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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

Page 7

by Vella Day

  “Let’s sit in the waiting room,” he said.

  “You don’t have to stay. You should be back at work.” She owed him enough already.

  Jackson placed a comforting hand on her back and led her out. Conflicting emotions swirled inside her. She’d lived her life by the old saying: Actions spoke louder than words. So why was she so hesitant to accept Jackson as her mate? No one had treated her better, and the fact her cheetah wanted him worse than anything, should tell her he was the one for her.

  Logic convinced her that if he had any plans to leave, he wouldn’t have offered to pay such an exorbitant sum to help a woman he didn’t know. In the coming days, Selena needed to rethink every preconceived notion she’d ever held about men.

  Jackson led her over to a chair in the waiting room where two other people were seated. Wanting to take her mind off her issues, she asked. “Where were you tonight?”

  “With two hookers. I was going to arrest them, but then decided why not have a little three way and look the other way.”

  Her heart sunk to her stomach until she realized he was kidding. She punched him hard in the arm and one of the two women across the room gasped. “You did not,” she whispered.

  Jackson grinned. “Gotcha, didn’t I?”

  “You’re a jerk.” She sank back into her seat. His cute antics had helped boost her spirits for another minute. Then reality descended again.

  Her mom could be bedridden for weeks or even months and she’d need help with her daily chores. Even if Selena slept on the living room sofa and took care of her, what would happen if she needed help between three and midnight when Selena was at work?

  Jackson rubbed her hand. “What are you frowning about? I was only trying to lighten the load.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Just so you know, I was helping Cord with a case.”

  “I figured.” She glanced over at him. “I’m worried about my mom.”

  “I get it. I really do. It’s going to be tough. I’ll be happy to help in any way.”

  “I appreciate that, but you’ve done enough.” She squeezed his hand to let him know her level of sincerity. They might have made love twice, but that didn’t mean she was ready to let him into her life completely—yet.

  For what seemed like hours, they chatted. Jackson appeared to accept that she wasn’t ready to discuss the future, so they talked about stupid and mundane things, and for that she’d always be indebted to him—more than she already was.

  Finally, Dr. Divine came in, a facemask slung around her neck. Both Selena and Jackson jumped up. “How is she?” Selena asked.

  “Good. The reconstruction was more extensive that I’d thought, but given her age, she should be walking a lot better in a few months.”

  The relief and joy filled her. “Can I see her?”

  “She’s still sedated. Go home and rest. I’ll call you when she’s awake.”

  Exhaustion had taken a strong hold on her body. “Thank you for everything.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Jackson clasped her hand. “I live less than two miles from here. You can rest there for a bit.”

  She wanted to say again than he’d done enough, but knowing him, he’d insist on staying with her to make sure she was okay. “Thank you, but I’m driving myself. I want to be able to come back as soon as my mom wakes.”

  He dragged a hand down her cheek and all sorts of erotic sensations coursed through her—sensations she didn’t need. Right now, Selena’s focus had to be on her mom’s health.

  “I understand,” he said. He followed her out to her car and made sure she was good to drive before heading to his vehicle.

  While she waited for him to lead the way, the image of the pain on her mother’s face would forever be burned in her mind. Thank goodness her mom had been able to get ahold of her. The whole idea of her having broken her leg and lying there helpless turned her stomach.

  Think of the positive. Mom would finally get the life she deserved, in part because of Jackson.

  His taillights glowed in the parking lot and she followed behind him. It came as no surprise when he headed to a nice part of town. She thought he’d own some mansion, but it turned out he lived in the Mountain View Apartments. They were nice, but not exclusive, as she’d expected.

  No sooner had she parked than he was by her side. Wrapping a comforting arm around her, he led her to his first floor apartment. “It’s a bit of a mess. Sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  “No need to apologize. I promise I won’t judge.”

  He settled her on the comfortable sofa. “I’m going to fix us some tea. It might help relax you.”

  She would have asked for some wine, but she didn’t need anything else to mess with her head. While he was in the kitchen fixing their drinks, she looked around at the sparse furnishings. Except for a pair of boots and a casual shirt tossed on the floor, the roomy apartment was clean but unlived in looking. He had few decorations on the shelves and no pictures on the walls.

  A few minutes later, Jackson came out carrying two cups and set them on the glass top table in front of them then handed her the cup. “You’re mom’s in good hands.”

  “I know.” Happy that the surgery was behind her, she sipped her tea, delighted by the unexpected rich flavor. “This is really tasty.”

  “I come from a family of big tea drinkers. My mother has always brewed her own teas and tried to teach us kids the difference between a Rooibos and Oolong.”

  Not wanting to appear ignorant, Selena didn’t dare ask for the distinction. “She seems nice.”

  “She is.”

  For the next few minutes, they sat there sipping their tea in silence. Selena tried to figure out what to expect after her mom’s operation, but Jackson’s mere presence was messing with her body again. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she’d even meet a man like him. Not only did he drive her inner animal out into the open, he’d fulfilled her biggest dream—that of helping her mother.

  Selena set down her tea and when she turned to face Jackson to thank him again, he gathered her in his arms and she sagged against him. Contact with his body triggered a deep need inside her. She shouldn’t be thinking about sex when her mom was lying in a hospital bed, but that little voice in her head said it would take her mind off her problems.

  She tilted her head up and waves of desire slammed into her. She drew his face to hers. “Love me.”

  His eyes widened for a moment, as if her words meant more than what she’d intended, but he leaned over and kissed her gently. As wonderful and warm as the kiss was, she wanted it hard and passionate—enough to make her forget.

  As if she’d been possessed by the goddess of lust, she tore open his slacks. “I need you naked.”

  Jackson’s eyes were swirling with desire. “Are you sure? I want you worse than anything, but I don’t want to—”

  The last thing she needed right now was a discussion between appropriate and inappropriate behavior, so she placed a finger to his lips. “Shh.”

  Selena pulled out of his grasp and stood. Almost faster than she responded to her mother’s plea for help, she kicked off her shoes and stripped. The human part yearned for tender touches and long hugs, but the cheetah in her was beside herself with grief and need.

  Jackson just sat there. If his cock hadn’t been peeking out above his waistband, she would have thought he wasn’t interested. “Jackson?”

  As if she’d pressed his On button, he jumped up and tore off his clothes. This time he spent a minute undoing his shirt instead of ripping it open. With eyes glowing a beautiful golden green, he clasped her shoulders and lowered his lips to her neck and drew in an audible breath.

  “Your scent drives me wild.”

  “Prove it.”

  This wasn’t about creating a future together, it was about the sexual release that she sought.


  You want him.


  Chapter Nine

  Jackson didn’t think it was a good idea to make love with her when she was under such pressure, but he couldn’t stop if he wanted to.

  What he hadn’t expected was for Selena to grab his dick right away. He was about to tell her that he was on the edge of exploding when she bent down and sucked on him. Her groan and delicious tongue made him nearly shift, but he didn’t dare deny this wonderful woman anything.

  With each up and down motion of her mouth, he soared higher. Grabbing a fistful of her hair to help steady his raging libido, he sucked in a huge breath. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last before he claimed her. As much as he wanted to give her the choice to mate, his panther side was losing patience.

  Selena cupped his balls and hair poked out of his chest and on his face. This wasn’t good. “Honey, slow down.”

  She looked up, stepped back, and then pressed on his shoulders as if she wanted him to kneel. He gave into her without a thought. She was in such a delicate place in her life right now, and he didn’t want to upset her in any way.

  “Get on your back,” she commanded.

  Having her straddle him was a dream come true. He quickly obeyed and held up his arms for her. Holding his hands for support, she straddled him then dropped down onto her knees. When she lowered her body, he gritted his teeth to keep from shifting.

  She leaned over and planted her palms beside his head, her beautiful breasts swaying over his mouth. Like a moth to a flame, he lifted his head and captured a delicate nipple. The first tug made her moan and his feral needs overwhelmed him.

  Letting her set the pace was incredibly hard for him, but she yearned for control, and it was the least he could do for her.

  “Can’t last,” she said, her eyes glassing over.

  Hopefully, that look was one of lust and not confusion. She slid her hand between her legs and took hold of his dick. His inner beast roared as she took aim and dropped down on him. Her slick walls, along with the scent of her arousal, sent his hormones skyrocketing.

  She leaned over and kissed him, demanding entrance. He greedily welcomed her and lifted his hips to drive into her. A cloud of desire and joy drew around them, joining them in more than just the physical realm.

  Serena broke the kiss and sucked in a large breath, as if she, too, was teetering on the edge. When she dragged her lips to his neck and her sharp teeth pricked his skin, every muscle in his body tensed. He was about to ask her if she understood what biting him meant, but then her teeth sunk into his neck and all hell broke loose.

  The two of them fucked hard and fast as if this was their last chance to be together. Seconds later, she screamed his name and his dick exploded. When they climaxed at the same time, it was more powerful than anything he’d ever experienced. To be with his mate at this moment would be forged in his memory forever.

  Spent, Selena lay on top of him, her breathing rapid. A moment later, she rolled off of him and rushed into the kitchen.

  He jumped up, fearful something had happened. “Selena?”

  Drawers banged. When he joined her in the kitchen, she was wiping herself clean and didn’t even glance his way. “I have to go.”

  Jackson wanted to comfort her, but from the way she was looking around as if she’d been spooked, he let her be. Touching her now might break that tentative bond they’d formed. He clasped a hand on his neck and rubbed his thumb across the small puncture wounds. His joy was dashed as her behavior turned manic. She was acting as if the hospital had called.

  He followed her into the living room. “You want to talk about it?”


  He glanced at her cell she’d left on the table, but it wasn’t lit. She slipped on her slacks then jammed her feet into her shoes. She quickly donned the rest of her clothes, saying nothing. He’d give anything to see into her mind. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes. I have to. My mom needs me.”

  Really? How did she know? “Do you want me to come with you?”

  She whipped around to face him, looking more scared now than when he’d found her at the hospital. “No. No. I can do this alone.”

  With that she was out the door.

  Once more, his mate had left him speechless.

  * * *

  Jackson had called Selena several times the next day, but she didn’t answer. He suspected she was at the hospital with her mom and hadn’t turned on her phone. As much as he wanted to speak with her about the bite from last night, he decided after a long, sleepless night, that he needed to give her time to come to grips with how her life might have changed because of that one action.

  Many times he’d wondered if she’d even been aware of what she’d done. In the heat of the moment, her instincts might have kicked in, forcing her to bite him. As much as he wanted to be mated with her, he yearned for a deeper, more loving relationship.

  The next time they were together, he had no doubt their bodies would combust around each other. The yearning to complete the cycle and fully mate would grow stronger by the day until the mating was done. All it would take would be one bite from him, but he wasn’t sure that would be fair to her.

  They needed to talk soon. As the time for his shift drew near, he dressed in the shirt she’d fixed, and his heart turned heavy for her. His mate was suffering and there was little he could do right now. For her, he’d stay away, but he didn’t know for how long.

  Once he arrived at work, his gaze shot to Selena’s desk. She claimed she hadn’t missed a day of work in three years, but he wouldn’t be surprised if today was the first. Her mom seemed to be more important to her than anyone, which only added to the many reasons why she was the woman for him. When he’d lived in DC, the women he dated were more interested in themselves or his wealth. Selena had none of those traits.

  His body reacted just thinking about her, and he wondered if she was going crazy with need, too. He bet she didn’t know that once the mating process began that the urges would grow fast and hard until they were completed.

  Jackson tried to look busy, but if anyone was paying attention, they’d see him glance at her desk all too often. He remembered how serious she always looked, and he would give anything if she were there now. Being close to her and not able to touch her, however, would be pure torture.

  After thirty minutes without Selena being there, he couldn’t take it any longer and went in search of answers. Jackson stepped into his boss’s office. “Chief?”

  Hardy looked up. “What’s on your mind as if I can’t guess?”

  That made sense. Selena wasn’t at her desk and partners were supposed to have each other’s back. He didn’t want to let on that he was personally involved with her, as that might affect her career—or his. “Selena hasn’t come into work, sir.”

  He nodded. “Her mother fell and broke her leg. Because she’ll need help rehabilitating, Selena asked for a leave of absence.”

  A leave of absence instead of using her vacation time implied she’d be gone for days if not weeks. “Did she say for how long?”

  Chief Hardy leaned back in his seat. “Don’t know, but what I do know is that Selena probably could use some support.”

  The man was giving relationship advice now? “I’ll do what I can, but she can be stubborn.”

  His brows rose. “Don’t I know it. In the meantime, I’m assigning you to a case with Dram. A pharmacy was broken into last night and he could use your DEA expertise.”

  Jackson needed to stay busy. “I’ll hop right on it.”

  When he stepped from the office, he went in search of his temporary new partner, trying not to think about Selena.

  * * *

  The next three days were pure hell. Jackson hadn’t slept and his attempts to contact Selena had been met with no success. The only positive was that he and Dram had caught the culprit who’d stolen the drugs from the pharmacy. The lack of sophistication from some of the people in Hidden Hills surprised him. Gloves and a mask should have been the first order of business.
/>   He was working on the report when Danielle rushed in a few hours before her shift was to begin and made a beeline to his desk.

  “Jackson, we need to talk.”

  Her unusually serious demeanor had the hairs on his body standing up. He retrieved a chair for her and placed it close to keep the conversation private. He’d seen Selena and Danielle chat many times, and terrible thoughts raced through his brain—everything from Mrs. Niles having had an embolism and dying to Selena having a major collapse.

  “Did something happen?”

  “You have tomorrow, off, right?”

  “I think so. With so much going on, I haven’t paid much attention.” His thoughts had been focused solely on Selena.

  “We need to do an intervention. I just came from Mrs. Niles’ home. Selena is running herself ragged. I don’t think she’s eaten or slept much. Her skin is pasty and she’s still wearing the same uniform from before her mom’s operation.”

  His heart pinged as need swamped him. The time had come for him to care for her. He shoved his chair back and stood. Damn. He’d so wanted to wait for her to ask him for his help. “I need to see her now.”

  She smiled. “Good. My sister’s in town for a few weeks and has offered to help me watch over Mrs. Niles while Selena recuperates. You need to make sure Selena takes care of herself. She won’t do it on her own.”

  He didn’t need Danielle to convince him. “Let me tell the Chief. I’ll be right back.”

  Jackson was thrilled when Chief Hardy told him to take as much time as he needed. “You two are valuable assets to the department. Help her in any way you can.”

  They shook hands and Jackson rushed out. After he told Dram that he might be out for a day or two, he left with Danielle. Even though she’d given him Mrs. Niles’s address, he followed her to the complex that was only a few miles from his place. The close proximity of the two apartments would make things easier for both of them.


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