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Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

Page 5

by Fuller, Karen

  Drake anxiously looked around the room for Sherry. “Where is she?” he growled at the unconscious body on the floor. He turned his head and glared at Mica, and pointed at Justin. “You should have made him produce Sherry before you choked him.”

  Mica shook his head and rushed over to Desiree to untie her. She smiled up at him as he reached for her bindings. “You came for me.” Relief rang clear in her voice.

  He smiled and looked deeply into her eyes. “Did you ever doubt me?”

  She threw her now free hands around his neck. “Never!” she said enthusiastically and kissed him soundly.


  Drake turned and looked all around the room for the source of Sherry’s voice.

  “Drake, Sherry’s still locked in the coffin,” Desiree said urgently, and then Sherry kicked the lid of the coffin for good measure.

  Drake ripped the lid off, throwing it in the corner. Sherry shielded her eyes from the sudden light, and drew in big gulps of fresh air. He took her hand and pulled it away from her face so he could look at her and see for himself that she was unharmed. Their eyes met, she was suddenly lost in his startling blue eyes, and her heart raced as the heat of his gaze washed over her. “Thank you,” she said timidly. “I was almost out of air in there.” She propped up on her elbows, looking around to take in her surroundings. She had a sudden chill; crypts weren’t exactly on her list of top places to wake up in. On the scan back around the room her eyes caught Desiree’s gaze, and she flushed deeply. She knew that Desiree was concerned with Drake’s sudden interest in her, and something in the back of her mind told her that she should be too, but at the current moment, she just didn’t care to fight it. She looked back up at him. “Could you please help me get out of this thing? I still feel the effects of the drug, and I don’t know if I can manage to get out on my own.”


  Desiree gripped Mica’s arm in shock when she saw the heated looks exchanged between Drake and Sherry. She was afraid for her friend, and she had every intention of charging over to the coffin and checking on Sherry herself. Mica held her back and silently shook his head.


  Drake heard the change in Sherry’s heartbeat as soon as their eyes met, and his keen sense of smell caught her subtle change in scent. He smiled, knowing the effect he had on her and her on him…it was a tangible thing. Her allure was undeniable, and he felt very protective of her. He didn’t know why this witch intrigued him as much as she did, but he had every intention of finding out. He hadn’t felt a yearning this strong in over a hundred years. He was king; he was used to women swooning at his feet and freely offering themselves to him for his pleasure. She was different, and he wanted her. No, he had to have her.


  Their eyes met again, and she caught her breath at the intensity of his gaze. She felt the heat rush through her body, leaving her moist and aching in response. He reached inside the coffin, her skin tingling at the surprisingly tender touch of his fingers as he slid them beneath her and lifted her gently out. She slipped her trembling arms around his neck to steady herself and felt the silky texture of his long hair, and couldn’t resist the temptation to run her fingers through it. She had fully expected him to set her back down on her feet, but he held her tightly in his arms against his rock hard chest instead. She tried to move and her overly sensitive nipples beaded as they rubbed against his chest. Her eyes widened in surprise as this sensation sent a fiery jolt straight to her core. His nearness alone was playing havoc on her senses, and she couldn’t remember ever wanting something so much in her life. No one had ever made her feel that strongly before.

  He inched his face toward hers, and she moistened her dry lips in anticipation. His lips gently met hers, and her body trembled with a sudden need to seek more. She wanted to taste what those sweet lips offered as fire coursed through her veins with the sensation. A simple kiss had never had this kind of effect on her before. She parted her lips and moaned as his tongue sought hers.

  She entwined her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. The fingers on her other hand worked the top buttons of his shirt, then slipped beneath the fabric to caress his smooth skin.

  This triggered an approving growl from him as he broke the kiss. “Hold onto me.” He shifted his hold so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. Using his free hand, he cupped her breast, rubbing her sensitized nipple through the fabric.

  The huskiness of his voice sent a ripple of pleasure through her and his touch was driving her mad. Her lips followed the path of her fingers, pushing the fabric away. She kissed and nipped at his flesh as she trailed a path to his nipple. He rocked his hips against her soft core as she took the round disk between her teeth and gently bit then suckled the wound.


  The shock in Desiree’s voice brought her back to her senses. What was she thinking? She had never behaved this way with anyone before. She heard Mica chuckle in the background. Her eyes flew open and she reluctantly pushed away. She felt the heat rise to her face, remembering the way she had just reacted to him.

  When she looked up, he was smiling, looking down at her. His fangs had dropped and his eyes held an unnatural glow. The look in his eyes promised long nights of hot passion, and her body was reacting to the open invitation, both reminding her that she was dealing with a vampire and treading on very dangerous territory.

  She took a quivering breath, then spoke. “Please put me down.”

  Drake laughed softly as he complied, setting her on her feet. Her legs still felt wobbly and she clutched his arm to remain steady.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled. She looked around the room, then shivered. The light from the doorway flooded the interior, allowing Sherry to clearly see her surroundings. She wrinkled her nose at the smell. The room was dank and musty. Water droplets trickled down the walls. Three pedestals held coffins in the center. Two benches lined the walls, one of which was occupied by Desiree and Mica. Her gaze stopped on Desiree. “You both saw that, didn’t you?”

  Desiree nodded. “Yeah, kiddo—are you okay?”

  Sherry shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. Waking up in a coffin probably took about ten years off my life.”

  “Yeah, I imagine that would be scary, but I was referring to just now.”

  Drake frowned at Desiree, and Sherry unconsciously stepped back, bumping into Drake. He wrapped his arms possessively around her, alarming Desiree further.

  Sherry shook her head. “Desiree, I’m fine. It was just a kiss.”

  “It looked like more than a kiss to me.” She stood, then gripped Sherry’s shoulders. “You’re playing with fire.” She shook her to stress her point then shoved her toward the door. “Run!”

  Drake tucked Sherry behind him. “Mica, control your mate!”

  Desiree slammed her hands on her hips and yelled into Drake’s face. “I told you that you can’t have my friend.”

  “I am king!” he roared. “You are one of my subjects and have no say in who I see or don’t see. I can have anyone I please.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Not Sherry!”

  Mica gripped Desiree’s shoulders, pulling her back. “Desiree, enough.”

  “But, Mica—”

  “Love, she is a grown woman and capable of making her own decisions.”

  “Mica, I watched her grow up. I taught her the craft—you don’t understand. She is like a daughter to me—I have to protect her.”

  Sherry stepped from behind Drake and stood next to him. “Desiree, I’ve been taking care of myself for quite a few years now—”

  Desiree smiled sadly and interjected. “I know. I also know I have no rights or control over your life. But Drake is—”

  “Is what?” She cut in, losing her temper. “Strong, handsome, too good for me maybe?”

  Desiree shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant…you didn’t let me finish.”

  Sherry crossed her arms over her ches
t and continued to glare at Desiree. “By all means, finish, Mom. You won’t be happy until you do.”

  “Sherry, please, don’t be that way.”

  “I asked you to finish.”

  “Very well, I’ll finish. I was going to say that Drake is dangerous.”

  Sherry nodded. “And Mica’s not?”

  Desiree was taken aback by that question. “I—”

  Drake roared with laughter and clapped his hands. “Touché!”

  Desiree huffed. “I don’t find this the least bit amusing, Drake. She has no idea what she’s getting herself into. She’s—”

  “Desiree, you are my very best friend, and I love you, but if you’re going to say that I’m naïve, then you’d better not finish that sentence.”

  Desiree threw up her hands and looked away. “Fine, you’re obviously not ready to listen to reas….” Her eyes widened and the color drained from her face. “Good God!”

  Mica turned her to face him. “I felt that…you’re trembling and afraid.” Mica searched her face. “And pale. What just happened?”

  Her eyes watered and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She closed her eyes and spoke to him in a whisper. “Hargrove’s gone.”

  Mica’s eyes glowed red as his focus zoomed in on the corner. In the blink of an eye he had tucked Desiree protectively behind him, his fangs dropping as he assumed a fighting stance.

  Sherry screamed, stumbling backwards into a coffin, knocking it from the pedestal with a resounding crash. Drake snatched her up before she could hit the floor. His eyes too were glowing red, and his fangs exposed. She screamed again, struggling to get away, sure that her life was about to come to an end. “Let me go.”

  “Stop fighting me. I have to protect you.”


  “Hargrove’s gone.”

  Chapter Nine

  Sherry stopped struggling, then strained to see past Drake into the darkened corner of the room. “Wh-where’d he go?”

  Drake set her back down on her feet, but kept her close. He glared at Desiree. “My guess is he slipped out while Desiree was arguing with us.”

  Desiree’s shoulders slumped. “I guess it was bad timing. I still don’t think—”

  A growl rumbled from Drake’s chest. “Mica….”

  Mica covered Desiree’s mouth before she could finish her sentence, and she struggled against his grip. “Desiree, please. You haven’t learned all our ways yet. We are a warrior clan, as you know. Obedience is a must. If you persist, Drake could order me to punish you—I would have no choice.” She froze.

  Sherry brought a trembling hand up to cover her mouth, giving Drake an uneasy glance as she asked, “What’s the punishment for disobedience?”

  Drake didn’t take his eyes off Desiree as he spoke. “A public flogging.” Desiree’s eyes rounded. “In most instances the punishment is carried out by the one wronged, or the leader whose orders have been disobeyed. With the threat of this type of punishment there is very little disobedience. Orders are followed without question. But in Desiree’s case the one wielding the whip would be her mate, Mica. A vampire is not allowed to harm another’s mate, so the mate is ordered to carry out the punishment. If the mate refuses to administer punishment, then they are both put to death.”

  Sherry gripped Drake’s arm and shook her head frantically. “No, Drake, please don’t—”

  Drake placed his hand over hers. “She has tested my patience, little one.”


  “I have already been more lenient with her than any of my other subjects. I am grateful for what she has done for me and my kind. Granting us the ability to walk in the daylight gives us the capability of blending in with humans, and an advantage over other clans. But as a leader, my orders must be followed by my people without question. I am not a cruel master, but I do demand obedience. Mica is my best friend and her mate. I sired Mica three hundred years ago, and through that bond I can feel what he feels for your friend. They are soul mates. Vampires are fiercely loyal and protect their mates with their life. Through their bond Mica would feel every stroke of the whip as it rent through her flesh, and each strike would tear at his heart. I, in turn, would feel his pain through our bond. I do not wish to cause her harm, but if she slips and is defiant in front of others, I will have no choice but to demand punishment or my clan would perceive my lack of reaction a weakness. That, I cannot allow.”


  Mica whispered in Desiree’s ear. “Now do you understand why I keep intervening? I know the consequences of your actions. I have seen the results. You remember Denise; she crossed Drake a time or two. Her smart mouth has been known to test a man’s temper. One day she pushed Drake too far and made the mistake of doing it in front of others. He was left with no choice, and now her back will forever carry the marks.” Desiree closed her eyes and a tear slipped from the corner as Mica continued. “That’s why she doesn’t live with the nest. It took a lot from her to go back there with us and fight last night. She fought the other clan and risked facing Drake again for us. I know this goes against your independent nature, and I love that part of you. If it makes you feel better you can argue all you want with me in private. In fact, I look forward to it, but to cross Drake purposefully is dangerous for both of us. Do you understand?” She relaxed in his arms and nodded. “If I remove my hand, will you stop arguing?” She opened her eyes and nodded again. He kissed the top of her head and dropped his hand.

  She turned in his arms, burying her face in his chest, sobbing. “My God, Denise, I had no idea. It must have been awful.”

  Her crying over Denise surprised him. Not two days ago she herself had thrown a fireball at Denise for her smart mouth. Denise hadn’t liked the idea that he was involved with a human and had played a huge part in an elaborate plan to separate them. It had almost worked too. Desiree was devastated when Denise lied and claimed to be his mate. When he forced Denise to tell Desiree the truth, Denise had made the mistake of making light of the situation.

  He reached out and touched her mind. You’re crying over Denise? I did not tell you about her to make you cry for her. I was just trying to warn you—to make a point.

  She sniffed. I know, but Denise is my friend.

  Friend? Since when?

  She and I connected in the cave. I like her. If it hadn’t been for Caleb—

  She wouldn’t have been there causing trouble in the first place. He finished for her.


  You have a very large heart and are very protective of those you love. Please, just let Sherry be. For whatever reason, Drake seems to be attracted to her. To cross him—

  She wiped the tears from her eyes, then gazed into his, giving him a watery smile. Back off. I get it. He nodded. I promise to try. I see that my punishment would not just hurt me. I love you, Mica. I couldn’t bear to see you hurt because of something I did. I promise to let Sherry be, unless—


  She shrugged. If she comes running to me for help, I can’t turn my back on her.

  Promise me that you will come to me before you do or say anything foolish.

  I will try—in the heat of the moment, it doesn’t seem foolish at the time.

  Mica shook his head in exasperation and wrapped her in his arms. It looks like my safest bet is to keep you as far away from Drake as I can.

  Good luck with that. I am his slave, remember?

  Mica sighed. How can I forget?


  Sherry watched the silent exchange between Desiree and Mica. She was happy that her friend had finally found love, she just hoped that Desiree wouldn’t do something stupid like crossing Drake. She smiled when she saw Desiree smile up at Mica. “I’m happy for you kiddo,” she whispered.

  “You are beautiful when you smile.”

  Sherry hadn’t realized that Drake had been watching her until he spoke. Her body betrayed her, reacting to his tone by flushing hot. She glanced up to see him smiling at her. Her heart just about stop
ped. He had to be one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.

  “It sounds a bit like a pickup line to me.”

  Drake looked confused. “Pickup line?” She nodded. “Please explain.”

  She laughed lightly. “Explain what?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, studying her carefully. “I’ve never heard the term before. What is a pickup line?”

  Her eyes rounded. “You’re serious, you don’t know?”

  Drake shrugged. “I’ve not been out much in the last fifty years. Please explain.”

  “Well, um, a lot of guys lie and tell a girl untrue things, like she’s beautiful, to get her to go out with them or sleep with them.”

  During her explanation, the smile dropped from Drake’s face and was replaced with a scowl. “I do not lie.”

  Sherry took a step back. “I wasn’t implying that you do—uh, just maybe stretched the truth a bit.” He lifted an eyebrow and continued to glare. “Oh, come on Drake, I am not beautiful. You have eyes, you have to see the same thing I see when I look into the mirror. Maybe you’ve been cooped up in that warehouse too long. The attention you’ve shown me is flattering, but—”

  “You think I am playing some sort of human game in order to trick you into my bed?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, aren’t you?”

  “I speak the truth; you are beautiful. I do not need to resort to human tricks. If I want you in my bed, you will be there. I will have no need of human games to get you there, either.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “If you think you’re going to force me, then think again, bucko.”

  When he grinned, exposing his fangs, she took a hesitant step back. “I will not need to force you, love. You will beg me to take you.”

  He took a step toward her and she retreated another step. “Never.”

  “Never is a very long time.”

  The softness in his tone rolled over her, then through her. Her nipples beaded and heat settled at her core. “Stop that.”

  He caught her change in scent and chuckled. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. “I have not touched you, love.”


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