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The Consumed

Page 2

by Kyle J Cisco

  Virgil was being revitalized through combat. He swung the hammer in a loop and caught one of the fanatics in the center of his chest. A wet thud told Virgil he had collapsed the man's chest the blow knocked the man to the ground twitching and gasping for air. He followed the blow through catching another with the large spike which sat upon the back end of the hammer. The force of the hammer crashing into the man lifting him into the air as he was impaled by the spike.

  The audible clash of steel on steel was all he needed to hear to know that his friends were not far behind. As he turned to check his rear a bolt struck a foe directly behind him in the eye. The hooded man's blade raised above Virgil.

  He took notice and nodded back to Natasha, who nodded back and fired another bolt that caught another of the foes in the chest. Virgil ducked an incoming blow and raised the hammer catching the second strike with his hammer. As he switched to a one handed hold on the weapon delivering a savage energy enhanced punch that sent the man plummeting to the ground.

  "Strigoi! Look to the skies!" Deater's voice reached over the cacophony of battle.

  As he looked skyward the leathery black wings the spread about eight feet across. In a sweep of motion the wings folded inward around the man who bore the wings and it dove in toward the combat. Bolts struck out at the creature from the men on the ground and Natasha to no avail. It grew closer to the ground opened its wings and slammed into Virgil. The force of the blow, threw him to the ground. A cloud of dust and leaf particles were launched into the air with the impact.

  The shadow of the creature envelpoing Virgil as it moved closer. He rolled and avoided a blow. A blade of silver bit deep into the ground where Virgil had been. His roll ended in a jerking motion that got him back on his feet regaining his hammer in the process in time to save himself from decapitation from the silver blade. Virgil looked and saw the wrinkled face of what must have been a man before taken by the vampiric disease of the Strigoi.

  "Who, is it that comes to my land armed for war?" said the Strigoi. It gnarled sounding voice assaulted Virgil's ears.

  "Those, who would bring light to this domain of evil," Virgil replied as the clash of weapons was broken. With a push from his foe, that sent him back several feet.

  Virgil took the attack to his enemy, he spun the hammer with immense force, but the Stragoi were known for their lighting fast reflexes which proved he would need to use other means to defeat this foe. He sent forth a tendril of red that grasped the Strigoi by the throat. As he ran in to deliver the final blow. He turned the hammer so the spike would impale his foe. But as he grew close and began to chop down with the hammer, he was knocked onto his back by a wall of red energy that came forth from the Strigoi.

  "So much to learn about the magic you attempt to wield. You should stick with the magic of the light," said the Strigoi as it moved closer and raised its hand.

  The Strigoi then sent a tendril of energy that suspended, Virgil, in the air. His feet dangled as they thrashed in frantic movements to find purchase on the ground. One of the ends of the tendril that strung him up snaked up around Virgil's neck and began to close off his windpipe. His vision began to darken as his oxygen deprived body started to shut down.

  A blinding light came from the right side of Virgil, breaking the Strigoi grasp of the tendril just before losing consciousness. His body slammed into the ground as he lay there Virgil saw Laura hammering away at the Strigoi who tried desperately to block the incoming blows from the new opponent. A hand came to rest on his shoulder as Natasha helped him back to his feet. He grasped the handle of the hammer and plunged into combat once more taking out two of the fanatics, then closing into combat with the Strigoi. He dodged a slash. As he returned with his own, the fiendish Strgoi was able to escape the blow. Virgil stepped back and renewed his assault. His blow was parried into the black dirt and was caught with a heavy handed blow that staggered him back.

  Blood poured from Virgil's cheek, the Strigoi sniffed the air as he caught the scent from the wound on his cheek. In only a few seconds after the scent was caught the strigoi began to change into its feral form. Claws extended breaking through the skin and armored gauntlets which had covered its hands, it peeled through the metal like a can opener.

  The beast roared as it charged toward Virgil. It slammed into the side of him as he was distracted with another foe taking him down. In a flash of motion the Strigoi was already using its razor sharp claws in an attempt to open Virgil's armored chest plate to devour the heart that lie beating like a drum in his chest.

  He reached out for his hammer but could only touch it with the end of his middle finger. In desperation he grabbed the dagger at his side and drove it deep into the beasts ribcage. It sprung from atop of his body and stumbled back as it worked to remove the blade. It wouldn't have the time for Virgil was already upon him. Hammer met bone as the head of the great war-hammer smashed into the beasts face. He then raised his hand and with a blast threw the strigoi back into a tree. It crumpled to the ground for only a moment before it uncurled it large wings and leapt into the air. It let loose a savage howl that pierced Virgil's eardrums.

  As fast as the engagement started it was over the fanatic thralls of the Strigoi sprinted back into the forest following their undead master. The screams of the wounded that still clung to life hung thick in the air. Battle brothers and fanatics alike lay prone on the ground pools of blood outlining the bodies of the fallen.

  "Captain, report?" said Virgil as he made his way toward Deater.

  "The enemy is in full retreat, High Chaplain, but we paid for it with three good men," Deater said. As he lowered his head with the mention of the dead.

  "May the mother watch over them. Take their bodies back to the ship, we are not to bury them on this forsaken ground," Virgil said.

  He walked the field in which the ambush happened and checked the thralls that had fallen to make sure they would not rise against them again. Virgil found his way to Laura.

  "Thank you for the help Sister Laura," he said.

  "My duty in to protect, you High Chaplain Virgil, I am under strict orders from, the Executor, himself." Her reply reminded Virgil that he had not picked her for this mission, but Evon insisted she go with them.

  "Yes, he told me that much. Are you alright I saw the hit you took as I was charging back in on it?" Virgil asked.

  "I can assure you I have taken worse hits, Virg- I mean High Chaplain," replied Laura. "I appologi-"

  "Please, you may call me Virgil. But if you'll excuse me we need to get moving once our dead are put on the ship."

  "Yes, sir," she replied giving, Virgil, a formal salute.

  He then made his way to the head of the column which formed up as the group waited for the order to move out once more. His hope was to make it more inland to find a position that would be good and defensible for a camp. Now with the enemy knowing of their arrival to the island it would be even more important now.

  "Our deceased have been loaded and I ordered a small contingent of men to guard the ship and its crew."

  "Good work, Captain. Men lets move out!" Virgil said. The company heard the command and instantly began to move in perfect step with each other toward the center of the island. Natasha, and Laura caught up with Deater and Virgil in the front of the formation. Virgil set the pace for the march as he moved with relentless speed.

  For an hour or so they moved at the quickened pace. The heavily armored men kept up but began to tire in their plate armor in the sun of the mid afternoon sun. They had come out of the forest sometime ago as the landscape of the island changed from wooded areas to a more desolate field of gravel upon which only a few dead or dying trees stood. The map showed a minor mountain range in the center of the island over the horizon in front of them. This was his goal but they would need to hurry if they were to make it to the foot of those mountains before night fell. Virgil was not curious enough to find out what dwelled on these rocky plains in the dark of night.

  Nightfall appr
oached as the sky above turned from blue to an immaculate shade of purples and reds. They had traveled since they docked at midday and then men were by now exhausted. As was Virgil and the others, it was time to give in and make camp before they reached the mountains or they would be caught in the open at night.

  "Make camp," Virgil ordered. "Lets get a guard set up and send out a patrol. Natasha can we get a fire going these men are going to need some food. Laura, can you conceal the light from the fire with one of your spells?"

  "Yes," Laura replied.

  "Then make it happen," said Virgil. "I want a full perimeter set up, now get to it men."

  Men moved about as they worked on the various tasks for the construction of a makeshift camp. Some pilled rocks to make mounds and other earthworks that would function as defensive positions. Virgil admired the dedication of the men, he helped where he could but most of the other brothers would show him off for doing such menial labor. Virgil being of the position he was now at felt the disconnection with the common brother of the order now. He had been told by those who lead before him that it was a lonely thing to be in a position such as High Chaplain, but he never had taken any of that serious. Now being in the position he could see first hand the desolation of command. For other than Natasha he had no one other than the executor to confide in nowadays. Rex I wish you were here to guide me in the times ahead.

  Night fell upon the camp enshrouding the world in darkness, the crecent moon the only source of light in the night sky. Stars speckled the panoramic view of the sky above. A chill wind blew through the plains from the mountains in the distance.

  The camp had been errected in crude fashion. Piles of rocks stood amongst the camp as outcroppings where the guards could survey the surrounding waste land of gravel. A large barrle like pile had been made around the fire, to block the wind and the light from escaping, giving them away on the desolate plain.

  Light from the moon provided some extra light to the guards who watched the barren rock laden plains before them. This would give Virgil, and his men some advantage even though it may be small to see a sneaking enemy before they are able to reach the outer defenses of the camp. Along with the guards stations on the rock mound earthworks round the perimeter Deater had made sure to send out a party of brothers to patrol the perimeter. Virgil was grateful for the Captains high standard for the security of the camp.

  He starred upward into the sky as he scanned for the movement of the Strigoi. Paranoia was the cause of this, not knowing for sure if it would have followed them this far inland or what. But somehow he would have to fight it again. He made his way to the center of the camp where another mound was erected the large circle was made to conceal the fire burning within. Upon rounding the corner of the entrance the heat of the fire assaulted his face. It felt great in the cold night air on the island. The rocky plains were constantly berated by whipping winds coming from the direction on the mountains.

  After a few moments in front of the blaze, Virgil left the warmth of the fire for the more desolate area of the camp. He had decided to walk along the perimeter alone. It was rare for Virgil to get such times of solitude in the days since his rise to office of High Chaplain. Since his return from the forest of the dead things had changed in a flash. The entire order had been shaken to it core. A howl in the distance caught his attention for a moment. It was nothing just an animal.

  Out of nowhere something heavy slammed into Virgil's back jarring him from his feet and throwing him into the ground. He rolled as he hit the ground. He could taste blood, and could feel its warm sensation as it dripped down the middle of his lip from a gash that opened up from his collision with the ground. A growl sounded behind him as he heard the horn that beckoned for aid in the distance from the perimeter patrol.

  As he turned he could see the Strigoi as it strode toward him. Its talons poised and ready to carve his body to pieces. He acted on instinct as he rolled again dodging a thrust from the beast, while he grabbed for the war-hammer which rested on his back. As he brought it to bear just in time to catch a blow. The claws scrapped against the handle of the large weapon. Virgil kicked the beast as he broke free from the clash of talons on hammer. With a vicious overhand blow Virgil swung the hammer contacting with the chest of the Strigoi. It stumbled but was unphased by the blow. It released it wings and jumped into the air. Virgil saw his chance and lunged and yanked on its leg which brought the beast crashing back to the earth. Dust rose from the spot where it had landed. But he did not linger He charged into the dust cloud and smashed the spiked end of the hammer into the Strigoi's chest. It released a gasp of what could have been a howl for help but the blow had collapsed it lungs.

  "Here comes the patrol!" A guard said.

  The guard was atop one of the rock piles in the camp, his finger pointed toward the east. Screams of pain and fear came echoing across the distance between the camp and the patrol. Virgil stepped atop another of the mounds and saw the cause. Two more of the ruthless Strigoi flooded the group as they took turns to swoop down on the soldiers.

  Virgil jumped from the stack of rocks, as he sprinted toward to beleaguered brother of the order. Not sure of his plan he continued his pace until he reached the men.

  "Hold your ground and form tortoise formation" virgil said.

  In the blink of an eye the men had stopped the mad retreat toward the camp and did as Virgil had said making the tight formation. A Strigoi dove on the men this time with no affect other than to rip one of the shields from a brother. By the time the next one dove it was too late Virgil had formulated the plan in his mind and acted without hesitation. He ran as fast as he could and vaulted himself off one of the shields in the formation of men and grabbed the legs of the strigoi in midair. Both fell to the ground with an audible thud. Virgil able to rise first was on top of his foe before it could realize what had brought it down smashing the hammer into the side of its head it went down once more. But this time it did not rise again. Virgil with one more good smash crushed the rest of the beast skull. Brain matter from the thing littered the ground beneath its bloodied and beaten head.

  As the first one fell the second was eager to take revenge on the man that had killed its partner. It swept down toward virgil its black wings carried it with a speed that could hardly be imagined by a normal man. But as it got closer bolt after bolt peppered the wings of the beast. This barrage caused the beast to lose the momentum of its flight and plummet to the earth.

  A different sound came from behind Virgil as he turned he could see the thralls as they barreled forward. He swung his hammer wide to the left as it caught the first of them in the chest and throwing the man to ground. But claws stopped the hammer in mid swing as the Srtigoi had apparently recovered from the fall to the earth. It ripped Virgil from the ground and tossed him as if he were a toy. As he crashed into the ground all the air released from his lungs under the force of the contact. He lay prone on his back for a moment as his chest heaved for air to no avail. Virgil heard the thud of the Strigoi as it grew closer to him. Finally his breath though ragged evened out and he rolled a second before the claws came for him. They missed the center of his body but one of the deadly talons went through the meat of his bicep. Pain flared in his right arm as he completed the roll. The claw forced to exit his body at an odd angle only made the wound bigger.

  The roll ended and Virgil swung the hammer toward the beast and caught its shoulder which only forced it to the side for enough time to regain his footing. It came at Virgil its breath puffed with anger at the skill of it prey. The blow came and Virgil dodged it. While he brought the hammer to bear once more against the beast but only grazing the surface of the Strigoi's back. It then shifted connecting with its wing. It was enough to stun Virgil for just a moment as it turned and brought the claws in for a savage blow. He dropped the hammer and grabbed the hands of the Strigoi as the claws were but an inch from his chest plate. He said the incantation from the black book and felt the power well up inside him. The palms of h
is hands glowed with a red hue. With a kick he ducked while releasing the grip on the beasts hands. The thing flew with the momentum of its hands forward as Virgil tripped it. Fallen on its face and exposed Virgil gripped one of the leathery black wings and with a strength beyond his own tore it from the Strigoi's back. Blood streamed from the wound as it howled in pain.

  It turned in a fit of rage slamming its intact wing into Virgil once more which knocked him off balance for long enough for the Strigoi to get up and charge at him. Hit with a force like a bull Virgil slammed into the ground. Claws poised for the final blow. His hands still glowed from the power of his rage Virgil thrust his hand forward and into the beasts chest breaking through the skin. He found the heart of his foe and moved his hand through the wet cavity of its chest. The creature sprung from atop Virgil and fell to the ground. Blood poured from the wound like dam being broken as it released the pent up energy of the river behind it. Triumphant Virgil stood holding the Strigoi's still beating heart in his hand. The red hue excentuated by the blood which covered his arm. He tossed it to the ground as he picked his hammer from the ground. The blow sent the spike through the head of the Strigoi as it writhed in pain on the ground. After the blow it lay silent.

  The din of battle still came from different corners of the camp. The sound of prayers from the ones left to die above all else was the realization that the mission might have been a mistake. Virgil made his way toward the sounds of battle that were closest to him. Fanatics howled in guttural voices at the arrival of new prey. Virgil took up a one handed grip on the hammer while he used a throwing knife to kill the first man. The knife stuck from the man's chest and stopped him cold in his tracks. The others saw the death of their companion and kept their advance. Virgil swung the hammer one handed as it built up momentum with the force of his body and brought it down upon the lead man crushing him into the ground. The other man struck but Virgil in the swing that took out the first man was already past were the blade had been aimed. With almost no effort the second man was taken out with a follow through of the same swing the crumpled his friend.


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