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UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4)

Page 17

by Aceves, Gigi

  We’re still riding the waves of pleasure that rock our bodies as we hold each other when it suddenly hits me. We haven’t really talked about contraceptives. He’s not wearing one, and I’m certainly not taking anything. We may have made our first, child.

  “Damien,” my shaky voice obviously worries him since he pulls back quite abruptly.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Where? Show me?”

  I look at him as though he’s grown two heads. Show him? Like I could just spread my legs and show him how used my hooha feels.

  I shake my head ever so slowly. “I’m not on anything, and you didn’t wear a condom. I could get. . . .”

  He interrupts me with a kiss. “. . . . pregnant. I know. We’re married. You’re my wife. The will you get pregnant part isn’t the problem, it’s the when. If you get pregnant now, I’ll be ecstatic. If you don’t, I’ll be content.”

  “You won’t be sad?”

  He kisses my lips again. “There’s no sadness when I’m with you, Wildflower. My heart doesn’t feel it, my mind doesn’t think of it because you, my wife, make everything bright in my world.”

  Smiling, I answer, “I love you.”

  “Hmm, I love you, too. How about we start practicing?”

  My phone buzzes on my bedside table, erasing the smile from my face, seeing the smile of his on my phone. Should I or shouldn’t I? I’m calm but is he? We’ve fought before, but we’ve never walked out on each other. Now we’re settling it on a phone call? Logic wins over with a simple swipe of my finger.


  I hear an audible sigh instead of words that actually mean something.

  “Where are you?” I whisper.

  “In the work out room.”

  The softness in his voice is welcoming, killing my anxiety. “Are you about done?”

  “Yeah,” he breathes out. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  While I sit here waiting, my hyperactive mind thinks of a million things and comes up with nothing. The click of the door alerts me of my husband’s arrival. I dare not look at him just yet for fear of what I might see. I know he demands understanding and trust. Even though I failed to give it in that moment, it doesn’t mean I don’t trust him or want to understand what we’re facing.

  “There’s nothing we could’ve done to stop this because it was already in motion. When your dad asked me if there were skeletons in my closet, the answer I gave him was the same one I gave you. If you allow the venom of everything you see, hear, or read to seep through, even just a bit, we won’t last. I need your complete trust.”

  I move toward him with my head still down not ready to see the pain in his eyes or for him to see the doubt in mine. It hurts me that I have just a little bit of doubt. Am I not allowed, considering the timing of everything?

  “It’s not that I doubt you, it’s just that. . . .”

  He cuts me off. “That’s exactly it though, you do doubt me.”

  “I don’t!” My head snaps up, my eyes lock with his.

  Then he sees it, as plain as day. Eyes are the mirror to the soul and mine clearly and silently convey that message—loud and clear.

  “Just say it.” His voice is laced with resignation, low, so sad, my eyes pool with tears.

  Instantly, my hands are on his cheeks, begging him with my eyes to give me the chance to explain. It’s something I failed to give him, but choose to demand of him now.

  “Yes, there’s doubt. But can you blame me? The situation . . . the timing . . . Nicole. . . . whoever is behind all of this spells out doubt, not necessarily aimed at you. It’s not intentional on my part. You have to believe me.” My voice breaks.

  His eyes close, escaping mine as silence surrounds us again.

  “I can’t fight this with you not trusting me. If everything you see on TV or hear on the radio means another fight, where we hurt each other with words we don’t mean, I’d rather do this alone. It’d kill me, but what choice do I have? I can take whatever they want to fling at me, but what about you? Can you take it?”

  “What I know I can’t take is not being with you. I don’t want this to destroy us!”

  He shakes his head in defiance. “It already is! Instead of helping each other to cope or fucking try to figure this shit out, we’re shouting at each other, fighting over Nicole!” His determined eyes bore into mine. “They’re the enemy, not each other, baby. . . . never each other.”

  “Shouldn’t I be free to tell you how I feel? So you can erase my fears, my doubts, calm my nerves.” My hands grip his wet shirt tighter with every word.

  “It’s okay to tell me. I want you to tell me. You can express your feelings without doubting me, Sophia. You can ask, but never accuse. Open and honest, remember? But never ever destroy from within.”

  “Why is this happening to us?”

  “I wish I knew. Politics, greed, a crazy ass bitch, fuck, who knows. What does it matter anyway?” His warm hands now cradle my face. “The only why I want to understand is why we’re defending ourselves to each other and not them?”

  “Because of things I don’t know. I guess if I had known you met her that day, I wouldn’t have had such an adverse reaction seeing it in full color on TV. Seeing that document, babe, I think anyone would’ve reacted the way I did.”

  “I can’t tell you what I know because I don’t want to worry you over something I don’t know anything about. I’m just as clueless as you. Allowing you to worry unnecessarily, that’s what I’ve been protecting you from. Once I have something, you’ll be the first to know. You’re my partner, baby; I won’t leave you fighting this blindfolded.”

  “Okay.” Frustration is evident in my voice.

  “You believe that it wasn’t mine?” His voice sounds resolute, wanting an answer.

  With his warm hand still cradling my face, his eyes on mine, I know I need to give him what he wants to take. He wants the truth, and I need to give it.

  “I believe you, not her. I believe us, not them. But if. . . .”

  He strongly shakes his head interrupting me. “No buts, Sophia. No buts.”

  My eyes bulge imploring him to hear me out. “Just listen. But if it were true, I’d give you the understanding you need. I, we, need to be practical too, Damien. I’m not naïve enough to know accidents can’t happen. I guess, hypothetically, if she’d gotten pregnant my question to you would be, would you have allowed her to get an abortion?”

  Utter shock and indignation power over his eyes to mine. “Since you want to play the hypothetical game, let’s have at it. So hypothetically speaking, if I hypothetically got her pregnant and she wanted to terminate the pregnancy, I wouldn’t have allowed it. I would’ve owned up to it.”

  “And if she didn’t tell you, how could you have owned up to it?” I bite the inside of my cheek, waiting for his answer.

  “She would’ve told me.”

  “How . . . how can you be so sure?”

  “Because that’s the only play she had left to have me. If indeed I am who she wants. Believe me, I’m not her last play. My gut tells me she’s using me to cover up who she’s trying to protect.”

  His words jolt my heart into realizing that if Nicole told him, he would’ve never been mine. Stop torturing yourself. You don’t know if it was his! He must have seen the panic stricken look on my face, because I’m seeing it on his.

  “Stop. Whatever you’re thinking isn’t our reality, okay? You’re my reality. I’m here with you, that’s our reality. While whatever we’re going through isn’t the reality we both want or need, I still want and need you to get through it with me. Understand?”

  He seals our reality with a passionate kiss, ends our fight with words of forgiveness, and actions of love.

  Give—our love, understanding, devotion, and trust, anything to the one we love. At times it’s the hardest thing to do, but the most important to offer.

  Take—their pain, fears, and doubts to free them of them. At times it’s the easiest to accept, but some
times the hardest to demand.


  After last night’s fight, I’m afraid Sophia’s brain will be preoccupied and totally affect her performance tonight. She’s a professional through and through, not a falter in her steps, a disruption in her concentration, or any evidence of stress on her face. Even though today the media has plasters our pictures every chance they’ve gotten, no one would ever know how affected she is.

  Since the President and First Lady are in the Amphitheatre, the security is at its highest, including myself. However, today I’m not an agent, but a proud husband. While we sit and wait for her, Joe briefs the President on what the press might ask once we leave, and over hearing it only ramps up my worry for Sophia.

  “They might question whether you’re going to fire Nicole, or what your opinion is about this whole mess. I still think we should keep the position of being on her side until we have all the proof we need, then we can cut her loose.”

  “My gut tells me she’s a big player in this. But damn it, my hands are tied. All this crap blasted on TV is killing Sophia, from the pictures being leaked and now this damn abortion bullshit! Let’s keep an eye on who’s going to jump on the band wagon and use this for their gain. Let’s watch Nicole, but not enough to make her suspicious.” The President’s voice, though low, still breathes contempt.

  I don’t see the link between Nicole and me dying a natural death. The blood sucking media will drain the story until a new one comes up. Unfortunately, until we find who’s the mastermind behind all this, my connection with Nicole will still be at the forefront of every newspaper and cable news show.

  “There she is! Congratulations, sweetheart!” Mrs. Andrews approaches Sophia and engulfs her in a big congratulatory hug.

  I give way to her dad while I stand in the wings enjoying the accolades my wife is getting for all of her hard work. I’m proud of her, proud of what she has accomplished, especially through trying times. I’m also proud to admit my dislike of Mark has lessened some. Though sadly, I focused more on his hands on my wife than I was with their whole performance.

  She finally walks my way as I welcome her with open arms. “Congratulations, baby. You were amazing up there.”

  I’m rewarded with a beaming smile that reflects my own. “Yeah right, knowing you, you were probably watching Mark’s hands. Admit it! You were.” She pinches my side playfully.

  I pull her closer to me slightly smacking her ass. “You bet I was. You better be imagining my hands on that tight body of yours every time he puts his on you, or else I’m going to impose a sex moratorium right about now.”

  She gasps, “You wouldn’t!” She scrunches her brows together while twisting her lips to the side as if in deep thought. “On second thought, I could finally use the Lelo your sister gave me, or I could do what Trish did to Jake. Take your pick.”

  I grumble, “Will you quit talking to the girls? They’re a bad influence on you. How many times do I have to tell you this?”

  Luke signals for us to move as we follow the President and First Lady. The President insists on us spending the night at the White House. Since the alley of the Amphitheatre is narrow, we have no other choice but to go out the front, completely exposed to the raving media. True to form, as soon as the President walks out questions are thrown his way. Once they spot us, they shout their questions to us.

  Quickly Sophia’s detail cocoons us, with my arms over her shoulders and my hand covering her face, but my body couldn’t deflect the nasty questions. No . . . there’s no defense for that, none at all.

  The typical questions range from whether we’re getting a divorce, to am I the father of the aborted child, to am I having an affair. They’re brutal questions that affect Sophia immensely.

  “God almighty! When will the vultures stop?” Mrs. Andrews cries out as she reaches out to touch Sophia.

  “Amanda, this is just the beginning. Steel yourself, I’ve told you this.” The President’s loving but firm voice echoes inside of the beast.

  “Look, this won’t blow over and until we get that call, we’re sitting ducks,” Joe explains.

  “We need to find a way to push him out, Damien. We can’t hold out anymore.”

  “Mr. President . . .”

  Sighing loudly he says, “How many times do I have to say ‘call me dad’. I want none of this ‘Mr. President’ formality between us, understand? Besides, you’re off the clock.”

  Clearing my throat I respond, “Yes, Dad. I’ve been watching Senator Harrison use this situation to his advantage every chance he gets. He’s very outspoken about giving his opinion, and if I may speak freely, I feel he’s our guy. Cut me loose and trust me, I can dig deeper avoiding the red tape.”

  Joe is already prepared to shoot down my idea, but the President is thoughtfully considering it. Mrs. Andrews is waiting patiently like me for the President’s answer.

  “You’re not seriously considering it, are you, Steven?” Joe asks.

  “You’ll have an answer by tomorrow, Damien.” He nods my way and gives Joe the look that says to drop it.

  “Yes, Dad.” A sigh of relief escapes me, knowing that at least I’m doing something constructive instead of waiting for other shoe to drop.

  Sophia has been quiet since leaving the Amphitheatre. I know she’s just biding some time. Once inside her old room, she finally breaks her silence and I couldn’t be more thankful.

  “I’m fine. Don’t look at me like I’m going to fall apart. Sadly, I’m getting used to it. One day though, in God’s good time, I’ll be able to understand this whole asinine situation. Will I be able to tell our side of the story? I’m sure of it.” Her confidence gives me hope.

  I let her finish her nightly ritual while I’m already in bed thinking of what my first move should be if the President gives me the green light. While in deep thought my phone buzzes twice. I’m thinking of ignoring it but quickly slide my finger over once I see Luke’s name.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “No. What’s up?”

  “Shit just hit the fan. Do you have your laptop with you?”

  “Yes, why?” I instinctively reach for my computer bag.

  “I’m sending you something. Call me only on this secure line. I think you’re being watched, man.”

  While I power up my computer, I run my fingers through my hair out of frustration instead of yelling so I don’t alarm Sophia.

  “Alright, send it. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow. I don’t want to discuss anything in front of Sophia.”

  “Damien . . .” He stops midway as I hear him sigh. “. . . . you know I’ve got your back, but more than that, I’ve got your wife’s. We’ll flush this fucker out, don’t worry.”

  “Yeah, man. Thanks.”

  Sophia walks out just as I open the file. Although I don’t want to throw another issue on her plate, honesty is what I’ve promised her and that’s what she’s gonna get.

  “Babe, I promised you full disclosure, remember?”

  She nods, pulls back the cover and climbs in. She covers herself as if it’s a force field protecting her from what I’m about to say. “I’m all ears.”

  “Luke called and told me I need to see something. Are you ready?”

  Another nod, so I scoot her way pulling her close to my chest with my hand resting on her hip. With the laptop perch on my thighs I hit play and what we hear shocks us to the core. Just the thought of how close these fuckers got to my wife makes me want to hit something. Not a sound escapes either of our mouths during the fifty seconds of recorded time.

  I close the laptop setting it aside. I wrap my arms around my wife who surprisingly enough hasn’t broken down. I’m waiting though, hoping that she would instead of keeping it all in and being brave for my benefit. But when it happens I almost want to rewind time.

  “My God! How could this happen? The . . . the things I said. . . . what I want you to do to me. . . . oh God! They can still get to us even with my detail! Even with you here! That
happened the night before last.” Her shaky voice ramps up the bull raging inside of me.

  That hit a nerve. How the fuck were they able to do this under our noses!

  “I know, baby, but we can’t change it. What I know for sure is whoever is doing this is someone close to you; otherwise, they wouldn’t have gotten this close, trust me. Thank God we have a locator for that kind of device that’s how Luke found it. He’s already dusting it for prints then we’ll go from there. We’ll ask everyone who works for you to subject themselves to the box. I think it’s okay for us to go home tomorrow.”

  “We’ll go back there tomorrow? And what’s a box?” She looks up this time fear setting in her eyes.

  “You won’t be alone, I’ll be there. With this new information your dad has to allow me to move. He has to. The box is the polygraph test; they can refuse to take it. It’s not admissible in court anyway.” I can tell irritation is slowly winning the battle with calmness by the way my hands are shaking. “Whoever the fuck it is, I’m telling you, is dead! There are only a handful of people it could be, Sophia.”

  Shock quickly registers on her face as she does her own process of elimination. Tears now make their presence known and slide over her face. “Oh, my God. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. They taped us!”

  Seeing her in tears has always been my greatest weakness, but it also drives me into complete protection mode since it’s the only thing I can do. She burrows herself into me, and I willingly take her, offering comfort and strength.

  “I would make it all go away if only I could, you know that. I’ll take care of it. It’s just you and me . . . just you and me.” I hold her close, not allowing an inch of her to part from me.

  Give—isn’t it the easiest to do when the one receiving is the person that’s most important to you? That is who Sophia is to me . . . she doesn’t even need to ask because it’s in bred in me to give to her each and every time.

  Take—the easiest to do because the one I take it from willingly, even sacrificially, gives it to me. So, I’ll take her trust, her understanding. It’s a promise that every time I take from her, I’ll give it back tenfold.


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