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SETH (Hell's Lovers MC, #5)

Page 8

by Crimson Syn

  Cupping her chin, I had her look up at me. “Tonight. I promise.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Maybe bringing Ciara to Ravenous wasn’t the best of ideas. We could taste the hostility in the air and I hated that our home was so threatened. The brothers were all gathered in the private lounge at Ravenous. I left Ciara with Luna in the back office. Riggs had nodded to me when I brought her in, an understanding between the two of us that where we are, our women come with us.

  “We got word from La Cruz,” Wolf stated.

  A murmur went through the brothers. It could only mean a threat. “What does he want?” I asked warily.

  “He wants to talk to me. In person. Here.”

  Grayson shook his head. “I don’t know about that, brother. I’m gonna advise you strongly against that.”

  Wolf sighed. “If he wanted to kill me, he would have tried already.”

  “Maybe he just wants to get close enough to do it.”

  “Or maybe he just wants to talk.”

  “It’s not just about you! We’re talking about all of the Hell’s Lovers, the Death Row Shooters, our women...”

  “It’s my final word, Grayson! If anyone’s against this, they can leave.”

  “When is he showing up?” I asked warily, I didn’t like where this was going.


  “Tonight!” Cain got up. “I don’t think this is a good idea. If anything, we should be bringing the fight to him…”

  “And what, fall into a fucking trap? At least this is our territory. We know the exits, we have the cameras, we have the armory.”

  “Let me at least take the girls home?” I looked at Riggs who was staring at the ground, his jaw clenched in anger.

  “If you leave you don’t come back. The last thing I want is for one of us to be alone. They’ll be fine in the back. Luna knows her way out if shit happens. She’s got Riggs bike.”

  “Look. I don’t want to put anyone in danger here, but I need to know what we’re up against. I only want one of you present. The rest can disappear. I don’t want them knowing who you are or how many of you there are. I want him to find an empty club.”

  “How can we trust them?”

  “Because I’ve met with them.”

  Ryan Simon came out from behind the shadows. He nodded at Wolf and then looked at us. “I’ll be the one to introduce them. La Cruz knows better than to fuck around. After what Wolf did he’s knows he’s fucked with the wrong people, which is why he wants to come and make peace. He doesn’t want a war, he wants to get his drugs transported. He needs those docks, and Wolf and I are the only ones who could give them to him. We have the upper hand.”

  Grayson frowned. “I’m staying with you.”

  “No.” Wolf stated sternly. “I need you in the background. If shit goes down and I get killed you’re the one to take over.”

  “Wolf, you have a family…”

  “And Scarlett knows what I’m up against. She may hate me for it, but she knows I have to do it. This is the man she married. If she can accept it, so can you.”

  Grayson shook his head. “I can’t leave you brother.”

  “I’m not asking you to leave. I’m asking you to have my back.”

  He nodded. “Always.”

  “Gunner, I want you and Riggs on the roof. Anything shady happens you know what to do. The rest of you I want armed and ready.” Wolf looked over at me. “You know who your charge is. Protect them with your life.”

  I let out a breath and nodded. I hope it didn’t come down to that. A knock sounded at the door and we all turned.

  “Everybody move,” Wolf barely whispered and the brothers spanned out into the shadows. Poe and Ash were among us, ready to back up their President if need be.

  I stared at the laptop on the table and looked up at Ryan. I held up two fingers to let him know how many men were at the door, and then closed the laptop. I couldn’t see the first man, but the second one was a twitchy mother fucker that kept staring down the camera. As the door opened I quickly made my way to the back office. Ciara flung herself at me and Luna sat staring at the cameras.

  “What’s going on?” Ciara whispered.

  “Shit’s about to hit the fan. I want you in here with Luna at all times. If something happens you follow Luna, she knows what to do. I want you as far away from here as possible.”

  “Are you leaving?”

  I shook my head and stared up at the cameras. A man dressed in a white suit came in, followed by his goon. “Not yet. Just stay put. Luna if you see anything out of the ordinary, come out and get me. I’ll be in the hallway.”

  I went towards one end of the hallway where the stages were. No one could get to the back office without coming across me, first. It was the perfect place for me to hear the conversation and be on alert. As I moved the curtain, I spotted Grayson in one of the back tables. Fucker didn’t even need to hide, he just blended with the shadows. Knox was standing on the opposite end near the bar. Most of the lights were down on purpose, the only ones lit were the ones hovering above the center tables.

  “Mr. Simon. I didn’t know you would be here.” The guy’s thick Spanish accent echoed through the silence.

  “I always join Wolf in important meetings, Mr. de la Cruz.”

  “You can call me Juan.”

  “Well then you can call me Ryan. This,” he raised his hand and gestured to Wolf. “is Wolf Stone. President of the Hell’s Lovers and owner of one of the most prestigious biker bars in Los Angeles, Ravenous.”

  “Ah! Finally we meet, Mr. Stone. It’s too bad it had to be under such…dire circumstances.”

  “Yeah. Too bad indeed.”

  “This,” he pointed to the tweaker behind him, “is Barrera. He’s my bodyguard. I’m sorry, but I don’t go anywhere without him.”

  I looked over the huge fucker and my hand twitched. I could feel the tension from the brothers as he hovered over La Cruz.

  “I would prefer if he waited outside,” Wolf stated, warily eyeing the muscle.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you and of course, you don’t know me.” He gestured around the club.“Many horrors lie in the dark, Mr. Stone. You can’t expect me to be relaxed in such a, let’s say, intimate setting.” He smirked, referring to the dimmed lighting.

  Wolf nodded. “Depends on what horrifies you?”

  La Cruz lost his smile and shrugged. “I prefer to have my man with me if you don’t mind?”

  Wolf sighed. “Just have him sit over by the bar. I don’t need him staring me down as we talk.”

  “Oh, of course.” He nodded at the man and he went and sat down near where Knox was standing. I smiled. Smart move, Prez. If he tries something, he’ll never know what hit him.

  All three sat down at the table and Ryan poured them all a drink from the bottle of whiskey he had grabbed from the bar. “So, what did you want to talk to me about Mr. de la Cruz?”

  “I came to apologize. Well, to apologize as well as ask something from you.”

  “Apologize? Interesting.” Wolf sat back, narrowing his eyes on him.

  “I understand you came across my son and some of his men. Heard you shot one down.”

  “Yeah well he fucked with one of my men. Left him for dead.”

  La Cruz nodded slowly. “I see. I won’t say that what you did pleased me, but I can see why you did it.”

  “I wasn’t doing it to please anybody.”

  La Cruz stared long and hard at Wolf, but he didn’t budge. “My son said you spared his life.”

  “I was in a life sparing type of mood. Although he threatened my wife.” He growled.

  “Yes. He can be a little…” he straightened his suit and looked genuinely upset, “stupid sometimes.”

  “I thought he was a little prick, but that’s just me.”

  “I came to put you at ease. I would never do anything to harm your family.”

  “It’s a shame I don’t believe you, Mr. de la
Cruz. Since you already have.”

  “That was a misunderstanding…”

  “That was a wrong move.” They stared at each other quietly, the tension building in the club.

  I saw Grayson move in the shadows and I tensed. It was definitely not a friendly conversation and it was going to take a turn for the worst very soon. We were all well aware of it, especially Grayson.

  “Come on guys. This is just a conversation we’re having here, right?” Ryan patted Wolf on the back and gave him a look that meant for him to cool it.

  Wolf spoke first. “What do you want de la Cruz? I don’t need any apologies and we both know you don’t want to give them, so get to the fucking point.”

  “I want the docks.”

  Wolf shook his head. “Nope. Ask again.”

  “I don’t like to play games, Mr. Stone.”

  “And I don’t play well with others, or didn’t Tuco fill you in on that little secret.”

  “Tuco’s dead.”

  “Shot by your man there, I know. I have eyes everywhere.”

  La Cruz sat back in his chair, somewhat surprised. “If anyone hinders my business I will kill them.”

  “And if anyone threatens my family, I’ll kill them.”

  “Looks like we are at a crossroads then…Stone.”

  “Looks like.”

  La Cruz stood up and adjusted his jacket. “I see this has been pointless. Stone. Ryan. I suppose we’ll meet again, just not quite so civilly I’m afraid.”

  Wolf stood up as well, towering over the cartel lead. “As long as you avoid my turf, then we can have peace.”

  La Cruz grunted a response and signaled to his man that it was time to go. He didn’t look at all pleased with the situation.

  “Oh, and next time your son decides to threaten my family, he’ll be coming home in a coffin.”

  La Cruz curled his lip, nearly snarling at him, but he maintained this eerie calmness as he made his way out. Ryan quickly followed them and made sure to close and lock the door.

  “We’re so fucked!” Grayson said out loud as everyone moved in closer.

  Ryan shook his head. “Well, that was unproductive. What do you think his next move will be?”

  Wolf shrugged. “He knows I’m not gonna give him what he wants. That was the whole point. He’s a stranger here, doesn’t have the connections he needs. But he’s a smart man, he’s done his research on us. He knows who we are and where our connections lie. We now run half those docks, so he’ll have to get inventive if he wants to transport that cocaine. I’m even thinking we might have to bring in some reinforcement.”

  “The Fallen Kings?” Grayson asked.

  Wolf shook his head. “I’m talking about reinforcement who knows how to handle guys with that type of record. I’m talking about your connections, D.”

  I looked from Wolf to Diesel, and I just couldn’t help myself. “Okay. I know no one here is gonna ask, but what the fuck do you do brother?”

  Diesel smirked. “You’ll find out eventually.”

  Gunner and Riggs finally appeared. “Fuckers left. He had two unmarked cars trailing him, he came prepared.”

  “What do we do now? I can’t continue to lose money.” Ryan took another swig of his whiskey and looked at Wolf.

  “Reopen. We both reopen. We have to show them we’re not afraid. You show fear, they run the show. If they want to gun the place down they’ll do it whether we’re open or not. But I’m not gonna give them the satisfaction of closing down our businesses. Poe and Ash will have to come back to you.”

  “I have enough men. You keep them, their good at what they do.”

  Wolf nodded. “If it’s war they want, then war is what they’ll get. But until then, everything remains the same. Got it!”

  Another murmur of uncertainty ran through the brothers and I knew that this whole thing was going to get worse than it already was. You don’t fuck with a cartel without them retaliating. Especially when it comes from a country with a history like Colombia’s. These weren’t street punks or inexperienced fuckers selling coke, these were international shipments we were disrupting. It was just a matter of time before they found the perfect moment to wipe us all the fuck out.


  She was sprawled across the seat of my Harley, her legs spread open, red stiletto heels propped up on the handle bars as she rubbed her slick mound with her fingers.

  I was only gone for fifteen minutes. The last thing I expected to find when I walked back into the garage was Ciara propped up like a naked pinup on my bike. My cock throbbed and my mouth watered from the sweet sight of her. She was my own fucking erotic dream come to life.

  She moaned and threw her head back, her tits jutting forward, peeking out of my leather vest. The wench had worn my leather and was getting off on my bike. I wasn’t sure if I should be pissed off or fucking turned the fuck on that she’d had the courage to take my vest and put it on.

  “You know how I feel about you touching my patches, Ciara.”

  She swiveled her hips up in the air as she slid her finger through her folds and pouted. “I couldn’t help it, baby. I missed you, and it was just lying there on the bed. I needed to feel you on my hot, naked skin.

  “Fuck!” I growled, stroking my cock through my pants. “You deserve to get spanked.”

  She moaned and I swear I thought I was going to cum in my pants. “You’ve had me waiting for too long, baby. I already came twice thinking about you.”

  My cock surged and I took off my leather jacket, placing the food I had brought on one of the chairs. I wasn’t expecting her to be back until tomorrow. I’d sent her to go visit her grandfather for a week, just to give her a break from all the shit going on here. We had moved in to the boathouse and so far, we were doing pretty good. We decided to leave her brothers in the dark about our being together for now. She got on the pill after that first night, telling me it wasn’t the time to have any more babies when we were in the middle of a war with a cartel.

  I fought her on it, but the minx had a point. La Cruz’s men had disappeared. No one had heard from them for a couple weeks, which was never a good sign. We sent word out to all our connections along the East and West coast to keep an eye out, but God knows where they were hiding.

  There’s a new bike gang in town. Gunner and Cain had come across them last night. They called themselves The Gremlins, a biker gang that came from the East Coast. Diesel had a run in with the leader a few years back, while living in New York. Last thing I heard was that they were bad news. They arrived a few nights ago and were already taking control of Tuco’s properties. Well, everything but the docks. They’ve got a lot of members to include Los Perdidos gang members who suddenly decided to show back up again. If La Cruz is smart he’ll fight fire with fire to try to take over our turf, and in his eyes that means sending in biker gangs to fuck with us. They hadn’t approached us yet which meant they’ve gotten word that we don’t fuck around, but we still needed to watch our backs. We weren’t a gang, we were an MC, we went by different types of rules in life. We protected people, they destroyed them, simple as that.

  When I sent Ciara away, I thought it was for the best, but I immediately wanted her back. I hadn’t slept a night since she’d been gone. The night before, we’d talked on the phone and I confessed I wanted her naked on my bike. I never thought she’d actually come home early only to fulfill my fantasy. And fuck if she wasn’t the prettiest little fantasy to have. She definitely took my mind off all the shit we had going on.

  She ran her fingers along her slit and then brought them to her lips, sucking on them like they were the tastiest morsel. I quickly unzipped my pants, taking my cock in hand and squeezing the head to ease the ache.

  “You’re such a dirty girl, Ciara.”

  She giggled and I swear my cock nearly exploded. She’d gotten kinkier and wilder under my teachings and I loved how eager she was to be defiled. She had this tendency of surprising me with something new she wanted to try,
and it was always so hot and tempting.

  “Fuck me, Seth. I can’t take it anymore.”

  I nearly ran over to her, fumbling with my zipper. When I was finally by her side, I roughly swatted her legs off my handlebars. She giggled as she straddled the leather seat and propped herself up. I could see her thighs glistening from the spill of her juices.

  “You dirtyin’ my bike with that nasty pussy, Ciara?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. I growled and reached out to touch her. Her body trembled from my hands on her and I chuckled. “Naughty little girl.”

  “Seth, please.”

  I picked her up and laid her down with her back against the handlebars. I climbed on the bike and dragged her down, perching her entrance onto my cock. “I’m gonna fuck you so good. Teach you a lesson about touching my things.”

  She mewled and whimpered, sliding herself down on the seat, taking more of me inside of her. The feel of her tight wet pussy was my undoing, and grabbing her around the waist I lifted her up to straddle me. The movement made her sink fully onto my shaft and she screamed out in pleasure. Gripping her thighs I started to bounce her on me. “Ride me, Ciara. Show me how much you love my cock.” I grunted as her pussy gripped me.

  She found her rhythm as she slowly rose and sank down, capturing me in her heat. “Seth, God I missed you Seth.”

  “I missed you too, baby.” She propped her hands on the back of the seat and I took advantage of her position, gliding my hands under my vest and groping her breasts, tweaking each nipple until the pink nubs protruded lewdly. I leaned down and bit her hard as I stood on the peddles and slammed my cock into her.

  She screamed and shook as a powerful orgasm overtook her. Her pussy pulsed around me and I didn’t last, I couldn’t, she was too fucking perfect. I yelled out as I found my release and the sexy slut milked my cock.

  She slumped down on the bike and stared up at me. “Fuck, I love you,” she whispered.


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