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Fallout Page 10

by Lila Rose

  My chair slammed into the floor as I stood. “So fuckin’ what? I used to be one as well, and I still got some mates left in that club. You got a problem with it? Not gonna have my back now?”

  No one said anything.

  “We got your back, brother,” Vicious, of all people, called. “Need all the info we have on Python. Did you used to hang with him in the day?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I ran a hand over my head, and then shook it. Drawing back in some rage, I said, “No, he’s a new recruit. Got in just after I left. Poppy didn’t actually date him. They went on a couple of dates, but she didn’t like what she saw, so she refused to go out with him again. He didn’t like that. Claimed her without telling her, so he thinks he owns her.”

  “Does she know where he hangs when not at Venom’s compound?” Billy asked.

  “No. Two dates, that’s all she had with him, and he didn’t give her much information on himself.” Two goddamn motherfuckin’ dates with a cunt. It should have been me. I should have been in her life so that hadn’t happened.

  “So we got nothin’ to go on to find the fucker?” Dallas asked.

  “If he’s that obsessed with her, he’ll come lookin’ again,” Muff said.

  Rage flared once again. “She’ll not be bait,” I roared.

  “Fuck me, calm the hell down, brother. No one said anything about bait. It’s an obvious fact he’s got it bad for her. We’ll keep her protected,” Dodge stated.

  “What’s the plan then?” Griz put in.

  “We go to the street, find out who’s been buyin’ off Python, and see what they know of the guy,” Handle suggested.

  Dodge nodded. “Good. We still got businesses to run so we’ll be rotating everything around between all of us. I’ll get Low and Josie on it, and you’ll get a text or email with the roster. I’m headin’ out with Killer, Stoke, Gamer, and Griz. We’re goin’ back to Venom’s to talk to their new recruits, see if any of them came in with Python. Got the feelin’ from Blackie the guy isn’t smart enough to work alone. Someone’s gotta know somethin’.” His eyes came to me. “Fang and Vicious, you’re both on Poppy. Watch her like a hawk, brothers.” Finally. It was about damn time I got outta there to head to the place I wanted to be. Vicious and I got up at the same time and walked out.

  Out the front, Vicious grabbed my arm before I climbed on my ride. “You got her tonight. I’ll come by in the morning and change shifts.”

  Still blew my mind Vicious, even after the past we’d had, was willing to have my back, and help me out with my woman.

  “I’ll talk with Charlie. See when he’ll be around or not, and we’ll work around him.”

  “Got it.” Then the fucker gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Good luck taming that one.”

  Glaring, I watched him walk away. Shit, I was probably gonna need all the help I could get, but I knew Poppy, so I knew she’d be blaming herself for it all. I had to get there, reassure her, and confirm she understood we’d always protect her. Hawks would because I was their brother and she was gonna be my woman.

  Charlie was already sitting on the front porch when I pulled up. He stood as I approached. “She won’t talk to me, won’t listen. Condemning herself about all that motherfucker’s actions. All because he took notice of her. She… fuck, Fang. She’s not good. Soon as we got home from visiting Mary, she locked herself away, shoved shit against it so I can’t break it down.”

  “Give me some time with her,” I said, and then started around the house.

  “Where you goin’?” Charlie called.

  “Gettin’ into her.” Jogging down the side of the house, I stopped at her window. It was all the way down, and I could see the lock in place. Shit, my woman had shifted her dresser over to the door. She didn’t want company. Instead, she wanted to wallow without anyone helping her.

  Too bad.

  Shifting, I lifted my leather-clad arm and smashed the glass to her window with my elbow.

  Her scream cut short when she noticed it was me. “What the hell, Jerimiah?”

  Pulling myself through the window, after knocking the rest of the glass out, I said, “You won’t talk to your dad. Barred the door, so it was my only option.”

  She moved to the side of the bed, her feet coming to the floor. “You didn’t think to knock on the bloody window first?”

  “Would you have opened it for me?” I questioned, my brows rising.

  She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. Poppy glared, harrumphed, and then shifted on the bed so she lay with her back to me.

  “Exactly what I thought. Now you’ve got no way of not listening to me.” Kicking off my boots, I slipped off my jacket, then club vest, which I placed at the end of the bed. Then, I deposited my gun on the bedside table before I climbed on the bed and moved to match the front of me to her back.

  Only before I could say anything, her breath hitched as she said, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, your brothers, and all because of me.”

  “It’s not your fault, darlin’.”

  “H-how can you say that when it was me who went out with him, and me who made him notice the Hawks? It was me he was getting back at by shooting up your place.”

  Sliding my arm around her waist, I grabbed her hand and held it with mine. “Jesus, Poppy. He’s not right in the head, and that ain’t your fuckin’ fault. You didn’t ask him to do any of that. It’s ain’t on you, baby.”

  “It’s easy for you to say, Jerimiah, but not easy for me to think otherwise.”

  “None of my brothers blame you. None.”

  “Is… your brother who was critical…?”

  “He pulled through the op. He’s gonna be okay, and I can tell you now, not even Elvis will blame you for any of this.”

  She shrugged. Letting go of her hand, I flicked back her hair and leaned my mouth close to her ear. “Not sure how I can get you to believe, baby, but know this, if I blamed you for any of it, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t hold you like I am.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “I think,” she added, her tone serious. When I growled in the back of my throat, she let out a laugh.

  “Need some sleep, darlin’, and I’m doin’ it right here.”

  She snorted. “Well, since you broke my window, I guess I don’t have a choice on the matter.”

  “No, you don’t.” I grinned. It wasn’t until she’d fallen asleep that I flew off a text to Muff about Poppy’s window needing to be fixed first thing in the morning. As soon as he replied with laughing emojis—the dick—he said he’d get right onto it. Then I curled myself around my woman and slept like I hadn’t in years. Peacefully.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It’d been a goddamn hectic week since the shooting. I’d spent it working, hunting along with Lan and Parker, who seemed they were on the case too, visiting a recovering Elvis, and in between all that, kept an eye on Poppy. That was when Charlie or Vicious wasn’t following her around or sitting out the front watching the house when she was inside alone. I’d given her time away from me in person. Time to think. She needed to understand we’d never hold a grudge against her for what had happened. She needed to come to terms with it on her own, without me.

  But that time ended tonight.

  Shit, at least I gave her a week.

  I’d just come from the hospital after chatting with Elvis and headed to Pick and Billy’s pub. I needed a drink, then some goddamn sleep. Though, I wasn’t sure I’d be getting any since I’d called Charlie earlier and suggested Poppy needed a break from the house and everything else she did. I mentioned the pub, and to also get Manda, who’d just moved back to town for a high-paying job, and no doubt to keep a better eye on her friend, on board with the idea. Knew Manda wouldn’t let Poppy shy away from walking into a Hawks business. She’d been a nut back in the day, and stil
l was from what Charlie said.

  Also, if Poppy came, it meant she was on her way to believing none of this bullshit was her fault. At least that was what I hoped it meant.

  Making my way to the bar, I greeted the brothers around with chin lifts or nods. Pick was behind the bar serving. “How was Elvis?” he asked.

  “Doin’ okay.” I nodded.

  “Good. Beer, brother?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I nodded and then felt heat at my back. Turning, I found Manda and Poppy standing there. Manda was looking up at me and grinning like a fool, while Poppy glanced around the place apprehensively. Shit, she was still worried my brothers and I were pissed at her for the cunt gunning after Hawks. It didn’t seem to matter how many times I told her we weren’t. I could see she still felt guilty. Maybe the night would ease her mind if she met a few more of the brothers.

  “Hiya, Jerimiah,” Manda said.

  “Fang, Manda.”

  “Right, Fang.” She flicked a look at Poppy, and then back. “But Poppy calls you Jerimiah.”

  “Only her,” I stated, and finally Poppy’s wide-eyed gaze hit mine. I winced at the sight of her bruise; it’d gone down a bit, but it was still noticeable. My temper rose, my hands twitching, wanting to wrap them around a certain someone.

  I took a deep breath and eyed my woman. She looked amazing, no matter the bruising, and fuck, it’d been a while since I’d laid eyes on her. Jesus, I had to have a conversation with my cock to stop from growing hard in a goddamn biker bar. Her clothes were simple, jeans and a tee, yet they fitted her perfectly. Her long red hair was braided down her back, and she had on light make-up, trying to cover her discolouring. I wanted to reach out and take her in my arms, crush my mouth to hers, and claim her right in front of everyone.

  Her eyes widened even more, and I wondered if she knew where my thoughts had gone.

  “Got ya,” Manda said, and I’d fuckin’ forgot what we were even talking about.

  “Have a seat,” I suggested. Taking my beer Pick placed down, I stepped back from the bar so they could grab the two free seats. Manda sat quickly, leaning over the bar a bit to order for her and Poppy. I could have laughed at the way she eyed Pick and told her she didn’t stand a chance, but I left it. Hell, Pick had his fair share of women trying to get his attention. Only no one stood a chance. He was happy with Josie and Billy.

  Poppy slid past me, and I had to touch her in some way, so I ran my fingers down her back, then smirked when she stumbled forward. Her hands went to the bar to right herself. I took her waist to help steady her, guiding her onto the seat.

  “I’ve got it,” she said with a glare over her shoulder. Winking, I stifled my chuckle with a sip of my beer. Goddamn, it was good to have her around me. My gut had been eating at itself in torment from everything that had happened recently, but most of all, for not having Poppy close to my side as my woman. Life was too bloody short. The shooting was proof of that. Anything could happen, and I was tired of living with regret from losing her.

  “Manda, how’s it goin’ being back in Caroline Springs?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “It’s only been a few days, but I like it so far. Get to keep a better eye on my girl here.” She winked at Poppy, and then when she looked back my way, her eyes moved over my shoulder and widened. “And now I’m liking it even more.”

  “Hey, brother. Who’s the new bird?” Muff stepped up to my side and ran his gaze over Manda. A smirk touched his lips. He liked what he saw. Then his gaze landed on Poppy, “Tigress,” he teased.

  “Tigress?” Manda asked.

  “Ah…” was all Poppy said.

  “I was there when that dickhead tried to take her for a chat. Got the scar to prove it.” He grinned, lifting up his tee on his arm. Dropping it back down, he winked at Manda. “Name’s Muff.”

  Manda started giggling.

  “And don’t let him start some story about his name.” The women turned to Pick as he lay their drinks down. Muff grumbled under his breath about having cockhead brothers.

  “So what does it mean?” Manda asked.

  “That I love a certain area of a woman’s body,” Muff announced quickly. I snorted. That wasn’t it at all. Ever since Muff had heard Dive’s story about his name—how Dive liked to dive into pussy—Muff was in awe that it worked for all the women, so he changed the meaning behind his road name. I wasn’t sure if it worked for him, but the dude would try anything.

  Pick snorted, leaning his hip into the bar. Jason, who was also serving laughed outright, while I caught Poppy’s eyes and rolled mine.

  “His name’s short for Muffler,” I explained. Apparently, when Muff was a young boy in the club, he’d got caught with his dick in the end of a muffler, so hence the name Muff. I wasn’t sure if that story was true, but hell, I wouldn’t put it past Muff. He seemed to have new pussy every goddamn night. Some said he was a nymphomaniac, or the male version a satyriasis.

  And that was shit you just didn’t need to know about a brother.

  “Pick, Josie comin’ in tonight?” I asked.

  “Nah, brother. She’s out with Billy.” He grinned. “They’re on a hot date. Then they’re goin’ in to see Elvis,” he added, before disappearing down the other end of the bar when someone called.

  “Who’s Josie?” Manda asked, and I didn’t miss the brief glance between friends. She was asking for Poppy.

  Smiling, I said, “Josie’s Pick’s woman.” I left it at that and took a swig of beer. Muff started chuckling at my side at the confused looks both women displayed.

  “But… Pick just said she was on a hot date with some Billy guy.”

  I nodded. “Yep. Billy the Kid, another brother.”

  Poppy flicked her gaze between Muff and me, finally settling on me. “So she’s dating the both of them?”

  “Yeah.” I winked.

  Manda gasped. “And they’re okay with that? With sharing?”

  Muff snorted. “Pretty much anything goes in our club, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  “Damn right,” I agreed. If we were like the Venom MC, my old club, it’s sad to say even with Blackie as prez, they wouldn’t allow gay guys in. Hawks was different. With Beast and Knife coming out, they could be who they wanted to be without judgement from their brothers. And if anyone was game enough to judge, like Alvin had, then they weren’t worth knowing. Times had goddamn changed, and the Hawks MC were up with those changes. Didn’t mean we weren’t badarse motherfuckers. We were when we had to be. We all had blood on our hands, from one time or another, and soon I’d have more. We did it to protect. To keep safe what we regarded the most.


  It was another main reason I got out of Venom and into Hawks. I respected their values. Hawks was a clean club. They fought for their family and friends. Protected those who couldn’t, and if shit came our way, like it had, we made sure to leave a message with whoever tried, that we weren’t a club to be fucked over.

  When I changed clubs, my mum was over the bloody moon happy. Jesus, I never thought I’d see her with tears flowing while she did some ecstatic jig in the kitchen. She’d heard of Hawks, always wanted them for me, but would never have pushed me into anything. The day Switch left was the day my mum changed, and it was for the better. Hawks loved her. She’d started to, and did it often, visit the compound with homecooked meals, winning all the brothers’ hearts. Then she met Jenny, Blue’s mother, and Memphis’s woman, they became fast friends and soon my mother was out clothes shopping, or going to the spa, movies, lunches, and other shit women did. She never used to do that back in the day because Switch hated her being independent, hated her having friends. The ones she did, like Mary, were secret ones. My ma’s confidence gained each day, and I couldn’t be prouder.

  If Switch ever came back, I’d make sure she never saw his face. I’d have him buried so deep no one would ever
find him.

  A bump on my side had me looking down. “You okay?” Poppy leaned up to whisper. Her top teeth came over her bottom lip and bit down.

  Easing her mind, I nodded. “Yeah, sorry, just thinkin’ about Ma.” I noticed Muff was talking to Manda, who seemed to be soaking up his attention. Great, I’d have to warn him off, and if he didn’t listen, kick his arse.

  Poppy smiled. It was good to see after everything. “How is she?”

  I ran my gaze over her face. I would give anything to just lean in and touch my mouth to hers, but I didn’t. “Fantastic.” Hell, she was more than fantastic; she was over the goddamn moon thrilled Poppy was back in town and in my life. She always adored Poppy. Knew something special would happen between us. Ma was nearly as upset as I was when Poppy disappeared. I became angry at the world. Didn’t help I still had Switch in my life. He didn’t get gone until I was in college. Then I’d met Nary, met the Hawks, and I knew life was made to be more.

  However, when Poppy was around, I knew life was worth living.

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “Yeah. She’s living it good, always out with her friends. She’s got a part-time job doing some beauty course.” I chuckled. “She tried to explain in detail all about it, but I must have zoned out and she gave up.”

  She started laughing, which was music to my ears. “She always knew when you zoned. Though, it was pretty easy to tell.”

  Snorting, I agreed. “I really should have practiced hiding it better.” Grinning, I added, “You should come see her one day. She thought the world of you.”

  She stiffened. I was close enough to her side to feel her whole body grow ridged. “Um, sure.” She nodded. “One day.”

  Yeah, one day. First I had to make sure she’d be safe.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It felt as though my heart was expanding in my chest for Jerimiah. Despite everything that had happened because of me, he was real. Being real. About us.

  I knew he’d been real on the phone about it all a while ago, but I’d denied it to keep my sanity.


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