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The Captives of Kaag

Page 10

by Joe Dever

The fell creature pins you to the ground and you feel its steely fingers clawing at your throat. In sheer desperation, you twist and writhe like a snake to free yourself from its deadly grip. For an instant its hold falters and you exploit this weakness to the full. Swiftly you bring your knees up to your chest and kick out at the creature's midriff whilst holding firm to the neck of its robe. The Helghast is sent tumbling over your shoulder to plummet, head-first, into the flame-filled moat.

  Open-mouthed, the two Drakkarim stumble to a halt and stare down into the crackling fire. Nervously they glance at each other, fearful of suffering a similar fate; then they turn and run towards the open chamber door. Determined not to let them escape, you give chase and catch up with them within a few yards of the entrance.


  If you win this combat, turn to 340.


  The torchlit stairs spiral down to a busy hall where several stairways and tunnels converge. You stay hidden in the shadows while you observe the creatures, mainly Giaks and Drakkarim, who are using this hall to move from one passage to another. All, without exception, are clad in uniforms which have been dyed a muddy shade of orange.

  After a short while, the hall clears and you hurry across it towards a tunnel directly opposite. It is the only exit from the hall to have been ignored by the flow of traffic, and you choose it in the hope that it will be empty of guards. An archway off the tunnel reveals a chamber where the floor appears to be carpeted with a fine grey-green dust. Your senses tingle with a premonition of danger as you stare at the phosphorescent lichen clinging to the rough-hewn walls. The glow from the lichen illuminates several stout pilasters supporting the vaulted ceiling and an arched exit on the far side. The surface of the dusty floor is perfectly flat, undisturbed by tracks of any kind.

  If you wish to cross the dusty floor and enter the archway opposite, turn to 301.

  If you choose to ignore this hall and continue along the tunnel, turn to 82.


  Coolly you face the advancing line of Death Knights. There is nowhere to run, and there are too many of the enemy to hope to avoid all of their deadly bolts. Upon their leader's command, the Death Knights take aim and fire, sending a dozen iron-tipped shafts whistling towards your chest. You dive aside, but even though your reflexes are lightning-fast, two of the missiles penetrate your heart, killing you instantly.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the dread city-fortress of Kaag.


  The moment you cease tapping on the lock, a powerful charge leaps from the surface of the door and explodes in your hand, knocking you backwards to the floor: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  Banedon, upon whom you landed when you fell to the floor, is far from impressed by your display of mental arithmetic and he asks to be allowed to see the lock for himself. You heave him onto your shoulder once more and carry him to the door. Even in his weakened state it takes him less than two seconds to arrive at a solution. Eight, he says, telepathically.

  You apologize to him, and then tap the lock eight times, secretly hoping that he is correct, for you do not relish the thought of receiving a second bolt from this door.

  Turn to 8.


  Your Sixth Sense prickles with the presentiment of danger. You can feel the presence of a hostile magical being who, although not in this chamber, is somewhere very near. Fearful of the risk of being trapped in this dingy crypt, you unsheathe your weapon and back slowly towards the door, your eyes scanning all around for the merest hint of movement. Then, suddenly, the heavy portal slams shut with a mighty crash that reverberates in your ears. Before you have time to take a breath there is another sound, stone grating on stone, which draws your eyes to the fire-blackened chair.

  Turn to 167.


  The floor of the tunnel is gently sloped and, as it ascends, you notice the temperature steadily becoming much cooler. At length it opens out into a dimly lit chamber where the stone floor is strewn with wood-shavings soiled by dung and dried blood. As you enter, you hear an inhuman snickering sound coming from among the maze of stout pillars that support the roof. The sound causes you immediately to draw your weapon; you have heard this cry once before, and although it was several years ago, you have not forgotten the creature who made it.

  Slowly, from out of the shadows come three hulking beasts, their yellow cat-like eyes glinting malevolently. Your fears are confirmed: they are Egorghs, massive wild bear-like creatures native to the stormy northern coasts of the Darklands. Stirred by the promise of fresh meat, they advance towards you and make ready to launch an attack with fang and claw.

  If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 233.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master skill, turn to 318.


  Very well, minion of Zagarna, rumbles the voice. Display proof of your allegiance to your master and you shall be allowed to pass beyond this chamber.

  The echoing voice has barely faded when suddenly the tiny flames of the pool are transformed into a hundred roaring jets of white fire. A wave of searing heat forces you to retreat from the pool's edge and, as you cower behind the protection of your cloak, you try to think of a way to satisfy the voice's command.

  If you possess a Statuette of Zagarna, turn to 336.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 87.


  The flaming Arrow strikes the creature in the centre of its chest and punches straight through the iron-hard shell. With a look of pained surprise fixed upon its ugly face, the beast shrieks loudly and paws at the shaft quivering in its breast. Then its scarlet eyes roll back in their sockets and it crashes limply to the ground.

  Turn to 150.


  With deadly accuracy, you draw an Arrow and let fire at the crawling Drakkarim guard. At such short range the shaft penetrates his iron backplate, killing him instantly.

  Quickly you descend the iron stairs and drag his limp body out of sight, fearful that it may be seen by a passing patrol. As you are moving him, you notice that he has two chains around his neck. To one there is attached a Whistle; to the other a Brass Key. (If you would like to keep either of these Backpack Items, mark your Action Chart accordingly.)

  Once you are satisfied that the body is well hidden, you climb the stairs and carefully push open the heavy door. At the end of a short corridor there is a landing where a gallery overlooks the cavernous lower level. Nearby there is a staircase, leading downwards, and to your right a black oak door set flush to the wall.

  Slowly you approach the gallery's railed parapet and peer down at an unnerving sight.

  Turn to 47.


  You enter the nearest building through a stable door in the north wall. Inside, you narrowly avoid colliding with a Drakkarim warrior who is carrying two buckets of water, one in either hand. Your speedy reflexes, and your Kai camouflage skills, prevent this. They also prevent him from seeing you enter. You follow him and soon find yourself in a cavernous hall which is divided into scores of small pens. Each pen is barred with iron gates which keep secure the Doomwolves that are stabled within. You use your Magnakai skill of Animal Control to mask your scent, but even so, some of the larger Doomwolves are becoming noticeably restless in your presence.

  You leave the hall by an archway which leads to a long, narrow passage. You have taken less than a dozen steps when you see a group of Drakkarim approaching in the distance. The passage is dark, but it is too narrow to risk hiding here; the Drakkarim would likely brush against you as they passed.

  Looking around for a way to avoid them, you notice two doors, one on either side of the passageway.

  If you wish to enter the door to your left, turn to 272.

  If you choose to enter the door to your right, turn to 244.


  You have been working on the lock for nearly twenty minutes when suddenly you hear the clang of an alarm bell. Seconds later a tr
oop of armoured Drakkarim and Giak soldiers comes rushing into the chamber and spreads out in an attempt to surround you and Banedon. You draw your weapon and fight bravely, dispatching more than fifty of the enemy, but they receive a constant stream of reinforcements and, when finally your strength fails you, you are overwhelmed by the merciless denizens of Kaag.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here.


  You unsheathe the sun-sword and hold it before your face. At once a golden halo of flame bursts from its polished blade, causing the Helghast to shriek in alarm as it recognizes the power you wield. It breaks off its advance and staggers back towards the bridge, desperate to flee its nemesis. Determinedly you chase after this evil being and, as it reaches the drawbridge, you come to within a sword's length of its spine.

  ‘Die, foul spawn!’ you cry, and with one fell sweep of your arm, you cleave the demonic creature cleanly in two.

  The sundered halves of the Helghast fall from the bridge to be consumed by the hungry flames. Open-mouthed, the two Drakkarim stumble to a halt and stare down into the moat. Nervously they glance at each other, fearful of suffering a similar fate; then they turn and run towards the open door. Determined not to let them escape, you give chase and catch up with them within a few yards of the entrance.


  If you win this combat, turn to 340.


  Not daring to move a muscle, you watch the Drakkarim guard as he repeatedly attempts to light his pipe. On his sixth attempt he manages to cause the braid to smoulder. However, his success is short-lived. Calling upon your Magnakai skill of Nexus, you extinguish the braid by force of will. Cursing foully, the Drakkar hurls it to the floor in frustration, and then turns and throws open the heavy iron door to go in search of a more reliable light. In his anger and haste he leaves his spear behind. With your weapon at the ready, you advance to the top of the stairs and approach the door.

  If you wish to pick up the Drakkar's spear, turn to 140.

  If you choose to ignore the spear, turn to 194.


  You move quietly to a new position, directly opposite the tower, and wait for the traffic of Giaks and Drakkarim to disperse. The street is soon empty and you get ready to make your move.

  You sprint across the now-empty street and crouch at the base of the tower wall. The brick surface is plastered with powdery grey cement and, as you look up at the roof twenty feet above, you steel yourself for what could prove to be a difficult climb.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess a Rope, add 1 to the number you have picked. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2.

  If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 253.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 198.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 63.


  You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and slowly you feel yourself rising out of the pool of dust. The moment your feet clear the surface, you reach out, take hold of the arched entrance, and pull yourself to safety.

  Your submersion has cost you your money pouch and one item from your Backpack, lost when you first fell into the dusty pool. Erase all your Gold Crowns, and the first item recorded on your Backpack Items list.

  As the effects of the spell wear off, you leave this sinister chamber and head off along the tunnel.

  Turn to 82.


  The fireball skims your back before impacting against a distant wall. Your swift reflexes have saved you from injury but now you find yourself lying face down in the seething carpet of insects. You feel them creeping and slithering across your skin; then your psychic senses tingle with a sudden realization. These are no ordinary insects; in fact these are not insects at all. Your Sixth Sense tells you that they are merely a clever illusion created to panic and deceive you. Confident in this knowledge, you get to your feet, ignoring the mass of creepy-crawlies that are attached in clumps to your body. Then, in a matter of seconds, the insect horde fades and vanishes, the illusion dispelled by your disbelief in its existence.

  Turn to 281.


  Behind the chair, the tapestry is suddenly torn aside and you find yourself staring at a creature swathed in a hooded orange cloak. It sidesteps the chair and shrieks a defiant curse as it raises a warty, taloned fist. In the next instant you see it hurl a cube of shiny black stone, which comes streaking through the air towards your face.

  If you wish to attempt to dodge this missile, turn to 117.

  If you choose to try to bat it aside with your weapon turn to 322.


  You draw your weapon and hold it in your right hand whilst supporting your friend with your left. Then, with a nod of your head, you indicate the Zlanbeast that is perched outside on the platform and whisper to Banedon that it will soon be your transport out of Kaag. He nods his approval and cautiously you take your first few steps into the pen.

  An unexpected sound makes you look up and, to your horror, you see a weighted net falling from the ceiling directly onto your heads.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–4, turn to 27.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 262.


  You throw yourself down to avoid the fiery missiles and the stream passes over your head, missing you by inches. They rip into a pillar supporting the tunnel ceiling, and sever it cleanly in two. Then there is a thunderous roar and, in the blink of an eye, a whole section of the roof collapses, burying one of the dragon-creatures beneath hundreds of tons of iron and stone.

  Illustration IX—The dragon leaps forward and lashes out with its fiery blade.

  For several seconds you stare at the remaining creature through a cloud of choking dust. Then, as if prompted by a silent command, you are both galvanized into action. The dust clears and a flaming sword appears in the dragon's paw. With stunning suddenness, it leaps forwards and lashes out with its fiery blade.

  Nadziran (in dragon guise, with flame-sword): COMBAT SKILL 46 ENDURANCE 40

  This creature possesses strong psychic ability. Unless you possess the Discipline of Kai-screen, deduct 2 ENDURANCE points every round you are in combat due to its relentless psychic assault.

  If you win the combat, turn to 76.


  The corridor wends a tortuous route through a series of interconnecting caverns and chambers. Some are occupied by lowly Giak slaves engaged in menial tasks, none of whom notice your stealthy passing.

  After nearly an hour you arrive at a large hall which is littered with stout trestle tables and wooden benches. A squad of thirty Drakkarim are seated around the largest table, hungrily devouring a foul-smelling feast of meat and wine. You note that most are unarmed, their weapons having been heaped upon an adjoining table prior to the feasting.

  From the shadowy cover of an alcove you listen to their idle chatter, hoping to glean clues as to the location of Zagarna's courtroom, but, unfortunately, your patience goes unrewarded. These troops seem preoccupied with exaggerating the success of ambushes which they have launched recently upon their enemies in the streets around the citadel. However, from this barrack-room talk you do learn two interesting facts about the struggle taking place within Kaag. The two warring factions are fighting principally for control over the Giak spawning vats located in the dungeons of the citadel. The vats are the key to power here; they produce both an unending supply of fresh troops and a source of raw food for whoever controls them.

  Anxious to continue your quest, you resolve to leave the hall by an archway on the far side. Although confident that your camouflage skills will keep you hidden from the Drakkarim, the hall is well-lit and there is a slim chance that you could be seen.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery
, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is 3 or less, turn to 210.

  If it is 4 or more, turn to 256.


  You leave the fetid watercourse and enter a passage which takes you further south, towards the centre of this hellish metropolis. Everywhere there is decay and dereliction. Once-grand buildings lie in ruins and every surface is beslimed with nameless refuse. Soon you happen upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen Giak dead. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a feast of Giak meat.

  The distant clang and clash of steel tell you that the fighting is not over; it has simply moved on. The noise prompts you to crouch in a darkened doorway for cover whilst you consider your next course of action. From this position you survey the street and notice a narrow stairway, directly opposite, which leads down to a crypt door. You focus on the dark portal and sense at once that it is open and unguarded.

  If you wish to cross the street and investigate the crypt, turn to 228.

  If you choose to ignore the crypt, turn to 303.


  Eventually you clear this section of the city and find yourself in the midst of a once-grand building which now lies derelict. Through one of its shattered windows you look out upon a concourse littered with more than a dozen dead Giak. Their posture, and the nature of their wounds, tell of a savage street battle fought here within the last few hours. Perched on nearby rooftops are a flock of vulture-like birds, cawing delightedly, their bellies distended by a surfeit of Giak meat.


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