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Lone Wolf (The Westervelt Wolves, Book 8)

Page 3

by Royce, Rebecca

  If they never came back, it would be worth it. The thought left her mind one second before she shattered into a million pieces.

  Time might have stalled. It might have sped up. She had no idea. Eventually, she opened her eyes. Gabriel must have pulled her into his arms and traded places with her because now she lay on top of him. When had that happened? She blinked, trying to clear her vision.

  “Can you see that?” Gabe pointed up at the sky.

  She rubbed her eyes. Yes, she saw something. “Is that a white light? Like the light that appears when we shift?”

  He kissed her shoulder. “Yep. But it’s the other things that are happening which are interesting to me.”

  A stream of colors came out of the white light. No, she amended her thought, looking closer. A stream of colors came out of Gabe and entered her. Her heart rate sped up. Not only that, but the same thing happened with her. He was getting something from her.

  Her body felt sluggish but relaxed. Happiness the likes of which she’d never known made tears spill from her eyes. “Is that our souls?”

  “Yes.” His voice had lowered. It sounded rough, as if he held back his own emotions. “I’m getting your soul, Carrie. I’ve never been so filled with strength, love, compassion—everything good in the universe.”

  She rubbed her hand over his chest. Red strength, blue compassion, and a steel-colored resolve mixed with the brightness of love—orange for the fire that burned inside Gabriel—made its way into her soul. He didn’t know, couldn’t know, how magnificent his soul looked.

  “This is why they don’t tell us.” She kissed his arm. “Because if anyone ever knew this was what happened, and it didn’t happen for them, it would be a cruelty beyond belief.”

  He nodded. “We vowed to never be alone and we really won’t be. We’ll always be together now.”

  Carrie let the tears fall, knowing she’d be powerless not to. The gods had truly blessed her.

  * * * *

  “What are you doing?” She looked down at Gabriel, fully aware that he’d never be able to stop himself from speaking with her. Even when he wanted to be doing push-ups. Her mate never gave himself a small break, even from exercise. “You know we’re supposed to be in our mating time. I’m not training.”

  He stopped his workout and grinned at her. “I have to stay in shape. How else am I going to keep up with you? You wear me out, woman.”

  She kicked him lightly on the shin and he pushed her to the ground, turning in midair so she landed on top of him.

  Carrie shrieked. He always managed to catch her off-guard.

  “You know I would stop breathing if you asked me to.”

  Her heart stuttered and she lost the smile from her face. With her pointer finger, she traced the lines of his cheek. “I would never ask you to stop breathing. Or anything like that. You don’t have to prove yourself to me. I know who you are. I have you inside of me.”

  Gabriel sighed. “I got the better end of that deal. Trust me on that point. You’re all goodness, strength, and light. I can only imagine what you had to take on.”

  “Don’t talk about yourself that way.” She might really kick him hard if he kept it up. “You’re the strongest member of this pack. Everyone turns to you for everything. Do you want to know why, big guy? Because you’re also goodness, strength, and light. If I am too, then we were well-matched. Leave it at that.”

  He pulled her against his chest and she laid her head where she could hear his strong heartbeat.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her hair.

  She lifted her head to gaze at him. Laughter was the gift she could give him. Smiles. Hugs. A sense of peace and belonging. He’d been born a Kane, and it turned out that came with lots of mines to navigate around.

  “Good.” She jumped up. “Then you’re going to have to catch me.”

  Shifting in mid-run, she took off into the woods. Behind her, Gabe howled. It wouldn’t be long—maybe a few minutes—before he ran her down. Still, they would be glorious. It turned out she loved to be chased by Gabriel more than anything in the world. Well, she smiled, almost anything.

  * * * *

  Kendrick and a woman Gabriel had never seen before stood in the clearing behind one of the kitchens on the island. For a second, he considered continuing on without stopping. There was nothing inherently weird about his father talking to a woman. Gabe sniffed the air. Well, maybe a little odd that he spoke with a woman who did not smell like a wolf but instead held the scent of a witch. Talking to witches had never been forbidden, just frowned upon.

  Witches used their magic to get paid, and making a deal with one could have vast unforeseen consequences. But Kendrick held the title of Alpha, and what the Alpha wanted the Alpha usually got.

  Do you really think it’s normal that he should be here in the middle of the night talking to her? Why shouldn’t he be home? With your mother?

  His wolf made a valid point. Gods knew Gabe wanted to be home. He’d been mated all of six months and he still couldn’t get enough of his woman. Most mated couples behaved like they’d just been mated. Who could blame them? He knew he’d always want Carrie.

  But his parents had never behaved like that, not in his recollection anyway.

  “Come over here, son. I know you’ve spotted me.” Kendrick’s voice resonated in his head.

  Well. Now that he’d been caught there seemed little reason to not walk over. His Alpha had just ordered him to appear. That meant he had to obey. Didn’t it?

  His wolf paced. Are you asking me? Because I’m not feeling particularly submissive to him at the moment.

  Really? There had never been a time when both Gabriel and his wolf hadn’t wanted to obey Kendrick. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Never a good sign when an Alpha didn’t feel very Alpha-ish.

  He walked toward his father and the witch. She was a young woman, for human and witch standards; harder to tell with wolves, but he’d put her at somewhere around nineteen or twenty years old. So young to be involved in whatever his father had involved her in.

  “Something going on?”

  Kendrick raised an eyebrow. “I met Ruby here through a friend of mine named Drea. Have you met Drea yet?”

  “I can’t say that I have.” Not that he didn’t care about how his father had made this woman’s introduction, but it was late. He’d rather be home.

  “Claudius and I made her acquaintance a long time ago. My life … when I’m not here … it’s complicated.”

  “It can’t be easy dealing with humans, hiding who you are.” Especially considering that, as Alpha, Kendrick’s eyes never changed back from their wolf state. “This witch helps you?”

  “In a way.” His father patted Ruby on the arm and she walked away, but not before staring for a moment at Gabriel. A shiver ran up his spine.

  His wolf folded his ears back. Like she just walked on our grave.

  Kendrick walked in the opposite direction. “Follow me.”

  Gabriel nodded. Apparently he wouldn’t be getting home. Not for a while, anyway. “I brought an idea to the council last week. Did you hear about it?”

  “I did not.” The council didn’t discuss things with him. Just because he happened to have been born a Kane gave him no special rights on the council. His brother Michael held a spot and what went on there remained private.

  “I’m trying to move the pack forward and they’re blocking my every step. Things simply can’t continue the way they are. The humans are going to know we exist whether we like it or not. We have to dominate them or we will die.”

  Gabriel stopped moving and grabbed his father’s arm; a bold move that he hoped would get his father’s attention. “Listen, I really don’t know how hard this must be to manage. I’m not Alpha. I don’t ever want to be. However, I can honestly say that I’ve lived out in the world. We all have for at least a little while. They aren’t going to know unless we make them know. Humans like things to be neat and tidy. We don’t fit in
their box.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not.”

  “How dare you speak to me like that, boy?”

  Gabriel should look down. But he didn’t.

  Kendrick laughed. “What a time for you to find your balls. That girl—your mate—she’s been good for you. Or bad. Depending on how you look at it.”

  This is such an odd conversation. His wolf pointed out the obvious.

  “What do you mean?” His heart rate picked up. His wolf might find this just odd, but it raised Gabe’s hackles.


  Not yet.

  “I’ve done something. Really, I had no choice and I expect everyone will soon see that. Well, they won’t have a choice. They’ll do what I want because I told them to do so.”

  “What have you done?” He shook his father’s arm. “Tell me.”

  “Well.” Kendrick grinned. “I’m glad we got to have this conversation considering you’ll be killing yourself by morning.”

  “Why would I be doing that?” The only reason he would ever commit suicide would be if something happened to Carrie. “Have you threatened my mate?” Gabe had been gone for a few hours training the pups in defensive skills. What had he missed?

  “No,” Kendrick whispered. “But by the end of the day, you will. She’ll be dead by your hand.”

  Gabriel reared back. His whole body reacted as if he’d been struck. “I would never harm her.”

  “You’ll have no choice. All the mated men will be mad within the next three hours. By morning unable to control themselves. Even if you all run, if you kill me, it cannot be stopped. This pack will do what I want or they will fall.”

  His head pounded so hard it felt like a jackhammer slammed into it. “And the nonmates? The singles?”

  “They’ll be totally controllable.”

  “Like hell.” Gabriel grabbed his father’s shirt. “That can’t happen.” Ruby’s face flashed before his eyes. “The witch. You’ve cursed us.”

  “Exactly. Maybe you aren’t as stupid as you seem.”

  He shoved his dad, who fell backward. “There’s still time. You can be stopped. I know you can.”

  Gabriel turned on his heel. He had little time, but someone could stop Kendrick. His mother. Mary Jo would fix this. If anyone could, it would be her.

  “Carrie.” He screamed for his mate, never gladder for telepathic abilities than at that moment. “I need you. Wake up. Come to my mom’s. As fast as you can.”

  Shifting into his wolf form, he ran faster than he ever had before. Kendrick was about to destroy everything and only Gabe could save Westervelt. He growled. Being too late wasn’t an option.

  Chapter 3

  “What is going on?” Carrie grabbed Gabriel’s arm. He’d been in a frantic state since he’d arrived at his mother’s. He’d never screamed at her telepathically to meet him anywhere before, which made her nervous enough. Add to that the way he wasn’t making sense, and the hair on the back of her neck stood at attention.

  “I’m trying to explain.” Before darting backward, he rubbed the back of her head in the way that made her knees buckle when they were alone. “I can’t touch you. Don’t let me get too close.”

  “Gabriel Kane.” His mother, Mary Jo, who had always been the entire pack’s second mother, stared at him straight in the eye. “Have you fallen? Hit your head?”

  “Listen to me. Both of you. Dad has done something. With a witch. They’ve cursed the whole island.”

  Carrie rubbed her forehead. “Why would your father do that?” Kendrick could be off, but he always had the best interests of Westervelt in his mind.

  Lately he doesn’t smell … right.

  Her wolf’s words brought all her hidden doubts to the surface. She stared at Mary Jo. Surely Kendrick’s mate would be able to set this all correctly, would be able to explain what Gabriel must have misinterpreted.

  “Tell me exactly what he said.” Mary Jo leaned against the counter of her kitchen.

  Gabriel took a deep breath. “He told me he’s cursed us to kill our mates, that I’m going to hurt my mate. That’s why, Carrie, you have to stay away from me.” He rubbed his forehead. “I actually feel like my whole body is itching.”

  Carrie needed clarification. “I’m sure it’s just in your head.” Kill her? Why wasn’t Mary Jo dismissing this?

  “The witch,” Gabe’s mother muttered. “Again. I knew something like this could happen. But not of this scale.”

  A pit formed in Carrie’s stomach. “You’re telling me this is possible.”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Kendrick’s mind has been warped. I don’t have time to explain it. Damn. I should have seen this coming. We have to act fast. If the curse has started, only killing the witch who cast it will change it. Is that possible? Is she still here?”

  “No. She’s gone.” Carrie could feel Gabriel’s anxiety rising. It made her nauseated.

  “Damn. We have to thwart him. There still has to be something.” Mary Jo started to pace.

  “Gabe. This is going to be okay, my love. You’re not going to kill me. It’s ridiculous. None of the men here would ever hurt their other halves. Nothing matters more than the mating bond.”

  “It’s a curse. We won’t be able to control ourselves. He has to be stopped.” Gabe slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a hole where his hand had been.

  “Well, that’s enough of a display of testosterone.” If her mate lost his mind, they wouldn’t get anywhere.

  Mary Jo clapped her hands. “He’ll never be able to control the unmated men if the unmated women are not here.”

  Without the possibility of a mate, the single men of the pack couldn’t be made to obey Kendrick’s commands. It made sense to Carrie even as her wolf howled within her to rage against the world.

  “Carrie.” Mary Jo had gone two shades whiter, which said a lot because she had porcelain-colored skin in the middle of the summer. “I need your help. Can you do something for me?”

  “Absolutely.” She’d walk through fire for Gabe’s mother.

  “Mom.” Gabriel wouldn’t let her finish. “You’re telling me there is nothing I can do, that this is unstoppable. I’m going to kill Carrie. No choice.”

  “I’m going to die in this scenario too.” Mary Jo grabbed her son’s arms. “This isn’t exactly great news for me either. I’m going to never see any of you have kids. My husband for whom I bore seven children is going to kill me. None of this is lost on me. Your father has slowly been going insane for the last century. I’ve been keeping it hidden for a long time. And you know the pack never questions him. Alpha’s word is law.”

  “What?” This time Carrie did the screaming. “Why didn’t you say something? You could have gotten him away from leadership. Michael could have—”

  Mary Jo slammed her hand down on the table. “Michael is my son. I adore him, but he’s not Alpha and everyone in this room knows it. Gabe could be if he wanted it. He doesn’t.” Gabriel actually flinched. “Every wolf with half a brain knows Tristan Kane is supposed to be Alpha. Everyone but Tristan.” She shook her head. “My loyalty—my mate honor—tells me that I have to take care of Kendrick above all else. And I know that you’re quite aware of this by now so don’t act holier-than-thou, Carrie. You’d do the same damn thing for Gabriel.”

  “Gabriel. Whatever happens. You won’t kill me.” He won’t, her wolf confirmed. “Every part of me knows that.”

  Gabe paced the room. “You have to run away. You can’t be near me. Go. Don’t tell me where. If it’s safe, I will come and get you.”

  Carrie shook her head. “I don’t run. That’s not how I’m built. I may not have much magic, but I’m strong and I fight with my pack.” She lowered her voice because she wasn’t sure she could get her next words out. “You taught me that.”

  “Carrie.” Mary Jo’s voice held an edge of desperation that hadn’t been there earlier. “I need you to take Angel, go to the boats. Tell Captain Ji
m that I need him to do what we once discussed. Can you do that for me?”

  “He’ll know what that means?”

  Mary Jo nodded vigorously. “But tell him that he’s going to have a boatload of passengers tonight. In less than an hour.”

  Carrie turned toward the nursery to grab Angel before Mary Jo latched onto her arm. “Darling. I’ll see you on the other side. Thank you for being Gabe’s.”

  A lump formed in her throat. It couldn’t be time for that. They’d only just gotten together. The other side could wait its turn.

  * * * *

  “Ah, Gabriel. That was fast. I would have thought your mother would have taken twice the time to decide what to do. Intellect has never been her strongest feat. Perhaps that’s where you get your issues. Ah, well. Nothing to do about it now.”

  Gabriel leaped at his father. He might not win this fight but he would give it his best shot, and no one could be better prepared than he. In sparring sessions, he’d been the only one strong enough to ever take down Kendrick. Even if his former Alpha, and it was former now, refused to acknowledge it.

  He snarled while he ripped into his father’s side. Seconds later his dad had shifted into his own wolf state. Kendrick had always been huge, which accounted for at least part of the reason the pack fell in line behind him so easily. From his sheer size alone he could make half the pack cower.

  Not Gabriel. Not ever again.

  “You want to be Alpha, boy?” Kendrick’s voice banged through his head.

  Somehow he’d have to figure out how to keep his father out of his head. “No. I just want you dead.”

  They circled each other. Gabriel’s wolf had good timing. He didn’t need to interfere with his other half’s instincts. He’d attack when the right moment occurred.

  “If you kill me, you end your mother’s life.” Kendrick sneered, his upper lip curling.

  “This doesn’t get put on me. You did this. And the second you did you became a dead wolf.” Gabe growled, lunging forward.


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