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Page 11

by L. S. O'Dea

  Bile rose in his throat. Every month they were given a dose of vitamin water.

  Bell finished his tea and walked to the counter. “I told Benedictine that I did not think the expense would be worth it.” He turned and looked at him. “I said that we were too well behaved, boring really, for the cost.”

  The tension fled his body. He was safe.

  “Don’t give me reason to change my mind.”

  He stood, handing his mostly full glass to Bell. “Of course not.” He walked to the door and then stopped. “Sorry. I’m sure I was mistaken about last night.”

  Bell nodded.

  He stepped outside, relief and then hatred washing through him. This was not over. He couldn’t report Clarabelle without Bell making a counter move, but Bell didn’t know about Trinity’s escape. Hector was safe. He would dig the hole in Bell’s section but he had to plan this correctly. Bell wasn’t stupid. If a security breach was discovered in his area, he might be able to persuade Benedictine that it happened during someone else’s watch. No. First, he had to ruin Bell’s reputation. Then, when they found the hole, Bell would suffer.


  TRINITY AWOKE TO THE GRAY MIST OF DAWN. She stretched, scraping her claws into the bark above her head. Last night had been long. Every time she’d drifted off, some noise would startle her awake. She really didn’t like being alone out here. She untied the rope around her chest and stuffed it and her blanket into her backpack. She shivered and ran her hands up and down her arms. Winter would be here soon. Hopefully, by then she’d be in a nice warm cabin and not still wandering the woods with Gaar and Mirra.

  She strapped the backpack over her shoulders and crawled farther up the tree. Gaar said there was no reason to rush to death’s embrace; the smart prey waited before it moved from its resting spot. She found a branch that gave her a clear view of the area. Fog hung heavy over the lake, making it difficult to see. She waited. As the sun rose, the area cleared. Everything looked normal. She shimmied down to the ground.

  When would Jethro show up? It’d been afternoon when he’d arrived yesterday. That was a long time away. She needed something to do. She could explore the other side of the lake. Maybe, she’d even find one of the secret passages. Gaar had said that the area was safe. She ignored the tiny voice in her head reminding her that he also said she should stay in the tree. She’d just entered the brush near the lake when she heard the rhythmic squeaking of Jethro’s chair. At least she was pretty certain it was his chair. She ducked behind some tall weeds just in case.

  Jethro rolled out of the forest and into her line of sight. “Little One, are you here?”

  He’d come back. She hadn’t been positive that he’d keep his word. The day suddenly seemed full of promise. She stepped into the clearing and he turned toward her. He was exquisite with the sun shining behind him making strands of his black hair look blue like his eyes.

  He smiled at her. “There you are.”

  She glanced away, suddenly shy. She had to remember that he was an Almighty.

  “So, what do you want to do today?” He moved over to a fallen tree. “I brought breakfast.” He began rummaging through his backpack.

  She was hungry. Hopefully, he’d brought more cookies. She followed and positioned herself on the other side of the tree. He pulled a container of water out of his backpack and handed it to her. She took a drink. She’d retrieved the other bottle after he’d left and had finished it late last night. He put another bottle on the trunk and then some strawberries, grapes and two items wrapped in paper.

  He held out one of the wrapped things for her. When she didn’t move closer to take it, he frowned, removed the paper and took a bite. Her stomach grumbled. She moved closer and grabbed a bunch of the grapes. After she finished them, she started eating the strawberries.

  “You should eat something besides fruit,” he said.

  “Why?” She mumbled around a mouthful of strawberries, the juice running down her chin.

  “Because...” He stared at her as she licked her lips and then sucked on each finger to clean it. His face took on an odd expression, like he was in pain.

  “That’s not a reason,” she said.

  He blinked and met her eyes, a blush creeping across his face. “Ahh, it won’t hold you over.”

  “Hold me over for what?” She ate the rest of the strawberries.

  “Until your next meal,” he said, glancing down her body and then quickly away.

  “It usually does.” What was wrong with him? He was acting strange.

  “Don’t you want the sandwich?” He gestured at the wrapped thing lying on the tree.

  She took off the paper. “That’s a sandwich?” It didn’t look like any type of bread she’d ever seen. It was white and soft, almost mushy. “It looks funny.”

  He took it back from her and turned it over in his hand, examining it.

  “It’s white. I’ve never seen bread like that.” She pulled her backpack off her shoulders and took out the chunk of hard brown bread. “This is bread. should look kind of like this, but not so hard and usually the shape is more...loaf like. But it’s always brown. Not white.”

  “Let me see that.” He placed the sandwich back on the wrapper and held out his hand.

  It was all the food that she had. He shared with her so she should let him have some, but this had to last until Gaar returned. “You can’t have it all.”

  He laughed. “I don’t want any of it. I just want to see it. I’ve never seen bread quite like this before. I mean, I’ve seen brown bread but that looks like a lump.”

  She looked at the shapeless chunk in her hand. “It’s food.” She gave it to him.

  He weighed it in one hand. “This is like a rock. How does it taste?”

  Not too good. “It’s food,” she repeated.

  He handed it back to her and she put it in her backpack.

  “We have brown bread, but I like the white. Try it.” He pushed the sandwich toward her.

  She picked it up and sniffed it. “It stinks. What’s in it?” She pulled off the top piece and poked at the brown stuff on the other slice. It was wet and cold.


  She had no idea what that was.

  “You know, lunchmeat,” he said.

  She shook her head, wrinkling her nose. It smelled worse than the stuff Gaar had cooked. “No, thanks. I like rabbits.” She put the sandwich back together and handed it to him, wiping her hands on her pants.

  He stared at her like she was crazy. “Okay. So, do I but what does that have to do with anything?”

  Did she have to spell it out? “I don’t eat meat.”

  “Really? You look a little like a House Servant. The ones I know love meat, especially bologna.”

  “Well, I don’t.” How did he know she was part House Servant? If it was so obvious then why hadn’t the Lead Producers ever noticed? Of course, they probably never met any House Servants. Her dad was the only one she’d ever seen, and he’d warned her to stay away from the Almightys because they might recognize the House Servant in her. He’d been right. How long before Jethro realized that she was also part Producer? Nothing good could come from that. “I have to go. Thank you for the food.”

  “Don’t leave. I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to talk about yourself. Consider me a slow learner. I won’t do it again.”

  She sighed. She didn’t want to be alone. What difference could one more day make? “Okay.”

  “Great. I told my mom that I was going to a friend’s house. She won’t expect me back until dark.”

  “I thought you didn’t have any friends. Not since the accident.” Had he lied to her? Were other Almightys hiding in the bushes? She glanced around, but besides for a few birds it was quiet.

  “I don’t, but my mom doesn’t know that. It would bother her, so I pretend to have friends and come down here to read. I can’t usually get away all day though. She worries about me.”

  She used to do the
same thing so her mom wouldn’t feel bad. “I don’t have any friends at home either.” She glanced at his legs. “I’m not like the other Pro...the others. That’s why they don’t like me.” She’d never said these things out loud before, but now that she was talking about them she didn’t want to stop.

  “How are you different? Mine’s obvious.” He motioned to his legs.

  She paused. Should she show him? It might actually help her conceal what she was. If Jethro described her to others, they wouldn’t think of Producer when he spoke of her claws and fangs. Plus, she was tired of hiding. It would be better to find out now if he thought she was a freak. “My ears. A little.” She pulled her hair back so he could get a better look at them. They lay long and flat toward the top of her head.

  He shrugged. “They’re bigger than mine and farther up on your skull, but they aren’t that weird.”

  She wiggled them and they shifted out, away from her head. She moved them again and they rotated toward her back.

  “Can you hear better when you do that?”

  He was curious, not disgusted. She nodded. “My hearing is pretty good anyway, but a lot better when I do that.” She flattened her ears and dropped her hair over them.

  “I don’t understand why the other...” He looked at her expectantly.

  She stared back. There was no way she was going to finish that sentence.

  After a few minutes, he continued. “Why the others that you live with, whoever they are, have a problem with your ears. They’re really not that big of a deal.”

  Should she continue? It felt good to show someone her real self. She took a deep breath. “That’s not all.” She raised her lips and showed him her teeth. Her canines were sharp and long.

  “House Servants and Guards have teeth like that.”

  His lack of shock over things she’d hidden all her life, things she’d been ashamed of, surprised her. She let her lips cover her teeth and smiled.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  She narrowed her eyes. Wasn’t she showing him enough? “Sure, but I might not answer.”

  “Fair enough.” He stared at her, his blue eyes kind. “Is that why you smile with your lips closed?”

  Her heart stilled. No one had ever asked her about that before, not even Travis. She nodded.

  “If you want, you can smile normal around me. I like your teeth.”

  She shot him a disbelieving look.

  “No, really. I’ve always thought the Guards’ and House Servants’ fangs were impressive. I used to wish my teeth were like that.” He shrugged. “Silly, I know. I’m an Almighty and we don’t have cool teeth.”

  He was serious. She smiled, lips closed and then slowly let them pull back, exposing her teeth. It was strange after all these years, but good.

  “I’m glad that it was only because you have fangs. I thought you had rotten teeth or something.”

  She quit smiling. Rotten teeth meant bad breath. Did her breath smell? He tried, unsuccessfully, to hide his grin. He’d been joking, teasing her.

  “That’s not funny.” She swatted him playfully on the shoulder.

  He tried to catch her hand but she was too fast. He laughed. “You must live with some weird folks because your differences are so different.”

  There was only one thing left. She held out her hands, concentrated and the claws popped out from each fingertip. They were about two inches long and curled a bit at the tip.

  He watched, unimpressed. “I hate to sound like a jerk, but all the House Servants that still have their claws can do that.”

  She dropped her hands, retracting her claws. He didn’t think she was different. She should be glad that he thought she was normal, but for some reason she wanted him to think she was special. “I didn’t live with House Servants.” She bit her lip. Why did she say that?

  “Who did you live with?” he asked, watching her closely.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t tell him the truth but she didn’t want to lie either. He was the first person to accept her for who she was besides Gaar and Mirra. “My mother’s people.” There. That wasn’t a lie.

  “What is she? What are you?” He studied her. “Your eyes, they’re large and round and the color is extraordinary. Gold. I’ve never seen anything like them.”

  He liked her eyes. Randy had complimented her eyes too, but he’d been lying. “If you keep asking me questions, I have to go.”

  “Come on, give me a break. You started this.”

  He was right. “Yeah, but now I’m done. I’m leaving unless you promise to quit bugging me about who I am?”

  “I’ll try, but I’m a curious guy.”

  She fought back a smile. He was kind and funny and a little pushy. She’d never met anyone like him before. “I was going to explore around the lake.” Her cheeks heated slightly. “You know, look for the secret passages.”

  His face fell a bit. “I can’t go too far off the trails.”

  “Why? If there’s a rough spot I can push you.”

  “No. I mean, I don’t like anyone to push me.”

  It was understandable. He wanted to be independent, but in this case it was stupid. “Well, I guess you can wait here then. Your choice.” She walked toward the woods.

  “Little One, don’t be like that. Come on.”

  She kept going. She’d trusted him by showing him her claws and fangs. He should trust her enough to let her push his chair and if he didn’t...well, she shouldn’t hang out with an Almighty anyway. There was a slight sound behind her. She turned. He was making his way toward her. Their eyes met and held. She smiled wide, showing her teeth. He grinned back.

  Later, they sat dirty, sweaty and tired by the fallen tree where they’d eaten breakfast. They’d found nothing resembling a tunnel, but they’d talked and explored and she’d laughed more than she’d ever done in her life. It was a beautiful day and it was going too fast. It was already past noon.

  Jethro pulled out some more food. He took the other sandwich, leaving the rest of the fruit for her.

  “Did you bring any cookies?”

  He shook his head. “No. They were all gone when I got home last night. I asked my mom to bake some more. She said if she had time she’d run to the store and get more chocolate chips.” He glanced at her. “I might have some tomorrow.”

  That would be too late. “I can’t stay another day.” This was her last day before Gaar returned. She couldn’t risk him catching her with an Almighty. She was gambling enough not knowing when Mirra would arrive.

  “Oh. Are you sure?” His eyes were sad.

  She nodded. This was it, their last hours together. They finished lunch in silence.

  He put the wrapper and empty bags into his backpack and pulled out a notebook and pencil. “Would it be okay if I sketched you?”

  She wrinkled her brow. “What is that?”

  He flipped through the pad of paper and then turned it toward her. There was a drawing of a robin on a tree branch. It was beautifully done.

  “I’d like to draw you,” he said.

  She leaned forward and ran her finger over the image of the bird. It was better than the ones in the books that she’d seen. “This is really good.”

  He blushed slightly. “Thanks. So, can I?”

  He looked so eager that she wanted to agree but what if someone saw his pictures. “No. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh. Okay.” He frowned and closed the notepad.

  “Can you teach me how to sketch?”

  His eyes lit up. “Sure. It’s easy.” He flipped to a blank page. “We’ll start with something simple, like a flower or plant.” He moved over closer to the woods. “First, you get the general shape.”

  She squatted by him, watching. After he was done, he handed her his notebook and the pencil. “Now, you try.”

  She did. She wasn’t very good but he encouraged her. After several drawings, she handed him back his stuff.

  “My hand hurts,” she said.

  “The m
uscles in your hand get used to it after a while, but it takes practice.”

  “Everything does,” she said disgustedly, remembering Gaar’s lessons.

  “Do you want me to tell you another story?”

  She nodded and stretched out on the ground. She hadn’t slept well last night and she was tired. He started talking about one of the statues and her eyes drifted shut. Suddenly, she sat straight up, a chill traipsing down her spine. They’d found her.

  “Hey, you’re awake.” He closed his book. “You must have been exhausted. You slept for hours.”

  “Shh.” She pulled back her hair and tilted her ears to catch the sound. It couldn’t be, but it was. Her pulse pounded and her stomach knotted.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, looking around.

  “Guards on scent,” she whispered. They must have caught her trail after Mirra had left them. They were quite a distance away, but they were coming for her. She glanced toward the forest. Where was Mirra? “I have to go.”

  “I don’t hear anything.”

  “Trust me. They’re coming and I have to go, you should too.” They probably wouldn’t attack an Almighty, but she wasn’t positive. Guards could be dangerous.

  “Why are they after you?” He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Come home with me and I’ll hide you.”

  It was tempting, but she couldn’t. According to Gaar, Mirra would find her. It wouldn’t be good for anyone if a Tracker invaded the home of an Almighty. “I can’t. It’s not safe.”

  “I’ll protect you. I promise.”

  She swallowed. “I can’t go to your house. You have Guards there.” That was the best excuse she could give without explaining too much.

  “I still can’t hear them. Are you positive that they’re coming this way?”

  She wasn’t sure how, but she knew they were hunting her. “Yes.” She’d never lose them. Her only hope was for Mirra to find her, but she couldn’t stay here. If she moved now, it would take them longer to catch up with her.


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