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The Consumed

Page 7

by Kyle J Cisco

  "Yes,, Virgil, this is a creepy looking Forest. Don't you think?"

  "I'm not particularly fond of forests," said Virgil.

  Virgil headed deeper into the forest, Trying to avoid more questions from Deater. That seems futile Peter quickly caught up and continued the conversation for Several minutes. French in the forest drew their attention, finally shutting up Capt. Deater and his questions. The sound of Deater sword scraping the inside of the sheath as he removed it. Back to back the man stood scanning each side of the forest. Another crunch came from Forest , as Frederick emerged from the underbrush. His Blade in hand.

  "Did you hear that? Did you see anything?" Frederick asked.

  "No. We didn't hear shit." Deater said, As he's started to put his sword back in its sheath.

  "Do you know what is, Frederick?" Asked Virgil.

  "The only thing I can think of Forest such as this would have to be the leshy," said Frederick.

  "What the abyss is a leshy?" Deater asked.

  "It's a creature, that under normal circumstance messes with children that wander alone in a Forest," said Virgil. "I think it's bullshit Leshy are not known for attacking armed men."

  "Yes But, ones that are tainted by darkness are much more dangerous. These Leshy would not think twice about taking on an entire column of armed men. These can grow up to 7 feet tall, and can rip a man in half, Without even trying." Frederick said.

  The third crash in the branches of the underbrush halted the conversation. Something dark moved behind the bush, Virgil move to the Bush deliev is on the ground crunching once more behind the bushes a hairy creature exploded from the bush on top of Virgil. The brown fur looked up untamed course. Virgil could feel his arm are being scraped by the razor sharp claws, as they tried to dig through his thick chest plate. He spat out curses I can only be heard as in audible mumbles. As he was raised from the ground, he braced mentally for the impact as he was hurled into a nearby tree. Two bolts struck into the Leshy's chest. Staggering the beast back, And Giving Virgil enough time to stand. The effect did not last long it only reached up and snapped both the bolts shafts in half. It closed in on Virgil again.

  This time Virgil was ready, hammer already in an arc swinging towards the Leshy's rib cage. The hammer pounded into the beast with such destructive Force it caused the Leshy to stagger back. It howled in pain, but this was the chance to finish the fight and so he would. Virgil confronted the fallen foe in front of him. It was then three more less she's jumped from the outer line of the Forest. One immediately took a bolt to the face that dropped it instantly to the ground. The other had gone for Deater. Frederick shot towards Deater and the Leshea he was fighting. That's when the other lashing the one that he had not seen creeping up behind him pounced.

  It toppled Frederick to the ground, Virgil with the fury trying to get to the man. He may not have trusted him, But he would not let him die. The breaking through the one he was fighting was not easy it has now recovered and was taking the fight Virgil. He we've through striking clause reaching out for vital areas. But was not caught by any of the strikes making his way to where Frederick lie on the ground as the Leshy tried to dig through his unprotected chest. Virgil had decided the man was worth saving.

  The hammer landed it's fatal blow on the side of the lashes head. It's deformed face looked up at Virgil as it lay motionless on the ground. One of the claws pierced into virgil's elbow, he groaned in pain. You could see the claws sticking out the front of his elbow, the blood flow Down his arm leaving red residue streaking down Virgil's forearm grieve. As his other hand crossed his body, another jagged claw burst through virgil's shoulder blade.

  You drop to the ground the pain overwhelming his mind, he looked up and saw Frederick lying on the ground. The clause left his body, is The Leshy poised for the final blow. Virgil waited with patient anticipation, Yet nothing happened. He rose to his feet drawing is staggering and turning simultaneously to see that the less she had fallen bolts littered the fur of his back. The many wounds all pouring blood soaking most of the furniture red clumps.

  "So as you were saying, Frederick," Virgil said.

  "I believe we were talking of lashes sir," said Frederick period

  "Yes, something about feral darkness tainted ones."

  The attack had been small, but unusual, because feral Leshy's never hunt alone!


  Smell of death permeated the air the Festering stink of rotting flesh was heavy on the breeze. Almost unbearable to some, but Eve on was used to this smell. Since the last assault on the broken wall, the courtyard was cleared of all the bodies and the rubble strewn about. Yet the ground was Still covered in the blood of the fallen.

  Since the council meeting with the vassal Lords, Evon had decided that he would begin to send some of the vassal reinforcements, to the edge of the dead Forest to set up camp. This call had been made when it became evident they would not be able to hold the Fortress of light.

  Although he did not want to be the first executor to relinquish control of the fortress of light since the time of Dvorak. It was beyond his control now, now they waited for the hammer to fall one last Time.

  Evon made his way to the hole in the wall. Where you had set up the Vanguard, and where he would make his stand. Only the Vanguard remained in the fortress at this point. All of the other men had been evacuated by now. Horns began to sound distance.

  Evon gripped the Hilton of the sword as he pulled free from the sheath. Design and laying on the blade was highlighted by the solitary beam of light to Shinedown on the fortress through the dark clouds above.

  "this this is where we hold them. Now, I want most of you to make it out of here alive," said Evon.

  The first wave grew closer as the ground began to rumble underneath Evon's feet. Though the sound was non-of foot soldiers, what is the clattering of claws on rock they had released the beasts known as Grandi. Four-legged creatures with the maw that could swallow a man whole. They're black fur was intersperse with the red streams of blood. But, they did not have ordinary blood their blood burned thousands of degrees hotter than humans. This made killing them a Challenge to say the least.

  As the men around verger realized what came for them, they began to turn in flea in panic.

  "hold this line my brothers!" Said Eva.

  Upon hearing the words of their leader once more they turned and headed back toward the hole in the wall. He had inspired them into dying. The odds are not good for their survival. But he was determined to buy time for the others he had sent to the camp. All he needed to do was buy them time. This was no position wanted his men to be in, but this was the decision that had to be made. He was not sure of his own survival, and even if he did survive it would be one hell of a fight the Entire way back to the camp.

  He could see the enemy now three or more Grandi had been released upon them. This is no time for contemplation. They crossed the smoke that littered the Battlefield. The Grandi split into three groups two of them going for the undefended right and left side of the section of broken wall, while the other went toward to opening. Soon they will be surrounded on three sides, and they're only exiting being the Northern gate. Evon glanced to his left spotting what he wanted in an instant. He moved towards the following shields on the ground picked one that wasn't too heavily damaged and held it ready.

  The clatter of paws up on the ground grew louder, As the beasts approached. Growling and howling came and without warning the two beasts the flanked on either side jumped over the wall. They moved in from each side encircling Evon and his men.

  "hold your ground, stick together fight as unit and they will not overcome us," Evon said.

  The flesh of the beast clattered upon the steel of the man who defended the fortress, the din of battle sounded loud with in the Courtyard. Evon watched as man after man on flanks were torn apart by the foul beasts. He made his move wadding into the fray, sword in hand swung to and fro blocking and striking the nearest of the beasts. One of the beast razor
sharp claws pierced the chest plate of Evon's armor. It had missed his flesh, however the did not dull the pain. Evon staggered back, as he recovered from the blow. With only a second to react to duct another blow aimed at his unprotected head. This time gathering the strength within him to fight back.

  The raucous sounds of more of his men dying behind him, did not ease Evon's mind. All three of the vicious Grundy were now thrashing in the middle of the formation of men. However their enemy left nothing to chance.

  Avon putting gas in one of the grandi's thick necks, it expelled a river of blood that toward fourth on to the courtyard ground. With one down now he could focuses his team I'm taking down the other two simultaneously. As they did this Evon prepared for the next assault which was surely following behind the Vicious beasts. He alone stood clogging the breach in the wall. Is shining sword tainted with the stain of blood.

  The Horn blew signaling the next assault. This is when the thunder started only it wasn't thunder but the footsteps of thousands of men closing in on the position that eve on alone held. This might be my time, but if it is I'm taking some bastards with me.

  A horde of Hillman broke through the smoke on the battlefield, as they charged forth in a frenzy. The lead man carried the banner, which was decorated with the skulls of fallen enemies. Notice of that banner also carried the heavy onyx spearhead at the top of it. As the frenzied man's eyes locked onto Evon who stood alone and breach. The savage released a feral war cry, that would have broken spirit of any normal man. However, Evon stood his ground even in the face of incredible odds and certain death. The crest of rubble that Evon stood on was Sturdy he waited eager for the enemy to reach the top of the mound. The standard bearer was the first up, taking a savage swing which aims to decapitate Evon. Ready for the blow he was able to duck avoiding the strike. He came back with one of his own as he bashed the shield into the side of the frenzied man's head.

  The savage man staggered back as he expelled at least two teeth from the interior of his mouth. Then charged once more at Evon. Though just as the man thrust Evon parried to the side and brought the blade up in a furious chop that severed the mans head in two leaving only the bottom of the mans jaw remaining on the still standing body. A fast kick dropped the corpse to the ground as the other men around their tribe leader piled into combat with Evon. Though he had fallen back to the area where his men were formed back into ranks and ready to meet the new foe in combat.

  Some of the crazed warriors jumped down upon the defenders, most impaling themselves upon the up raised spears of the defenders. Evon, raised his sword and charged into the emery as they closed to within five feet. The formation behind him doing the same. The chaos of combat ensued, though this was were Evon was truly at home. He parried and slashed at foes that came in on him. The pile of dead hillmen grew at his feet, as more and more made the mistake of crossing blades with the once famed weapon master.

  The fight lasted but a few mins before the group ran back across the field into the smoke of smoldering ashes left burning. Evon, however knew this was not the end. He moved his men back through the gate of the citadel and out the other side where they raced to the northern gate. The enemy footfalls close of their heels. Evon didn't dare look back though, as his men reached the gate and began working the lever to close the evil within, a mass of goblins and hillmen raced at the survivors, which only numbered about twenty in total.

  Evon charged into combat that hoped would slow the enemies advance, enough to get the gate most of the way closed. Through the sound of combat he heard the phrase he dreaded.

  "Its jammed!" said the battle brother working the chain to the heavy iron gate.

  Evon sighed as he parried another blow from the unskilled enemies he faced. Theres only one way to make sure the gate is closed. He bolted up the stairs to the gate house. An arrow struck the back of his leg as he leaped two steps at a time up the stairs. The jolt of pain tripped him up, his body tumbled a few steps back. He spun his blade back catching a goblin unsuspecting in the abdomen. Then kicked the body from his blade, as he raised to his feet and continued up the stairs the arrow embedded in his leg.

  Evon crested the stairs, and turned to block a blow that was aimed for the back of his head. The clash of swords brought him face to face with a large hillman that kicked Evon in the ribs sending him careening into the stone wall. The sound of his plate as it slammed into the wall, renewed his furry. His blade swung in on the large savage, but was caught by the crude onyx sword blade. The man bore tattoos that covered his entire face, the runes something Evon had studied upon joining the order. Signs of the tribes devotion to the shadow Kingdom.

  Evon smashed the heel of his steel boots into the man's cloth covered foot, which broke the stalemate of their clashed blades. He then went on the attack, sending slash after slash at the man only to be parried each time by the blackened blade. Finally a heathen worth killing.

  He ducked a blow and came up with a thrust that would have skewed the man, but he had dodged the blow and countered with a heavy fist to Evon's face. The man's knuckles were encased in crude fashion with pieces of skull fragments tired around them. Which made the blow even more painful. The skin on his left cheek dangled from his face where it had been teared open from the bone knuckles of his foe. The throbbing sensation spoke to him being alive at least for now.

  He staggered back to his feet and realized the chain to the gate lie directly to his side he swung his sword severing the chain. The thud of the metal gate closing was like music to his ears, but now he was trapped in the combat of his life against a man that was equally as skilled with a blade as he was. Well, at least the order may fight another day. He stood, and steadied himself his grasp on the broadsword in his hand firm. "For the Order!" He said. As he raced into combat with the foe a series of blocks and dodges came as both men struck and defended in bursts. His sword cut the man's leg, though it did not phase the larger savage. Enraged by the wound the man charged and shouldered Evon into the wall. The impact sent him to the ground, as he gasped for air.

  Yet the death blow did not come, the man stood as he waited for Evon to make his way back to his feet. "Why? Did you not strike me down?" Evon said, not expecting an answer.

  "No honor killing man on knees," the savage man said.

  So they can speak.

  "All man should be give chance to die. With honor, even enemy." The man said, as he pointed at Evon to raise his sword.

  His backside hit the wall as he recoiled from the large hillman. It hit him then as he turned and jumped to the other side of the wall from the rampart. Oh mother of light. The ground rose up to meet him with blinding speed...


  Dark clouds littered the sky, as Virgil and the rest of his company made there way up the hill heading toward the tomb. The path that lead to the entrance was all but forgotten leaving the trail literate with rocks overgrown brush, that spoke to hundreds if not thousands of years since the pass had last been tread upon. The large stone structure grew ever larger as they grew nearer to the entrance.

  The stone outside of the tomb was etched with the engravings of the ancients Virgil struggled to read the ancient language. These markings are older than what is in the black book. At the entrance of the tomb stood six pillars. Each of them depicting one of the six great gods, from the times of the creation. On the far right stood Adolfuss, the craftsman, known for giving the gift of metal working to mankind. Next to him stood Grimbold, the warrior. Closest to the entrance on the left side stood the Mother of Light herself. Opposite the mother was her brother and Rival Banon, The Dark One. Along with Banon on the left side of the entrance stood his two sons. Vraxes, the plague bringer, and Goreram, the wicked.

  Sweat formed on Virgil's brow, as the group reached the two heavily oxidized doors of the tomb. His came to rest upon the door, and a shiver of cold rushed through Virgil's body as his hand made contact with the door. He recoiled upon reflex, which drew attention to him.

  "What is it, Vir
gil?" asked Natasha.

  "Something... much darker then I expected,"said Virgil, as he put his weight into the door.

  It slammed upon the side of the cavern it lead into. A rush of cold air pummeled the group.

  "That is not a good sign," said Fredrick.

  "He, is right. This is not good. I want, Natasha, to stay here and command the brot-" said Virgil.

  "I am perfectly capable of going down there," said Natasha.

  "You know its no-" virgil began, but again was cut off.

  "Do you forget the forest of the dead?" said Natasha.

  "Sister Natasha. You have been given your orders!" Virgil said, as he used his new position to use for the first time.

  For a moment they stood face to face, Virgil prayed she would back down. To his surprise she did, as he watched her storm out of the tomb, he could hear her shouting at the troops to form a defensive perimeter. Mother of light, don't let her come after us. Please. He headed back into the tomb, joining up with ; Fredrick, and Laura. Virgil had ordered Deater to stand guard inside, and to let no one pass once they were inside.

  Virgil illuminated the pendant that hung from the chain on his neck. It lit the room in a white glow. As his eyes glanced the newly lit room Virgil couldn't help, but notice the massive hole in the center of the room. At the edge of the whole was the start of a long spiraling staircase that lead into the depths of the island. A curiosity guided his steps as he moved with caution toward the stairs.

  "Not goin to wait for us?" said Fredrick. "Oh, your, one of those hero. I have to die alone to save the world guys aren't you."

  Mother of Light. Does he ever shut up. "I sure am. Which makes you my less heroic shield maiden. Now, can we proceed?" said Virgil, as he cracked his neck relieving some of the tension in his back.

  Laura, pushed past,Virgil almost knocking him over.

  "Mother of Light. We have things to do, now lets get in there. You boys can flirt with each other another time."


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