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Mystery: Missing Rita: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery)

Page 16

by James Kipling

  Sam knew his partner was simply bragging and was about to ask him a few questions before a call came through for him on his cell phone.

  “Hello,” Sam said after seeing the call was from the station.

  “Hello detective, is Lohan with you? I am trying to reach him but he is not answering his phone.”

  “Yes, yes, he is right here.”

  Sam held out the phone for Lohan who had rolled up his sleeves and was getting busy on the car.

  “Who is it?”

  “Station,” Sam answered. “He says you are not picking up your phone.”

  “That is because my cell phone is in the car.”

  Sam held the phone for Lohan and listened to him talk as he worked on the car at the same time. The look of worry that formed on his face made Sam feel nervous and he knew it had to be bad news.

  “I was done questioning him but I did not sign any release form for him,” Lohan spoke angrily into the receiver. “I will be right there.”

  Sam took the phone from his ear and watched as he went on to work.

  “Is everything ok?” he asked in a concerned tone.

  “They are telling me I signed for Dr. Mathews to be released from the prison.”

  “Did you?”

  “Of course not,” Lohan answered. “But they say that my signature is on the damn form. These rookies must have found a way to forge my signature.”

  “Now why would the rookies forge your signature?”

  “That is what I would like to know!” Lohan said.

  He took a step back from the vehicle and was proud with the work he had done. The smoke was now clearing and he looked up at Sam and smiled proudly.

  “That is the work of a pro, my friend!” he said. “Try starting the car, sir.”

  The man got into the driver’s seat and was more than pleased when the car roared to life.

  “Thank you!”

  “Most welcome,” Lohan replied as he shut the hood of the van. “You might want to have it checked later. Whatever I have done is only a temporary solution.”

  “I will sir, thank you again.”

  They both watched as the man drove off smiling and Sam could feel the pride in his partner explode. They slowly walked back to their car but stopped in their tracks when they saw that the back seat was open.

  “Where the hell is Rita?” Sam asked, worried. “Did you leave the door open?”

  “Sam, do you think I’m a retard? I locked the doors, for Christ’s sake!”

  Sam felt confused and immediately started scouting his vicinity.There was no sign of Rita anywhere and the multitude of honking horns directed their way did not make things easier.

  “We have to move the car off the road,” Lohan said and signaled Sam to get into the car.

  He did as he was asked though a look of fear was all over his face.

  “She could not have gone far,” Lohan said. “Let’s just drive around, we might spot her.”

  Lohan’s phone started ringing again and he chose to ignore it, simply because he feared the worst.

  “Are you going to pick up?”

  “No, and I suggest you do the same,” Lohan answered. “I’m sure it’s the boss asking about the good doctor.”

  “Boy, aren’t we in trouble!”

  “You think?” Lohan said.

  Sam looked around the street but could not spot her; it was not so easy for him to keep an eye on the road and at the same time look for Rita.

  “Let me call Ryan,” Lohan volunteered and dialed Ryan’s number on his cell phone. It rang but no-one answered.

  “Let’s swing by his house,” Sam said as he took a left turn on the road. “I am hoping she at least stopped to say goodbye to her kids.”

  He drive on to the house. Both were thinking the same thing but neither of them voiced it. The distance to the house that day seemed long compared to the urgency of the matter and Sam was there in well under five minutes. He pumped the brakes right in front of the house and stepped out without waiting for Lohan’s instruction. He raced to the front porch and rang the doorbell before looking at Lohan who was right behind him with a worried look on his face.

  “Ryan Sutter!” he called. “This is Detective Sam. I need you to open the door.”

  The only response was the silence in the house and he turned to Lohan who signaled him to go to the back door.

  Sam rushed there after pulling out his gun and heard Lohan call out at the front of the house again. He waited for a response but there was silence again. He then decided to turn the doorknob and let himself in.

  The kitchen looked empty. Sam looked around it and walked into the living room where he found his partner Lohan waiting for him.

  “Nothing here,” Lohan said and pocketed his gun before signaling upstairs.

  Sam ran up the stairs and swung all the doors open but there was no-one in the house. He walked back down the stairs with a look of resignation and shaking his head.

  “Nothing upstairs either,” Sam answered.

  They looked around the room and noticed nothing had been misplaced. Sam tried to a place a call to Ryan again but this time it went to voicemail.

  “What just happened?” Lohan asked. “Did we just get conned by the whole family?”

  His phone started ringing for the millionth time that day and he chose to ignore it. He let his body slump down on the floor before looking in Sam’s direction and letting out a heave.

  Sam ran a hand through his hair before a text message made his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket.

  “I told you I would get you, Ted.”

  A new sense of fear numbed him and he took in his surroundings before realizing what had happened. He looked in Lohan’s direction and took a deep breath. He was royally screwed, and not in the good way.

  Sam then looked at his partner and a light bulb shone in his head as he came to a realization.

  “What is it?” Lohan asked.

  “The life insurance.”

  “What about it?”

  “That is the suspected reason of Rita faking her own death.”

  “Yes. And?” Lohan went on to inquire.

  “Upon death, who receives the insurance claim? Certainly not the deceased.”

  “The next of kin receives it,” Lohan said as he slowly began to make sense of Sam’s words. “That son of a bitch was in on it, too.”

  “He certainly was.”

  They then looked at each other and shook their heads in despair. They had just been played and there was nothing they could do about it.

  Thank You

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  James Kipling

  Author of ‘Missing Rita(Mystery Thriller Suspense novel)’


  A list of other mystery thriller suspense books published by James Kipling:





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