago.

  Nothing was in our way this time.

  Petrov couldn’t come after us, the Russian mob let us walk, the Iron Horses MC still thought I was dead if they were even around anymore.

  And as we reached the outskirts of the city and started to hit the open road I felt that little lady sitting on the back seat squeeze me from behind, giving me little kisses up and down my shoulders before resting her head on my back.

  For the first time in both of our lives everything was right in the world.




  That was certainly one way to wake me up.

  She had planted a wet kiss on my cheek, giggling into my ear as I took my sunglasses off and let the warm sun hit my face.

  The sound of the ocean was far more relaxing than I ever thought it could be. Being a midwestern boy I had never really hea
rd it before.

  She skipped in front of me and took a picture of me laying on my towel in the sand.

  “That’s a good one, it’s going right next to the one of you by the Grand Canyon.”

  “Who knew you’d love photography so much” I said smiling.

  “Well now that I’m going places I can actually take pictures of things.” She sounded so happy, she was on top of the world.

  We were on a cut off beach in Hawaii, we had been travelling the west for a few weeks now and she wanted to go somewhere tropical. With all the money we found in her dad’s house we could live the lifestyle we wanted to with no worries about running out.

  She set the camera down in her bag next to me and straddled me. She leaned down and kissed me, I reached around behind her and slowly started to undo her bikini. I took it off of her and laid it next to me in the sand, revealing her perky tits that I loved so much.

  She smiled and laughed, getting off of me and then running into the ocean, pulling her bikini bottom off and tossing it aside.

  I stood up and followed her lead, stripping down naked and running in after her.

  As soon as I was in the water I grabbed her by her hips and lifter her up out of the water, slowly lowering her back down and kissing her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me deep as the warm water moved calmly around us.

  She stepped back down into the water and led me back to shore, making me lay back down on the towel and straddle me as the saltwater ran down her now tanning skin.

  She started rubbing her pussy back and forth against my cock, getting it harder by the second.

  “You know, we don’t have to stay in the US. We could go all over the world with the kind of money we have” I said to her as I ran my hand down her face.

  “Well you pick wherever you want to go and we’ll leave when you want” she said with a smile on her face as she slowly slid my cock into her tight and wet pussy.

  “Anywhere?” I asked after I gasped in pleasure from her starting to ride me.


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