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The Captives of Kaag

Page 4

by Joe Dever

  The guard, his neck broken, is no longer a threat to anyone, so you turn your attention to the five Kraan which are feeding on the roof. Gingerly you approach them, hoping not to startle them into flight, but the commotion — and your presence — has made them very uneasy.

  If you possess the Discipline of Animal Mastery, turn to 90.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 136.


  You search for a weak spot on the creature's shell but you cannot readily discern one. The tip of your Arrow is made of best Sommlending steel but, even so, you fear it may not be sufficient to penetrate the creature's chest.

  If you possess Magi-magic and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, turn to 227.

  If you do not possess this skill or have not yet reached this Kai rank, turn to 73.


  You raise your weapon to defend yourself from the creature's attack but, as you stare into its hellish eyes, you suddenly realize that this supernatural horror is immune to the effects of man-made weaponry.

  If you possess the Dagger of Vashna, a Jewelled Mace, or Helshezag, turn to 330.

  If you do not possess one of these Special Items, turn to 212.


  You step over the dead war-dog and enter the adjoining chamber. This foul-smelling room is littered with Giak bones and half-chewed haunches of greenish meat. Amongst the debris you notice something gleaming dully. It is a bronze statuette, forged in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna.

  If you wish to keep this Statuette of Zagarna, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you already carry the maximum number of items allowed, you will have to discard one in its favour.

  To your right you notice another curtained archway. Through the threadbare cloth you can see a stone staircase spiralling down into the dark.

  If you wish to explore this staircase, turn to 56.

  If you choose to retrace your steps and leave the barracks, turn to 44.


  Before you can find something with which to start a fire, the octopoid moves away from the pool and forces you back against the wall of rubble. You contemplate escaping through the narrow gap by which you entered the chamber but it is already too late; the creature's tentacles are almost upon you.

  Illustration I—The octopoid forces you back against the wall of rubble and you face the hideous being in mortal combat.

  Resigned to your fate, you unsheathe your weapon and prepare to face this hideous being in mortal combat.


  This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 78.


  The Liganim watch you return to Banedon; then they turn and flee through the archway. Less than a minute later they return with a troop of armoured Drakkarim and Giak soldiers. Like a horde of screaming fanatics, they come rushing down the staircase and spread out to surround you and your companion. You draw your weapon and fight bravely, dispatching more than fifty of the enemy, but they receive a constant stream of reinforcements and, when finally your strength fails you, you are overwhelmed by these merciless denizens of Kaag.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here.


  Your desperate attempts to reach the saddle are dashed when the Kraan rears up in the air and rakes you with its claws. You lose your grip and fall screaming to the concourse below.

  You hit the ground and instantly lose consciousness. Tragically, although you survive the fall, you never reawaken. Your body is discovered by a Giak patrol who kill you out of hand, thinking you to be an enemy spy in disguise.

  Your life and your quest end here before the citadel of Kaag.


  The Arrow strikes the creature in the centre of its forehead but causes it no injury. With a dull crack the tip snaps off and the shaft ricochets harmlessly away. There is no time now for a second shot so you hurriedly shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon. Sensing victory within its grasp, the creature emits a gurgling shriek and comes bounding forwards. You get ready to meet its advance; however, when it is only ten feet away, it suddenly opens its mouth wide and spews forth a stream of white-hot liquid fire.

  If you possess the Discipline of Grand Nexus, turn to 333.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 287.


  The sensation of danger is steadily building. Fearful that the denizens of this domain may burst into the hall and thwart your rescue attempt at any moment, you cast the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil in the hope of locating exactly where the danger lies.

  Unfortunately, the spell merely serves to increase the sensitivity of your Kai senses. The sensation of impending danger becomes like a heavy cloud that is suffocating you. Gasping for breath, you are forced to break off the spell for fear of losing consciousness: deduct 1 ENDURANCE point.

  If you possess Telegnosis and wish to use it, turn to 274.

  If you do not possess this Discipline or choose not to use it, turn to 146.


  Drawing on your special abilities, you cause your facial features to change. Your expression, and the bone structure of your face, takes on the wholly brutal countenance of a Drakkar. Boldly you stride up the stairs towards the guard and slap the flint and braid from his gloved hands.

  ‘Okak dan-ish! Ok der kog!’ you growl, ordering him, in his native tongue, to stand aside and let you pass.

  The Drakkar does not move. He stares at you, open-mouthed with shock, his pipe hanging precariously from his lower lip.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-screen, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 2 or less, turn to 60.

  If it is 3 or more, turn to 202.


  The door opens on your twentieth knock, revealing a small armoury beyond.6 Most of the weapons stored here are of inferior quality, but you do notice several which may be of use to you during your quest:

  4 Arrows

  1 Quiver




  If you wish to keep any of the above, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  On the far side of this armoury you discover a spiral staircase.

  If you wish to ascend the stairs, turn to 308.

  If you choose to descend the stairs, turn to 152.

  [6] This section corresponds to the correct answer to the lock on the ‘stout steel-sheathed doors’ in Section 181.


  A wave of negative psychic energy crashes against your mind, forcing you to erect a defensive wall to prevent it from damaging your nervous system. You muster your psychic reserves in preparation yet, as the complex process is taking place, you suddenly realize that you are playing into your unseen enemy's hands.

  You sense that your attacker feeds off psychic defences; to erect a mind-wall would merely provide power for the creature to gorge itself upon. Mindful of this fact you consciously deplete your mind-wall, draining the energy away, channelling it to boost your Kai senses instead.

  Your strategy works; the creature breaks off its psychic attack (increase your current ENDURANCE by 4 points). The creature then prepares to attack you face to face.

  Turn to 229.


  You race across the mound of jagged rubble, barely slowing your stride as you surmount this obstacle easily. The pursuing Death Knights, handicapped by their weighty armour and lack of special skills, can only watch in astonishment as you disappear from view.

  The street continues beyond the mound, heading due south towards the great citadel, the shadow of this edifice looming ever larger. Soon the street opens out to a wide concourse which encircles the citadel and offers access to its great northern door. The entire door is made of black iron and streaked with rust. Turrets jut from either side, on top of which you see giant cannon-like weapons, similar to those onc
e employed by the Darklords aboard their ironclad fleets.

  Illustration II—Giaks and Drakkarim pass the citadel, all clad in orange uniforms bearing the mark of a bloodied scythe.

  From the cover of a ruined house, you watch the traffic of Giaks and Drakkarim, all clad in orange uniforms bearing the mark of a bloodied scythe. The more you stare at the citadel, the more you are sure that this is where Banedon is being held prisoner. However, entry into the citadel itself looks to be impossible, until, that is, an opportunity unexpectedly presents itself.

  Turn to 124.


  Your spell causes the crystal to vibrate, but you are too weak to muster the power needed to shatter or dislodge it. The curtain of light imprisoning Banedon remains intact and you are forced to abandon the spell and try some other way of freeing him.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 245.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian,7 turn to 69.

  If you do not have a Bow, do not possess Kai-alchemy, or have yet to reach the required Kai rank, turn instead to 338.

  [7] You may only elect to use this Discipline if you have not done so already.


  You descend ten levels and follow a tunnel which eventually ends at a sealed door, carved from a solid slab of coal-black steel. Engraved into its surface are several runes and glyphs of power which you immediately recognize to be magical. They have been placed here as a warning to anyone foolish enough to attempt a forced entry that such an attempt is likely to result in their death.

  Intrigued by the warning, you examine the runes more closely. As you are doing so, you suddenly hear a sound in the tunnel and turn to see two figures approaching. Hurriedly you retreat into the shadows, masking yourself with your camouflage disciplines to prevent your detection, as the two figures draw closer to the door.

  Turn to 270.


  You race to the edge of the steps and jump for the Drakkarim guard. You land on his back heavily, your feet together, slamming him flat on his face with the full weight of your body and rendering him completely unconscious. You are winded by the impact but you quickly recover and drag his limp body out of sight, fearful that it will be seen by a passing patrol. Already a huge bruise is beginning to discolour his face and you are sure that it will be many hours before he regains consciousness. As you are moving him you notice that he wears two chains around his neck. To one there is attached a Whistle; to the other a Brass Key. (If you decide to keep either of these Backpack Items, mark your Action Chart accordingly.)

  Once you are satisfied that he is well hidden, you climb the stairs and carefully push open the heavy door. At the end of a short corridor there is a landing where a gallery overlooks the cavernous lower level.

  Nearby there is a staircase, leading down, and to your right you see a black oak door set flush to the wall.

  Slowly you approach the gallery's railed parapet and peer down at an unnerving sight.

  Turn to 47.


  The challenge catches you off-guard and your mind races for an answer that you hope will sound convincing.

  ‘I've been sent here by my master to deliver an unholy relic,’ you say, patting your canvas haversack.

  The two guards stare at the satchel then look at each other and converse in a language you do not recognize.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-alchemy or Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If total score is now 5 or less, turn to 239.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 98.


  You push Banedon aside and dive to avoid the falling trap but, even though you act speedily, your legs are ensnared by the net and you are brought crashing to your knees.

  ‘Finish them both!’ snarls a voice, and a dozen trident-wielding Drakkarim leap from the shadows, eager to enact their master's command.

  Turn to 182.


  Your invisible shield fails to protect you fully against all of the speeding crossbow bolts. One penetrates its weakened bottom edge, bursting through with a splash of yellow sparks to gouge your thigh: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  Biting back the pain, you hurry towards the Death Knights, hoping to break through their line before they have a chance to reload and fire again. The sight of you surviving such a rain of missiles leaves many of their number staring open-mouthed with shock. You dodge through their line with ease, and by the time they realize that you have evaded them, and start to give chase, you have passed the junction and begun to run along the street opposite.

  Turn to 266.


  You lower Banedon to the floor and make him as comfortable as you can by propping him in a sitting position with his back against one of the statues. Then, despite your own fatigue, you use your innate healing skills in an attempt to revive him to consciousness. His pulse is weak and his skin is cold to the touch, and you can tell by his poor physical condition that he has been starved and beaten during his imprisonment here in Kaag. Placing your hands upon his brow, you feel some of your body warmth draining away as you concentrate on transmitting your healing powers to your injured friend. Slowly he responds, and although he is still too weak to speak, he manages to open his eyes and communicate with you telepathically.

  I know this chamber … he says, … I have been here before. Look there, at the statue opposite. You'll find a lever concealed at its side. It opens a hidden door.

  Guided by Banedon's messages you discover that there is indeed a lever as he described. You pull it and a panel in the stone wall glides open to reveal a secret alcove and flight of steps leading downwards. Noises in the tunnel warn you that Drakkarim are approaching and so, without hesitation, you shoulder your friend once more and hurry into the alcove to avoid them.

  Turn to 220.


  Fear rapidly turns to panic as the loathsome tide of insects comes crawling and scuttling towards your legs. You cast your eyes left and right, seeking escape, but before you can turn and run, you become the target of a new attack. From out of the hovering shadow there comes a crackling bolt of energy. Quickly it gathers speed as it hurtles directly towards your head.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 6.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 222.


  The stairs ascend to a chamber lined with wooden racks covered with saddlery, lances, tack, and all manner of Kraan kit. A single Drakkar occupies this musty room. He is asleep on a chair near to a window which overlooks a landing platform and the city far below. You are tempted to take hold of the snoring guard and force him to tell you where Banedon is being held, but you daren't risk being detected. If the guard should raise the alarm, your chances of finding and rescuing your friend will be greatly reduced.

  If you possess the Discipline of Kai-alchemy, turn to 326.

  If you do not, turn to 246.


  You land with a jolt that empties your lungs and sends red-hot pain lancing up your left leg. You have landed on a heap of broken bricks and rot-infested timbers, one of which has opened a deep gash along the back of your calf: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  Winded, disorientated, and in acute pain, you crawl across the slimy floor of this cellar towards a flight of steps. Then, with a chilling suddenness, your senses warn that you are not alone. From behind, a lanky grey-skinned humanoid form creeps from a shadowy hollow, snickering evilly. It leaps upon your back and scratches your face with its razor-sharp nails. You twist yourself free and hammer your elbow into its chest, sending it sprawling to the damp ground where it lies deathly still. You draw your weapon and prepare for combat, but this proves unnecessary. Your blow has crushed the creature's brittle rib cage, piercing its heart.

  If you possess the Discipline of Deliverance, turn to 225.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 130.


; You dive to the floor and, although you avoid the full impact of the fiery missile, it glances off your right shoulder, burning you badly. Lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have survived this wounding, turn to 196.


  Your Arrow penetrates the beast's skull and kills it instantaneously, although the momentum of its attack carries its hulking body forward for several yards before it finally crashes snout-first into the iron drawbridge floor, and tumbles head over heels.

  Turn to 247.


  Beyond the initial heaps of rubble this avenue is surprisingly clear of debris and obstructions. You are conscious that perhaps it is too clear, offering you no cover at all from the buildings which line this route to the centre of Kaag.

  You decide to trust to the ruins rather than run the risk of being detected out in the open. However, within a matter of minutes you are confronted by a new hazard. The ground in this section of the city is unsafe. It is riddled with pot-holes and concealed cellars, covered by rotten wooden beams and slabs of paper-thin plaster. Suddenly one such section gives way beneath your feet and you find yourself falling headlong into coal-black darkness.


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