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Longfellow Series: Books 1-4 (4-Book Bundle) (Erotic Romance - Vampire Romance)

Page 6

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Sophia nodded, as if she already knew. “I’m not surprised. Michelle always was gifted with a brilliant mind. It’s funny that she never did well in school. I think she was so smart that it bored her, and she spent her time daydreaming of wild plans with lofty goals instead.”

  “There is much good that can come from imagination and ambition like that,” Logan said, sagely. He grew suddenly quiet as they came to the river that ran through the woods, and Sophia realized it must be the same place where a young girl had been killed long ago. It turned Logan’s thoughts to a darker place. “Of course, imagination and ambition needs to be guided, or it can also lead to great harm. I just hope I’m able to do that for Michelle.”

  Sophia touched Logan gently on the arm. “Are you thinking of Peter?”

  Logan nodded sadly and a faraway look came into his pale blue eyes. “Yes. Just like Michelle, my cousin Peter had a brilliant and gifted mind, but he was easily bored. When he came to live at Longfellow Castle, my father asked me to keep him occupied and help him learn to embrace the rules we lived by. I did my best, but it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t keep him focused on simple interests, and his mind always wandered to ambitious plans of stirring up trouble. I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen with Michelle.”

  Sophia felt the pain in Logan’s heart and longed to comfort him. She leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. Her warm lips were soft and sweet, and Logan sighed with pleasure and opened his mouth to her, kissing her passionately. He ran his fingers through her silky auburn hair, tugging slightly and then releasing his grip to let his hands slide freely over her body. The fabric of her sweater was thin, and he could feel her erect nipples protruding through the cloth as she pressed her breasts against his muscular chest. The feel of them made his manhood hard with desire for her.

  “I love you,” he whispered under the moonlight shining through the forest trees. The soft sounds of the babbling river played a sweet song of romance and Sophia melted into his embrace.

  “Make love to me, right here and right now,” she whispered with a naughty smile. She had never before done anything so daring as to suggest having sex out in the open where anyone could happen upon them, and it felt incredibly erotic.

  “Are you sure?” Logan asked with delighted surprise. His manhood straining through his trousers was proof enough that he wanted to.

  Sophia nodded enthusiastically and began tugging at his zipper in response.

  “Michelle’s not the only one who learns quickly. You said you had much to teach me about making love. Give me a lesson right here, right now.” She giggled and Logan kissed her again.

  “Okay.” He smiled lovingly at her. “We must get off the path, so no one sees us.”

  They both looked around at the forest full of trees and their eyes fell upon the river at the exact same moment. Grinning, they both tore off their clothes and tossed them onto the branch of a nearby tree and dove naked into the chilly water. The cold feel of the water on their bodies made them both gasp with shock for a moment until their flesh acclimated to the temperature, but the sensation only enhanced their sexual excitement for each other. Within moments, they were locked in each other’s embrace, kissing, rubbing, and fondling each other until they were both aching with desire.

  “I want you inside me,” Sophia moaned as Logan massaged the folds of her sex with one hand while playing with the nipple of her left breast with the other.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” Logan said. He lifted Sophia up with his strong hands and held her while she wrapped her long muscular legs around his waist and put her arms around his neck.

  Once she was in place, Logan thrust his throbbing manhood into her wet folds, and a moan of intense pleasure escaped them both. Sophia couldn’t believe how good he felt, and wondered if the pleasure was enhanced by her slight fear that someone would catch them making love outside in the river.

  Her thoughts were quickly overwhelmed however, by the intensity of her pleasure, and soon it was all she could think about. She moved her hips, meeting his thrusts and driving him even more deeply inside her. Logan nibbled on her earlobes and squeezed the round cheeks of her buttocks as he thrust faster and faster, until suddenly they both climaxed powerfully together. It was the most incredible explosion of pleasure either of them had ever felt.

  When at last they had finished, they swam around in the cool river, rinsing themselves clean and splashing playfully like children.

  Suddenly, Logan stopped splashing and stood motionless in the babbling water with a strange look on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophia asked, her heart suddenly pounding with fear.

  “Get out of the water and get dressed,” Logan said with a serious tone that scared her even more. She followed him out of the river, and he quickly retrieved their clothes from off the tree branch and tossed hers to her. “Put these on quickly. We have to get back to the castle.”

  “What about Michelle and Clyde? Shouldn’t we bring them with us or at least tell them we’re going?” Sophia asked.

  “It’s too late for that,” Logan said cryptically. He started to stride through the forest, but Sophia didn’t follow him. He turned around and gestured at her to follow him, but she crossed her arms over her chest and remained where she stood.

  “I’m not going to just abandon my friends in the forest. Tell me what’s going on, or I won’t follow you anywhere.”

  Logan had hoped to spare her this terrible news, but he saw now that he couldn’t. He came up to her and took her hands gently in his own. With sad eyes, he looked deep into hers. “It’s too late for them. A new vampire has just been formed. It’s Clyde, and the one who transformed him was Michelle.”

  “What? No!” Sophia cried out and Logan held her in his arms while she sobbed against his chest. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I felt it deep in my heart and when I close my eyes I can see it. I’s Peter Longfellow’s doing. He’s creating his own army of vampires so he can destroy me. Michelle and Clyde are only the first. We must get back to the castle, where we’ll be safe.”

  “And what about the rest of town? What about my friends and everyone at the university?” Sophia cried. “Will there be room in the castle for them?”

  Logan shook his head sadly. Sophia looked at him with a determination in her eyes stronger than he’d ever seen before. “Then I’m not going the castle either. You go there and hide if you want to. I’m going to do what I can to stop Peter, help Michelle and Clyde turn to good, and save this town!”

  Logan’s heart was pounding in his chest, not just out of fear, but with love. He’d never been more afraid of losing someone he loved, or more proud. Taking her by the hand, he said, “If you think I’m going to let you do this alone, you still have a lot for me to teach you, because we’re doing this together.”

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK THREE: The Eye of Longfellow - Volume 3


  The Eye of Longfellow


  Chapter One

  “What have you done to me?” Clyde Mason cried out in horror and pain as his body began to transform. What was once the tan and healthy skin of a 21-year-old college student, was becoming the deathly white pallor of a vampire. The perfect teeth that were once the hallmark of his friendly smile were growing into pointed, jagged fangs. His shaggy brown hair was now nearly black, and his warm brown eyes were now a cold blood-red.

  “Do not be afraid. I have given you the gift of near immortality. It’s what you said you always wanted, for us to be together forever,” said the cool voice of his girlfriend, Michelle Greene. She had once been so passionate and full of life, with her purple hair and easy smile. Now, she was nothing more than a heartless vampire who had tricked him into letting her get close enough to bite him and drink his blood. He had been foolish enough to believe that she was following the teachings of Logan Longfellow, the safe and well-meaning vampire who had lived peacefully among the townspeople for centuries.

  If she had, she would have been as safe for him to be around as their friend Sophia Marshall was with Logan Longfellow. Michelle had been swayed, however, by Logan’s cousin Peter Longfellow, an evil vampire with no resolutions against drinking human blood. He had a dark motivation burning in his dead eyes, and he needed to create as many vampires as he could to carry out his scheme.

  Logan had tricked Michelle into attacking Clyde by convincing her it was the only way to keep his love. Then she had taken Clyde to Logan’s secret lair and tied him to a bed to await his transformation. Once it was complete, she would take him to Peter for his initiation into their cult of vampires. Clyde struggled against his restraints with all his might, hoping to break free of the ropes that bound him to the bed, but it was useless.

  He’d grown very weak after having most of his blood drained, and there had many times during the last twenty-four hours when he had feared that he might die. Now he wished he had died, as he felt the ravages of his body at it became the one thing he most dreaded; a vampire.

  Michelle laughed cruelly as she watched him writhe. “Do not try and resist the transformation. It is inevitable and fighting your body will only make it more painful. Embrace what is happening to you. I have gifted you with incredible powers, even greater than your wildest imagination. Together, we will make an incredible team!”

  “How could you do this to me?” Clyde cried out, angrily. “I trusted you, and you betrayed me!”

  Suddenly, he felt strength surge through his muscles, and his arms ripped free of the thick ropes that bound him to the bed. He reached up and grabbed Michelle by the throat. He’d never felt such power flowing through him and gasped with surprise and the thrill of excitement that now flooded through him as he held his girlfriend in the air with just one hand. He realized that if he wanted to, he could squeeze his fist even tighter around Michelle’s fragile neck and it would probably snap like a twig.

  For a brief, horrifying moment, he considered trying it, just to see if he could. Then he suddenly realized that he was contemplating killing the woman he had once loved with his bare hands, and he dropped her onto the ground. Feelings of terror and revulsion tore through him, mixed with a confusing blend of excitement and exhilaration. Clyde was so confused, he didn’t know what to do, and simply buried his face in his hands and cried out in anguish.

  Michelle sat beside him on the bed, wrapped her arms around him and cooed soothingly, “It’s okay. I know how you feel. It’s quite a rush, isn’t it?”

  “I’ve never felt anything like this,” Clyde confessed, looking up into her eyes, which were blood-red just like his now were. In them, he saw the passion they’d always shared and felt comforted. He also felt something else he didn’t expect; desire.

  “It’s scary at first, but you’ll get used to it soon. It’s incredible to have this kind of power, and there are many more abilities you haven’t even discovered you have yet. Come with me, and I’ll show you one of my favorite tricks.”

  “But, I almost killed you,” Clyde cried, suddenly guilt-ridden once more. “I nearly snapped your neck like a twig.”

  He expected Michelle to be horrified, but instead she laughed a joyous sound full of amusement. “You can’t kill a vampire by breaking their neck! The only way we can now be killed is if a wooden stake or something made of silver pierces our hearts. Other than that, we’re virtually immortal. The world is now our playground. We can do anything we want without any danger of being hurt! Come, let me show you my favorite game!”

  Michelle grabbed Clyde by the hand and led him outside. He saw that they were in a secluded shack hidden deep in the forest. She pulled him through the trees and ran with him to a nearby cliff. Clyde knew instantly what she intended to do and tried to pull his hand free from her grip, but it was too late and she pulled him with her as she jumped off the cliff. They fell for a long time, seemingly forever. As the ground approached, Clyde knew they would now die, but instead, they landed, perfectly unharmed. Michelle laughed joyously, and Clyde gasped with happiness and surprise to realize he was not dead. A surge of excitement and adrenaline flooded through his body over the thrill of the fall and having survived it.

  “Wow! That was incredible!” Clyde cried and impulsively kissed Michelle on the lips.

  Grinning at him, Michelle said, “Let’s do it again, but this time, let’s see if we can make love while we fall!”

  “You’re crazy!” Clyde laughed, but a dark smile curled his lips. He didn’t realize it, but he was already being seduced by the evil impulses that had swayed Michelle.

  The two young vampires leapt easily up the canyon wall, bounding from jutting rocks and tree branches until they reached the top. Michelle kissed him passionately while she massaged his manhood, bringing him to full readiness quickly.

  “Do you really think we should do this?” Clyde asked, hesitantly, as Michelle drew him closer to the edge of the cliff, while she stripped off both their clothes.

  “Why not?” Michelle asked playfully as she stroked her hands over her body enticingly. “We already know the fall won’t hurt us. What’s the matter? Don’t you want me?”

  Clyde’s throbbing erection proved that he did want her. He came forward to embrace her, wrapping his arms around her naked body and squeezing her close to him as he kissed her passionately. Michelle leaned backward, bringing him with her as she fell over the side of the cliff. Still clinging to each other as they fell, she wrapped her thighs around his waist and felt him enter her wet and ready tunnel. It was the most incredible sensation either of them had ever had, to feel the pleasurable stimulation of sex while also feeling the exciting thrill of falling.

  They both orgasmed quickly, just as the long fall was about to come to an end. When they hit the earth, they rolled across the ground, tumbling over one another, as their arms and legs remained entertained and the final spasms of their climaxes rocked through their hyper-stimulated bodies.

  “Oh my God, that was amazing!” Clyde gasped, when he could finally catch his breath. It was the most exhilarating experience of his entire life and suddenly he wanted more. He helped Michelle to her feet, kissed her passionately and said, “Let’s do that again!”

  Michelle grinned at him. “Oh, there’ll be plenty of time for us to do that again, but first we must eat. I will take you to Peter now, and he will teach you how.”

  Clyde held Michelle’s hand in his own as they bounded their way back up the cliff. He was no longer afraid. He was thirsty for blood.

  Chapter Two

  “Do you see them yet?” Sophia Marshall asked worriedly as she came up behind her boyfriend Logan Longfellow where he sat at his desk. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and leaned her cheek against his as she peered over his shoulder to look into the enchanted jewel he’d been staring at for hours.

  “No, there is nothing yet,” Logan said, feeling disappointed and yet also relieved.

  “I thought you said your mother’s jewel would allow you to see Peter? What’s taking so long?”

  “The jewel only allows me to see when a vampire of our family line is endangering a human being. It won’t show me Peter until he tries to attack someone again,” Logan explained patiently.

  “If Peter and Michelle nourished themselves with Clyde’s blood last night, they might not need to attack someone again for a long time.” Sophia frowned, knowing how many days Logan could last when he drank the blood of the farm animals he raised.

  Logan shook his head. “When someone gets bitten by a vampire and they aren’t killed, they are transformed into a vampire themselves the very next night. Clyde will be going through that transformation right now. When it is complete, he will need to feed. I expect Peter will teach him how to attack someone tonight.”

  “If that’s true, how will we stop them in time?” Sophia asked.

  “We won’t. You will stay here in the castle where it is safe and I will go alone to stop Peter. I have supernatural speed and strength that y
ou do not, and I will be able to get there in time. Besides, I have dealt the Peter before. I know his weaknesses.”

  “Oh really?” Sophia said with a playful arch of her brows. She straddled Logan on his chair and ran her fingers enticingly through his long, blond hair. Then she put her soft lips to his and kissed him passionately, opening her mouth to his and letting their tongues intertwine. When they finally paused for breath, she smiled and said, “Let me see if I can find your weaknesses.”

  “I think you already have,” Logan teased back and buried his face in her cleavage, nuzzling the curvature of her flesh where it peeked out from her blouse. Sophia unfastened the buttons of the garment to give him easier access, and Logan delighted at the beautiful sight of her firm round breasts encased in a fancy black lace bra. With her permission, he used the sharp points of his fangs to cut away the straps of her bra, freeing her large, firm mounds completely. Exposure to the night air made her nipples pucker, and Logan took them into his mouth and suckled on them, first one and then the other until she moaned with pleasure.

  “Make love to me,” Sophia sighed, as she arched her back and pressed his face more firmly against her bosom. It was hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago she had been an innocent virgin who knew nothing of such pleasures. Now, feeling his rock-hard maleness deep inside her womanly folds was all she could think about.

  Logan hoisted her from his lap and set her upon his desk, preparing to make love to her there, when suddenly the jewel began to glow. Sophia picked it up and handed it to Logan as an image began to appear within its depths. It was a small group of people in their early twenties. They were walking down the sidewalk, talking and laughing. They seemed slightly drunk as they staggered along and began to sing.

  “That’s the bar by the university campus!” Sophia cried out in recognition of the scenery behind them. She clasped her hands to her cheeks as she saw the members of group begin to separate from one another as they came to crossroads in the street. Soon there were only two left; a girl with long blonde hair pulled back into a braid and a young man Sophia recognized as her friend Mark.


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